So upset & discouraged! :(



  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    That trainer sounds like a used car salesman...he is just trying to scare you into signing a contract with him. Screw that guy....lifting heavy with a touch of cardio a few days a week is all you need. Like others have suggested, check out NROLFW or other free on-line programs like Kris Gethin's Hardcore Trainer from or even Jamie Eason's program... Some people like 5x5 programs like stronglifts. Don't measure your successs by the scale alone. I weigh a whole lot more than you but my body fat is close to 30%....muscle is awesome (and you get to eat more)!
  • Nikoah
    Nikoah Posts: 21 Member
    You don't need a trainer - - you need a friend who will push you as hard as you need. I agree, you need to weight train. Something I am also trying is standing more. I have put my computer tray on chairs and am standing right now,, it is uncomfortable to "just stand" so I sway and move. This burns calories on top of the wight training and cardio I do.

  • kajpen
    kajpen Posts: 120 Member

    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    That right there is such incredible BS and obviously just trying to sell you time with a personal trainer. Personal trainer is a good idea for a lot of people, but that reason above really ticks me off.

    Check out the NROL4W groups or the Strength Training for women group.

    ^^^^^^^^ What she said!! Totally full of crap! I lift heavy and am constantly increasing my weights to lift even heavier! Right now I am at 10 reps with 20 pound dumbbells... WITHOUT swinging my arms or rocking (in other words without "cheating"). I squat 210, which is almost twice my body weight.

    There is a ton of information out there on lifting for women. Don't be afraid to lift heavy! You WON'T bulk up!! :-)
  • bilzprincess
    bilzprincess Posts: 107 Member
    Isn't it funny how quickly we believe the negative about ourselves, and how slow we are to accept a compliment? Can't wait til I can solve that inner riddle.
  • Don't get discouraged, cuz that's what makes us stop in the first place! I just had a baby, which I carried with gestational diabetes. I gained just under 100 pounds, and am in the army! It has been a challenge, but it definitely can be overcome. People don't realize what eating right can do for them. I went an entire 2 weeks without exercising because of work calling me away, but still lost 3 pounds cuz I was just eating right. Don't give up, and just do it the right way!! BTW, yes, you do need strength training for body form, but cardio is best when it comes to weight loss, but I suggest trying to get over 30 minutes, because that is when your body starts realizing what it is going through and pushes the fat away. My place of duty offers a nutritionist around the clock, so I promise you I'm not just blowing smoke out my butt when I tell you this! Good luck and keep your chin up!!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I had a Free Fitness Evaluation today with a Personal Trainer at my new gym.


    After telling me that my body fat percentage puts me at OVERWEIGHT bordering on OBESE...

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"

    Running combined with a good diet and some weight bearing exercise WILL get you where you want to go.

    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"

    You WILL have the thin legs you want if you stick to a common sense program of a good diet and exercise.

    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"

    You dont have to go to a gym... you can do this at home if you stick to a good diet and exercise program.

    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"

    You don't need a nutritionist... MFP works fine.

    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    Personal trainers NEED women who don't feel confident in their ability to change their lifestyle.

    YOU CAN DO THIS... :happy:
    Anyone can if they stick to a good diet and exercise plan.

    Need support? Friend me :laugh: :laugh: and unfriend the trainer :angry: !!!!!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    1. Tell him to F off.
    2. Either get a second opinion or decide for yourself what your bodys needs are.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    what's so wrong with trying what he told her?

    I mean... seriously? My trainer said this so Im DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO DO IT?
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    Don't listen to that d-bag! Hes trying to sell you an overpriced PT package. You can do this.
    You've already received GREAT advice from these people here. I'd go speak with the PT manager because no one should be told what you were told.
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    This is all so wrong, it's just sad.
    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"
    That's funny, I don't know about anybody else but a lot of religious runners I've seen are usually EXTREMELY fit.
    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"
    Who does this guy think he is? If you work hard and have a well balanced diet, you will DEFINITELY get killer legs. Heck, running and spin class have given me GREAT legs. And NEVER let any one tell you that you cannot achieve something.
    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"
    Weight training does help, but I don't lift an hour at a time! I lift 3-4X a week for 30 minutes at a time, and I have gained a good amount of muscle mass. And you have to work up to it! Take baby steps.
    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"
    No you don't. How many of us have lost a good amount of weight using this website and our common knowledge? I know I have, and obviously many others have! Go read the success stories thread!
    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."
    Women don't NEED personal trainers. That's just a sales pitch. Granted, I have a trainer because I did need to learn more about how to lift, and he has helped me tremendously. But my trainer would never tell me things like this guy told you. That guy needs to be fired. You can do it on your own, just having the professional help can make things slightly easier. Don't get discouraged!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    treadmill wont do anything for you but give yo ua good warm up.

    I'd suggest 3 half hour sessions on the weights to start.

    Get NROLFW - im loving this book so much.

    I was 36% body fat last february and now im at about 23% - it's MORE FUN to lose body fat % than to lose pounds TRUST ME BABE!


    Know why?

    Now you know you dont have to kill yourself on cardio
    Now you know you dont have to workout 15 hours a week
    Now you know that its far simpler than you expected.
    Now you know you can have gorgeous svelte muscular defined legs that will show all the beautiful lines and ridges that make jaws drop

    Youre just changing from cardio based to weight/nutrition based- which is what almost all of the successful people on MFP are involved in.


    losing weight helps you look better in clothes
    getting strong makes you damn sexy nekkid!\

    Its all about how YOU choose to see this.

    DECIDE that THIS is the bright shiny day when everything opens up ahead of you and you can grab it by the balls and own it and show everyone who doesnt think you can change your body and your life... that you already started to and they are simply falling behind.


    ALLL of this...because Yoovie has it down like a rockstar! ++++++Don't let the TRAINERS tell you that you NEED a trainer! Girl...get the book that Yoovie is talking about. A MAZING!
  • Silvertulips
    Silvertulips Posts: 2 Member
    Well don't get discouraged. You could be A LOT worse off. What he/she said should motivate you. You don't need a trainer, but I would have someone put together a workout program for you. That and using My Fitness Pal should work just fine. It's not going to happen overnight. Best diet tips I can give you is stay out of the center isles in the grocery store unless your picking up some quinoa or toilet paper. Everything on the outer edges of the store should be ok as long as it's not prepackaged. Stick to fruits, vegis, nuts, low fat dairy, lean meats, fish etc. When you think your hungry and you shouldn't be. Drink a big glass of water and go brush your teeth. That works for me. Who want's to eat when your stomach is full and your mouth tastes like tooth paste.

    Watch Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition.

    That will motivate you. If they can do it....YOU CAN TOO!!!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Don't get discouraged!!! It's his job to sell you training me, been there done that. I've gotten better advice here than I've ever heard from a trainer at the gym.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    "5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    Holy Sexism, Batman!

    Total sales pitch. And a bad one, at that. Not to mention irresponsible.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    Let me jsut debunk this:

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"
    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"
    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"
    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"
    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    1) Running is the single best cardio exercise any one can do. Eating right, and doing running only is a perfectly valid way to lose weight... period.

    2) Everyones body is different, i know you can have any type of body you want... You just might have to work harder than someone else would.

    3) Complete Bullocks... If you consume less calories than your BMR you will lose weight regardless of a gym.

    4) A nutritionist is not bad idea, but it is not mandatory... eating healthy is kinda common sense. Also, if you have any questions look it up on the net...

    5) No one has to have a personal trainer... ever... A good one can be a great asset... They are tools to be utilized, but not mandatory. The only thing he has said that comes close to making any valid point is A lot of times, women do not lift enough, or do enough reps on weight training... But that is not because they are women, it is because there is a very common misconception about women lifting weights and getting too bulked out. lifting weights WILL NOT Bulk a woman out like you think it will. It is a pure matter of body Chemistry. I have degrees in Organic Chemistry so I can speak on this with some mastery of the topic. Women simply do not have the testosterone level to bulk out like you see the body builders do... It just wont happen. Will your muscles become more defined? Yes. Will they become larger? Yes. Will they be more Firm? Yes. Are you going to bulk out like a pre -Governor Arnold? NO.

    Sadly, It sounds like to me, your free session was nothing more than a hard sell... They set the scales up higher, to be more dramatic. And then he went into telling you how you had to have his services... Its no different than the ADT security guy dropping by your home and offering to install the security system for free, and then going into very deep details about crime and home invasions...

    So as far as where you are right now? Same place you were to begin with... forget the hard selling idiot... Consult your doctor, get a good idea of where you are, and where you want to be... Eat healthy and exercise. Weight loss really is that simple.

    Please do not take it to heart, and chin up! Because this guy was a fool.
  • mocha106
    mocha106 Posts: 64 Member
    Beware of all salespeople. They will tell you anything to make that sale!
  • AmadaLynn
    AmadaLynn Posts: 116
    If that is what the personal trainer told you, he/she needs to be fired!!!!


  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    wow, hope you dont give that gym any of your $$
  • WOW. I'm not even sure what to say when I read what you said he had mentioned. I use to belong to a gym that offered the 'free' evaluation only to bring you in. I was one of the ones that thought I needed one, and at the time I probably did because I was new to the weight and gym thing, but I soon realized he wasn't helping me at all, just there for the nearly 200$ each month. I belong to one now and my trainer is awesome, he never has said anything as to what you said yours said. Have you thought about talking with the manager of the gym about his comments? If the gym is 'for real' the management needs to know to at to least talk to him about his words of choice to a client. I don't know if this is your first gym or not but don't settle for the first one you walk into, do a little window shopping before joining.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I had a Free Fitness Evaluation today with a Personal Trainer at my new gym. Results:

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 160.2lbs (which is fully FIVE more than my home scale)

    Chest: 34" Waist: 29" Hips: 40" Each Leg: 25" Each Arm: 12"

    Body Fat Percentage: 35%
    Total Body Fat: 57.1lbs

    After telling me that my body fat percentage puts me at OVERWEIGHT bordering on OBESE...

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"
    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"
    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"
    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"
    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    Now I don't know WHERE I am... :sad:

    Half of what the trainer said is outright BS but the other half has some merit. One thing he probably is right on is #2. Many women want thin legs not understanding that only women with very specific builds and frame types can get them. It is not a matter of fitness or fat or muscle but genetics and natural makeup entirely.

    Regarding number 5, women are the worst victims of misinformation when it comes to fitness. The problem is that there are a lot of people out there trying to push the false notion that because women are, in some ways, physiologically different than men, that they should train using COMPLETELY different methods. Yes there are some physiological differences, but they are not so drastic that they need to train in completely different ways. A muscle is a muscle and fat is fat and whether on a man or a woman they respond to stimulus the same. Although it may have sounded offensive, what I think what the trainer was trying to tell you is that most women setting foot in a gym for the first time have their heads filled with a ton of misinformation from the media giving them unrealistic goals, pressuring them to achieve them in unrealistic timeframes, and telling them that they need to go about it in different ways than men when the human body is all the same in this regard. And most of them generally won't listen to reason unless it comes from someone with an official title qualifying them to say it. Basically, women are outright lied to by people pushing supplements and selling workout videos and fad diet books and they need to be broken of all of that before they're really ready to do this for real. And that is what a personal trainer can help you do. If nothing else, they're good for that.

    EDIT: Just had to add... If broscience is all the pseudo-fitness nonsense being tossed around by men trying to get big and buff, then I have to say... Sis-science much worse in this regard than Bro-science.