Little Kids Telling You That You Are Fat



  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    This is why I hate kids.
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    Kids never told me i was fat but one time during the winter in ikea my little 7 year old cousin wanted me to get on a scale...well i did after a while and it said 150. her eyes got big and she went to her mom (my cousin) and whispered, "mommy, stephanie's 150 pounds!" i was mortified!!! but i was wearing a coat and boots and everything though!! i wanna show her my number now!!! 127 thank you very much :drinker:
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    This is why I hate kids.

    Agreed. Never having any of my own.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    That's why spanking should be a thing (not abuse, spanking)

    When I was growing up I would've got my *kitten* kicked for disrespecting someone like that (and most of my aunts were heavier women).

    Kids are mean, that's understandable. But if you let them stay mean, they become mean adults and that's not better...
  • knackarsch
    knackarsch Posts: 53
    "How old are you and Sheila?" (Sheila being the other preschool teacher I worked with)
    "We're both 20 years old"
    "But she's tall, and you're... FAT."

    Said a 4 year old with a big grin in my preschool class. I'm 26 now and I still remember this conversation word for word, and it still stings. He knew he was being mean. Not that I think kids can't change, but I'd have a hard time not punching that kid if I saw him these days. Ouch. I lost weight after that happened, had a baby and gained back even more. I'm looking forward to being the size I was when that kid made me feel so fat.

    Oh, and Sheila is shorter than me!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    That's horrible. Thankfully, my kids don't know about fat, thin, or anything like that. My husband and I don't talk about that kind of thing with them or in front of them.

    My 2 year old son did say something about me being big, and then he started patting my butt. I'm not sure what he meant, but it did make me a little sad. It was pretty funny though.

    I can't imagine how horrified I'd be if one of them did comment on someone else's weight though. I felt bad enough when my 2 and 3 1/2 year olds were commenting on a girls blue hair while we were at a restaurant recently. The girl and her family thought my kids were adorable, and my kids were just stating the fact that her hair was blue, so there was nothing to be offended about. But, it did make me think about how to handle these types of situations. They asked why she had blue hair and I just said that some people like to color their hair. So they immediately asked for blue and purple hair.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Kids are far too honest sometimes, haha. I'm the chubbiest of the 5 counselors in my camp group normally, so I'm always worried a camper is going to point it out.
    When I saw my cousin in March she said to me "I haven't seen you since you got skinny." This child has never said anything about my weight before, so I know it has something to do with my aunt talking about it. Haha.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Little kids are honest. There have been times in stores, parks etc where a toddler has made a comment about my huge arms or me being so fat. Their parents looked mortified every time. I work with kids and when a kid ask me why I am so fat I just say because I eat to much and shrug it off. However, if the child is old enough to know better that is different.
  • TeTeAngel
    TeTeAngel Posts: 66 Member
    I teach first graders. I love children and the elderly because they are so honest. Children accidently hurt your feelings because they don't think about how they would feel if someone said the same thing to them. The elderly on the other hand feel they have earned the right not to hold back anymore. As I read the various comments made by your niece I wondered if she might be angry with you. Perhaps you disappointed her and she has not forgiven you, so she is hurting you back. She does have to be taught not to hurt others, but if she were my niece I would reach out to her. Good luck.
  • SuzieBikiniBound
    SuzieBikiniBound Posts: 114 Member
    While playing with her Mrs. Potato Head doll, my niece looked at it and then at me and said, "Auntie Susan you look just like Mrs. potato head." You are what you eat I guess, and carbs are my weakness. Still harsh to be likened to a round, dense starch. Ouch.
  • gemini0007
    gemini0007 Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe I'm strange, but it doesn't really bother me when a child tells me I am fat or asks if I'm pregnant. I just don't get upset about it, because I AM fat and I look like I could be pregnant. The child is not being mean. There's no malice there. He or she is just being a child, curious about the world.

    Kids are kids.

    Edit to add: The connection between this thread and my story is fat often = well endowed. Sorry if it wasn't obvious.

    NO you are not strange - the kids are telling the truth - yes they will need to learn to mind their manners, but really if you are fat you are fat - I never told my kids off for telling me I was fat because I WAS FAT and I knew it - it was up to me to do something about it, not them. I did tell them that it's okay to be brutally honest with your family and very close friends, but it was not polite to say that to anyone else.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Best thing you can do is let them know it's not appropriate and just accept the truth. My kids went on for years about how I "looked like there was a baby in my tummy!" (no, wasn't pregnant). Just more motivation, they don't say that to me now. :)
  • a2902c
    a2902c Posts: 96
    I teach first graders. I love children and the elderly because they are so honest. Children accidently hurt your feelings because they don't think about how they would feel if someone said the same thing to them. The elderly on the other hand feel they have earned the right not to hold back anymore. As I read the various comments made by your niece I wondered if she might be angry with you. Perhaps you disappointed her and she has not forgiven you, so she is hurting you back. She does have to be taught not to hurt others, but if she were my niece I would reach out to her. Good luck.

    Me and another family member have tried teaching her that saying things like that are mean. She just laughed and walked away. She's told my mom before that she hates ugly people, and if people are ugly they should know (like me!). I don't know. Her parents aren't the greatest role models...
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    My husband's son (5 yrs old) from a previous relationship said, "Wow- look a blanket!" This was in response to my opening a gift that was a blouse on my birthday last year. It was a hideous shirt and it was an XXL, I laughed and so did everyone else but I was super embarassed.

    We correct him when he makes fun of people who are heavy, since his mom hasn't instilled manners in him.

    Older kids are just products of their parenting...or lack there of. The little ones don't know any better so they can get away with it ;)
  • lydialen
    lydialen Posts: 9 Member
    I was swimming with a bunch of little kids at my friends house and the cutest little girl told me "your legs are really chubby". Even from little kids, it still hurts.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    kids call it like they see it. i love that they don't lie.
    it's a nice wakeup call to kickstart weight loss!
    Parents should be more responsible and teach their kids that they only way to be accepted in society is to lie to people and tell them only what they want to hear.

    I understand that kids are honest, but that is just making me feel worse. If that's the case, I look like a whale, with fat man legs, and am very ugly (according to my niece). I'm not asking for them to tell me things I only want to hear. I just don't need to hear that I'm ugly and then be told on MFP that it's true.

    EDIT: Blah, whatever. I shouldn't let this thread get me down. :P
    You really shouldn't let it get you down. Some people just think kids are precious little rainbow farts with no faults and try to defend them to the death. Some kids just need some damn discipline to not insult people, innocent or not.
  • aNEWuNme
    aNEWuNme Posts: 21
    Once, a kid at work asked me if I was pregnant (and this was a few years ago when I was thinner). I gave the shirt I was wearing that day to good will.

    Then, a couple of weeks ago, again at a work event, kids followed me around all day singing "I like big butts and I cannot lie" obviously referring to my big butt. I just happen to be built with an *kitten*. Oh well. Some people digg it. No matter how much I workout, that *kitten* will still be there.

    It's never nice to hear, even if it's said by an innocent child :cry:

    You look beautiful in your profile pic.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    My kid told me I had a fat butt the other day, I told him that was not nice and mommy exercises and works hard. He told me to work harder and try more. I told him time out.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Her parents aren't the greatest role models...

    Obviously. Bless you for stepping up. She's going to need all the help she can before she says something nasty to the wrong person. A lot of times kids do this because of low self esteem as well - so make sure you catch her saying the right things when you can. If a kid sees herself as a "bad kid," she'll feel justified in keeping it up.
  • MissyMastery
    MissyMastery Posts: 13 Member
    My 7-year-old niece grabbed my thighs, and said "These are bigger than my mom's and dad's combined. Your so fat." I've also had kids run up to me and grab my belly, with their parents looking horrified. Seriously, it's humiliating. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

    Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention when my niece said, "You have the body of a fat man." Nice.

    I'm sorry...but your niece is rude and your family should be ashamed that she says things like that. I don't think it's cute or acceptable.