So upset & discouraged! :(



  • jsquash
    jsquash Posts: 19 Member
    The same thing happened to my freind when she had a consultation with a personal trainer. She came home in tears. He had her do all these 'fitness tests' which were things that are super hard for ANYBODY to do, even super fit people, so she could barely do them and told her all sorts of bs to in general just make her feel like crap. Most of them want you to feel bad about yourself because they want you to feel like you really need their help to ever be successful. A trainer can be a useful tool, they can be motivation and educational, but you don't need one that makes you feel like crap about yourself. He's just trying to make money, that is all. He's not going to give you any praise and tell you anything good to make you think that you don't need his help.
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    I had a Free Fitness Evaluation today with a Personal Trainer at my new gym. Results:

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 160.2lbs (which is fully FIVE more than my home scale)

    Chest: 34" Waist: 29" Hips: 40" Each Leg: 25" Each Arm: 12"

    Body Fat Percentage: 35%
    Total Body Fat: 57.1lbs

    After telling me that my body fat percentage puts me at OVERWEIGHT bordering on OBESE...

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"
    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"
    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"
    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"
    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    Now I don't know WHERE I am... :sad:
    walking and running are one of the best exercise for weightloss if i were you i would find a better gym and well done on your progress so far:smile:
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    what a *kitten*. he's just trying to sell you personal training sessions and whatnot. listen to personal trainer on here who already posted.
  • veduffey
    veduffey Posts: 73
    With a trainer like that.... who needs enemies! Don't give up, take it a day at a time! You can do this thing!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    agree with the others.. this guy is trying to scare you into training sessions. the list of things he told you are either incorrect or condescending. if you want to use a trainer great but please please dont let iet it be this one
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    That person is an A hole. The End.
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    I'm no expert but that trainer sounds like a total salesman/*kitten*! If you are seeing improvement in yourself just keep at it.
  • fallintomyworld
    fallintomyworld Posts: 45 Member
    The recommened body fat % for 20-40 year olds is 21%-33%, I know that the scale at my local gym is off too, because i work at a doctor's office and the one at the office always matches my home scale. the one in the gym, i don't even use any more. They want you to spend money. you keep going, you're doing great!!!
  • After reading your post it sounds like someone trying to sell you more. Good grief some of the things don't sound right at all. I'm 5'5 and my doctor told me he'd be happy with me at 150. Sounds to me like you are on the right track.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    I have to ask this: If he/she is selling so much ignorance, what guarantee do you have that they know enough to help you learn to weight train safely? I'd say pass on this one.
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    You need a personal trainer who will encourage and motivate you. Don't be afraid to switch - find someone with a more positive outlook! Don't get discouraged - you are doing all the right things!
  • lrlnss
    lrlnss Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with the above posters... the trainer was definitely trying to get a sale. Weight training is definitely a good idea, but keep up with the running too! :) I just started Chalean Extreme to get my weight lifting in... and in the privacy of my own home. :)
  • jenniferlmartinez
    jenniferlmartinez Posts: 95 Member
    At 5'7" and 160 lbs, your BMI is 25.1. A BMI greater than 25 is "overweight". If you lost even 1 pound, you would be "normal".

    I agree with the post above that the trainer is CLEARLY trying to get clients. I have two things to say about that:
    1. Run, run the other direction as quickly as you can.
    2. Report the absurdity to the gym leadership.

    You can be anything and do anything you believe you are capable of! Go for it!

    totally agree!!!
  • woodmetal
    woodmetal Posts: 72
    Look Up Victoria Barclay ! She is on here and on Face book She has helped me soooo much! And she has never said a negative thing ever!! She is a coach for beach body. I workout with ten minute trainer and I have lost more inches than I ever thought I would! I am still;ll working on weight and would like to get further and I know I can with Vickies help!
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    They're trying to get more money out of you. Take the measurements and do your own thing.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member

    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    That right there is such incredible BS and obviously just trying to sell you time with a personal trainer. Personal trainer is a good idea for a lot of people, but that reason above really ticks me off.

    Check out the NROL4W groups or the Strength Training for women group.

    2nd this -- what a load of crap that was -- i strength train without a trainer....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I see absolutely nothing wrong with what the trainer said and I dont know how he delivered the news but he's right for a few reasons.

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"

    The point of working out is to go from inefficient to efficient and back down to inefficient and up and down. Its about improving. You cant improve on one thing forever indefinitely. If you master your run workout, then you arent challenging your body anymore. Youre just going to have to run more and more and MORE and MORE and harder and farther and all uphill and eventually youre just not going to have time to just make this happen via running. He's right.

    Running is an EXCELLENT SUPPLEMENT but not the be all end all of getting in shape. Sure you'll lose weight... but it most likely wont leave you with a body that you want to show off naked if all youre doing is running >6mph >30 minutes

    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"

    Embrace your actual body type and love who you really are and are meant to be - not trying to get someone else's legs. Watch your own beautiful legs develop like a polaroid and then show off those beautiful puppies like youve got a million dollar insurance policy on them.

    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"

    This is the part I dont necessarily agree with as far as wording, but 2-3 hours a week dedicated to weights is right and will deliver results. Dont want to go to the gym- check out the body weight circuits and such on They will kill you in your livingroom in under 30 minutes and it HURTS SO GOOD.

    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"

    ... because you didnt go to college to study the little fine points of what eating can really change for you! If you talk to a nutritionist (god i wish i could!!!) and they show you things you could LOVE to eat that would naturally help whittle away that body fat faster than anything you could do without assistance.............. HOW IS THIS BAD??????

    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    You know what- i agree with this. Even if its just to meet with him two or three times. Because its been beaten into girls heads to do 100 reps of 7 pound weights to have small slender girly muscles and you sometimes need to pay someone to beat that OUT OF YOUR HEAD. Most girls dont lift as heavy as they should and and I certainly have to stop sometimes before finishing my last two reps - but having someone there to believe in you and help you get all the propaganda youve been fed OUTTA your system.... is AMAZING help!!

    geeeeeeeeeeeeeez if you dont want your trainer, i'll take him- i think he's awesome.
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    You can do this yourself! Go for it!
    Sounds like this trainer is just out to make a buck. I'd tell him where he/she can stick their logic and then tell them I'll ask for "professional" help if I need it. :smile:
  • Some of his points are true(25 mins of cardio, bodyfat number), but the rest is a sales job and bull**** for sure. You do not need a trainer, nutritionist, etc, but you may need a few sessions with a different trainer, who is polished in their words and can teach and instruct, not make you feel horrible as you walk out the door.
    I have been a trainer since 1996 so I do have the backround to back up this statement. My girls ALL hit their weight loss and fitness goals and I never speak to them like that- I motivate and educate because that is a trainers job. Ask your friends in your area for a recommendation of a trainer or go to and find yourself one. Good luck!
  • shmiracles
    shmiracles Posts: 105 Member
    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"

    25 min! that is great! very good job. and a great pace too!

    i've only ever run and i've lost over 50lbs. if you enjoy running you should count yourself lucky and enjoy every minute of your accomplishments.