

  • dartboarddiva
    dartboarddiva Posts: 117 Member
    Nice new pix, accountant_boi! Can see the weight loss in ur face!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    so how is everyone this week...

    how is everyone doing on the challenges?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    dartboarddiva - Thanks! :happy:

    Kristen - congrats on being so close to 200! I can't wait to be there myself.

    I'm doing okay this week - I don't think I'm going to do the 4 workouts of an hour each this week - due to my school schedule it's just too stressful to try to work that in. I'm focusing on maintaining my good eating and will probably work out 4 or 5 times for 30 to 45 min each. I worked out last night with the Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout at home. I'll be doing Yoga tonight after my dinner settles. I should be able to make it to the gym tomorrow and Friday.

    I never really "reported in" this week - I am down to 211.5, which is a 15.5 pound loss in 4 weeks. I'm so excited!! It's nice to see results - based on my exercise/eating I should've only lost a little over 2 pounds a week, but I must be burning more calories than MFP estimates (or the gym machine estimates are too low).

    Hope everyone is having a great week. :smile:
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Ok.. my check in is Thurs but I'll check in now..

    I'm at 200.8 and I will measure tomorrow

    since starting the 30 Day Shred (I just finished day 6) I have lost 1.4 lbs!!
  • dartboarddiva
    dartboarddiva Posts: 117 Member
    Shelli --
    I don't think my toe is actually broken. I've broken a toe before and all the doctor did was tape it to the toe next to it. It's very colorful, but the swelling has gone down and I can put weight on it. Thanks for the good wishes.:happy:
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    got back from Japan last night.
    after 2 and a half weeks of not thinking about exercising or eating healthily, I was a bit worried that I might have gained some weight/inches.
    well, I didn't lose any weight, I am the same, 150lbs holding steady.
    I lost a bit from my stomach and waist and thighs, not much, maybe only an inch total, but it's progress!

    I guess it helps that in Japan, portion sizes aren't as mammoth as in the US, and I spent 8 days working on a research ship getting about zero rest/sleep time.

    Taking today off to get over jetlag and get myself settled back home, then back to the gm tomorrow!

    Hope you guys are all doing well!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Nepthune.. (sp?) I can't remember how you spell it.... glad you're back from your trip! No gain is waaay better than gaining.. but of course not as cool as a loss
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    ok, well this might be cheating, but...
    i actually did lose a pound in Japan!

    weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 148lbs.
    that's the lowest I've been since this time last year. 11lbs to go til i reach my goal weight.

    definitely feel some extra motivation to hit the gym this afternoon.

  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    ok, well this might be cheating, but...
    i actually did lose a pound in Japan!

    weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 148lbs.
    that's the lowest I've been since this time last year. 11lbs to go til i reach my goal weight.

    definitely feel some extra motivation to hit the gym this afternoon.


  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I know I have been MIA but I haven't done very well eating this week. When I weighed in on Monday I was down 2 lbs. YAY! It will be TOM any time now and I have been having cravings and munchies all week. UGH!!! Stupid hormones! Today I did great calorie-wise and I have still been working out all week.

    Kristen- Is the 30 Day Shred really hard? Are you real sore?
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    where did everyone go??
    hope you all had a great Halloween. i didn't do much, still too jetlagged.

    made it back into the gym today and did a 1 hour power yoga class follwed by 30 mins on the elliptical.
    good to be working out again.

    weigh in:
    pretty stoked about that, means i lost a couple of ounds while i was travelling without really trying (although it's a challenge finding vegetarian food in Japan)

    my goal is 137 lbs, so only 10lbs to go!
  • Karebear220
    Hey yellow team. After a week and a half of not going to the gym, I finally felt good enough to go lol. Totally kicked my butt LOL. I weighed in on Friday despite being sick, not exercising and not eating all that well I managed to lose another pound. So my weigh-in for last week was 244 :tongue: Bringing my total lose to 6pounds. Woot go me LOL. have a great week all.
  • Karebear220
    I done my official weigh in this morning and I am down another pound. Woohoo.
    93 more pounds to go !!!!
  • dartboarddiva
    dartboarddiva Posts: 117 Member
    My, we are all quiet this week. Me included -- I've been hanging out on a different thread for a few days. How is everyone doing? I haven't lost an ounce! I'm in a bad asthma cycle right now, so I can't do much cardio.
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    Ok.. I know I haven't posted in forever.. truth is I have really been slacking... sad day.. BUT.. I have continued to SLOWLY lose weight.. I am officially out of the 200's!! I weighed this morning at 199.4!!! so awesome!! only 59 more lbs left..

    That, too, was awesome.. seeing less than 60+ lbs to go!

    How are y'all doing?
  • angelene175
    angelene175 Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to join...

    Im 142
    I have no idea my size jeans...I've been jamming myself into my size 7-9 idea what I really should be comfortably.
    My goal is 130

    A little background, since Ive never posted on here before. I was always in the 120-130 range, got pregnant, delivered at 206, went home at 190. Lost about 5 naturally. Worked my butt off to get down to 137, fell off the wagon and gained 5 back, possibly more at this point (I may be up a few, not sure, I'll find out Wednesday, as my scale here isnt consistent).

    Im looking for some help in the motivation department, hopefully I will be able to get it here!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    I lied.. I am 198.6!!! (went potty and it changed!!)
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Ok.. I know I haven't posted in forever.. truth is I have really been slacking... sad day.. BUT.. I have continued to SLOWLY lose weight.. I am officially out of the 200's!! I weighed this morning at 199.4!!! so awesome!! only 59 more lbs left..

    that's AWESOME!

    i got back into my gym routine last week and worked out everyday, and lost no weight!
    but at least i am still holding steady at around 147lbs (within 0.5 lb), so no weight gained.

    i realised this weekend that i desperately need new running shoes. did a 4mile run on saturday and my shins were so sore on sunday i went and dropped $90 on a new pair of running shoes. painful financially, but hopefully much better for my body!

    power yoga today after work!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    team yellow!!!!
    where are you all?!

    come back...
  • dartboarddiva
    dartboarddiva Posts: 117 Member
    I'm here ... been really busy ... doing everything but working out. Got to get back on track. Rainy days make me so unmotivated!