Personal trainer here to say hi and help you



  • rosawash
    rosawash Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for offering your help. I'm sure I will need it, and it's greatly appreciated.
  • brianj1988
    brianj1988 Posts: 48
    You're very welcome to all of you that said thank you. It really is my pleasure.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    HI Brian!!

    Since you are offering, I have a question. I recently read that strength training is better when you are trying to lose weight because "muscle eats fat". Is that true? I know its important to do both cardio and strength training but a typical hour at the gym for me is 45 minutes of cardio and 15 for weights/strength - should I even it out more?
  • donnadavi
    donnadavi Posts: 1
    i found thar exercise was hard until i discoverd the wii i do an hr of just dance on the wii its great fun and u dont even realise how many calories u burn wen u do the sweat programme u devide ur sweat points by 4.2 this equels cals burnt ive just dun 100 mins n burnt 997 cals n its fun
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Brian ! Sending a FR. I'm sure I will need your assistance too.
  • Hanahut
    Hanahut Posts: 26 Member
    Brian, it is great to see that you are so interested in helping people like me. There are so many of us out there that need your help. I have been working on changing my lifestyle to be able to lose weight since March 14, 2012 and I think I am doing great so far. I am really proud of what I have done. I started walking on May 1st on my CROSSWALK Treadmill (Proform that has the arms workout on it so it works the upper body also while I walk) and have walked everyday since then for 1 mile @ 3 mph on the #1 incline for 60 minutes. I never thought I could do it but I am really enjoying it, because I am seeing the results of it everyday. My question for you is....I have this terrible bulge that hangs down from the bottom of my upper arms and I can see that it is smaller than before I started my walking but is there something I can do at home that will help me to tighten or tone it? I would greatly appreciate your help. I have lost 22 lbs to date in the last 3 months and I am so excited about it that I want to just keep going. I weigh 191 today. My 1st goal is to lose a total of 35 lbs by October 10th, which leaves me with 14 more to go in the next 3 and 1/2 months. Then I will set another goal to lose maybe 25 lbs and if I can get there, I will be happy and live to maintain it. That will put me at 150 lbs. I am totally serious about doing it this time....totally. I am commited for sure. Thanks for your time.
  • nreamon
    nreamon Posts: 46 Member
    Hey there, thanks for bein a "superhero" to all of us!! I sent u a msg with the request. Let me know when you have a chance, Thanks again =)
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    Hi Brian! It's nice of you to want to be so helpful. I'm confused about the 1200 daily calories that MFP has recommended to most of us. I'm having a hard time staying under that number. I do "eat my workout calories" as they say here... But on the days I don't work out, I'm freaking starving. Do you have any advice in that area?
  • auntiekei
    auntiekei Posts: 14
    welcome brian
    my name is kay and I have lost 55.6lbs since using this website. but since i changed my way of living on Jan 15, 2012 I have lost a total of 70lbs.
    I do an aerobic tape most mornings for approximately an hour and go to gym after work for about an hour.
    Can you tell me how often i should be going to gym
    I do the treadmill and then the weight machines.......
    please help:happy:
  • TrinaHillier
    TrinaHillier Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you for being there to help out!!
  • Latinalicious
    Welcome and thank you for your willingness to assist.
  • BrittanyErin502
    I can relate to you girl, I am only 29 and rheumatoid arthritis runs in my family, it is already apparently showing in my knees, hips, shoulders, etc. I hope he answers, I will be anticipating this post! I used to be so athletic, cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, etc., and I've now had 4 kids, so going from being athletic and sexy to being a 29 year old mother of 4 boys who had went up to 192 pounds (5' 7"), now weighing 179, really needs some help and motivation to feel sexy in her own skin once again!!!! Please support :sad: And thank you!
    Brittany Conn, Louisville KY
  • ravenstyx
    ravenstyx Posts: 4
    First, I want to say it's awesome that you're willing to share your knowledge here. Thanks.

    I have struggled with my weight for a long time. I can lose weight to a certain point and then I just hit a wall that I can't figure out how to get past. Any suggestions on how to break through a stubborn plateau?
  • YamiDrizzles
    Hi! I'm new here. Nice to know there's someone i can go to with my questions:)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member

    What was your field of study at Rowan? Although you indicated you had a B.S., you didn't say what your major was. What experience do you have as a personal training? How long have you been a personal trainer? Where are you employed as a personal trainer or are you independent? References?

    From his profile.....

    I currently work as a Personal Trainer at Island Gym. I graduated from the University of Rowan with a bachelor's degree in journalism...
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    :love: Thank you for offering to help all of us. You may have bitten off more than you can chew! LOL Along with a bazillion others on this site, I'll definitely be contacting you on occasion. :flowerforyou:
  • CaztheMermaid
    I'd love any help available, add me as a friend if you like :D
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    My job causes me to sit most of my work day. Although I have lost weight doing P90X and Turbo Fire my butt muscles are slow to follow. Any suggestion on workouts that will really firm the tush back up? I feel like sitting all day is helping it flatten out.
    Do the butt bible! It's on you tube
  • lisa5of5
    lisa5of5 Posts: 3
    Maybe this is a silly question, but...
    Does my calorie burn go down as my fitness level goes up? For example: I run 3 miles two or three times a week and usually do a 5 miler once a week. Plus I bike a few times a week. The more I run/ride, the easier it has gotten, my effort level is lower and my times are better. I keep wondering, **if I'm not breathing as hard and my heart rate is lower, surely my calorie burn is down?** I don't know. I feel like I'm pretty fit, but I've got a solid 20 pounds to lose to be comfortable in my skin. As I continue to lose weight and get more fit how do I keep torching those calories???

    Thanks for the help!