Walmart - an observation



  • Neconilis
    Neconilis Posts: 19 Member
    I mostly dislike their corporate policies, especially how they treat their lower level employees. It's hard to resist the lure of cheaper stuff, I get that, but when you think about what the company is doing on a macro level instead of just how it effects me in this moment it's easier to step away and go elsewhere.
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    I hate the classism of Walmart. I've been to one in a wealthy neighborhood, and it was cleaner, better organized, and had better selection than any other Walmart I have ever seen. Is it too much to ask that all Walmarts be clean? Why do they only clean for rich people?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I simply CANNOT shop literally repels me.
  • KellyMirth
    KellyMirth Posts: 153
    I only go to Walmart under duress. I don't love the crowds, I don't love the chaos, I don't love all the cheap (and I mean cheaply made) products and their produce is pretty gross (at least at mine). I try to stick to my nearby Basha's, it's the same distance from my house and I love the people there. Yes, it's more expensive on some (non-food) things, but I'm keeping my money in my community and their produce and meat are wonderful. Plus, the same employees have been there since I started shopping there four years ago and they all know me by name which is really nice.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    It's kind of a long store, but here goes:

    My mom worked there for seven years, and in the course of those seven years, she had several surgeries on her back. Her back always gave her problems, but the surgeries made it worse. The managers at walmart were unwilling to adhere to very reasonable doctor's requests for my mom, such as letting her sit for a half an hour for every hour she worked. She worked in the infants and boy's and girl's sections, so it would be simple for her to sit while folding clothes or organizing shelves. But no. And, that was another thing, they had her working three departments by herself, and threatened to fire anybody who helped her
    There was finally a time when my mom could no longer work for walmart because of her back issues, however, she had to get fired from there to be able to collect money for her disability. She still went into work and did her best, never really trying to get fired, but still needing to, all the same. But, instead of firing her, they put her on unpaid leave of absence-- for a year and a half. At this time, both my brother and I were too young to work and my dad was dead, so she was the ONLY source of our income. I blame them for the hard time we went through, and I don't shop there. I will go out of my way to shop somewhere else.
    Also, while working there, they had some employees do what is called "comp shopping" which is sending them to other stores to scan the prices of certain items. They did this to keep their prices the lowest. And this happens to be illegal.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I hate Walmart but I love mine. The people are super nice, they have a Gluten Free section and a lot of the stuff I can get only there. However,. if I only need a couple of things, I always go elsewhere!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i'm not going to be popular with this stance, but i love walmart.. i was just there the yesterday to get bins to pack my house up in. i got three huge bins and ten smaller ones. not only did an employee help me put the bins in my cart, but when i got to the register, (no line at all) the cashier took all the bins out, scanned them, and then loaded me back up. and he was very nice about the whole thing.

    my walmart is very small considering and there is always parking. i park in the back under the trees so i have shade. i have never seen the place over filled.

    there is a bigger walmart a few miles away, and the times i've been there were annoying. mostly because of the shoppers. i've always found the employees to be cordial at least.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Options i like shopping at the walmart!!! LOL

    The one near me is nice...the employees are helpful and I don't think i have ever been in a super long line.

    I know this sounds so not true...but it is.

    but...they do have their flaws...yes some areas are not stocked well, it is dirty and all i ever see there is men with lucious mullets!!!
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    I don't shop at walmart because a I like to support local stores / companies. Walmart can suck my...
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I detest Walmart! My city has several of the super sized stores and I tend to avoid them at all cost. I was forced into one a week ago looking for summer clothes on sale. I noticed the fabric on the tshirts and tank tops is thinner than what I get at other places. I bought one shirt and it shredded in my washer because the fabric was so thin. I took it back, and the customer service employee didn't speak a word of ENGLISH! I had to wait for someone else with a thick accent to help. Instead of refunding my money, she charged me again. I complained to a manager who said they were new employees. Needless to say that was my last trip to Walmart!
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    I boycott Walmart. Have to two years now. Watch the documentary 'Walmart - the High Cost of Low Prices'. It will change your outlook on this evil entity. Yes, I said eeeeevil!! :angry: Saving a few bucks on cheap *kitten* ain't worth it to me. I'd rather give my business to LOCAL businesses, or even shop online from select companies.
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    I shop at Walmart once in a while (for convenience, because they do have a large selection of items), but I do my weekly grocery shopping at Market Basket. The meat and produce at Walmart are always terrible (at least in my area), and to tell the truth, I save a LOT of money shopping at Market Basket for my groceries.
  • Dalejr
    Dalejr Posts: 17 Member
    Walmart is the devil. I call it Hellmart and I avoid it as much as I can. However the closest Target is 1/2 hr away and Hellmart is 10 minutes away. There is something about the store as soon as you walk in it just puts you in a BAD mood.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I'll go there to get the things I need if I'm low on funds or short on time (it's basically across the street from me). Otherwise, I'd much prefer to go to our local Wegmans - still a bigger chain, but much nicer. They treat their employees better, keep a nicer, cleaner store, the managers are always around the registers helping, always plenty of lines open at checkout, and they have a much better selection than Wal-Mart does, surprisingly. Not to mention their awesome organic foods section! I'd usually rather spend the money there. :)
  • tipyourbartender
    tipyourbartender Posts: 35 Member
    It's kind of a long store, but here goes:

    My mom worked there for seven years, and in the course of those seven years, she had several surgeries on her back. Her back always gave her problems, but the surgeries made it worse. The managers at walmart were unwilling to adhere to very reasonable doctor's requests for my mom, such as letting her sit for a half an hour for every hour she worked. She worked in the infants and boy's and girl's sections, so it would be simple for her to sit while folding clothes or organizing shelves. But no. And, that was another thing, they had her working three departments by herself, and threatened to fire anybody who helped her
    There was finally a time when my mom could no longer work for walmart because of her back issues, however, she had to get fired from there to be able to collect money for her disability. She still went into work and did her best, never really trying to get fired, but still needing to, all the same. But, instead of firing her, they put her on unpaid leave of absence-- for a year and a half. At this time, both my brother and I were too young to work and my dad was dead, so she was the ONLY source of our income. I blame them for the hard time we went through, and I don't shop there. I will go out of my way to shop somewhere else.
    Also, while working there, they had some employees do what is called "comp shopping" which is sending them to other stores to scan the prices of certain items. They did this to keep their prices the lowest. And this happens to be illegal.

    wow! I've heard from many people that they don't treat their associates the best. It's sad that they wouldn't try to accommodate her in any way, especially after having worked there SEVEN years.
  • amydorscheid
    Sorry guys, I love Walmart. The ones by me are fine. The employees are sometimes nice, sometimes not but that's the same as any other store. The reasons the media are all over Walmart's policies is because they are non- union! It's all political. Don't believe everything you hear. Think for yourself.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I shop at wal mart and I dont hate it,its a store just like any ohter to me
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member

    - i never find a good parking spot
    - its almost too big

    Yeah, I typically try to park between the two entrances. I start on the left side of the store & work my way over to the grocery section on the right side, picking up the frozen stuff last. If I forget something from the left side of the store, I have 2 choices: leave it or hoof it the 3 miles back over there (I exaggerate again. A little) & let my frozen things begin to thaw. Remember, you STILL have to get in that line to checkout. Usually, if I forget something from Side A, I just get it on another trip or hit the store close to home later on.

    ROFL!!!! *hoofing it the 3 miles back over there*...thats HILARIOUS, but also true!! lol Thats the way I see it also when I realize I forgot something WAAAAAAYYYY over on the other side of the building hehe :laugh:
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I detest Walmart! My city has several of the super sized stores and I tend to avoid them at all cost. I was forced into one a week ago looking for summer clothes on sale. I noticed the fabric on the tshirts and tank tops is thinner than what I get at other places. I bought one shirt and it shredded in my washer because the fabric was so thin. I took it back, and the customer service employee didn't speak a word of ENGLISH! I had to wait for someone else with a thick accent to help. Instead of refunding my money, she charged me again. I complained to a manager who said they were new employees. Needless to say that was my last trip to Walmart!

    I guess it dependeds on your wal mart,im still wearing the summer clothes i bought there last year
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I hate Walmart because is represents everything that is wrong with America - a bunch of cheap, made in China crap, employees not paid a living wage, therefore they are very unhelpful. Other shoppers who also hate it there, so are rude and generally look miserable too, most of them overweight. But we have to go there because there are those few items you just can't find anywhere else. Or because it's a small town and they have put all the small shops out of business. And we also have to shop there because it's the cheapest place and everyone is broke because our jobs went to China so Walmart could buy the crap at the low prices.....

    I made more money at wal mart than I do at dollar general as a ASM,or at family dollar as a ASM,more than I did at kroger and alberstsons. I also got a bounus every quarter