Need support after miscarriage



  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss! Take one day at a time. Please feel free to add me.

    Hugs and hang in there!
    Sheila :flowerforyou:
  • amybluefish
    amybluefish Posts: 82 Member
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I too have had four miscarriages and two still births. If you need to talk to someone I'm here. Exercise for me was a way that helped me just feel okay. I know overall it helps my feel better.

    These losses and trying to comfort myself added to a lot of weight gain. I understand. You are stronger than you know.
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    Even though I'm a guy and don't fully comprehend all that you are going through, I am still sorry to hear about your loss. My wife and I went through a miscarriage a couple years ago right before Mother's Day. It's hard to understand why stuff like this happens, but you can get through it. Mourn and grieve as much as you need to. Just remember that it's not your fault and you still need to take care of yourself. Hope to see more posts from you with some happy news soon. Take care and God bless.
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am also very sorry for your loss. I echo those that say talk about it. I didn't, I closed myself off and pretending I was ok. That became the beginning of the end for my husband and I. I think I wanted to talk about but he seemed like everything was ok so I guess I felt I should be ok too. But your not ok and things won't be quite the same again.

    So take time, get healthy and when you get pregnant try not to worry- I know that sounds impossible. I feel like I wasn't able to enjoy my pregnancy with my daughter because I was so afraid.

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I suffered a miscarriage on 6/7/12 - less than 2 weeks ago. I should have been 11 weeks, but was only showing as 9 weeks w/no heartbeat. I have also been eating whatever the heck I want! We tried for 16 months, and this would have been our first.
  • gooteek
    gooteek Posts: 64
    Having worked in the medical community, dealt with similar issues in my own life, and learned the hard lessons of losing loved ones I understand where you are coming from. I am sorry for your loss. I also know everything happens for a reason and many times we punish ourselves for things we could never have controlled, you certainly do not need to do that.

    From the medical standpoint, miscarriages are more common than many think and only signifies the body is not yet ready. I have seen many work through multiple miscarriages and finally have the family they wanted. Still, it is difficult to deal with and can bring depression into your world...a very natural process, as well.

    Comfort eating is not entirely a bad thing, but I would suggest getting outside and getting sunlight and the affects of nature. A good walk every day will help you not only increase happy chemistry within your body, but also give you time to work through your issues bringing you mental clarity and lifting the affects of depression.

    If you cannot shake it, I would find someone you can talk to outside of your circl of family and friends, someone removed from your life but that also can help. A pastor, councelor, or maybe a co-worker that has been through something similar and successfully overcame the depression would be an example of someone to confide in.

    Remember, you are not alone in this, so taking your mate with you once you are at that point also helps heal him. Too many times men bury their feelings and own depression to help and "fix" the situation, when they should be processing the same feelings and working through their issues. Helping your mate as you help yourself reduces the amount of time required to overcome depression, in fact, any time you help others it takes you out of your own world and helps the healing process.

    Take heart in knowing there is a time and a season for everything, this does not define your life or future, it is just a snapshot in time. You will find happiness as long as you never give up on what you want, life will get in line with your wishes when everything is right. Live happy and healthy, set the example for your future children on how to deal with difficulty in life, although have what it takes to make them proud you made good of disappointment in life.
  • wellwithyou
    wellwithyou Posts: 2 Member
    Well, we all grieve differently. But, think about how you choose to 'love" yourself (your body) when you were pregnant. Maybe it was because of the life growing inside of you. But, you deserve to love yourself now too, even if you are currently waiting for another pregnancy. Love yourself now, love yourself and your body. You are worth it, believe it!
  • asb46
    asb46 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I've had 12 miscarriages. The first one was absolutely devastating, and after 13 years, I still mourn that lost angel, but the hurt is not so acute. Like the death of anyone close to you, the pain eases with time. That baby was as real to you as any wriggling, breathing, kicking, screaming toddler is to any parent out there, and don't let anyone tell you any different. One thing that helped me cope was to give my angels names, and to create some type of memorial. Plant a bush or a tree. I had a pin with little cherub charms, engraved with the names and would-be due dates of the angels on the back. I kept it up for the first five miscarriages, but it made the goldsmith so sad that I eventually stopped. Then after a while my husband and I just stopped telling anyone when I became pregnant.

    Everyone must walk a different path through grief, but it's a path that is best walked with company. Find a good online support group for miscarriage. If you are trying again, then find one geared specifically for trying to conceive after miscarriage. That, for me, was also a Godsend.

    As we say in Alabama, Bless your Heart.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i am so sorry for your loss. i have had 2 miscarriage and i understand the pain you feel. praying for you to be comforted!
  • anniep106
    anniep106 Posts: 12 Member
    Im so sorry for everyone's losses. I went through 6 miscarriages and infertility treatments before having my daughter. It helps to talk to others. Dont feel pressured into being silent. There are a lot of support groups out there, both in real life and online. If that isnt your thing, try talking to a therapist. A lot of reproductive endocrinologists can reccommend great infertility/pregnancy loss therapists. Above all, dont give up.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    You poor thang! :cry: *hugs* A miscarry is such a hard thing to deal with. I have had 6 little angels, I've never made it past my 1st trimester. The 1st 2 were the hardest, because I had told everyone, then had to turn around and tell everyone I lost them, I stopped telling anyone other than my hubby after that. After time, it is easy to talk about, you will go through the stages, I know I did. I had my sad stage, my hateful/jealous stage toward people I knew that were pregnant and having kids.(i even skipped a couple baby showers, I got invited too, just cause I was pissed God gave them a child and not me) Then my hopeful stage, but now I'm too the point I just say it's never gonna happen for me, and be happy with what I do have in life. Chin up, I won't say it gets better, but time does heal. :flowerforyou:
  • CourtneyHollinger
    CourtneyHollinger Posts: 57 Member
    Sending prayers to you and to your family and husband. I have watch and held a few of my friends hands as they have had miscarriages. Ok... so I sit here crying but they said if they could say one thing is that "They are Blessed!" bc NOT everyone has a chance to carry/conceive, but they know the baby is God's gift first and for most. I am sorry to talk bible when I don't know you but its they only way they have told me. One of them as found a new happiness with her step daughter and the other has 2 beautiful little girls. Both very close and dear to me. Rosalind (step daughter one) had her husband call to tell me to come over and I was 7 months pregnant at the time and she held my belly and whispered take the energy from her baby to give my baby extra support. Amazing and I cannot even explain the feeling that came over me at that time. I told her husband that I was not the one she needed to see, but she insisted bc God has control and even when we have no understanding he will show us in time for us to understand or to help someone else who is weaker than ourselves. Feel free to add me I am on everyday! But I hope you talk with your mom and sometimes bad things happen to good people bc others need more support. I am praying for your mom to reach out and support you but I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is with you and your husband.
  • Isaanne
    Isaanne Posts: 41 Member
    Glad you posted and reached out for support. So important to do this.

    I am sorry for your loss and like many others have had 2 miscarriages myself before having my two amazing kids. Took me a long time to get over the feelings and talking about it helped. And time.

    You are getting amazing advice on this thread and wonderful offers of support. Hang in there and be good to yourself.