I like BEER!



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I love beer, cheers!

    I don't even log it anymore.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I drink beer maybe one a week and keep it to one or two beers. I work out to account for it in my daily calories. I would love to drink more but beer is part of the reason I am here. I make really poor food choices when I drink beer too.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I would like to drink in Moderation but as yet I have not found a bar/pub called Moderation :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    hee hee
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    This is tough for me. My boyfriend and I brew our own beer, so I have a tough time figuring out the calories as well. I just compromise and add more exercise for the day or don't let myself snack on the things I usually 'treat' myself to.
    Check into brewing software. You can figure out your calories if you input a few measurements, like your SG, FG, etc.
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    ETA: I don't waste my time on silly beer. I drink beer because I like the taste. So if that beer I want is a full bodied 200 calorie beer, well, I better have 200 extra calories leftover for it! My beer of choice this past weekend was my fav summertime beer, Imperial...and it was soooo worth it.

    Agree 100% ;)
  • ellk2
    ellk2 Posts: 7
    i also like beer and have found some low calorie beers. In Canada there is the Canadian 67 (67 calories), in the US there are several ranging from Select 55 or 99 (Budweiser 55 or 99 calories) Miller 64 (64 calories) there are a few others but cannot remember the names. The drawback for some people is the alcohol content is less (2.5-3%) Regular lite beer is about 4%. These work great for me as I like the less alcohol and a non alcoholic beer is about 80 calories.
  • mo135
    mo135 Posts: 26 Member
    I blog about craft beer (ThirstyWarrior on FB & Twitter), so I'm a huge fan of the American beer Renaissance. I just won't drink that macrobrew fizzy yellow liquid that some call beer; for me it's the good stuff of nothing. That said, now that I'm committed to getting back in shape I have to watch it. That means fewer beers and making sure the calories are added to my daily total. I just posted a Tweet mentioning getdrunknotfat.com. This site has the calorie content of a lot of craft beers listed.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Drink good, quality beer. Enjoy each sip. Pair it with meals. Count the calories in your diary, and work hard to earn them if you have to. I don't drink to get drunk, I drink for enjoyment, so I do have that going for me.... I just make every single beer I drink count now.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    As for homebrewing - I just find a database entry that is in a similar style to the homebrew. Calorie counting isn't an exact science, (and neither is my homebrew), so I figure if I'm close it'll average out.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Drink it. Enjoy it. Account for it.
    Don't waste time on weak, tasteless p1ss. Drink what you like.
  • Daizy426
    Daizy426 Posts: 37 Member
    I only drink one day a week, usually Friday night and although I log it, I don't care, lol. It's the only "cheat" I have and I just don't make a big deal out of it anymore. Life is short : )~
  • Megabot
    Megabot Posts: 173 Member
    Never touch the stuff!
    hahah! with the fat tire label as your image. sure.

    Anyway, as far as the original poster's query: I like beer a lot. I drink beer a lot. I'm currently trying not to drink beer a lot.

    It's sad, but I'm female and 31. I just can't just have beers like I used to. Especially good beers, they're usually higher calorie. You start having a couple beers a night (this no where near means drunk! nowadays I drink beer because it tastes good) and blam there goes your diet. So right now I'm actually just trying to not have *any* beers. I did it a while back, and then the benefit of not having had beers in weeks is getting actually tipsy with like ONE beer. Hilarious.

    I hope to get myself back down to a weight where I can excercise an hour a day, and then be able to drink a beer when I want.
  • mespreeman
    mespreeman Posts: 70 Member
    Beer is proof that God (insert word of choice here) loves you.

    Like everything else good, moderation is the key.

    Good luck!
  • mo135
    mo135 Posts: 26 Member
    Drink it. Enjoy it. Account for it.
    Don't waste time on weak, tasteless p1ss. Drink what you like.

    What he said!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    I third! I have a beer every day, sometimes two. Just make sure you account for it in your calories.
    Drink it. Enjoy it. Account for it.
    Don't waste time on weak, tasteless p1ss. Drink what you like
  • kubyshechka
    kubyshechka Posts: 75 Member
    I love freakin beer! I just drink it on the weekends!

    I love wine, but since I joined MFP I am trying to only have it on the weekends, and I do log all of it, makes me realize how many empty calories I drink :-0.

    But who cares - I still like it. If I have to quit the things I like - I will fail, so just trying to be reasonable.
  • Chucksteakswife
    Chucksteakswife Posts: 52 Member
    i love beer and have one most nights. I enjoy one when i come home or when I am cooking. I usually don't look at the calorie content with beer. For me I am more concerned with the carbs. The Blue Moons belgian, spring blonde and summer honey wheat and sam adams summer ale are some of my regulars that have 14 carbs or less. when i indulge, i go with porters and lagers (and more then one beer).
  • dstanley753
    dstanley753 Posts: 32 Member
    I find the Labatt 52 to be a good "light" beer. Worth checking out since my usual of Yuengling is more than double :(
  • billcastro123
    billcastro123 Posts: 14 Member
    I just make it part of my normal meal planning and logging. I enjoy my beer when I decide to have some.
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    I don't always drink beer but when I do, it's Dos Equis.