How do I stop eating 6,000 calories??



  • SpinDizzie
    I'm new here, too, and it can be rather mid-90s Usenet. But, there are lots of genuine, kind and smart people here to share the journey. Logging your food is one of the best tools ever. You have no idea until you see it in black and white. Your last couple of days look much better. :)
  • chonji4ever
    chonji4ever Posts: 120 Member
    You might loose really fast if you were at 6000 on a regular basis and cut right down to the 1500, so you might try 2000 for a week or two to see how the scale is changing on that. After you change a daily calorie goal, stick with it for a week or two to see how much you are dropping, and then you can adjust the goal as needed. The mfp site's calculator is not perfect for everyone, but you can get in the ballpark with it. However, you will have to cut some serious calories to start making progress.
  • amd895793
    amd895793 Posts: 2
    hey, was looking at your diary, And make sure your brand can be right. because i noticed this western family brand and their spaghettti was 600 calories a cup, which isn't normal. ANd the bacon was 270 calories for 2 slices which also isn't normal. so you may have a lower caloric intake
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    It kind of confuses me that this isn't obvious since you are indeed logging your food. Put down the beer, cookies & M&Ms & you'll be in much better shape.

    My question was more about surviving on fewer calories since I did not know if 1,500 was manageable for people. I am aware that cookies and beer are not making me skinny.
    Gotcha. 1500 is manageable if you don't exercise & eat the right stuff - focus on high-protein & high-fiber foods to keep your appetite in check. If I'm not mistaken, you do exercise & are eating back the calories which is good, so you really don't have to survive on 1500. Drink plenty of water, which also helps with the appetite.

    Weight loss is a moving target sometimes, & there's honestly nothing wrong with high-calorie days once in a while. 6,000 is excessive though, if you have binge-eating tendencies you need to address those so you can limit your treat days to 3,000 or less.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

    That's actually quite rude. It's easier than you think.
    Honestly, I don't think that's rude. I eat ~3,500 calories on workout days, and have to continue to force myself to eat long past the point of enjoyment. Eating 6000 calories a day is IMPRESSIVE. Even my 250+lb. enormous bodybuilder friends have trouble breaking 5k/day without eating tons of fast food. IMO, the OP should just roll with it and become a competitive eater instead.

    (not sarcastic)
  • Ri024
    Ri024 Posts: 24
    It kind of confuses me that this isn't obvious since you are indeed logging your food. Put down the beer, cookies & M&Ms & you'll be in much better shape.

    My question was more about surviving on fewer calories since I did not know if 1,500 was manageable for people. I am aware that cookies and beer are not making me skinny.
    Gotcha. 1500 is manageable if you don't exercise & eat the right stuff - focus on high-protein & high-fiber foods to keep your appetite in check. If I'm not mistaken, you do exercise & are eating back the calories which is good, so you really don't have to survive on 1500. Drink plenty of water, which also helps with the appetite.

    Weight loss is a moving target sometimes, & there's honestly nothing wrong with high-calorie days once in a while. 6,000 is excessive though, if you have binge-eating tendencies you need to address those so you can limit your treat days to 3,000 or less.

    Thank you :) Very helpful! I've found that having protein in the morning the last few days has totally filled me up for much longer than I was expecting.
  • Ri024
    Ri024 Posts: 24
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

    That's actually quite rude. It's easier than you think.
    Honestly, I don't think that's rude. I eat ~3,500 calories on workout days, and have to continue to force myself to eat long past the point of enjoyment. Eating 6000 calories a day is IMPRESSIVE. Even my 250+lb. enormous bodybuilder friends have trouble breaking 5k/day without eating tons of fast food. IMO, the OP should just roll with it and become a competitive eater instead.

    (not sarcastic)

    If you took the time to look at my diary, I think you would notice that there's only like 3 meals in there and a bunch of drinks and snacks that I ate throughout the day. It's not like I'm shoveling in thousands of pounds worth of food. Maybe you should become a competitive jerk... looks like you'll do well.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member

    If you took the time to look at my diary, I think you would notice that there's only like 3 meals in there and a bunch of drinks and snacks that I ate throughout the day. It's not like I'm shoveling in thousands of pounds worth of food. Maybe you should become a competitive jerk... looks like you'll do well.
    I am training for the jerk Olympics as we speak!

    But seriously, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

    As someone who is brand new to this site and just starting my journey - I would hope all replies to people looking for support be supportive or left unsaid. Consuming 5000 calories is very realistic. Shifting down from that intake takes courage and stamina. Best of luck to you in your efforts! I am sure you can do it! At first it might not be 1500 calories but don't lose heart or confidence in yourself!!
  • Ri024
    Ri024 Posts: 24

    If you took the time to look at my diary, I think you would notice that there's only like 3 meals in there and a bunch of drinks and snacks that I ate throughout the day. It's not like I'm shoveling in thousands of pounds worth of food. Maybe you should become a competitive jerk... looks like you'll do well.
    I am training for the jerk Olympics as we speak!

    But seriously, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

    That's why I've come to this site and also got in touch with a therapist to control my issues with binge eating.
    Best of luck to you in your Olympic training :)
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

    That's actually quite rude. It's easier than you think.
    Honestly, I don't think that's rude. I eat ~3,500 calories on workout days, and have to continue to force myself to eat long past the point of enjoyment. Eating 6000 calories a day is IMPRESSIVE. Even my 250+lb. enormous bodybuilder friends have trouble breaking 5k/day without eating tons of fast food. IMO, the OP should just roll with it and become a competitive eater instead.

    (not sarcastic)

    Eating the wrong foods loaded with fat can easily pile on the calories.

    I remember before I started watching what I was eating I would shove down an entire Large bag of Hot Cheetos as a SNACK.
    That's 1640 calories.

    I'd follow that by eating an entire Large Frozen Pizza which was around 1400 calories~

    Easily ate 3000 calories (mostly coming from oils and other fats) and this was only Lunch.
  • sspadaro54
    sspadaro54 Posts: 2 Member
    it helps me to walk and then when I plug my exercise into my fitness pal app, I can have 200-300 calories more to spend on food. I am allowed 1200 a day, I drink a lot of water and eat lean protein to help with my hunger.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

    That's actually quite rude. It's easier than you think.
    Honestly, I don't think that's rude. I eat ~3,500 calories on workout days, and have to continue to force myself to eat long past the point of enjoyment. Eating 6000 calories a day is IMPRESSIVE. Even my 250+lb. enormous bodybuilder friends have trouble breaking 5k/day without eating tons of fast food. IMO, the OP should just roll with it and become a competitive eater instead.

    (not sarcastic)

    It depends on what you're eating.

    I know I've (while driving a 14 hour drive) mindlessly chowed my way through over 8000 (didn't add it up at the time).

    A dozen cookies (at 180 each, but MAN they're delicious) -- about 2000.
    A gallon of 2% milk -- about 2000.
    2 2-liters of mountain dew -- about 1000.
    A pound of peanuts -- about 2000.
    Half a pound of sesame sticks -- about 1200.
    I think some gummi bears might have been involved too but I forgot.

    If you're drinking a lot of calories and/or eating foods that are just loaded with fat, it piles up REALLY quickly. And I certainly wasn't eating long past the point of enjoyment.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member

    If you took the time to look at my diary, I think you would notice that there's only like 3 meals in there and a bunch of drinks and snacks that I ate throughout the day. It's not like I'm shoveling in thousands of pounds worth of food. Maybe you should become a competitive jerk... looks like you'll do well.
    I am training for the jerk Olympics as we speak!

    But seriously, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

    That's why I've come to this site and also got in touch with a therapist to control my issues with binge eating.
    Best of luck to you in your Olympic training :)
    Good luck to you as well. I mean that in a non-jerk way :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    quit your job.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    Well if I was you, i'd cut out about 2,000 calories and start there. Jumping that low makes no sense from your starting point. Over time decrease them as you lose weight.

    I agree with this...
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    Good luck with your eating. I looked at your diary and it seems you're getting better, Maybe slowly cut back on carbs or eat it for only one meal.
  • jamaljohar
    jamaljohar Posts: 55

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    its not that hard to make that change, it takes some will power and a routine. stay away from the snacks all together, no junk food and stay away from the breads and pastas. instead eat an omlet with turkey ham topped with salsa, and a slice of low fat cheese, its healthy and very filling i load my omlets with almost 6oz of turkey ham everyday and its very filling. if you find yourself hungry again ( note that i said hungry and not bored, be carefull not to eat out of boredum) get a lean snack like beef jerky loaded with protein low on carbs and calories. get in the habit of eating salads, you can top them with chicken or fish whatever floats your boat. if you get hungry drink a protein shake, not the store bought ready to drink, those are loaded with calories buy yourself a protein powder, low in calories and carbs and mix it with 1 cup of light soy milk
    for dinner eat a salad again! that is my routine it works for me. you have to find something that works for you, the first week is the hardest but i promise it gets much easier
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    work at a soup kitchen.

    Change your priorities.

    you dont need that much food. there is a point when someone just starts eating recreationally and that shows that their priorities are truly sadly, 'making my own self happy because i dont care'.

    I wish you determination.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    If you took the time to look at my diary, I think you would notice that there's only like 3 meals in there and a bunch of drinks and snacks that I ate throughout the day. It's not like I'm shoveling in thousands of pounds worth of food. Maybe you should become a competitive jerk... looks like you'll do well.
    I am training for the jerk Olympics as we speak!

    But seriously, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

    I have three meals a day (usually) and snacks as well and have a very difficult time breaking 2000 cals.

    it's most definitely a problem. 6000 cals has shock value for a reason.
    This has to be a joke, who eats over 5,000!calories??

    As someone who is brand new to this site and just starting my journey - I would hope all replies to people looking for support be supportive or left unsaid. Consuming 5000 calories is very realistic. Shifting down from that intake takes courage and stamina. Best of luck to you in your efforts! I am sure you can do it! At first it might not be 1500 calories but don't lose heart or confidence in yourself!!

    nice =/= supportive
    shocked =/= unsupportive
    honest feedback that this number is shockingly high =/= unsupportive

    saying you can do it! good luck! will not teach a person self-control or impress upon them the seriousness of the situation they have gotten Themselves into.

    Expressing the severity of it and explaining that this behavior cannot continue for the sake of their health is how a loving parent would handle it. But have a stranger say these same things and its suddenly counter productive.

    Theres no excuse for 6K+