Vegetarians - why?



  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    My REASON is because I don't wantto contribute to animal slaughter. That IS reason enough. Give me a reason why you DO eat meat please. And I can cone back at you with any number of arguments that meat is HORRIBLE for human consumption, especially the way we feed cattle and fowl to get it all ready to murder for your consumption. Tell me WHY you need that steak, because I just don't see it as reason enough no matter what you say. You thinking my reason is not reason enough is arrogant.

    Nothing to get hostile about, do you honestly believe that you not eating meat will make a difference in animal slaughters though? I eat meat because I enjoy the flavor, I enjoy hunting and getting my own meat as well during the winter, does that make me a bad person because I humanely kill deer in order to partially feed myself? I also eat meat so I can meet my protein requirements, as well as the added benefits of BCAA's and creatine. I never once said that eating meat was a need, it's obviously a want, so please don't put words in my mouth and don't try to make me out as arrogant because I can't fathom your reasoning. I understand you wanting to end cruel animal slaughter, which I'm all for, but not eating meat isn't going to change anything, and that's the truth.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I was vegetarian, and then vegan a number of years because i have digestive issues and animal products would make me horribly ill. I eat meat now, but i still have troubles with it.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    for me, it's because vegetables are plentiful, nutritious and inexpensive. i'm not a vegetarian in the strictest sense, but my boyfriend is, so that has made me really think about where my food comes from, how it is raised, and what contribution my purchases make in the global economy.

    honestly, i never thought about it much before i met him.

    he had me read Diet For A New America and shortly after that I read Omnivore's Dilemma and the choice was pretty clear at that point; there is simply enough to eat without meat.

    i have well over 35 years of meat-eating under my belt, so i'm not here to judge. it takes everyone time to find the balance that works for them.

    i am not morally opposed to meat-eating; however, i am considerably bothered by factory farming methods. had i known earlier, i would have withdrawn my participation earlier. but i didn't. so here i am.

    and i recognize that other actions to which i contribute aren't always good environmental nor humanistic choices, but i'm working on it; i do my best with what information i have at the moment i have it. and that's all any of us can do.

    there would be very few instances where my boyfriend would consume meat on purpose, in his words, "only if it were a matter of survival" and at that point, it would be a truly last resort. but we both know how to forage and we're pretty resourceful overall, so it would have to be a pretty dire situation for us to go that route - well, at least him. i'll admit that i will cave over not-very-dire situations.

    i have found in my time with him that i have made many other poor diet choices, even under a vegetarian diet. it wasn't until maybe the last 5 years i have really paid attention to where my food comes from and be an active participant in my own life. it has been an amazing experience that i hope more people are able to enjoy.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Arrogant and superior.

    I'm arrogant and superior? Get over yourself woman, all you do is belittle people and have the most pompous arrogant man I've ever talked to in my life as your husband. You can share your belief without acting childish, try that out for a change. But first, get over yourself.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.

    My REASON is because I don't wantto contribute to animal slaughter. That IS reason enough. Give me a reason why you DO eat meat please. And I can cone back at you with any number of arguments that meat is HORRIBLE for human consumption, especially the way we feed cattle and fowl to get it all ready to murder for your consumption. Tell me WHY you need that steak, because I just don't see it as reason enough no matter what you say. You thinking my reason is not reason enough is arrogant.

    Arrogant and superior.

    And in my neck of the woods...redneck. LoL!

    I'm redneck because I eat meat? Hmmm, you must be such a great person trying to put people down for being normal. You must be so cool being such a self righteous animal protector. I bet you've never once done anything in your life to end animal cruelty, you just talk about it on the internet and that makes you feel like you've done something. And you say I'm arrogant, what a joke.
  • Jflowwers
    Jflowwers Posts: 137 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.

    Again, why do YOU care what other people deem proper nutrition for themselves? As far as a vegetarian not being able to "change anything" , its about doing what you think is right. Ever heard of the qoute "Be the change you want to see in the world" ? Do you see all these companies proudly promoting CAGE FREE, ORGANIC, HUMANELY RAISED. Thats because people spoke up about what they wanted in their food.. So its not "ridiculous " to not eat meat, its a personal choice that should be respected.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    FitFireMan: "If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat."

    Ridiculous [def]: Deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.
  • inagaddadavegan
    inagaddadavegan Posts: 46 Member

    no, a Roomba does not exercise self preservation like a plant does. Or some of the more sophisticated AI that is being developed.

    If you're worried about the well-being of plants, the best way to minimize harming plants is to eat them directly, rather than raising crops to feed livestock then eating livestock. You could feed the whole world on the plant foods fed to livestock alone. And then your body will still require plants for the nutrients that meat, eggs, and dairy don't provide. But aside from B-12 (and there is a debate about this but I do supplement), there is nothing you get from eating animals and their secretions that you can't get from plants.

    Veganism is the most efficient, least harmful, most environmental way to eat, plain and simple.
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    Geesh. Didn't realize I was posting my post in the middle of an argument. Ah -- forums. So fun.

    I did read some of the above argument - which I think is getting quite immature and non-respectful. I have to point out: saying that not eating meat for no reason is 'ridiculous' is really judgmental, not to mention rude. What business is it of yours if people decide they don't want to eat meat? They don't have to explain that to you. What if I don't eat broccoli, for no reason? Are you going to judge me on that?

    I hope others are being more grown up, respectful, and not judgmental here. Try to live a life where you are setting an example for others, not instigating more friction and possibly hatred.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Again, why do YOU care what other people deem proper nutrition for themselves? As far as a vegetarian not being able to "change anything" , its about doing what you think is right. Ever heard of the qoute "Be the change you want to see in the world" ? Do you see all these companies proudly promoting CAGE FREE, ORGANIC, HUMANELY RAISED. Thats because people spoke up about what they wanted in their food.. So its not "ridiculous " to not eat meat, its a personal choice that should be respected.

    Where did I ever say that I don't respect someones choice to be vegan or vegetarian? If anything I've said the complete opposite. I also never claimed to care what other people deem as proper nutrition, I merely want an understand of why someone chooses to be vegetarian if they have no medical reasoning and they actually enjoy the taste. "Be the change you want to see in the world", that's all cute and everything in fairytale land but we live in real life. You want animal cruelty to end then what are you doing on the internet talking about it, actually go out and make some real progress on the matter. Otherwise you're doing nothing for ending animal cruelty.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    no, a Roomba does not exercise self preservation like a plant does. Or some of the more sophisticated AI that is being developed.

    If you're worried about the well-being of plants, the best way to minimize harming plants is to eat them directly, rather than raising crops to feed livestock then eating livestock. You could feed the whole world on the plant foods fed to livestock alone. And then your body will still require plants for the nutrients that meat, eggs, and dairy don't provide. But aside from B-12 (and there is a debate about this but I do supplement), there is nothing you get from eating animals and their secretions that you can't get from plants.

    Veganism is the most efficient, least harmful, most environmental way to eat, plain and simple.
    Disagree. You would need more crops available at any given time, as they won't be 'stored' in livestock and thus more land would need to be cleared than is at present.

    In laymans terms, you can get more calories and protein in a cow than you can grow where it's standing.
  • Jflowwers
    Jflowwers Posts: 137 Member
    FitFireMan: "If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat."

    Ridiculous [def]: Deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.

    Yes!!! high five!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    My REASON is because I don't wantto contribute to animal slaughter. That IS reason enough. Give me a reason why you DO eat meat please. And I can cone back at you with any number of arguments that meat is HORRIBLE for human consumption, especially the way we feed cattle and fowl to get it all ready to murder for your consumption. Tell me WHY you need that steak, because I just don't see it as reason enough no matter what you say. You thinking my reason is not reason enough is arrogant.

    Nothing to get hostile about, do you honestly believe that you not eating meat will make a difference in animal slaughters though? I eat meat because I enjoy the flavor, I enjoy hunting and getting my own meat as well during the winter, does that make me a bad person because I humanely kill deer in order to partially feed myself? I also eat meat so I can meet my protein requirements, as well as the added benefits of BCAA's and creatine. I never once said that eating meat was a need, it's obviously a want, so please don't put words in my mouth and don't try to make me out as arrogant because I can't fathom your reasoning. I understand you wanting to end cruel animal slaughter, which I'm all for, but not eating meat isn't going to change anything, and that's the truth.

    Unfortunately the only thing I have to add to this is "agreed"
  • Jflowwers
    Jflowwers Posts: 137 Member
    Again, why do YOU care what other people deem proper nutrition for themselves? As far as a vegetarian not being able to "change anything" , its about doing what you think is right. Ever heard of the qoute "Be the change you want to see in the world" ? Do you see all these companies proudly promoting CAGE FREE, ORGANIC, HUMANELY RAISED. Thats because people spoke up about what they wanted in their food.. So its not "ridiculous " to not eat meat, its a personal choice that should be respected.

    Where did I ever say that I don't respect someones choice to be vegan or vegetarian? If anything I've said the complete opposite. I also never claimed to care what other people deem as proper nutrition, I merely want an understand of why someone chooses to be vegetarian if they have no medical reasoning and they actually enjoy the taste. "Be the change you want to see in the world", that's all cute and everything in fairytale land but we live in real life. You want animal cruelty to end then what are you doing on the internet talking about it, actually go out and make some real progress on the matter. Otherwise you're doing nothing for ending animal cruelty.

    You're like ,12 buddy.
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    I SWEAR I saw this thread last week....
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    The uric acid in the animal protein is destroying my kidneys so I don't see a reason to kill animals for food if it is just gonna end up killing me. That said, I do feed my family a variety of meals, both vegan and meat/ animal protein based.
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    I saw it also.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    FitFireMan: "If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat."

    Ridiculous [def]: Deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.

    Yeah, it's absurd to not eat meat if you have no medical reasoning and you enjoy the taste of it. Animals are going to die regardless, so not eating meat because they die is absurd. So cool story once again, but you didn't prove anything in your favor.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    FitFireMan: "If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat."

    Ridiculous [def]: Deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.

    Yeah, it's absurd to not eat meat if you have no medical reasoning and you enjoy the taste of it. Animals are going to die regardless, so not eating meat because they die is absurd. So cool story once again, but you didn't prove anything in your favor.

    You are calling ethical vegetarians 'ridiculous'--deserving or inviting derision or mockery. This is arrogant.
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    for me, it's because vegetables are plentiful, nutritious and inexpensive. i'm not a vegetarian in the strictest sense, but my boyfriend is, so that has made me really think about where my food comes from, how it is raised, and what contribution my purchases make in the global economy.

    honestly, i never thought about it much before i met him.

    he had me read Diet For A New America and shortly after that I read Omnivore's Dilemma and the choice was pretty clear at that point; there is simply enough to eat without meat.

    i have well over 35 years of meat-eating under my belt, so i'm not here to judge. it takes everyone time to find the balance that works for them.

    i am not morally opposed to meat-eating; however, i am considerably bothered by factory farming methods. had i known earlier, i would have withdrawn my participation earlier. but i didn't. so here i am.

    and i recognize that other actions to which i contribute aren't always good environmental nor humanistic choices, but i'm working on it; i do my best with what information i have at the moment i have it. and that's all any of us can do.

    there would be very few instances where my boyfriend would consume meat on purpose, in his words, "only if it were a matter of survival" and at that point, it would be a truly last resort. but we both know how to forage and we're pretty resourceful overall, so it would have to be a pretty dire situation for us to go that route - well, at least him. i'll admit that i will cave over not-very-dire situations.

    i have found in my time with him that i have made many other poor diet choices, even under a vegetarian diet. it wasn't until maybe the last 5 years i have really paid attention to where my food comes from and be an active participant in my own life. it has been an amazing experience that i hope more people are able to enjoy.

    Thanks for your response. It echoes a lot of what I said too, I believe. (And it's nice to see someone that is NOT caught in this little battle of sass.)
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