lose 10 pounds by Christmas



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey all!

    Day 45 completed! Yay! Half done with this round of P90! I did my sweat 3-4, ab ripper 200 and 1.25 on the treadmill. I burned 530 calories (45% fat), max HR 173 (94%) and avg HR 132 (71%). I am not looking so great today and I haven't eaten too well the last few days.

    Oh well, onward and upward.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Been eating well all week but not getting in much exercise. Just too darned tired after a full days work. Trying to walk at lunch if I don't have to work through it. We are so busy right now sometimes I just eat an apple and some almonds and keep on working.....no time to get out and enjoy the pretty weather.
    Tonight having cooked cabbage and polish sausage. Fixing cornbread for my husband, but I'll refrain even though I LOVE hot cornbread with lots of butter melted on top......mmmmm.

    Will be weighing in on Friday. Hope to have lost at least one pound.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hi everyone!

    I was within my calories today. I did 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill this morning and core synergistics (p90x) for the first time. That was an interesting dvd. I had a hard time keeping up but I am sure I will get it after a few more times.

    I did sneak a weight in today, I am down 2.5 pounds from the start of this challenge. Hopefully it is real and sticks! My official weigh in day is Monday or Tuesday.

    sheilajane- glad you are getting out for a few walks when you can. Don't worry work has to slow down!

    dragonfly- good job on your workout. We hall have days where we feel like we don't look good. Hope you get out of the funk soon!

    fitshark- glad the prerecording is going well for you. It is always easier to stick to what you plan that change things, add things and delete things. It helps to stay with the plan!

    smiley- You are doing great! Keep it up!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,000 Member
    I loved Core Synergistics. Superman...Banana... LOL. I think that was my second-favorite X workout. Kenpo X was my favorite. Least favorite was Plyometrics. I'm too old for all that jumping. :tongue:
  • Good Morning...just a quick check-in, going to go to "Core City" now....plyo is tough on the older joints! dont I know it !! :noway: but I just do what I can, some days its barely a hop !

    have a great day everyone!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    good day everyone! :o)

    sorry about not posting yesterday, went to remembrance day ceremonies ( i work on an army base) and then i babysat most of the day/night on my day off from the office job lol.

    Speaking of babysitting...I was told to feed the kids hot dogs :grumble: wish i had of known that before hand i would have packed my snacks even more accordingly to last me the night... but I had to eat too was starving, so yuck I didn't get on the scale this morning lol. I had 2 hotdogs, and less than a hand full of oven baked fries. and the rest of the night was fruit for me and water.

    hoping doesn't hurt my WI tomorrow too much, It shouldn't, i was good all day but still. im not a hot dog fan lol.

    tonight is Zumba again so I shall push myself hard tonight as well. I really would love to hit my 20lb goal mark this weekend!!!1 :bigsmile: cross your fingers for me please!!!!

    not sure what lunch is today, the guys I work with are taking us out for lunch to the mess... there is usually a fairly healthy choice, decent portions (not rediculous ones) and there's a salad bar so I will stick to the veggies there.

    not sure about supper yet either...I generally don't cook on a zumba night cuz of the timing of it, so prob a lil snack before and something after.

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey everyone! Day 46 of P90 complete!

    FitShark ~ I am not sure if you saw my post before ~ I had asked if you have posted on BeachBody. I believe you know Tracy72.

    Pollie ~ I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Sending you good vibes! You will do it, I know it!

    Joa827 ~ Love seeing your posts! Great job with your workouts and thanks for the motivation!

    Smiley ~ hello!

    PJilly ~ I hated superman/bananas! Those are not so easy, always had to push off with my hands.

    Sheila ~ great job eating well! Keep up the great work!

    To everyone else ~ thanks for the motivation and keep it up!
  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Hey guys,
    Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. Had a super busy day! I went to my moms in the morning after my friend bailed on me for the workout in the morning. :mad: I couldn't believe he would do that, but, he did. But it's o.k. because I was super tired anyways. But! I went to my moms and she had made me my favorite... Homemade Potato Salad! Oh no! I tried to resist it but couldn't. So, I gave in. =[ But I only ate a bowlful, but I still feel terrible about it! I didn't workout yesterday and had leftovers for dinner.

    But, today, I went back to the grind. Worked out 15 minutes this morning, took a walk at my lunch break for 20 minutes. I ate Honey nut cheerios for breakfast with a cup of 2% milk and a turkey sandwich with spinach and cheddar cheese for lunch, as well as a banana. Tonight, I haven't planned dinner yet, so I don't know what we're going to have. We have chicken thighs in the fridge, so maybe we'll just bake those up. Yum. Alright, I'll talk to you all later. Great job to all of you for keeping up those workouts. =]

  • Thursday is my weight in day and I am happy to report that I am back into the 150s :drinker:

    SW 165
    1st week 162
    2nd week 160
    3rd week 158
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: amcmamcm--Congrats on being back in the 150's. My weigh in day is tomorrow. Last Friday I weighed 140 so I'm hoping tomorrow I will be back in the 130's.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Put me on the 10 lb by Christmas bandwagon, too!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hey everyone! Today was another good day! I was within calories again. I feel like I maybe shouldn't count all of my exercise calories because I am eating a lot when I include them (1600-1800 total). I guess I will wait until Monday and see if the scale continues to move downward and then reevaluate in necessary. We'll see. I feel good though and feel like the waist of my pants might be looser. A good sign I think.

    As for a workout I did 20 minutes of hills on the treadmill and did kenpo x. I really like that workout, it keeps my attention and the time passes quickly.

    Hope everyone is doing great! We are creeping up on the completion of week 2! Hope everyone is on track to lose 10 by Christmas!

    Pjilly- Can’t say it is my favorite yet, however, I do like kenpo a lot and also the weight workouts, I just love the feeling after lifting. I dislike plyo as well! It always kicks my butt!

    Fitshark- Hi! Glad the recording is still going well! Keep up those workouts!

    Pollies- Hotdogs!?! Seriously, gross. I don’t even care about the totally unhealthyness of them I just think they are so gross! Way to hang in there! As long as you were not over on calories you should be fine on the scale. Good luck on the weigh in! Zumba sounds fun!

    Dragonfly- great job on the p90 workouts! When is your weigh in day? How is it going not counting your exercise calories? Aren’t you hungry?

    Smiley- I hate it when workout partners bail it is so hard to still workout. Glad you got back into it today! Hope you have a yummy dinner!

    Amc- great job! Keep it up!

    Sheilajane- I hope you get back into the 130s tomorrow! Feels great to hit a new tens!

    Drborkbork- welcome!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Lost one pound this week so I'm in the 130's for the first time in 3 years !!! Feels so good. Will check in to read your posts later. I have to leave for work now but I was so excited when I stepped on the scale I just had to tell somebody !!!

    Talk later.....:smile::smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,000 Member
    That's awesome, sheilajane!

    I've been losing about a pound a week since I joined MFP, but this week my weight has stayed the same. I've been sticking to what's been working up until now, so hopefully that pound will come off soon. If not, it may be time to mix things up a bit. That's the cool thing about having a plan and sticking to it. You figure out if what you're doing works, and it's easy to make minor adjustments when necessary. I just have to decide what adjustments to make if I'm truly at a plateau, but I'll give it another week first to see what happens.

    Have a great Friday!

  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Last night, I didn't really do much... Oh! I watched this good movie that made me so emotional after, it was called A letter to Zachary. It was sooo good! I had 1 1/2 lean cuisine's for dinner (I was so HUNGRY) and a some chocolate for dessert. I went over my calories by less than 100 though, so that's really good.

    This morning, My friend Scott came over again and we worked out on EA Sports Active, which didn't challenge me at all. So, he left and I ate a turkey sandwich with cheddar cheese, mustard and spinach. Then, I decided to do a Tae-Bo tape for 30 minutes. I still didn't feel tired, I didn't feel satisfied, as if I didn't try hard enough. So I went for a mile run. When I was almost at the quarter-mile mark, I felt pain grip my entire torso and I felt the cramps take over my entire midsection. I was groaning from the pain, but I kept going. I felt much more satisfied when I finished that mile! I was ecstatic! But, I felt like I was going to pass out. I drank water and felt much better, so I guess it was because I was dehydrated? =/ but all well, I burned close to 350 calories today, and I'm getting hungry for lunch now. I think I'm going to have a lean cuisine for lunch.

    Great job to SheilaJane and Amcmamcm for their weight loss this week. You guy did awesome! Welcome to DrBorkBork and to everyone else, keep tracking those calories and trying hard on those exercises! Great job to all of us who are still going with this! I am so happy to see us all. It's almost 6 weeks to Christmas so I hope we all acheive our goals. =] Keep up the great work!

    <3 to all of you out there,
  • Joa827- Thank you!!!

    Sheilajane- congrats! that's a big accomplishment!

    My weigh in for today... 166.8!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :smile: :smile: Thanks everyone for the congrats.......it does feel great to be in the 130's. Had a good eating day today and also got in a 1/2 hr walk at lunch.

    Have a great weekend ladies. It is going to be sunny and 70's here in the Bluegrass State of KY. Think my husband and I will get the Harley out for a spin. Won't be having many more of these pretty days.
  • Hi SmilyDays! Thanks for the welcome. Answering you q. re: water...I don't feel thirsty. I rather drink other things. I try to dilute what I drink but I don't get 8 glasses / day. I know I have to but there is something that just never clicked. I also used to drink liters of soda but quit 13 years ago. I like the care less advice. I have been following it. Just caring for the kids & cleaning the areas we use all day.
    Role model is my plan. I don't want my kids to avoid going out with me and I want them to be proud of their mom. My hubby will appreciate it once he sees the fat gone. Like you b. he doesn't support me. Thank you!

    Great job everyone. Today, Fri is supposed to be my weigh in. I'll do that and measurements, I'll post by Sun.

    I love all the sucess stories. Congrats everyone.

    Zumba sounds so fun.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hello everyone! Things are going well here. I ran 5 miles this morning and walked .8 miles. It felt great. I was within my cals today although I really did eat a long of junk! I made choc chip cookies and ate two and then had ice cream. I didn't eat breakfast because I got up late and then ran so I wasn't over on the cals even though it seems like I ate so much more today.

    good luck to everyone on their weigh ins!

    Sheilajane- Congrats on getting into the 130s! Yippie! SOOOO Happy for you!

    Jill- Hang in there! We all have off weeks. I think your plan of sticking with what you are doing for a week sounds like a good one!

    Smiley- you always make me smile with your workout stories! Glad you are finding a way to workout!

    Doubleloop- Great job on the weigh in!

    r-u-learn- Hope your weigh in goes well!
  • HI Everyone, and Congrats! to you all ecause it looks like you all are sticking to your plans and having success! YEAH! :flowerforyou:

    Dragonfly: Sorry, I did miss your post....but yes, I am on BB and know Tracy72..I dont get on there much to log my workouts anymore, just because of the format changes, and it takes forever to get it posted :ohwell: but its a great place too . I do see her on FB now and then :happy:

    joa827: yeah a 5 mile run! good for you....I was running more earlier this year, but I cant seem to get the 2 dogs to cooperate and run at the same time! one or the other is always out of sync! I should just take them for a walk, as a warm up and then drop 'em off at home, and run by myself it they arent into it...

    I am planning out my workouts for the week, and basic meals...time to grocery shop and stock up :)
    Rainy weekend here in northeast PA, so no so much yard work this weekend, hahaha....

    Chat later, have a great day everyone!
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