Who here has a cheat day once a week?



  • sessalee
    sessalee Posts: 19 Member
    I have one meal a week that I don't count calories. I don't go overboard, but I also eat something I've been wanting to. I watch portion sizes and processed foods, and sometimes I count the calories unofficially. Usually it's an extra 300-400 calories for the day - so it's really not too terrible.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I have a "maintenance" day once a week, usually Sundays. I do log (and usually loosely plan ahead) but I also myself to eat junk I normally don't eat. The reason I log and plan ahead is because I tried the no logging/planning once a week thing d it usually just led to me binging.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    DO NOT do cheat days!

    Anybody telling you that they are OK or permissable is lying. Every bit of food you put in your mouth matters. If you put in junk, even just a little, it is setting you back and slowing your progress.

    When you eat, ask yourself, "is this food helping, or hurting, my progress towards my goal"?

    I have eaten plenty of food that was not "helping" me (Fun Dip, wine, buttercream chocolate cake *drools*) and I still have lost a tremendous amount of weight, am happy with my progress, and think I was successful. Plus I'm fairly certain that chocolate and wine DO help me reach my goals, because they make me happy. (In moderation, not daily.)
  • lbecker5
    lbecker5 Posts: 33 Member
    I have a cheat day once a week....as long as you get back to it I don't see the harm. I may not lose weight as quickly as some with my cheat day in there but I'm still losing and I still like myself so I'll take it. I want to be fit and fabulous but this is the only life I get so if I want ribs or french fries once in a while, so be it. I say do what you're doing! =)

    BTW....Serious Props on those 12 pounds gone!!! :happy:
  • well yea. its more of a cheat meal i have. i don't splurge the entire day. just don't log, and eat a really nice meal, have dessert, a few drinks, and a couple extra snacks. hasn't hurt me yet. and i'm up to 16 pounds lost now. but every one is different.
  • marnet12
    marnet12 Posts: 73 Member
    IMHO . . . If you go into a weight loss or management program thinking you can never have another cookie, you are defeated before you start. You must allow some room for those things in moderation. If you know you can have two or three Oreo cookies on Friday, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed and cram in fourteen on Thursday.
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    I have a cheat day every Sunday but I don't go buck wild. I still drink tonnes of water and even do some light exercising but I allow myself the stuff I'm craving like mad. However, this was week 1 of my new regime so I can't help with long term experiences. I was down this week in both weight and inches:)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    DO NOT do cheat days!

    Anybody telling you that they are OK or permissable is lying. Every bit of food you put in your mouth matters. If you put in junk, even just a little, it is setting you back and slowing your progress.

    When you eat, ask yourself, "is this food helping, or hurting, my progress towards my goal"?

    Whoaaa ease up there guy!! A cheat day works for me. My willpower is strong and I get right back to business the next day. It's a sad world to think I can't go on vacation and kick back a few days with out counting calories. It may not work for everybody. But to each his own.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I log treats into my daily calories. I try not to go off track even for a day, but it happens.
    when it happens, I log it.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    I save calories throughout the week to have something extra naughty on the weekend. I try to keep my weekly goals in mind as opposed to my daily goals.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    DO NOT do cheat days!

    Anybody telling you that they are OK or permissable is lying. Every bit of food you put in your mouth matters. If you put in junk, even just a little, it is setting you back and slowing your progress.

    When you eat, ask yourself, "is this food helping, or hurting, my progress towards my goal"?

    What is this junk food that you speak of?
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    I like to have a "cheat day" once per week. But I try to keep it close to 2000 calories. So maybe it's just a cheat meal day. Hasn't hurt me and I get to enjoy a night out with my boyfriend. Win-win.
  • Soozcat
    Soozcat Posts: 34 Member
    I can't cheat. I'm a Type 2 diabetic and if I don't keep my blood sugars within tight parameters every day, I can look forward to things like retinopathy/blindness, neuropathy, kidney failure and congestive heart failure in 10 to 20 years. The best I can do is a single piece of chocolate when my blood sugars are low.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i cannot cheat because of ketosis, and that's how i like it.

    i will cheat on holidays (christmas, turkey day, my birthday etc)
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I cheat twice a week!:wink:
  • weetabix34
    weetabix34 Posts: 14
    if you cheat just do the exercise to balance it out. personally i dont cheat, i just have 1 lindor chocolate if i feel like it otherwise would eat whole box.
  • chikawawa
    chikawawa Posts: 2
    I run between12 and 14 miles every saturday morning, I don't need to cheat with the extra calories i get.. Exercice a bit you will have extra calories to burn. win win situation
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I do.

    Works like a charm.
  • I have a cheat day once a week, but instead of going crazy with calories, I eat junkfood but stay in my calorie range. All other days I eat super healthy!
    Also, what I used to do is have one cheat dinner, breakfast, and lunch a month. That worked really well!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I think by cheat day you mean go over your calories. If this is correct then no, I don't cheat. But I also don't workout on Sunday (I might go for a walk or do something active but I don't count that). Also, while I don't go over calories I also don't eat the best that day (check out my diary). For the last two Sundays we've made banana chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup-yum. So while not over calorie-wise for the day (because we woke up at noon and ate them for lunch), also not too healthy. But I do think it's important to enjoy life a little so no regrets here :)