


  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    What kind of yogurt do you eat? I really like yoplait light the best but I hear it has lots of high fructose corn syrup in it and I don't really care for greek at all. What's the best yogurt to eat? I see so many mixed reviews on it that it is a little confusing and overwhelming! I like the yoplait also because it cures most of my sweet tooth to. I need some advise and feedback!

    I just eat the lowfat strawberry yogurt from walmart.

    Great Value (Walmart) - Strawberry Yogurt Lowfat, 0.5 cup 100 cal /5 chol /0 fiber /3 protein /53 sodium /1 fat
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Noosa Australian yoghurt is the best I've ever had. Super creamy and smooth, amazing flavor.
    I eat the whole container, it's so good, I'm not making it 2 servings like the label suggests.
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    I like Fage 0% with agave or Oikos Pure Pleasure on the Bottom w/ caramel :)
  • Jflowwers
    Jflowwers Posts: 137 Member
    I use siggis. Its a icelandic yogurt with a similar consistency to greek yogurt.

    Skyr is the traditional yogurt of Iceland. It is made by incubating skim milk with live active cultures. The whey, the water naturally found in milk, is then strained away to make for a much thicker, creamier, concentrated yogurt. So to make just one cup of skyr, with all that water going out, you need 3 - 4 times the amount of milk required to make a regular cup of yogurt. As a result of this process skyr comes out with 2-3 times the protein count of standard yogurt.

    They dont use any refined sugar, only a little agave. Low sugar, high protien....tasty!
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I eat Dannon All Natural Low Fat Vanilla. I put 1/2 cup in my smoothie every morning. It's pretty high in sugar, and I'm sure many folks here would avoid it like the plague, but when I was shopping around, it was the only yogurt I found that contained only ingredients that I recognized as food.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I make my own for 1.10 a quart. :smile:
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Greek yogurt is nice but can be terribly expensive if you live on a budget. Greek yogurt also has more protein and thats why it is often said to be better. However, i recently made the switch to whole milk regular yogurt again. I buy mine from a indian store and its called Desi natural whole milk yogurt. The have a low fat version also. It has about 160 calories, 12 gram of protein, 12 grams of sugar and only 3 ingredients which you can recognize :-). It is as natural as yogurt comes. IF i want greek yogurt, all i need to do is strain it. A 64 oz is $6 so its an awesome alternative cost wise and also health wise. Stony field yogurt or trader joes organic yogurt is also a good regular yogurt choice

    As far as greek yogurt goes, Chobani is my favorite, followed by Aldi's Happy farms (or friendly farms, i usually mix the name up. ITs also the cheapest greek yogurt at 89 cents), and then fage. I dont like oikos cos it is way too sweet and i always feel like there are particles at the back of my throat. It also has way too much ingredients that i cant pronounce.

    As you guys can tell, i love yogurt
  • jacynda6817
    a lot of the yogurts don't have active enzymes, which are needed for digestion. Once you find a plain yogurt you like, low in all the bad stuff and high in protein. then you could mix some of your own flavors into you plain yogurt. right now in my fridge are raspberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, vanilla, stevia (natural sugar replacement with no calories, it from a plant), CHIA seeds, honey the possibilities are endless.

    Then not only am i eating clean, but I know exactly what is in my yogurt, no extra sugar to make it taste "right"

    well thats my two cents
  • tlruffino
    tlruffino Posts: 28
    Eat yoplait 2x Greek. No fat. I like Chaboni and Dannon Oiokes too, but yoplait strawberry, blueberry and key lime pie rule
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Gonna try to make my own tomorrow using a crock pot. Got a really good culture (Atlanta greek yogurt, no additives) for a starter and using organic milk (full fat).


    strain after cooling for greek texture
  • Glowbee
    Glowbee Posts: 68 Member
    I really loved Chobani, but my stomach didn't.... I got very sick. So I went to my old standby: Dannon plain nonfat. I love adding organic granola and blueberries. My absolute favorite breakfast!
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I'm a texture eater, so the switch to Greek yogurt has been a tough one for me. It's so thick! But I love using it plain as a substitute for sour cream or mayo in recipes.

    I recently bought a huge thing of Oikos plain organic low-fat greek yogurt, thinking I could crush cereal and whatnot into it instead of buying the ones with fruit in them already. It's tough though! I'm still working on finding the right combination for my palette.

    As far as fruity ones go, I'm definitely a fan of Chobani. :)
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm a control freak- I buy Dannon nonfat plain and do to it what I will. :bigsmile:

    I use stevia for sweetener if needed at all... Vanilla cream sweetleaf stevia in yogurt makes a really nice 'desert" type of vanilla yogurt- and I put that over sugar free jello (not optimal I know- I despise aspartame and coloring- but sometimes need a little treat) or I might have it over fruit- it's especially nice over partially thawed cherries or blueberries.

    I also cook with it- and sometimes drip it through a collander lined with muslin to make something similar to sour cream- or drip a bit more for a cream cheese texture. (I now have a yogurt cheese tool so no more muslin)

    Sometimes make yogurt, too- but depends on my mood and time available.
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I just discovered Noosa at Super Target... the strawberry rhubarb is to die for! It's all natural, but since it comes only in 1 size right now that's actually 2 servings, it can be tough to stop at 1 serving... and if you eat the whole thing, it's 260 calories! I've never had a better yogurt, and it feels like I'm cheating whenever I eat it. :)
  • AngieSchaible
    AngieSchaible Posts: 84 Member
    I have to bump this so I can try all these different brands at a later date! lol
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    I eat FAGE greek. Yoplait (even their Greek) is TERRIBLE FOR YOU.

    Honestly, even though you don't care for Greek... I think you may get used to it.
    FAGE is delicious with their flavors... It may start to grow on you.

    It's super high in protein.
    NO fat..
    And not super high in sugar.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I'm in love with Chobani yogurts.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    the one which is most delicious and fits into your daily macro targets.
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    I eat what's on sale, mostly the lower calorie variety. I'm not all that picky.
  • jstraug1
    jstraug1 Posts: 9 Member
    I buy a few large containers of Plain Greek Yogurt from Trader Joe's each week and mix the yogurt into a Smoothie.

    I mix 1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt, 1/2 Cup frozen berries, 1/2 Cup frozen peaches or mango, and 1/2 Cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk, and if I have it, a tsp or 2 of alcohol free* vanilla, and mix till blended.

    It may be too tart, or not sweet enough for some, but it has a powerhouse of nutrients in it and is fast!

    Basic recipe for 1 serving (~cal-218, carb-23g, fat-2g, pro-24g)
    1 Cup Greek yogurt to 1 Cup frozen fruit, adding 1/2 Cup liquid
    1.Pick your flavor of Greek yogurt (I used plain, I'm trying to drop lbs) 2. Pick your fave frozen fruits, I tend to like "Peach/Strawberry", and "Mixed Berry," where I use 1/2 C strawberries, then raspberries and blackberries combined to make a 1/2 cup 3. Add 1/4 to 1/2 Cup liquid.

    Sometimes I'll make what I call "Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie"
    1/2 C.Greek yogurt, 2/3 C. Strawberries, 1/2 C. Raspberries and 1/2 C Chocolate almond milk, and 1tsp alcohol free* vanilla.
    My entire family will happily drink this one. I quadruple this recipe and have it in my recipe section on MFP.
    Serves-1 (cal-168, carb-23g, fat-2g, protein-13g)

    I've been using my mom's Vitamix to make a wide variety of Smoothies. That thing is so fast and amazing! Anyone have one?

    *When using vanilla in Smoothies, use the alcohol free kind. It will taste MUCH better, smooth with no bitterness.