

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    you can't fix stupid
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Lately, eating has not been a problem for me...

    I mostly get dizzy because I have cardiomyopathy...
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    It's true. In reality, if you're doing that, then this site is of little use to you. You might as well just call it what it is - a crash diet. That said, sometimes I do eat less than my limit, but that's because I've found that when I exercise, I have less of an appetite.

    Strangely, my running/walking is an appetite suppressant to me too!!! And I LOVE to eat! When I don't run/walk, I am always hungrier!!
  • rychma
    rychma Posts: 47 Member

    Everyone has a BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the number of calories your body needs to function and be inactive-think digestion, blood flow and organ functions. Once you add in activity of any kind,you have to consume more to offset that activity. Now, if you eat below your BMR ( which for most women is 1500 cals per day) your body goes into starvation mode. Your body begins to store fat as fuel and burn lean muscle mass, this muscle mass comes from your heart, liver, lungs and brain. When your body exhausts those stores, it will then move onto the fat stores.

    Have you ever seen Survivor or The Biggest Loser? Oddly, they've all lost their fat at the end, not their brains, hearts, livers, lungs or structural muscle.

    Sounds like a rough road to me. Diet, diet, out like crazy. Go home, start eating, not work out for hours a day and gain weight back. I realize that not all of them gained weight. I also realize the "but they gained muscle" argument will come into play. The fact remains though. The Biggest Loser and shows like are a temporary fix, a crash diet.
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel Posts: 175 Member

    All of that is right around 1200 calories, give or take. Subtract the usual 400+ calories I burn doing cardio and weight lifting, then I have a good deficit going on. On the rare occasion I'm still hungry, I'll eat a few calories back in healthy nuts or something with protein. Other than that, it's how I maintain my slow 1-2 lbs of weight loss a week.

    There is so much more to losing weight than eating less calories... There is sleeping, less stressing, finding your bliss, eating less, exercising more and removing inflammatory foods from your diet among a whole host of other things. My journey started with wanting to lose weight to look good and is ending with finding my bliss, my happiness, and creating a life for myself that is centered on a healthy life and healthy attitude. This has rubbed off on my husband and he's now eating healthier and in doing so has lost 22 lbs. My daughter is taking less ADHD medication because she's eating healthier foods. It's a cycle of healthiness I hope we will always continue!

    So, if you eat around 1200, and burn 400 or more calories, your net total for the day is less than 800...this is exactly what the OP is talking about...

    Also, to the OP...I began a thread like this, a couple months ago, and it turned into a mad house, and eventually was deleted by the moderators...just a heads up...
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    i eat under 1200 almost every day walk 5 miles almost every morning not to mention a job where i walk , lift . climb ladders for 8-10 hrs a day not to mention swim when i can at least 3 days aweek and i have lost 20 lbs have the energy level of a 2 yr old and now find that i need way less sleep than before

    2 year olds don't have a lot of energy. They take lots of naps and cannot do anything with good endurance. And they are super cranky when they don't get enough sleep.

    Just sayin....

    Bwahhhhh!! I have no real opinion on the original topic...just thought this was too funny :) Have a sense of helps find inner happiness no matter what you eat or don't eat.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Does anyone rememeber a certain famous woman from the 70s, she exercised and dieted her self to death, eating less and less, of course had annorexia but thats how it starts, Im a totally believe in the fact that when you eat morw your body wants more, hense why big people consume alot, And when you cut it and cut it, then your body gets used to that too and you want less and less. But I think what people are saying about eating `1200 per day and then exercising 600 or more off, only leaves your body with 600 cals to make your brain and vital organs work. It is slow starvation but you just dont it, but i guess one day it will hit. My mother has learned to eat less and less over the last few years and she loses weight at the drop of a hat, as she only eats one meal a day. If you want to eat 1200 dont exercise, and then at least your body has enough fuel to live.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I personally would rather do this slower and paying closer attention to nutrition.

    I eat about 1200 calories a day and I have been here a little over a month and lost 6 pounds. I wouldn't say that's a particularly fast weight loss. First weigh in I dropped 5 pounds (2 weeks)....second weigh in (one week), nothing....third weigh in (one week), one pound. I feel good, lighter, doctor took me off metformin (YAY) and I am very pleased. I dont expect this to happen overnight...I have it planned to take about a year. I pay a LOT attention to nutrition. I read every label of every food I buy, keep my carbs low ( because I have T2) and my protein high (to feel satisfied). It works for me. May not work for everyone, but, then, I am not everyone. :)
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    EHhh, not everyone is the same. I do agree that netting zero is dangerous. But to net 1000-1200 isnt terrible for everyone. I eat 1200 cal a day and i dont feel tired, sick, run down, nothing. I have lots of energy actually. And im not on a "crash diet". I hit all of my macros. I just make sure to always (or as close to always as possible) eat things that are good for me. I very very rarely eat empty calories. I think the extra 100 lbs i had was more dangerous than netting below 1200. I do very much agree, however, that if one feels tired or weak then you absolutely should increase your intake. I just dont think its as easy as giving a blanket statement for everyone.

    And, just wanted to add that my 2 year old very rarely naps, only sleeps 9-10 hrs at night and is full of energy throughout the day ;) Maybe i'm unlucky LOL.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    All of that is right around 1200 calories, give or take. Subtract the usual 400+ calories I burn doing cardio and weight lifting, then I have a good deficit going on.

    Makes it very clear to me that you have no clue how calories work and that you don't realize the detriment you are doing to your body. The 1200 calorie goal is already an EXTREME deficit from the amount you should be eating to maintain. To add even more deficit on top of that is starvation. Have fun when you gain all your weight back. I hope you seriously consider looking into what you are doing to your body with an unbiased view before you seriously damage your health.

    So you have no idea this person's size and yet you know that 1200 is an EXTREME deficit for her? Not to mention, she's not trying to MAINTAIN, she's trying to lose.

    I have never run across a forum with so much misinformation.

    It doesn't matter what her height is, maintenance level even for someone 5'0 to 6'0 as a woman is never less than ~1850, so even subtracting 500 from that she shouldn't eat less than 1350, and that's if she's 5'0 or less. If she's wtihin 15 lbs of her goal weight she shouldn't be eating more than a 250 cal deficit and that puts her at 1600. It's literally based on science, try reading a few scientific papers on nutrition before you start calling it misinformation.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member

    Everyone has a BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the number of calories your body needs to function and be inactive-think digestion, blood flow and organ functions. Once you add in activity of any kind,you have to consume more to offset that activity. Now, if you eat below your BMR ( which for most women is 1500 cals per day) your body goes into starvation mode. Your body begins to store fat as fuel and burn lean muscle mass, this muscle mass comes from your heart, liver, lungs and brain. When your body exhausts those stores, it will then move onto the fat stores.

    Have you ever seen Survivor or The Biggest Loser? Oddly, they've all lost their fat at the end, not their brains, hearts, livers, lungs or structural muscle.

    I have to say, you have no idea whether or not they lost some of their organ function or muscle mass. They don't talk about that kind of thing on the show. They never mention whether they lost bone density or critical thinking skills or anything. Also those are extreme examples, they're really not a good source of information for this type of discussion.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    All of that is right around 1200 calories, give or take. Subtract the usual 400+ calories I burn doing cardio and weight lifting, then I have a good deficit going on.

    Makes it very clear to me that you have no clue how calories work and that you don't realize the detriment you are doing to your body. The 1200 calorie goal is already an EXTREME deficit from the amount you should be eating to maintain. To add even more deficit on top of that is starvation. Have fun when you gain all your weight back. I hope you seriously consider looking into what you are doing to your body with an unbiased view before you seriously damage your health.

    So you have no idea this person's size and yet you know that 1200 is an EXTREME deficit for her? Not to mention, she's not trying to MAINTAIN, she's trying to lose.

    I have never run across a forum with so much misinformation.

    It doesn't matter what her height is, maintenance level even for someone 5'0 to 6'0 as a woman is never less than ~1850, so even subtracting 500 from that she shouldn't eat less than 1350, and that's if she's 5'0 or less. If she's wtihin 15 lbs of her goal weight she shouldn't be eating more than a 250 cal deficit and that puts her at 1600. It's literally based on science, try reading a few scientific papers on nutrition before you start calling it misinformation.

    I have two masters degrees and work in academia. And I'm done here. I give up.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I have two masters degrees and work in academia. And I'm done here. I give up.

    Unless one of your masters degrees is in dietetics, then how is that relevant?
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206

    What health issues are there at 1200/day? Not forum myths, actual documented health issues? There is a lot of support for low calorie diets being very good for you. They're linked to increased longevity.

    THIS ^^^^
    When you go to maintenance you eat at a maintenance level. Why would that be hard? Your metabolism isn't harmed, which is why pretty much every respected diet plan allows people to eat at that level. You burn a little less while at a deficit but it's slight and temporary. You lose some lean body mass but it's unavoidable with weight loss and you can build it back.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
  • KaitieBean
    KaitieBean Posts: 24
    I have a really difficult time eating enough calories per day. I am quite active: a usual days exercise for me is 90 minutes of walking, 30 minutes of calisthenics, and at least 60 minutes of vigorous drumming, which, generally, will have helped me burned 1000 calories. I also try and eat very healthy. Some days my net total is actually in the negatives because I just can't eat enough to balance it out. I'm not really sure what I should be doing differently as my exercise plan is not exhausting me in any way . Maybe adding more good fats into my diet would help.
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I have two masters degrees and work in academia. And I'm done here. I give up.

    Unless one of your masters degrees is in dietetics, then how is that relevant?

    It's relevant because he/she is clearly being accused of just "not understanding" the "science" behind the argument. Not a likely scenario if they really have multiple advanced degrees in any quantitative fields.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You are not me, I am not you, what's good and right and works for me will probably not work for you. Just because I am right now this moment in time not eating over 1000 calories a day does NOT mean I will ever develope an ED and for anyone to assume that is purely nuts. You do not know me, you just see what I eat right now, this moment in time. I don't think a particular poster was talking to me in particular but I've had people tell me that, and it's irritating because they don't know my mind, they don't know what I'm thinking and when people assume you know it's plain silly. Let me tell you that I do not have an ED, I will never have an ED. I don't ever want to be skin and bones, I don't aspire to be 50 lbs, I highly doubt I'll ever go under 200 lbs. But I don't have a set goal yet but I'll know it when I reach it. It's okay to worry about others, but it's not okay to try and force them to believe the way you believe or force your will upon them. Each and every one of us here are here for the same, not criticism. Some of you need to learn how to show your concern without coming off as a know it all. I had a friend come to me and say you know I'm just concerned about you and want to make sure your getting every thing you need in your diet, I appreciated her more than she will ever know, just because it came off as true concern and not I know better than you what's better for you.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I haven't read any of the replies but OP....I love you. :heart:
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!