

  • richmondlady
    richmondlady Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in! Just saw this group! My profile, I won't repeat here. I will say that I also use "Fitbit" which syncs with MFP. One change it's done for me, is I actually "add back in" (where it deems appropriate) calories burned, so I can count more calories in to eat.

    It has been an EYEOPENER!!! My recorded Fitbit activity does not come close to the standard written activity--- i.e., 60 minutes of dance, burns 410 cal written, Fitbit may not allow me additional calories to eat. Hence I now do not build back in calories to eat from calories burned (unless fitbit says I can)... I record any exercise -dance, dog walk as 10 cal so that Fitbit will sync any additional burn it deems appropriate). MFP coordinates the exercise time noted with the Fitbit activity. For me seems to be working ->in June I've averaged 1.6 lbs loss/week.

    Maybe that was the missing link for me with weight watchers, I exercised, so I could eat a bit more...just didn't get results I expected. I'm more accurate with Fitbit. (no,I don't work for Fitbit!!!)

    Thought this might strike a nerve with a couple folks.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Weekend, Dear Friends,

    Our internet connection has been restored so I can now read all the posts and try to catch up. I HOPE they don't cut it again:grumble: :grumble:

    I had a bit of a stomach bug or something and have not felt like myself, so taking it easy and trying to eat very lightly now.
    The up side to hanging around the house is that I did get a painting done yesterday...something I haven't had the time to do in a while and that I always enjoy!

    Jen: Barbie is right..do what you can. No one starts out doing ALL of those activities at once, and some of us are retired now and have more time. You are here and that is good:flowerforyou:

    Kat: WTG!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am so pleased for you. Keep up the good work. You are so right about getting your "head" where your body is! Let us know how that goes.

    Robin: CONGRATULATIONS:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You have been patient and persistent and it has payed off!!!

    Michele: I like Barbie's idea of having different things cut up to "Make your own Kabobs". You could have marinated chicken and pieces of marinated flank steak along with lots of veggies, as well as a few side dishes you like. That would be fairly economical and fun too. The idea is just to have fun and get together at the pool, so I think people would be thrilled to have anything. The only problem with "bring your own meat" is it can be a bit of a pain when everyone tries to cook their own on the grill. (don't know how many people you would have...if not too many...it might be ok) We used to have one of these at our old neighborhood, so the idea is nice, but we found it to be difficult after a couple of years and changed it.

    Jb: Way to get the exercise in! You have seriously done SO great!

    Nancy: I'll bet you have some mean arm and shoulder muscles! That is the weakest part of my body and I have been really working on it, but I don't think I will ever be super strong in that area!

    Amanda: Can you make something ahead of time for DH to just warm up for the 2 of them? A breakfast casserole or something? 4:30 is REALLY early:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Better go figure out what to have for breakfast that my tummy will like. Have a great weekend:drinker: Kackie
  • richmondlady
    richmondlady Posts: 27 Member
    Hazel....Be sure and check out my post, writen right after yours. I too am a non ww fan.
  • richmondlady
    richmondlady Posts: 27 Member
    one more thing....I got this from Dr Oz show if anyone is having problems with sugar carvings. I've been using 1 month and feel it works for me! -- For Appetite suppression---for low serotonin & emotional eating~> saffron extract w/ satiereal@ 88mg bid--$30 health food store; (googling satiereal, I got the orange chews online)
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Saturday, my favorite day of the week! I was going to workout this am but am feeling pretty drained, so will save it for kayaking with DH at the lake tomorrow (hopefully - even if he bails out on me I will go maybe just not so far!) I am having a massage later this am, will vacuum the pool and then just enjoy the pool.:laugh: ..sounds like a perfect lazy day to me!

    I am so glad many of you agreed with me about amounts of exercise and finding balance in this journey, but it does take all kinds to make up our world.

    Michelle -good luck with the pool party...whenever I have a BBQ I am the food police...many times we will grill chicken ahead of time and slice it (it generally goes further that way) ..then you also don't need to hover over the grill allday. I try to limit the sides because people will eat what is there and you won't have so much waste and have people make their best whatever.. Once I have what I think I need, if anyone wants to bring something ask for ice or beverages. In my family there is always someone that shows up with something unplanned so I have never run out of food ...but I also love the other suggestions, you could really get a good mix.

    Rose - I hope Matthew continues to have a healthy recovery...:flowerforyou: .hugs and prayers

    I must get a few chores done before I am able to enjoy Lazy Saturday!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning to everyone!

    It's great to read everyone's posts!

    Richmondlady-I too find I get more out of this than WW! Wondering where online you got the orange chews from.

    Rose-I'll keep Matthew and your whole family in my prayers, you can never have too many of those!

    Michelle-I'm sure your pool party will be great!

    Hugs to all!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Saturday all,

    No, we will not be eating dinner under the maple tree tonight :sad: it’s cloudy and there’s quite a wind blowing. The wind keeps the mosquitoes away, and we have more of those little biters than usual because it’s been so wet, but it would also be a bit of a challenge for my table setting. :grumble: .

    Plan for the day: post to MFP friends, get my study materials cleared off the dining room table, tidy the kitchen, go to the farmer’s market, go to the gym for a hour on the elliptical, krank and reclining bike machines, buy wine, make salads, entertain the dinner club.

    What is not on the list? Watch Euro-Cup soccer. I am a big fan, and Spain’s my team. :drinker: Viva Espana! I wear a Xavi Alonzo team shirt and cheer them on. Today it’s England vs. France (epic game) and I will miss it unless I can convince DH to wire a television into the kitchen. My Dinner Club friends have no idea of the sacrifice I’m making for them. :noway:

    Laura80111, I love “the little voices”! Congratulations on getting into your last-summer blouse. Interesting to learn that we post at the same time – are we in the same time zone?

    Rose, glad to hear Matthew’s procedure went well. Please keep us updated on his recovery. Holy smokes, you are getting a lot of exercise in too, well done!

    Michelle, how exciting to be able to see where your pool is going to be, and to have action starting on the construction. There are lots of options for a pool party menu. BYOM (bring your own meat) is a brilliant idea, and so it make your own kababs. I think I might just try that one here.

    Oh Jackie, let’s be soul sisters…a glass or two of wine and “wooops” :blushing:

    Oh dear, Amanda – silly o’clock? :noway: Can you simply leave the ingredients out and give them a “build your own breakfast” buffet? I've got some Christmas morning baked egg casserole recipes that are rather nice.

    Richmondlady – I don’t use a Fitbit, but I do have a heart rate monitor and I depend on it to record my calories burned during activity. I think it’s much more accurate than the estimates on MFP. Well done on your loss.

    Oh Jen, a massage sounds lovely. Hope it’s after the kayak trip so you can work out all the paddling kinks!

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for June:
    24 hours of exercise including weight training. I’m at 15 hours
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination! Does laundry never end? There's another pile on the kitchen floor!
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Saturday Yes! Watched 3 yr old grandson last nite play biddy ball (tball for 2, 3 , 4 yr olds) what an enjoyment to watch as they are so silly. Spent time with my DS and 2 kids while DIL went to bachlorette party. Going to a bridal shower tomorrow, and next Saturday will turn 58 thought I would be thinner by now :(

    Enjoy the weekend, and move and drink your water

  • mjegg
    mjegg Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you, Richmond Lady! I just read through Fitbit's website, watched a couple of videos and I think I'm going to order it. I'm hopeful that the detailed information will help me with weight loss. My progress has been to stop gaining weight which is great, but I want to get rid of this extra 20#. Thanks so much for the info. ~MJ
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :smile: DH and I hit the house work today. He was Bathrooms and getting the downstairs bedrooms back to normal (they'd been used as storage while we decorated) and I blitzed the kitchen and dining room, scooted around the "New" lounge, did the washing (Ironing will wait) and then we ............sat in the conservatory and ...:sad: .listened to the rain thunder on the roof!!! Where on earth does all this water come from! We feel for all the poor people affected by floods in the UK ...thankfully we are on a hill! :laugh: So much for that drought and hosepipe ban.

    We have #1 son & co.here tomorrow lunch ...chaos will no doubt reign!!
    Next weekend we're off to #3 grandsons christening and ....:glasses: Shhh! it sounds as if the weather will improve! It must get better ....it's Wimbledon fortnight!! Tennis starts Monday. :happy: I want to wear my flowery frock for the christening ....not raincoat and wellies!!!

    :flowerforyou: I hope you're all having a great weekend .......wet or dry, indoors or out. Boy the weeks sure go fast don't they?

    :happy: Stay positive, :drinker: log your food and :bigsmile: enjoy life!!!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Happy Saturday Ladies:bigsmile:

    :glasses: Michelle we do lots of BBQ's and I always have good luck with kebobs, a few chicken breasts or pieces of steak and lots of peppers and onions and mushrooms can go a long way and feed a lot of people, plus they cook really fast over the grill. Have fun with your pool party!

    :drinker: Had fun last night, went across the street to our friends house for dinner and I brought a fresh berry tart that I made that has
    fresh berries, cream cheese, sugar and sweetened condensed milk and a chocolate cookie crust of course I had a piece! So I did go over in my calories, but not by too much and oh I had some wine too! But I had a lot of fun!!! Its really nice to have friends across the street that we get along with :bigsmile:

    Anyways I hope you are all doing well and drinking lots of water, getting your exercise in and overall having a happy weekend :love:

    Kat:love::heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: Amanda, I get up at silly o'clock every morning but I don't cook breakfast :laugh: by the time I have to think or greet people, I have been awake and waking for two hours......you are a devoted wife to be willing to do that for your hubby and he is a lucky and blessed man to have you by his side.

    :flowerforyou: the kebabs on the bbq are sounding so good that we will probably have to have them if it ever stops raining.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I just figured out that the standing one leg hamstring stretch that I'm doing 100 of every day, strongly resembles a yoga pose called Warrior III......it felt like a yoga pose so I googled one leg yoga poses until I found it.

    :flowerforyou: we did an Isagenix cleanse day today so I used it as a rest day and plan to go to bed early (before 8PM) :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - what I like about the "bring your own items to grill" is that I don't incur the total expense of all the meat, veges, etc.

    hazelohoheigh - welcome to a great thread. You'll find lots of good ideas from cooking to exercise to how-to-thwart-those-oopses along with lots of encouragement when you do have an "oops" (we all do) Where was that beautiful pic taken?

    welcome richmondlady - I don't have a fitbit, but I never add in my calories, either. Sounds like you're doing well. I'm sure we'll all learn a lot from you. My HRM does calculate the calories burned, but I don't even bother with that. I just don't bother recording it.

    kacie - my shoulder muscles aren't as strong as my arms. But then again, the shoulder muscles are smaller muscles. I can do a front raise (even a row) with an 8# weight, but when doing a lateral raise I can't seem to go above a 5# without losing form

    Amanda - I would, as kackie suggested, definitely look into making something ahead of time and then warming it up

    Did an hour of yoga today. Did the Rodney Yee "Yoga Burn" DVD since Jessica needed me to take her to get her car serviced. Boy, he (Rodney) has a good physique, not much body fat on that guy. First, I went to the farmer's market. Got more corn on the cob and beets along with some carrots (Vince likes them with the tops on them, they just take up so much room in the refrigerator! Also got a small package of blueberries, probably should have gotten more. Then did a little food shopping. Want to go back (forgot to get potatoes) right before church since potatoes and canned beans are something I can leave in the car. We're not fans of canned beans, but they are on sale so with my coupon I can get each 28oz can for 50cents so I'll donate it to the soup kitchen. Tomorrow I'll do a pilates DVD

    Nancy - I was joking at the farmer's market today that my refrigerator and freezer are stuffed to the brim and I blame them....lol Makes them feel good. Boy, now do I ever wish I'd gotten the larger freezer. If this one ever goes (and with my luck it won't), I'm definitely getting the largest one I can.

    Sherry - happy early birthday before I forget (which I probably will do unless someone reminds me)

    Warning: rant to follow
    Jessica wanted Chinese food for dinner so we went out and got some. I wanted (note the word) steamed veges and I didn't want the rice. What's the big deal? Well, you should have heard Vince and Jessica go on and on about how I'm not vegetarian but how could I want to make a dinner of veges blah blah blah, and how I didn't eat this way 10 years ago so what changed now? I finally got really mad and just said "why can't I eat what I like? So I didn't eat a lot of veges 10 years ago, my tastes changed, so what?" I didn't mention the fact that Vince wants things PLAIN and I have a hard time finding it plain. Like he only wants Ragu marinara sauce (not meat flavored). I bought some but it's Old World style (with veges) and he doesn't want it. So I had to return it to the store. I finally told him that I can't get the other kind (and I really can't), but Hunt makes this tomato sauce. He tried it, don't know if he's going to eat it. I bet he does because there isn't anything else. Do you think Vince will eat a cantaloupe off the rind? No way, guess who has to cut it up into chunks for him? I tell you, this just made me so mad. It's not like I'm hurting anyone. And I don't have lots of intestinal problems (like Vince does and I suspect part of it is because he only wants things bland). Even Jessica will eat things with a bit of spice to it. Like she had some tortilla chips and was commenting that we didn't have any salsa. Vince wouldn't eat it and I don't want to buy a whole jar just for me. It'll go bad before I can eat it. At the farmer's market today I got Vince carrots with the green on them. He complained that the carrots weren't long like Bugs Bunny's. He'd better eat these carrots because they're making a mess in my refrigerator. I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated right now.

    Sorry everyone

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Michele sorry but this made me laugh: Do you think Vince will eat a cantaloupe off the rind? No way, guess who has to cut it up into chunks for him?
    My ex would never eat cantaloupe at home, but always at my mom's and its because my mom would cut and cube it lol


    Eat what you want it is your body

    Thanks for the early bd wish

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Michelle you have permission to rant as much as you want!!!!! This is the place for it my friend!!! MEN! The drive us crazy sometimes...and for that matter so do our lovely adult children...dont even get me started!!!!!! Don't worry my dear, we all understand!!!! And eat whatever makes YOU happy!!!!!!!

    Kat :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good morning dear ladies

    :glasses: For a moment there I thought the sun was going to shine through, but no, it can't quite make it ! There's still grey skies overhead, but at least it has stopped raining. We are lucky, we are not in a flooding area, but I've heard some parts of York are not so lucky. We have two rivers running through York, and although we live quite near one of them (River Foss) the flooding doesn't reach us.

    :grumble: Michele my hubby is just the same, if I cook anything in a type of sauce or it's something unfamiliar to him, he looks at it in disgust and asks what it is - as if I'm trying to poison him or something. He likes plain stuff. I can get some veggies down him, but they have to be so soft as to practically disintegrate into the gravy. In fact I often liquidise the veggies into the gravy. Yes, like I did when the kids were little, (that was the only way to get veggies into them :bigsmile: ) then he can't leave them on the side saying they are too hard!

    :smile: I'm another one that gets up a silly o'clock during the week. This is mainly because of our "unsociable" dog Frankie. DD gets up even earlier now to walk him, and because Tara is suffering form degenerative myelopathy she needs to go at a slower pace. So we follow on about 20 - 30 mins later - it gives frankie time to have a bit of a run and chase balls etc,. Trying to tell Tara that she needs to take it steady is not easy, in her mind she thinks she can still run about, but her poor little legs buckle under her when she tries to run about. It's really hard keeping her from overdoing it.

    :noway: Forgot to weigh myself this morning, there's a first! Think it was because I weighed last night before I went to bed and was annoyed to find I'd gone up a lb . I thought I had been careful too, but I know it doesn't always take effect straight away, and hopefully a few days of being careful will show on the scales soon.

    The walking challenge we are doing at work has asked us to beat our personal best this weekend, so I need to do more than 19204 steps. Who'd have thought that this would have been no problem to me a few years ago, but I'm struggling a bit this year, but I'm going to do my very best to beat it.

    So with that in mind, I'd better get moving - I'm not adding any steps onto my ped sat at the computer :bigsmile:

    Have a lovely Sunday :heart: :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Jackie: Thinking of you with "chaos" reigning today! I know the feeling! Sounds like a lovely day with family and a happy celebration! Enjoy:flowerforyou: And how nice to have your house tidied as a "team effort" with your DH. And I love the idea of a "frock" vs a "dress"...doesn't it sound a bit more festive too? (for all us in the USA???) That's the fun of this site...getting to chat with so many fun ladies all over:love: and trying to picture where you are and what it's like!

    Michele: I am sorry that you have picky eaters to deal with! Especially with vegetables and healthy things...but I guess we all have our "issues" and I am slowly realizing that some things I am never going to change about my DH or sons...and they are probably not going to change me:tongue::tongue: That's why it's nice to have this place to come and "VENT" away, isn't it?

    Richmond: I hear good things about the Fizbit...I too use a HRM to keep track of what I actually burn and I TRY not to eat them back...some days I do better than others:ohwell: But I may have to look into that when I am in need of a PUSH...these gadgets can be fun and motivating, can't they? Glad to have you here!

    Kat: How nice to have fun neighbors to hang out with! Did you ever come up with paint colors for your house that were oked?

    Sillyo'clock: What a great term...we ALL KNOW what it means, don't we? Hope it worked out Amanda! And Wizzywig...hope you didn't have another wake up at that hour!

    Mimi: WHERE ARE YOU??? She has disappeared! Anyone heard from her???

    Welcome to our new members! Come back often and I look forward to learning more about you...this is the best place!

    I just made myself a scrambled egg and a toasted english muffin...hoping that will suit my fussy tummy. I am SO unused to any stomach issues...I can normally eat ANYthing...but I have some little bug lingering and making me feel unlike myself. A bit queasy! Not the best feeling. I am hoping I am better as the day goes on. I am tired of being inside! We have 2 ladies coming for dinner tonight, so I must rally and put something together. (One is wife of DH's best friend who died recently:cry: )

    Have a lovely day, Dear Ladies! :heart: Kackie
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Good Morning Ladies and Happy Sunday to all of you!

    Here I am at work , I hate working of Sunday, becaues I miss church. However we all know that work in health care that the sick need care on Sunday as much as any other day so here I am.

    I did read all of your post and enjoy hearing about your day. :flowerforyou:
    To you ladies that have picky eaters , I get the same looks from my DH sometimes.:grumble: He is a meat and potatoes man ,and if there is gravy and biscuits that is a plus . He loves comfort food as we call it here, or southern cooking some call it. He is a wonderful cook also:huh: which is a blessing and a curse. He tells the kids that I am experimenting and he is the ginny pig. :ohwell: It use to hurt my feeling ,but now I just fix what ever and if he likes it good and if he dosn't then he can fix himself something else, most time he eats what ever I fix and sometimes he likes it and says thats not to bad or that was good. now don't get me wronge, I love my DH and what to please him ,but after 30 years I have learned sometimes he just isn't going to be pleased and life will go on. I am luncky that he dose love most vegies , but hates broccoli . I had our DS and his familey over for dinner Fryday night ,so I fixed pizzia burgers and a big salad, then also I had a big vegie plate with carrots. broccoli, celery and a bowl of vegie dip. that way I could fix my salad the way I wanted and they could fix thiers the way they wanted and leave out the broccoli or whatever they did not like and the kids could have carrots and dip. everyone was happy!:bigsmile: ofcourse it was Ice cream latter and then the grandkids and I took the dog for a walk.

    Well I had better get back to work , hope you all have a wonderful Sunday ! :wink:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings from soggy, drippy Portland. :grumble: I really, really want to complain but what good would that do. It's good "pea weather", and boy, are they prolific. Lettuce, spinach and chard are in absolute heaven. Today's the day I sort through the fridge and make use of several bags of greens that I harvested a couple days ago. Might have to make a spinach quiche this morning.

    A neighbor gardener offered to let us pick her raspberries on Friday, I gladly took her up on the offer, you betcha! I made a fresh raspberry pie for dessert with friends last night, it was simply decadent! Cream cheese blended with Cool Whip and powdered sugar placed on the bottom of a baked pie shell, then heaped with fresh berries and topped with a thick raspberry glaze. Oh my. :love: It was well worth the splurge. Back to eating light today. :blushing:

    Still working on that last pesky pound in order to reach my goal. I know I can do it by the end of June. One week. Wooo! I see a few new items of clothing on the horizon. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. The sun WILL shine this week. They promised. :tongue:

    :smile: jb
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    I'm determined to lose the last 16 pounds and reach a healthy BMI. As we age, it gets harder to lose, but I'll do it this year! I'm a 58-year-old teacher, off for the summer, but still very busy with family and home responsibilities. I'm setting up routines that I plan to follow during the school year.