what are your crazy little quirks



  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Volume in my car? Has to be on an even number. Always.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    If i reach for a piece of fruit or something like that- I have to take the first one I touched- I cant make all of them think they have a chance- its rude to grab one and insult it by putting it back. First one I grab is the one I have to eat.

    so courteous! :wink:
  • LivetoRun07
    LivetoRun07 Posts: 183 Member
    1) All of my items in my closet/drawers are organized by color.

    2) When I have food on a plate it must NOT touch, and I eat one thing at a time.

    3) I have to eat anything with salt or butter on it (ritz crackers) upside down so that the salt or butter hits my tongue first.

    4) I have to look up nutritional info before going to a restaurant or I get worried lol

    5) I can't use my running shoes for walking, working out, or anything else. Only for running. They are my babies and they get worn enough from running.

    6) My running gear has to match. I have workout shorts/tops/watches in every color.

    7) I brush my teeth after every meal

    8) I won't leave the house without SPF 30 on my face.

    Wow. I'm really weird.
  • stumpycow
    stumpycow Posts: 94 Member
    OMG I'm the same way about my neck. I HATE HATE HATE when people touch my neck. UGH it makes me cringe! I always say I was strangled in a past life. Glad to finally know I'm not the only one!!
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    OMG me too! Everything has to be in even numbers with me though. If I'm walking and my right foot steps on a crack, I make sure only my left foot lands on the next one so they are even. My boyfriend will turn down the volume on the tv and it will land on an odd number and I will take the remote from him and put it on an even number. Exact same thing with 66 too. I am totally creeped out if I see 3 sixes in a row.
    I also won't swim close to a drain in a swimming pool. I think I saw a horror movie when I was younger of someone sitting on a drain and getting their insides sucked out? I'm also afraid my hair will get stuck in one which is also why I won't go under water in a hottub or get in one with my hair down.
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    I only wear one sock in the house (left one)
    When I hang out washing I have to use matching coloured pegs on each item.
    Always always always wear matching underwear.
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    1.) I always eat my fries in even numbers (ex. grab 2 or 4 at a time)-- haven't had this issue lately now that I cut out the fries though...

    2.) when I walk, if one foot hits the crack of the sidewalk a certain way, the other foot has to on the next step I take

    3.) Volume in my car or on the TV must be on an even number-- I just like even numbers all around lol it's a pattern.

    4.) My workout t-shirts, normal t-shirts, and shirts I wear when I'm feeling slim all have their own separate pile on top of my closet

    5.) I organize my dishes in the dish washer a certain way.

    6.) Whenever someone only has a couch or a bed in a room that we're sitting in, I can't just sit... I have to lay. That's just me being lazy and wanting to put my feet up though :laugh:

    Good lawd, I could go on for days... :noway:
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    * All drawers and closets have to be closed before I go to bed. Open all day, I don't care.
    * All my drawers and closets are a terrible mess. And I would describe myself as an organized person in all other areas of life.
    * I snap my gum.
    * I lick all of the flavouring off of Doritos before I eat them.
    * I dissect my Ferraro Rochers before I eat them. Crunchy chocolate first, soft chocolate next. Wafer, then the hazelnut. Takes me like 5 minutes to eat one.
    * I don't like dogs. Even little ones upset me. Esp if they try to lick me. Dog saliva is acid to me.
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    I always blow in my glass before I pour a drink.
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    I thought of another one. If I hear someone adding (dividing, subtracting, whatever) in a commercial or just in real life and they don't give the answer to the equation, I have to figure it out. For instance, if there is a commercial that says "We started with 1,089 in stock, but only have 324 left!" I absolutely have to figure out what the difference is between those two numbers. I have no idea why that is. And if I can't think of something, like say someone references an 80's tv show and can't think of the name of it and they can just move on, I can't. I will not be able to think of anything else until I figure out that one thing that I can't remember (eg. the name of the 80's tv show). Thank the Lord for Google.
  • Caligirl_92
    Caligirl_92 Posts: 53 Member
    i love this thread, reading it now I'm realizing I have more quirks than I thought:laugh: .
    Here are my main three:
    1) When I get really excited i put my hands really close together and do this kind of jazz hand thing (its pretty freaking embarrassing but I mostly don't notice when I do it lol)
    2) I, like a few on here, at a restaurant can not sit on the side not facing the door.
    3) Before bed every night I have to make sure the bed is pressed evenly to the wall and if I get in and its not i can immediately tell and get back up and do it again.
  • coreyoreyoreo
    coreyoreyoreo Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, reading this makes me feel so much better about my quirks!!

    - I also cannot STAND when things are on my neck. Tight necklaces, shirts that are too high, hands... when my hair was long, and a strand would go across my neck I FREAKED.

    - I'm a little claustrophobic. I freak out if someone is standing too close right in front of me and almost have a panic attack. The other day I practically held my breath through this TINY tunnel (even had a sign in front of it warning that it was narrow!!!!) and swore I would never go that way again.

    - I can't take it if my shoes or socks are messed up. If one shoe is tied tighter than the other, or looser, I will re-tie them. I can't stand if the seam on my socks are rubbing against the outside of my big toe. If I get a rock or anything in my shoe (even something tiny) I HAVE to get it out.

    - I'm really particular about my bedsheets, blanket, etc. It drives my boyfriend crazy! If things aren't even, or untucked, I must fix it or I'm really uncomfortable and can't sleep.

    - I hate leaving the house without earrings in, the only exception is if I'm going to the gym. I feel naked without them.

    - I hate drinking water out of cups or glasses. I only drink through straws at restaurants. I don't like ice in my soda.

    I'm sure there's more... lol
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I have to wear clothes to bed. I am terrified of there being an earthquake and I'm naked while trying to run and grab my kids.

    I HATE toilets. If I step out of the shower and my leg accidentally touches the toilet, I will get right back in the shower and wash up again. It makes me SO mad. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream.

    I hold my breath when people pass me.

    All toothbrushes need to be put away and not left out on the counter. That is so gross. Luckily, the sink area in my room is outside of the bathroom.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member

    I'm terrified to swim in any water that has fish in it. Regardless of whether they are simply goldfish or predatory fish. But yet am FASCINATED by the show River Monsters and other tv shows that have fish and underwater life on them.

    I can't stand having anything under my fingernails. Whether it be dirt (grew up on a farm, got dirty quite a bit) or peeling skin, or if a piece of hair got caught under my nail. I literally can't concentrate on anything else until it is gone.

    Both of these too...my God, I'm neurotic...
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member

    1. I absolutely dislike my little one jumping all over my bed on a morning and leaving it messy. Don't know why, just really grates on me. I have found a way of overcoming that tho. Alot of patience and will power. lol.

    2. Hate it whenmy personal space been encroached on when standing in a queue. Why the hell do people feel like they have to be practially touching your butt or breathing down your neck? *shudders* Absolutely HATE that. If its a SO I'm fine but strangers - NO!

    3. I don't like eating in very busy open plan restaurants. Something about people watching me....really don't like it. Although as I'm getting older, I'm starting to loosen up a bit - the more confident I am, the more I don't give a damn. lol

    4. I have to check that all pets are fed, doors and windows locked and lights / electrics turned off before leaving the house. Best be safe than sorry.

    5. My ex says that sometimes I used to look like I was smiling from the corner of my mouth when talking or arguing about a situation or problem. Maybe I was, lol, but only at the absolute idiocy of my ex and the way he was viewing something that was perfectly obvious or simple to resolve. But, in fairness, sometimes I do actually do it out of nervousness / not knowing how to handle a situation.

    6. When life is going good, I like to be organised, do things in order and write endless lists of what needs doing - of which nothing gets done on the lists. lol.

    7. I say the same thing over and over in different ways. In fact I end up droning on. Of this, I am becoming acutely aware of more recently. I can't help it. It's the way I am. I have to do it to make my point clear or make myself heard. I know its a problem.

    8. I wear glasses......that always end up on the end of my nose. I look like a school teacher apparently, but it looks sexy, so I've been told years ago.
  • ebonypixie
    ebonypixie Posts: 61 Member
    Before going to sleep and turning off the light I scan the room for any scary baddies! I dont like going to bed alone so I force OH to come with me and need to fall asleep with my bum touching his bum/back touching his back. I need my air but cant stand to fall asleep alone!

    He thinks I had seperation issues in my childhood.
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    I count things when I drive (yellow lane lines or driveways)
    I have to check each corner of my room before I go to bed. If I get in bed without doing it, I will get up and do so...*scared of spiders lol*
    All doors in my room have to be closed...closet and room door...
    I have to eat one food on my plate at a time. I cannot force myself for the life of me to dabble in the rest until it's finished
    If I am turning off all of the downstairs lights for the night, after I turn off the last one I have to run up the stairs to my room and close the door...like even if I have to use the bathroom first, I go to my room first, close the door, then open it and do what I need to do lol