How do I stop eating 6,000 calories??



  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    Your diary definitely looks better today. If I had a suggestion it would be to cut out pasta which has a ton of calories and carbs in it, especially if you're putting pasta sauce on it. Try to avoid drinking any calories, even milk if you're really trying to lose weight. Water is king. And if water is king, vegetables are the queen. Hit up some more salad and greens, that stuff has like literally no calories in it (but lots of nutrients). Oatmeal is also great because it has a decent amount of fiber in it (fills you up). I think you would be surprised at how much food you can eat for 1500 calories if you choose good foods and don't add sauces or condiments (and only drink water).

    Anyways, good luck.

    No one can be perfect overnight. The fact that there is less pasta and less of the bread is a start. Keep up the good work!
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    Not exactly related to the OP, but there was lots of really great advice posted here! I think it's so cool that there are so many knowledgeable people willing to help each other out on this site! :)
  • biged95
    biged95 Posts: 3 Member
    I have easily eaten over 5000 calories in a day. One day I even went as high as 14000. Of course that is one of the reasons I am overweight. Now I am using MFP to help track and hopefully lose some weight. I currently am suppose to eat between 2500 to 3000 calories a day.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    If 6000 is your normal, you should just start decreasing slowly because if you go straight to under 2000 and your body is used to 3x that much, it's going to freak out and put you into starvation mode. So try 4000 for a week then 3000 for a week and the 2000 and then what mfp says

    ^^ Ignore this!

    However, you may want to cut down to 2500 then decrease from there.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Good job on tracking all your food and BRAVO for posting on an open forum! Its a good thing to know what your doing isnt right and its a GREAT thing that your asking for help. Cutting down your calories is definately do-able, and you can still enjoy the things you love. Try to manage them a bit better is all. Cut out the white breads and switch to whole grains, the calorie count isnt much different but the ingredients are, whole grains help fill you up more and they are good carbs, still, have them in moderation. Try adding more fresh veggies and legumes to your diet which contain lots of fiber and protein, they can help you stay satisfied longer so you dont feel the need to binge. Measure and actual portion size and stick with it, it takes your brain a little time to tell your stomach you're full, so eat your portion slowly. Try taking a drink of water with every bite. I try to make all my snacks under 200 cals, and my meals 2-300, with dinner being the largest, around 400, I do this because I get really hungry in the evenings, so eating a larger meal at night works best for me. You will have high cal days, so dont let it discourage you, just keep tracking and try to make tomorrow better.
    We came to my FIL this weekend for Daddy's Day, I splurged and ate some things I know I shouldnt have, but I didnt go overboard on the portion size, I kept it moderation and was still able to satisfy my cravings, and not feel left out. I did go over my calorie intake but it wasnt extreme, its also an eye opener, I didnt think that I had consumed as many cals as I did.
    DRINK MORE WATER! I know it sounds cliche, but it really, really helps. Good luck on your journey!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Looking at your diary for today, as compared to yesterday, wow, what a transformation!
    You seem very determined and to also be approaching this in a sensible manner, so I think you will have no problem changing your eating habits and your weight. Think of it as a lifestyle change, rather than a diet, and eat in a way you can stick to for life, that is healthy and well balanced, and I think the weight will come off pretty easily.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Some of your items are not correct - like 600 cal for 2 cup of spaghetti noodles - that should be around 200, and 2 slices of thick bacon should be under 100 cal.

    Stop eating empty cal, like chips - or make sure you only eat one serving. Chocolate milk adds up too.
  • runcrissierun
    runcrissierun Posts: 37 Member
    First of all, great job on today's diary. You're making steps in the right direction for sure. If you cut too much too soon, your body will go through detox and you'll feel lousy for several weeks. I agree with everyone here - cut down slowly. Find simple replacements and take baby steps. Find non-processed food alternatives for the white breads, sugars, etc - over time of course.
    Check in here regularly, and read as much as you can about nutrition and balanced eating. You'll find what's right for you.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    1500 is definitely manageable. People somehow even manage 1200... don't know how, but they do lol
    I would suggest breaking your meals up into 4 or 5 meals of maybe 300-400 calories each, and map them out throughout the day. Schedule feeding times every 3 to 4 hours and stick to it. Make sure what you eat is full of nutrients and not just empty calories.
    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai

    Amen to all of this. Though I'm in the lower calorie range, not quite by choice (money) but I'm trying. This was all great advice. Thank you

    For the OP...what helps me is tracking during the day. I don't do it after otherwise you never know what you're eating or what to add in or cut back until it's over.
  • pennyrtyler
    pennyrtyler Posts: 79 Member
    I question the accuracy of some of the calorie counts in your diary. Unless that is some SUPER THICK bacon, 2 slices of bacon do not equal 270 calories. 6 slices of bacon would equal 270 calories. And a cup of pasta doesn't add up that high, either. So, double-check that you've selected the correct foods from the database and that you've entered the correct number of servings.

    That being said, there are easy things to cut out, but that's already been covered in other replies.

    ^^THIS! I thought exactly the same thing when I looked at the diary. Check the nutrition label on your packages from Western Family brand foods to make sure that it matches your diary. It looks like the data may be wrong in MFP, or the brand is just not like other brands.

    Also, i know you're probably feeling some shock right now. I know I did when I logged an 800 calorie peanut butter and jelly sandwich/tall glass of milk meal. Feel free to look at my diary (or anyone's public diary) to see how much food you can really eat on 1500 cals!
  • gwengogreen1
    gwengogreen1 Posts: 194 Member
    no bread or grains or starches. eat only meant and fruits/veggies. you will be thousands lower :)
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member

    >Throw out everything unhealthy you may have in your kitchen (or at least the majority of the stuff) and certainly don't purchase them again at your next stop at the market.

    This is awesome advice I hadn't heard yet on this thread. What he said, who cares what it cost because it's going to cost you more in your health and life to eat that food. It's a sunk cost, figure out a healthier meal plan and go get some new food.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    First off, I want to commend you for tracking everything and taking the steps to learn how to improve. People often under-estimate what and how much they are eating, and tracking every last bite is the perfect first step in getting a grip on it.

    You've gotten some great advice so far about reducing slowly and making some healthy swaps. I would also encourage you to avoid swapping your processed full-fat foods in favor of processed diet foods. You can eat carbs, fats, treats ... but as you learn more about nutrition, you will see that low-fat/no-fat/diet doesn't necessarily mean better.

    One thing you can do immediately, especially this time of year, is really step up the fruits and veggies. Every meal and snack should have something plant-based in it.

    Measure your portions and double-check what comes up in the database too. Use what's on the package if you have it available.
  • shirleycatt
    shirleycatt Posts: 37 Member
    Its actually pretty easy once you start choosing foods that actually help you feel full. Whole grains, fruit, dairy, the good stuff. Remember to eat a little bit all day so your body stays in "I am not going to starve and die mode".
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

    It's not that hard really. If you look at the diary there is a ton of sugar, grains (pasta and breads), and beer. I when I started trying to loose weight again last year I did a entry in the diary for fun of what a typical day of eating was like for me in December 2010 and I was easily topping 7000 cals a day, every day for that month.

    That being said, calories aren't the be all end all of weight loss. There have been quite a few days where I have taken in 3000, 4000 and even 8000 calories in a DAY on a low carb diet and have still lost weight, down over 65 lbs in the last year (stopped weighing myself recently, because I really don't care about the weight, more about clothing fit and appearance) and probably a bit more than that.
  • Ri024
    Ri024 Posts: 24
    I think some of the food you entered has incorrect info. I'm vegan but I'm pretty sure 2 slices of bacon doesn't have 270 calories. And if you only had a cup of spaghetti that is definitely not 600 calories. Start weighing and measuring and it might not be as bad as you think:)

    It says 270 calories for two slices of bacon on the package and I had two cups of spaghetti last night.
  • Ri024
    Ri024 Posts: 24
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??
    I used to eat that in a single meal at McDonald's or Wendy's or Pizza Hut, EASY. You know that there are people on this site that aren't already into fitness and healthy eating, right?

    Thank you.
  • Ri024
    Ri024 Posts: 24
    mmmmmmmm the pure fun i could have eating 6k a day ....

    I dunno... I feel like **** at the end of it :)
  • Ri024
    Ri024 Posts: 24
    Either taper it down gradually and get rid of the sweets, or seek some sort of therapy to help you. Not being snarky. You may actually need it to help take control of binge eating/snacking issues that often have very little to do with food and more to do with a deeper issue.

    Best of luck.

    Not snarky at all! It's good advice and I appreciate it :)
  • trysta85
    trysta85 Posts: 6
    Try a menu plan! It makes it easy to stick to because you know what is coming next...

    Michelle Bridges "Crunch Time" is what I am using - sticking under 1300 a day at the moment! :) Good luck!