How do you like Guys, or Girls to dress?

BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
Well I just came out the shower, and have to get dressed to go practically anywhere because my phone has blown up with invites.
Just standing in my closet , and i always find myself looking toward my sneakers, jeans and a well fitting V-neck.
As a man you should have plenty (if not some) of clothing that well represents your attitude, mood, and social preference.
Ive got polos,button ups, button downs(yes there's a diff), Tanks, beaters, crew necks, and my favorite Vnecks.
But as i Said, i find myself wearing jeans, V-necks, and sneakers.

Currently wearing:
Shirt: teal V-neck
Jeans: Raw wash dark tint teal stitching on the back pockets
shoes: Air Max 90's obsidian Blue and teal
ebay yellow mirror aviators sunglasses
YSL cologne.
I find women most attractive when they wear things like:
Rompers, sundresses, and of course skin tight jeans. However, I dont like those tiny booty shorts. They are off-putting.
I like feet so , anything that shoes your toes, goes.
Find a girl who can wear sneakers, jeans and a tank top incredibly sexy.

But what do you like?


  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    the best look for me is a black tee, black jeans and crisp white air force 1's
    jeans, wife beaters, chinos that sort of thing
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    I'd go for YOU wearing tank top/muscle shirts with skin tight jeans and nice sandals

    I pretty much wear tank top & shorts year round, as it doesn't get that cold here & I go to the gym 5 days out of 7 so that's my workout clothes also.
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    Jeans and a button down, yes i know the difference:) t-shoes as i don't care to see a man in flip flops
  • OhKelsey1
    OhKelsey1 Posts: 139
    Bit of a weird thread, but I'll bite, haha.

    I fancy myself a fashionista, so picking out clothes is always fun. I like full OUTFITS--not just jeans and shirts and the same pair of shoes, but things that actually go well together and compliment each other. I live in Florida, too, so sundresses are dually effective--cool AND cute.

    As for guys? I love when a guy has a sense of style. Those nice quarter length sweaters with two or three buttons down the front--oh, yeah. Plus, I love when a guy wears snazzy dress shoes. And great jackets! And things that GO together, and not just stuff they threw on. I really don't like t-shirts and cargo pants.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Good call w/ the V-neck shirt and jeans. I'd opt for casual dress shoes instead of sneakers.
  • harristim88
    ha im in the same boat man i love v-necks and good pair of jeans and some fresh kicks but i also like some nice jeans like my trues and a tailored dress shirt like burberry armani i have a lot of dress shoes its just i think you can always pull off a nice pair of sneakers with just about anything.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    How do you like Guys, or Girls to dress?
    guys: Pull up your pants and don't dress like wannabe thugs. You ain't no gangsta and real gangsta's don't dress up like these fools on TV
    girls: Don't dress up like a damn wh*re. You're better than that. Stop showing off your pachoi just to get attention

    Yes, I know it wasn't exactly what the OP is looking for in an answer but in my book, if you follow these simple rules, you're good to go
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    How do you like Guys, or Girls to dress?

    girls: Don't dress up like a damn wh*re. You're better than that. Stop showing off your pachoi just to get attention

    lmao @ pachoi
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    I would be extremely pleased if this was the norm for guys clothing:


    But that's just me :)
  • shavon007
    shavon007 Posts: 143 Member
    Guy: Who rock nice jeans with button ups. shoes can be sneakers or dress shoes but I like a guy who likes wearing both. He has to be able to rock sneakers and a white tee but can swicth it up and wear jeans, button up and dress shoes with no problem. Oh and dont forget the chain, watch and shades.
  • thefrahmers
    I would be extremely pleased if this was the norm for guys clothing:


    But that's just me :)

    uuuuuuh, this is nice :D
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I would be extremely pleased if this was the norm for guys clothing:


    But that's just me :)

    uuuuuuh, this is nice :D

    Oh, I love. Especially if there were plenty of gorgeous tattoos under those clothes.
  • thefrahmers
    I would be extremely pleased if this was the norm for guys clothing:


    But that's just me :)

    uuuuuuh, this is nice :D

    Oh, I love. Especially if there were plenty of gorgeous tattoos under those clothes.

    aaw, you're making me drool... haha
  • OhKelsey1
    OhKelsey1 Posts: 139

  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I would be extremely pleased if this was the norm for guys clothing:


    But that's just me :)

    I think i just threw up in my mouth.... :sick:
  • KettleBellHoe
    I like skater/drug dealer look. Cuz i am one,plus the hoodies and shoes are always so sick :)
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Honestly, I like when a guy puts effort into his appearance.
    If I am going to spend an hour doing my hair, getting dressed, makeup or whatever to go out to dinner. I would like that my date didn't just throw on something from the floor all wrinkly, with holes or stains.
    Jeans and tshirts are fine, but when you only wear the same three outfits I wonder how often you do laundry :)
  • hippietofugirl
    I would be extremely pleased if this was the norm for guys clothing:


    But that's just me :)

    I think i just threw up in my mouth.... :sick:

    I'm pretty sure the only man who would dress like this would be flaming
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    My husband dresses in what makes him feel comfortable, and thats what i dig. Most of the time its jeans and a t-shirt (usual sports related, GEAUX TIGERS!). If we are going somewhere like out to dinner, nice jeans and a polo shirt. If we are getting dressed up, (my fav) he goes all out. The best look is when we went to opera and he dressed in a three piece suit. Couldn't wait to get home that night ;)
  • LifeChangingExp
    Just like Channing Tatum!