No More Excuses - Week One

cah0806 Posts: 112
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Okay guys!
Here's our thread...
Once you decide you are in for this group, post us a message. We can put our starting weights (and other stats in once everyone has come aboard).

I'll start with the intros:
I am a single mom of one (9 year old daughter) and live in Selma, NC. I teach Special Education in a small K-8 school. My weight has steadily climbed since my last year of school.
I am getting married in April and am very excited. He's a fabulous guy!
I am set at 1200 calories a day and my fitness goals are 30 minutes 5 days a week, but I usually double that. I end up eating between 1200 and 1350 calories a day.
I am super excited to have a support network!:flowerforyou:


  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    HI, I am Amanda. I weigh 164 lbs at this moment, weighed 180 when 2009 started so it has been a slow journey with many starts and stops. While I am not where I want to be, I am happy with knowing that I have lost and kept off 16 pounds this year. I am the mother of 3, a 14 year old boy, a 9 year old girl and a 5 year old very disabled girl. She is my life but also one of the reason I eat, to hide my emotions of tiredness, sadness and tiredness.

    My calories are set at 1370 per day. I was exercising 6 days per week, took a walk today for the first time in about 6 weeks. I need to get going again. :smile:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    It's nice to "meet" you, Amanda. My name is Christy. I understand what you are saying about your little girl. Since I teach students with disabilities, I am able to get a very small glimpse of what it is like for their families. Keep your chin up!:smile:
    I weighed 190 in April 2009 and lost about 18 pounds this summer. I gained a few back at the start of the school year in August, but started strong in October. I currently weigh 168.5 (as of last Monday). I have been doing well with exercise for the last month.
    You still okay with Sunday weigh ins?
  • Yay I'm in!

    I'm 25 and grew up in NZ but have moved around alot and am currently living in China managing an office here. I was fit and sporty and slim once upon a time but since working in an office job and enjoying my food and drink far too much I have slowly piled on the weight. I am really keen to get into shape again - not just to lsoe weight but also to regain the fitness and strength I used to have.

    I struggle with the fact that there are no gyms or classes I can join locally and no sports teams so I struggle to get motivated to exercise on my own. I also struggle with the fact that my healthy food options are limited. Food here is sooo cheap and delicious but not that healthy. However as the name of our group says NO MORE EXCUSES!

    I too am on 1200 a day with fitness goals of 30 mins 5 days a week. I have just started the Couch 2 5km program and I also do a Pilates DVD at least twice a week. I also walk or bike to and from work everyday. I plan on sticking to that this month and then cranking up the exercise some more in December.

    This site has been a lifesaver and I am so excited to have a support network too cah. :happy:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Welcome amaline!
    I guess if it's okay with everyone, we'll post our first weight on Sunday and go from there. (Since it's so close to Sunday now). That way, whoever wants to join can come aboard before the weigh in. Sound okay?
    Do you guys want to do challenges?
    Perhaps each member could take turns giving the group a challenge?
  • Good evening! My name is Susan. I live in Louisiana and my current weight is around 173. I'm trying to get down to 160 while my husband is deployed. He should be back sometime towards the end of February. I have 3 kids...a son, 12, and two girls, 5 & 20 mos. My biggest problem is the struggle I have with PMDD. I'll be doing so great with eating & exercise for several weeks, but come the first of the month I completely fall off the treadmill & eat everything in sight. It's a disgusting cycle & I need a way to manage TOM! At best, I may be maintaining my weight, but this is so not where I want to be. I need a good accountability group to kick my butt back into gear!
  • Forgot to include that my cals are set at 1600/day. I'm kind of afraid to lower that amount b/c of the many many times that I seem to fail at just keeping the 1600. I workout 3x a week, 1.5 hours each time
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Welcome Susan:flowerforyou:
    Let us know if you think the previous weigh in and challenge suggestions sound good. I want to be sure everyone has a say before we get up and running!
  • Welcome everyone! Nice to meet you all :flowerforyou:

    cah0806 I think Sunday weigh in sounds good (scary but good incentive to stay on track through the weekend) and I am definitely keen for challenges. I like your sugestion that we each take turns.
  • I'm all in!
  • Will i go. its time for a change, i need to lose this weight for myself. I know now that after I make myself happy others around me will be more happy. :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    We are getting a few in a our group, this is cool. Sunday weigh-ins work for me and I definitely want to do the challenges. Are we just going to post our weight or should we send it to one certain team member so they can post them all at once on a chart or something. Sort of like starting weight, weight lost this week and total weight lost since we started this challenge.
  • Hello everyone!! I'm Angel, I'm a SAHM of 3. I have an 8 and 5 year old and I just had a baby 4 months ago. Right now I am set to eat about 1200 cals a day. I exercise 6 days a week for about 45 min each day. I am currently weighing in at 124lbs and I would like to drop 9 more. I normally do Jillians 30 day shred and get on my elliptical. I get bored easily so now I'm going to start the P90X and see how that goes. Looking forward to chatting with everybody
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Welcome Angel!
  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    Hi there:happy:
    I would love to join this.
    I am 23 year old Navy Wife and mom to two beautiful girls under the age of 2 ( Diver's curse). My youngest is going to be 3 months on the 14th.
    Here is my secret. I had gastric bypass. I weighed about 260 (max) and lost 120 lbs. Then I met my husband and got comfortable and had two kids. Now I weigh 186. I refuse to be one of those patients who had gastric bypass and gain their weight back. I am better than that. There is no excuse for me to not lose weight. i have a gym mebership with child care and a husband who supports me 100%. I have all the tools it's just using them right.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Bonita, it is hard isn't it, but we can do this. I need to keep telling myself that over and over and over.
  • Hey Everyone,

    I LOVE the group name, No More Excuses...awesome job.

    That's pretty much exactly what I feel.

    I live in small town TX, I'm a student, I spend a lot of time with fam.

    I have 6 classes left at a community college and then have plans to transfer to A&M. I've been over weight about my entire life, mainly due to bad eating habits.

    My family *was* also overweight as well, and we tried a lot of different diets and lifestyle changes but after not seeing results, we'd often just quit.

    This sounds crazy, but I never understood what was the "magic pill," for loosing weight. It wasn't till around 7 months ago that I actually understood the concept about creating the "calorie deficit." I realized my attempts in the past, failed because even though I may have been eating healthier, I was still eating too much.

    Fast forward today, I'm a serial calorie counter. Everything I eat GETS logged in FitnessPal.

    I fell off the wagon, a few months ago, but no more excuses this time. My younger bro, started his program right about when I got off mine and he lost 50+ lbs. Major motivation for me to do it too.

    I WANT to be in shape before I transfer schools, I feel it's a point in my life where my life really begins and I'm not doing it FAT!

    Last Sunday I weighted 192, THIS Sunday I hope to say goodbye to the 190's forever. My short term goal is to be in the 170's before New Year.

    I workout 7x a week, 50 mins: 20 Stair Master/15 Arc Trainer/15 Cross Trainer Elliptical.

    I feel like I'm going to DIE everytime, lol. But after every workout, I'm still HERE.

    Good Luck All - Lets DO this!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hello and welcome Samatha!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hey Amanda, thanks! :smile:

    And yeah, challenges sound good.

    Just a suggestion, maybe for the first week we can all aim to loose 1%?

    I'm 192, so I'd aim for 1.92 MINIMUM weight loss.

    Maybe that's too easy of a challenge?

    And on someone keeping weekly totals for the group, sounds good. If anyone needs help with anything, etc. Let me know, this is the first time joining support group online for me.

    I'll check the board in the morning - Samantha
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I think this is the spot for me! I need to lose some weight to get where I need to go.. I am sitting at 164 ish and want to be at 154 no kidding in 8 weeks... I also need to lose about 2 inches on my waist and on my hips.. so 4 inches. I am all for whatever challenges we can come up with to encourage us all to lose the weight we need to and to slim down. !!
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    I think the 1% weight loss is a fine challenge for the first week. Thanks, Samantha!

    Do you guys want to weigh in this Sunday as our starting weight and then record the weight loss next Sunday?

    Or has everyone already weighed in this week with a starting weight ready to go and record % lost?

    Just let us know...
    I think we should have some kind of single chart or something to record the change from week to week.

    Happy Friday!!:laugh:
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