Ladies - 160/170 trying to get to 130-ish



  • I am about 150 trying to get to 125. The problem is I am 5'2 so the weight really shows on my small frame. I felt I looked the best at 125. Trying to get motivated with this site and become conscious of what I actually eat. :)

    you and i are in the same boat. i felt i looked best around 120-125 as well. Keep up the hard work !
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    Yep, that's my goal. Lost about 20 so far. Weighing in at 159ish and want to get to 130. Let's do it!!
  • I'm right there with you gals. I'm 44 , 5ft5in started here at 168 (178 was my highest ) and am currently at 159.4
  • Laurie1231
    Laurie1231 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey all im in the same boat here! Starting weight 163 current way 159.8 not much of a loss but ill take anything right now. Im 5'3 and would like to get back down to 125 which was my comfortable weight! To much stress over the past couple of years has put me back up to where i am now! Its good to find people with the same goals that are around the same weight!
  • drewsmom07
    drewsmom07 Posts: 8 Member
    right there with ya.. 5"7 and one 170 looking to hit the 140 mark.. please add me :):smooched:
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I am at 169 and am 5'3" I want to get to 120-130. My weight found me in my last 2 pregnancies :/ I was down to 160 last Summer and then gained back 25lbs! So I started back up at 185 in Jan, started working out at the end of May and am back down to 169... Still working on it!
  • samadora
    samadora Posts: 7
    Same herreee - I was 175 after I had my baby girl a year ago. Now down to 159ish after working out since January. Goal is 135.
    Let's do this!!
  • Mariabellantoni
    Mariabellantoni Posts: 26 Member
    I am in the same boat although I was 198 when I started which is more then I weighed when I was pregnant and now down to 184, Is this still a topic I can join?
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    Question for those of you who are closer to the 130s than the 160s...have you lost any cellulite? I'm not even sure that's what it is, but it's dimple-y fat. I know even skinny people have cellulite but, if I could at least decrease it, I'd be thrilled to pieces. I was 182 at my highest (before I joined MFP) and am no 157...haven't noticed any change in the dimple area, but 157 is still pretty heavy for me. I'm hoping when I'm 135ish it will be mostly gone.
  • tharrington82
    tharrington82 Posts: 32 Member
    Right there with you ladies. I'm 5'5" started at 198 and I'm currently down to 153. I have a goal of 135, but man the last 20 pounds are super difficult to loose. I need more support! Feel free to add me (I need the motivation)!
  • I'm right there with you ladies! I'm 5'4" and starting weight was 160 after my last baby! CW is about 156-157 and I want to get back to 125!!! I'm also start the 30DS!! Requests for friends and motivation are welcome! Feel free to add me
  • phhloving
    phhloving Posts: 1 Member
    It's nice to know I'm not the only one! After a nasty combo of ovarian cysts and post-natal endometriosis, my weight BALLOONED to 185 (I'm 5'4"). I had surgery almost two months ago, and I feel like a new person. I'm ready to get my body back! I'm eating great, and doing Biggest Loser DVDs 5 days a week, plus long bike rides with my family when time allows. I know it's going to be a rough road, and I'll need a lot of encouragement. Good to know it's here....
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I'm 5'7, 158 lbs, and trying to get down to 130-135. Although the last time I was that weight I had no muscle mass. So maybe 135-140.
  • brina06
    brina06 Posts: 4
    i just started a new account hoping that i can keep with it this time. soo looking for some friends to do this with. Im just chilling at 150 and really want to get down to 130. im 5' 3
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm the same height as you. I started this in Jan. I weighed 190 now down to 158-160, would love to be 130. Feel free to add me the more support the better. That goes for anyone else out there that needs more support.
  • Oh, dear God. That is my exact weight loss goal I'm like 165lbs. (2 pounds) less or more & I am 5'2''. I hate it. Being as I'm young, 18 years old, people are always like " OH, you'll lose it fast, you're young with a fast metabolism" or " Oh, stop it you look fine" <-- My family are the number uno abusers of both of those lines. 1st off - My metabolism is slow, as absolute hell. You aren't my doctor, you don't know my bodily functions, please don't act like you do. 2nd off I don't care who thinks I look "fine" I want to feel & I want to thing I look fine. ANYWAYS, so off subject. Lol. I am currently doing herbalife ( , in case you've never heard of it ) and I will stick to my regimen allll day, then at night time, the beast is unleashed. I lost 20 pounds over last summer on the same regimen, but it was so much easier because I was also pescatarian- form of vegetarianism where you still consume seafood, and also had a support team. Now I have no support team, and though I'm considering becoming pesc again, I just feel it's still going to be so hard to get this weight off again. I feel like a cow, and it sucks because it makes me depressed and then I eat my emotions -_____________-
  • jlm_getfit
    jlm_getfit Posts: 53 Member
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    Hey ladies, how much weight did you lose in 4 weeks???? please share!
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    Started working out on March 18th weighing 176, weighed in on April 4th, lost 7 pounds. Weighed in again on May 22nd, lost 10 more. Haven't weighed myself again but feeling like I have not lost much if any so waiting a bit longer. I just started counting calories 3 days ago. So hopefully it will kickstart some more weight loss.
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    I started in January at 177 and joined weight watchers, my goal being 140 and I will see how I feel there. I lost 23 pounds from Jan to end of March then lost focus and stopped doing ww. After a couple months off track, I am losing again. I try to make healthy food choices for the majority of my meals and keeping my calories around 1200 is what works for me. I also walk (and occasionally run) quite a bit, trying to work in more exercise.