Do you "check in" when your weight goes up?



  • angel4evergvng
    angel4evergvng Posts: 46 Member
    I am new to MFP- this is my first week.... but I log EVERYTHING- the good the bad and the ugly.
    i am only weighing in once a week- Sunday mornings- and whatever the scale and tape measure says is what gets put in. Everything i put in my mouth everyday gets put down.
    It's not about not letting other people know you slipped a little- it is about being honest to yourself and helping you see where you are and what may be a problem or affecting you.
    I use MFP to help me see what I am doing to myself and to get support and motivation when I'm weak from friends on here.
    I feel that If you are keeping secrets by not logging the gains- or that piece of gum- then how can you honestly make the changes to reach your goal? It's OK to slip once in a while (even if it's a doughnut- fried, frosted, and loaded with bad sugar)... but you need to log it, see it, face it and make up for it.

    But that is just my opinion, view and what I am doing in my corner of the MFP world....
  • ssp1977
    ssp1977 Posts: 120 Member
    I log my weight once a week... up or down. But that's just me! :smile: You need to do what works for you and helps you stay the course! :flowerforyou:

    This works for me too, but I agree that you have to do what works for YOU!
  • denmark979
    denmark979 Posts: 112 Member
    I've been on other forums and I wouldn't record gains. So when you get really out of hand you just kind of disappear from the forum. This time I'm going to report so that I can still show accountability. I want someone to welcome me back to the bandwagon. If there's no one to hold me accountable then i'm a slacker.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Yes! I weigh in on Wednesdays... And if it goes up I log it. And If it goes down, I log it. It's not about de-motivation or depressing myself... it's about being Honest with myself. Maybe once a week is too often, maybe I should do once every two weeks, but whatever that weight is on Wednesday, I log it. If I don't, I'm just lying to myself.

    I do the same thing. I record everything I just recorded today that I gained 1.2 pounds. I had lost it but for some reason it came back. Or maybe I didn't lose it at all and my scale was off that day. I have been eating below my target goal so that must be it. Anyway, I record it to be honest with myself. And I log everything!! Looking back at the reports really helps me a lot and if they aren't accurate what's the point?
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    I cannot stand for my ticker to go backwards....which means I have not been able to record anything for a while. I slacked off for some time and gained back about 10 pounds....I will log losses after I have re-lost this 10 pounds. In my mind...this 10 pounds is already I am going to keep it that way :)

    But that 10 isn't really lost if you've gained it back. I have a real difficult time understanding why everyone justifies their actions on here. I mean if we are being honest, isn't lying to ourself about our food intake and lack of exercise why we ended up fat anyway? Why not be completely, utterly honest with ourselves. Admit we screwed up and move on. People will appreciate the honesty more than anything. In my opinion, if you are going to lie about these things, your weight loss is not THAT important to you nor will it be successful down the road.

    And yes it is a hard pill to swallow. I lost 57 pounds and gained ten back because I was eating crap and not exercising. When my customers ask me how much I've lost, I tell them straight up, I HAD lost 57 but gained 10 back and still have a way to go to reach my goal and it was all because of MY bad choices......
  • angel4evergvng
    angel4evergvng Posts: 46 Member

    I'm a little confused. You have a ticker to show everyone how much you have lost. You want everyone to see that but at the same time say you are being honest with yourself even though you don't record your gains on here for everyone to see, so in essence it isn't about you being truthful to everyone but just yourself??? Why not record it for everyone? It's part of your weight loss journey? You are in here for encouragement right? How can people encourage you if you aren't honest with them? I'm just curious.

    I log once a week whether it is a gain or loss. To be honest with myself and my friends, that way even if I am eating right and working my butt off they can give insight as to what I'm doing wrong.....

    Totally agree!!!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Nope. I weigh every morning to keep track of flucuations and how foods affect my body. Don't bother recording unless it is a low, or a high that has been consistent for three days.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Yes. If it goes up for 4 weeks I reset.
  • sweetybird09
    sweetybird09 Posts: 70 Member
    I will record the losses mostly, but after reading this will probably change that... I had a gain recently that kept going on a long time, I was in a plateau because I was adding new exercises to my routine....and was obsessively weighing myself, I hid the scale last Thursday and so today I got the scale our and was so happy to see I broke the plateau.

    Im going to weigh once a week and just like weight watchers what ever it is it is, I agree with others you cannot lie to yourself.
  • mrericswife
    I have in the past but not for the last couple of weeks bc my scale at home is different from the scale I use at work. I go by the scale at work for check in's on MFP. Since our "biggest loser" contest has ended and will not be starting back until September, I haven't been posting my weigh ins at all.
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I log it no matter what, because either way it's my weight and I'm not going to be ashamed of it.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i record whatever my weight is on the friday..

    except for TTOTM. also this is why i never do weights the day before, because it adds such a "gain" for me.
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    I do, but MFP only posts the losses? So, it's sort of the same -- but only once a week, I'm not a masochist.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    i log in every sunday no matter if it goes up or down. i check on wed just to see where i am sitting but only log sundays.
  • gwengogreen1
    gwengogreen1 Posts: 194 Member
    only sometimes, if its super significant... i havent gained since i joined tho :P only 1 ilb gain, but 2 lost so :P
  • Royaltvii
    Royaltvii Posts: 160 Member
    I weigh in every day and don't post my gains unless I stay at that weight for several days...then I know I gained somehow...but on that keep from getting depressed I measure my self weekly..and it is amazing how many inches you can lose without the scale budging.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i use as well.
    i log the gains there, but not here or
  • 255bj
    255bj Posts: 2
    I find that weighing once per week same time same day provides losses results. I'm still new at this.
  • Anastasia_97
    I do note my gains because it's motivation. And they are not published.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Only once I didn't record a gain. I was so disgusted with myself for losing control that week that it wouldn't have been helpful. Otherwise I do record gains and losses. I can check my activity level and my food log and see what might have went wrong that week so I don't repeat it. If I don't record the gain, how else will I realize it. At least that's my thought process...

    Edit: I weigh in officially once a week. That's the weight I'll record. Unofficially I'll weigh myself if I feel like it but don't record it.