
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Did a lot of exercise today...7 miles on the bike, 500 meters of intervals rowing, lunchtime walk and tennis after work with my sister!! 2nd time playing tennis in30 years...maybe by the end of summer the pros will have something to worry about! :wink: lol ! My sister and I have set a weekly tennis date at least for the summer...I'll keep you posted..next goal - win at least 1 game!

    I closed the food diary again today...hopefully I can keep to the program..one day at a time becomes one week at a time and hopefully becomes the habit!

    :flowerforyou: good luck and prayers to the grandbaby that needs surgery - I am sure it is a very nerve wracking time.
    Michelle -my hubby installed our pool...it came out great...but the agony of watching him get things set up just so...actually most of our home improvements are like that..I am not "allowed "to help...which I am pretty ok with..i provide food, beverages and cleanup, we all have our talents! LOL!

    Have a good night, keep logging, posting, moving, and drinking (water, my friends!)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: right now I am obsessed with the rock rearranging project in my yard and I consider it a variation of exercise that includes a lot of bending, squatting, and carrying rocks from place to place...it's not exactly cardio or strength training but it has its own merits...I skipped my weight training today to allow for more time in the yard. I stopped doing my 100 lunges a day in favor of a pose that emphasizes hamstrings ( the one point row pose without the dumbbells
    I'm doing 100 of them a day and my hamstrings can testify that it's working :laugh: :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: we just got home from the movies where we saw "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel".....Jake called it "a chick flick for seniors' and we both loved it so much that we decided that we'll buy it when it comes out on DVD

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Well, did 30 minutes of stepping on the ATM machine. Not quite sure about it yet, tho. It IS something good for a change. Then did 30 min of HIIT on the elliptical. Then did 10 dips and 10 chin ups on the assisted dip machine. Haven't used that machine in quite a while. I'm not a fan of the machines at the gym, but this one I think is worth it. To me, most of the other machines isolate the muscle, they are good for rehab but to me not for a full body workout. But the dip/chinup machine you need to use your full body. Tomorrow...water aerobics then the senior bowling. The Newcomers is having a beer tasting, I won't go since I'm not a beer drinker. But Vince will go. Asked two couples over for dinner tomorrow night, one said they couldn't come since they were having company and I've never heard from the other couple. Maybe next week. I'll check with Vince to see if that's OK with him.

    The guy about the pool came here today. I missed mahjongg, but there was no way on this green earth I was going to miss this meeting. Anyway, neither Vince nor I realized it, but he wrote out the contract today and WE SIGNED IT!!!! Yup, TARGETED start date is in 4 weeks. I say *targeted* because you know that mother nature has a mind of her own. Sometimes things happen (like for one reason or another one of the workers can't make it). But we're a step closer, not a big step but a step just the same.

    Had bunco here tonight. Really, it seems to be about the same 6 people, the gal who is head of it said that she won't be doing it next year. I honestly don't mind having it here. We wound up playing Mexican Train Dominoes.

    I don't know what it is, but I'm having one of those "pig out" days. I'll get it out of my system, and then kick myself tomorrow when I see the gain. I do this every once in a while

    Laurel - good luck to your grandson. I'm assuming he's going to A.I. duPont children's hospital? From what I understand, it's a very good place and has a great reputation for cardiac items. A teacher I had when we lived in Kennett Square (PA) worked there.

    Jen - Vince read where it's a good idea to provide snacks and drinks (water, Gatorade) to the workers, which works for me since I love to cook and use my new mixer. I'm already getting together ideas of things I can serve them....lol Well, I did the same thing when we had the garage built, gave the workers all sorts of baked goods.

    barbie - tell me more about this row pose exercise. I may have done it, just called it something different. I have the tightest hamstrings on this side of the earth, so I'd be interested to know more about it.

    Off to bed. I bought some Milky Way bars (I like them) for the soup kitchen and gave them to them. Now I'm so glad that I did because I know me, and I would have had them tonight. But they weren't here for me to have, which is good.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Ok, now I can really say Happy first day of Summer! I wrote that yesterday, but realized I was off by a day, ooops. I was off yesterday, period. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, thanks so much for your inspiring, kind words. I did go to the track for 35 minutes and get a real good workout yesterday morning. Clocked myself at 4.5 mph doing a walk/jog combo. I need to do that every day! It sure helps hearing how you've managed to keep up with it. Gave me a little kick in the rear, which I needed. :blushing:

    Nancy, the Salad Sistas are back, yes indeed. :bigsmile: My heap of greens & vegs wasn't adorned with anything fancy yesterday, except for the addition of homegrown cauliflower which I harvested just an hour before lunchtime. Crunchy, delicious! :love: Since I didn't add beans or meat or cheese, I didn't skimp on the dressing. Full tablespoon evoo, balsamic vin and a tablespoon of hummus all mixed together. Love it. Repeat performance today.

    Busy morning ahead, must scoot. Everyone have a great day!

    :smile: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's overcast but still going to be about 80 on this Wednesday the first day of Summer:flowerforyou: .

    Nancy- cleaned out and organized cupboards:noway: I can't remember the last time mine were that way.

    kateblue- I hear you on those portion sizes sometimes getting a bit bigger than they ought. I bought these measuring/serving spoons from Avon (yep the perfume make up company) that measure out what a serving size is and it's really helped...of course I sometimes wish that the serving size was a bit bigger:grumble: Sorry you are getting so much rain, hubby was looking at the weather map on Sunday and saw that it had sunshine in Oregon and was talking with his sister in Lebanon and she said they did have sun so I guess it just didn't extend all the way to Portland:glasses:

    Jackie- you met people that were on a 62 day cruise:noway: I can't imagine being away that long to say nothing of being able to afford it...it would really test the will power with all that food too:blushing:

    Cath- you sound like you are pretty busy, with company and work. Will be thinking of you next week when you have your dentist appt...I so do NOT like going to the dentist:blushing:

    Rose- Prayers for you little grandson:flowerforyou: It looks like you will be burning up the roads for a few days, be careful and we will check with you when you get back.:drinker:

    Jen- keeping to your plan:drinker: great going. A goal of winning a game of tennis...hummmm...I can't remember the last time I picked up a tennis racket..good for you doing that with your sister:flowerforyou: My hubby would like me to help in somethings and in others just keep out of the way...but then I have a way of saying "We did it "....and then it's the "royal We" not the actual We:wink:

    Barbie- hubby and I saw "the best exotic hotel" too and we loved it. it's great to go to a movie where the whole audience is of the same mindframe and all laugh at the same things:laugh:

    Michele- I'm sure that your "pigging out day" is just a one day thing...you are so busy with all you do I'm sure you really don't have time to do that all the time:wink:

    jb- good job on the workout:drinker: and then planning a good day today...sounds like you are making positive progress.


    I lost .6 since last week so that's 20.5 gone...of course MFP ticker shows it as a full pound but I know that it's a half pound off because these last #10 hang on and are really hard to get rid of:grumble: But the NEVER EVER GIVE UP is part of my life and I'm so into that saying.

    I'm hoping to be able to get in an outdoor bike ride after work since it's overcast today and a bit cooler. It's supposed to be back in the high 90's over the weekend so if we get bike rides in at all it will have to be early in the morning.

    My bookkeeper is supposed to come in today and check some of the things I've been doing and I'm going to be taking serious notes so I will know what to do next month. I have a lot of reports that need to be done today too, so I'd best get moving.

    Everyone have a great day, log it, drink it and move it:drinker:

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Wednesday All!

    Just got back yesterday from visiting my son and daughter-in-law in MO. Had a good time but found it hard to track with restaurant food. Pleased to report I did not completely undue everything! Only put back on .5 of the 3.5 lbs I have lost since starting MFP!
    Ready to get back into tracking in earnest since my knee is so screwed up I can barely put weight on it. I miss my water exercise! Oh and I miss walking at without extreme pain-hopefully will get brace soon!
    Seeing ortho doc today and hopefully will get some answers.

    Even though I don't reply to each person individualy, I really enjoy reading all your posts and hearing about your lives! This is a great, positive group!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Wonderful Wednesday! :happy:

    First day of summer and the sun is almost, almost shining. :flowerforyou: I have high hopes the clouds will blow away.

    Hi Kateblue, feeling good in your jeans! :drinker:

    My parents were raving about the movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” when I visited them. I am looking forward to seeing it when it comes out on video or Netflicks. I doubt it will ever make it to our small town theatre.

    Michelle, I agree about machines at the gym, one of the few I use is the assisted dip/chin-up machine. My long-term goal is to be able to do an unassisted chin-up! :explode: Cheers for your pool!

    Salad Sistas – today’s menu is salsa & veggies left over from last night’s tacos stirred into 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and served over a pile of greens. It's going to be great. I am making blueberry pancakes for J'boy, but won't sample anything but the berries.

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for June:
    24 hours of exercise including weight training. I’m at 10 hrs 30 minutes - will be up to 12 by the end of the day.
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Today is laundry day, and if J'boy doesn't make his bed I am going in to tidy up his room. Wish me luck!
    Act the way I want to feel. :heart: Be kind.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So big news, I accepted a new position today. A level up and a big raise. A new program altogether and new people and challenges. I can't wait.

    Today is summer and it looks like it. I wonder how long that will last.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday ladies!!!

    Robin, Bodi Boy and Ritter Bit
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    barbie - tell me more about this row pose exercise. I may have done it, just called it something different. I have the tightest hamstrings on this side of the earth, so I'd be interested to know more about it.


    Michele, if you look at this video and imagine it without the dumbbells you will see what I am doing......I am doing 100 of them a day, alternating legs and holding the pose just a few seconds......i can do it with one dog on a leash.....as my balance gets better, I can lean a bit farther forward and raise the back leg a bit higher. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies.

    I am working to day , but as I had said earlier I am trying to move a little more so finding way ot do that is becoming a game ,since I am sitting at work all day, however when I get home I am just warn out , soit is easy for me to put off the plans that I made earlier that day. Sorry to say that is what I did last night. today I made a list and a promise to my self that I would not do that tonight ,and now I am telling you all so that I will be more motivated to keep my promise.

    I did do my walking here at work and didn't do to bad on my eating and water today, :smile:

    jellyfishen: a comedy cruise sounds like a lot of fun! My DH and I have been on three cruises and the 1st one is still my favorite one. We are planing on going sometime soon , maybe in a couple years. I will be waiting to see what you think of yours.:glasses:

    Michele : congrats on getting a new pool! how fun that will be.:happy:

    LaurelFisher : Why is your grandson having a cardiac cath, I was just wondering because I work at a childerns hospital and I watch the Heart monitors. at any rate I will be praying that all goes well. Have a safe trip, it sounds like you will be doing a lot of driving. :flowerforyou:

    jb ; HAPPY 1ST DAY of SUMMER :glasses: Hope you will have some sun today.

    Nancy : the salad sounds so good, but blueberry pancakes are one of my favorite and I don't think I could cook them without having one small one, but befor MFP I would have had 2 big ones so I guess you all are rubbing off on me after all, LOL

    Barbiecat: I tryed the one point row and it looks like i need to work on my balance ,LOL

    Welcome to all of you that are new and or are returning. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Hope you all are having a wonderful day! Oh and smile it will make your enemies wonder what you are up to!!!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    This am I did a kettlebell core routine and the scary lady book exercises for tricep, chest, shoulder and biceps...felt good since I haven't done enough strength training lately. :blushing: I read this book (free on kindle) about goals and exercise. It was interesting, but the author must spend several hours each day doing various exercises...she was recommending 30-40 minutes of cardio 5 times a week plus weights 3 times a week plus Pilate's or yoga a couple times a week and also a 8-10 minute ab routine 5 times a week. I guess I am not quite that dedicated plus I have a fulltime job and a life. I have 45 min to an hour that I usually get my workout in before work about 4 days a week...:noway: I was feeling like an underachiever, but we all have to do what works in our lives.

    OK sorry for the rant, but I am not ever, ever going to give up!:happy:

    :flowerforyou: Laura - congrats on the weight loss, you are an inspiration to me because you just keep at it, have a strategy for your weekends and manage to fit the treats in! Keep it up!

    Well our 100 degree heat plus humidity has managed to make my brain mush...I am in NYS we aren't supposed to get this hot!!

    Have a good night all..hugs, prayers and high fives because we are a fit and fabulous group!

  • I just joined and this may be where I hang out.... thanks Barbie (I think you set this 50+ Women up).

    My June Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for 1/2 hr morning and evening (if they're OK with that;)
    *get a plan in place for how I'm going to eat (healthy) the rest of my life
    * do some beginner yoga to inspire me to 'come from a place of peace and love'... this will be my toning activity.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :wink:

    All the best to everyone for the remainder of June.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rpphillip, Sasha is the red poodle in my profile picture…..she is now five years old but I still think of her as a puppy.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I have been thinking about you teaching a group of students for the third year in a row. I never got to have a class even two years in a row during the 30+ years that I taught even though a group of us lobbied hard for looping grades one and two. Three years in a row would be more of a challenge. I look forward to hearing if you end up doing that and if so, how it works for you. You are a very creative teacher and have an awesome attitude so I imagine you would do well.

    :flowerforyou: Rose, best wishes to you and your grandson with his cardiac procedure.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, as usual, your salad sounds great

    :bigsmile: Laura, congrats on the continued weight loss….every little bit adds up

    :flowerforyou: Kathyszoo, hope the ortho doctor has some good news for you

    :bigsmile: Robin, a new position--- YIPPEE---your persistence and patience have paid off :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jen, don’t let the overachievers discourage you
    just start somewhere and do what you can and be open minded to new opportunities

    :flowerforyou: Learnedhag, I hope you will continue to hang out with us……many of us walk our dogs for exercise and we all are working at creating plans for food and exercise that will serve us well for the rest our (fit and healthy) lives. What kind of dogs do you have? Mine are Standard Poodles and have an endless enthusiasm for walking.

    :bigsmile: It has actually been summer here today---temps nearly 70, sunshine, and I took advantage of it by going on long walks with two of my friends as well as walking the dogs. The dogs thought it was too warm and wanted to come home early from their morning walk and stayed out only a short time in the afternoon.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone and thank you for all the well wishes for Matthew. We are at the Ronald McDonald House next to AI Dupont in Wilmington. My Daughter and SIL went to the store to pick up some Almond Milk for me and the grandbabies have settled down for the night :smile: so i thought I would check in and log in my food for today. One of my goals for this month was to lose 10 lbs before my 57th birthday. I weighed in today and I lost 2 lbs since Friday which only puts me at 9 lbs. lost (it wouild have been 10 if I hadn't have gained a pound last week) :ohwell:. Think I will turn in, I am going to need all the energy I can get tomorrow to chase after a 2 year old LOL. :heart: love ((((Hugs)))) and prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies!
    :heart: Sending prayers to you Rose and hope all goes well with the baby xoxo

    All quiet here in the desert, just getting into the lovely HOT HOT summer, in the 110's here today and it is so hard to stand even for 5 minutes outside, ugh. I have to walk down the street to my mailbox and that is hard to do on a day day like today :glasses:

    Tonight was nice, DD and DS and DD's BF were over for dinner, BBQ's some nice chicken sausages that were only 110 calories each along with baked beans and a quick cole slaw made for a nice low cal dinner that everyone seemed to enjoy, plus I water till the sun was over the other side of the house tot BBQ int he backyard so I was in the shade so it was not so bad :bigsmile:

    I weighed myself this morning and I was 134.5, I have not been this low in years! In fact I didn't even get this low 3 years ago at Weight Watchers, I quit at 136! Then I almost immediately started gaining again! So I'm feeling like my goal weight is actually becoming a reality, I still have a way to go because my goal is around 105 - 110, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I actually beginning to feel like a thinner person and not a chubby person, its a mindset really, I having a paradigm shift in my thinking of how I persieve myself...am I getting too deep????:blushing: But really I think its all about how we see ourselves sometimes :flowerforyou:

    Well time to watch some TV and get some sleep.

    The week of July 4th I will up in Barbie and Laura's neck of the woods! Going to visit the in laws, they live in the PNW, Southern Washington State! Yay! We get to leave the HEAT!!!!!

    Take care Lovies!!!!

    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Laura - oh, the "pigging out" day is over with. We signed the contract for the pool installation, so maybe I was celebrating (and maybe I'm making excuses for myself). You know something, I thought for sure I would have gained more, but really not that much, only 2lbs.

    Nancy - I don't ever think I'll be able to do an unassisted chinup/pullup. I remember when I took a class in strength training that was one thing the instructor wanted us to do. I must have pulled a muscle and did it ever hurt! So I've never done them unassisted since then. Hope you make your goal, I really do. That would be awesome!

    Robin - what wonderful news!!!! Tell us more about this position.

    barbie - thanks for the link. I check out what a one point row is. I have done them before, but I know that I need better balance, even without weights. Kudos to you for being able to do them!

    Did an hour of deep water today. Tomorrow Power Sculpt DVD.

    Jen - there are times when I wish I could exercise more, but as you say, life gets in the way! I don't give up, either, just have only so much time.

    Need to get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • leditrix
    leditrix Posts: 2
    First time here. I'm 53 yo and am fascinated by what y'all are doing to take care of yourselves.

    I think I'm supposed to add some sort of tracker thing, so here goes my experiment:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my lovelies

    Just a quick on the run post as I haven't had time to catch up for the last few days. I had a wonderful, yet emotional time with my DD#2 in Germany. The opera was fabulous. The hotel was terrific. The weather was (mostly) dreadful. I cried all the way home as I realised that it unlikely that my girl will ever live in England again.

    I will read and write more later on. For now I have to catch up with work.

    Love to you all
    Amanda x
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Doctor is sending me for knee MRI after doing x-rays and letting me know (once again) how severe my osteoarthritis is. Guess I also have a shallow knee groove with bone where there isn't supposed to be any bone. Suspects a sprained ligament after he pressed on the spot and I about kicked him in the face it hurt so bad:sad: Trying to stay positive but missing my water exercises, even though I suspect Water Zumba wasn't the smartest routine to do and my be what caused this mess!

    Done rambling, I actually have a question for you all! Does anyone know any good routines or DVD's for upper body workout? . I may be in a leg brace for awhile and can barely move right now. I don't want to stay completely inactive! I've seen some chair dvd workouts on Amazon but don't want to just get something random. Any suggestions are welcome and in the meantime going to try to eat right and drink, drink, drink water!!!:smile:

    Glad for all your support! Kathy
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, :happy:

    I went to the Grade 7 "graduation" lunch on Tuesday. All the boys seem to have grown 5-10 cm taller since I left and the bolder ones had great fun looming over me or resting their elbows on my shoulder. "Wow, I didn't realize how short you are, Mrs. Cobra!" "Oh yeah, well I'll always be older than you, and I'll always be smarter!" :laugh:

    Robin! Congratulations! :drinker: You’ve worked hard and waited such a long time, I am so glad to hear you’ve got your new job. :flowerforyou:

    One point row! I have been working on that for months, :ohwell: or was before the foot surgery. I have a terrible time keeping my balance!

    Rpphilip - I have to confess that I did eat a couple of those pancakes for an afternoon snack,:blushing: but it was all within the menu plan.

    It’s hard to believe that you folks “back east” or “down south” (in North America) are having a heat wave. It still hasn’t stopped raining out here. Well, we do have sun this morning but I fear it will not last. This is my day to sweep the patio and tidy the outdoor spaces. We are having the dinner club here on Saturday and if all goes well the meal will be outside under the maple tree.

    Hi Kat, You’ll be close to my neck of the woods when you are on your holiday too! We are just north of the USA/CDA border at the top of the Idaho Panhandle. Bring your passport, maybe you can pop up for a visit. :wink: I believe that the paradigm shift you describe is the important part of what we are calling “a life style change” or something similar.

    Jen,. I think the only way someone could work out as much as you describe is to be doing it as a full time job – or have no other interests. That’s not a good balance at all, it amounts to an obsession, in my opinion.

    Unassisted pull-up = at present I am using the lift assist and pulling ½ my body weight. :explode: I will keep you posted on my progress. Next step is to get a boost up and lower myself down, a reverse move!

    Amanda, so glad to hear your trip to Germany was a success.

    Kathy, I am an expert on upper body routines because I could not walk for eight weeks (April & May). I found some good links for “chair aerobics” on Youtube. Don’t let the fact it’s all aimed at “seniors” put you off, in fact one of the best ones I found was for people who are wheelchair bound. Check out these, and once you start searching you'll find lots more. Have fun! :happy:

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for June:
    24 hours of exercise including weight training. I’m at 12 hours, and catching up on the time I missed while visiting the parents.
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination! More laundry today - I can finally use the clothes line! :smile: Go sunshine.
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.