


  • xxsuzexx
    xxsuzexx Posts: 34
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    Sorry OP, a $h!t storm has just been created.....again, about this whole TDEE/BMR stuff. Now I'm confused and I thought I had it all figured out! I bet there are over 30 posts a day about TDEE and BMR and "How many calories should I eat"?

    This thread is about as ****ed up as a soup sandwich.
  • I eat AT my BMR and lose half a pound a week. Eating 1500 cals instead of 1200 is amazing. I don't go hungry and it is insanely easy to find foods that aren't bad for you but have enough calories. Eggs, for example. I eat the yolks too because of the nutrients. Greek yogurt even though I personally don't like it. When I ate 1200 I didn't lose a thing for 9 months.

    Conrats on finding success with upping your calories !!

    Eat More to Weigh Less Group as 5,769 members now !! I average 1700 calories per day and losing 1 to 2 per week ....strange but its working for me.I started at 1200 then 1500 and even up to 2400...but 1700 seems to be that sweet spot for now !! My body luvs to be fueled !! I burn about 350 to 450 cals 5 to 6 days per week. Making sure I net my bmr after working out. If I ate my bmr and burn those calories I would net under my bmr and lose much slower and I would not be as enerized as I am now !!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Sorry OP, a $h!t storm has just been created.....again, about this whole TDEE/BMR stuff. Now I'm confused and I thought I had it all figured out! I bet there are over 30 posts a day about TDEE and BMR and "How many calories should I eat"?

    This thread is about as ****ed up as a soup sandwich.

    Oh Dave....

    2 ways of doing this.

    1) Follow MFP and set cals to BMR then eat your calories back to get closer to TDEE.

    2) Just eat below TDEE, appx 20%, and dont log workouts.

    Same results just less stress.

    My weight melted off at 1700-2k a day.
    My weight stayed the same at 1200 and not working out.

    Its not a "Calories in vs calories out" situation but a hormones up and hormones down.
    You bottom out the hormonal response to lose fat, and a lot of peeps do, youll end up with that skinny fat look.
    THEN youll have to rebuild LBM just to bounce back from the crash diet.

    PPL often argue with me that they could diet closer to BMR and lose a lot of weight and have a shorter diet but in the long run it isnt shorter.
    You still need to get the LBM back up because you lost it in the crash diet.


    Read this.
    It may clear some things up.
  • lsardes2
    lsardes2 Posts: 6 Member
  • lsardes2
    lsardes2 Posts: 6 Member

    Oh Dave....

    2 ways of doing this.

    1) Follow MFP and set cals to BMR then eat your calories back to get closer to TDEE.

    2) Just eat below TDEE, appx 20%, and dont log workouts.

    Same results just less stress.

    My weight melted off at 1700-2k a day.
    My weight stayed the same at 1200 and not working out.

    Its not a "Calories in vs calories out" situation but a hormones up and hormones down.
    You bottom out the hormonal response to lose fat, and a lot of peeps do, youll end up with that skinny fat look.
    THEN youll have to rebuild LBM just to bounce back from the crash diet.

    PPL often argue with me that they could diet closer to BMR and lose a lot of weight and have a shorter diet but in the long run it isnt shorter.
    You still need to get the LBM back up because you lost it in the crash diet.


    Read this.
    It may clear some things up.

    So if you follow #1, then it's ok to be eating AT BMR on days when you don't log any work outs?
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I eat AT my BMR and lose half a pound a week. Eating 1500 cals instead of 1200 is amazing. I don't go hungry and it is insanely easy to find foods that aren't bad for you but have enough calories. Eggs, for example. I eat the yolks too because of the nutrients. Greek yogurt even though I personally don't like it. When I ate 1200 I didn't lose a thing for 9 months.

    If you are losing half a pound a week eating 1500 you must have been able to lose more eating less unless 1200 was difficult to do and you constantly binged/over-ate?
    Half a pound per week would do my head in - that's like 200g per week - 5 weeks to achieve 1kg/2.2 lbs loss,
    or 1kg loss per week which is about the most you should lose.
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    ok so my bmr is 1465.... i have lately been netting BELOW 1200 cal and have hit a plateu (sp?) i have had a hard time understanding all this so please tell me if this is right...... I am going to start having a NET of 1465 .... will that restart the weight loss?!?!?
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    ok so my bmr is 1465.... i have lately been netting BELOW 1200 cal and have hit a plateu (sp?) i have had a hard time understanding all this so please tell me if this is right...... I am going to start having a NET of 1465 .... will that restart the weight loss?!?!?

    Most people don't understand is its not a definite - you don't know for sure. Try it and see what happens.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Regardless of what method you choose to follow, TDEE or MFP, for goodness sake, EAT ALL OF YOUR CALORIES!!
    Most days you aren't even clearing 900!
  • ok so my bmr is 1465.... i have lately been netting BELOW 1200 cal and have hit a plateu (sp?) i have had a hard time understanding all this so please tell me if this is right...... I am going to start having a NET of 1465 .... will that restart the weight loss?!?!?
    Yes that's correct and I bet you will start losing again. Give about two weeks to see how Your body responds.
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    Thank yall so Much for all the advice! It definitely cleared some.things up :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Oh Dave....

    2 ways of doing this.

    1) Follow MFP and set cals to BMR then eat your calories back to get closer to TDEE.

    2) Just eat below TDEE, appx 20%, and dont log workouts.

    Same results just less stress.

    My weight melted off at 1700-2k a day.
    My weight stayed the same at 1200 and not working out.

    Its not a "Calories in vs calories out" situation but a hormones up and hormones down.
    You bottom out the hormonal response to lose fat, and a lot of peeps do, youll end up with that skinny fat look.
    THEN youll have to rebuild LBM just to bounce back from the crash diet.

    PPL often argue with me that they could diet closer to BMR and lose a lot of weight and have a shorter diet but in the long run it isnt shorter.
    You still need to get the LBM back up because you lost it in the crash diet.


    Read this.
    It may clear some things up.

    So if you follow #1, then it's ok to be eating AT BMR on days when you don't log any work outs?

    As long as the other days you are eating way more.
    If you dont see any movement of fat or weight then youll need to adjust something.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Most days you aren't even clearing 900!

    You wont lose any fat doing this.
    Hit the reset button and choose "Start New Game"
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
  • babyblues4
    babyblues4 Posts: 241 Member
    bump to read later =)
  • ichigo007
    ichigo007 Posts: 97
    This site explains it and has a tdee calculator that is pretty accurate especially if you know your fat%
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    Quote from fat2fitradio - "the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point."
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) = 1640

    So please could you explain as to why all other calculators say this is the amount of cals I need to REMAIN at the weight I am now and I have to take at least 300-400 a day off this amount to lose weight at a steady rate.

    I am 43, female 166lb, 5ft 6", sedentary, and would like to weight about 140lb.
  • mrfriess
    mrfriess Posts: 8 Member
    ilovedogs - if you are at your goal weight, you do not have to reduce your calories any further. But you need to be guided by either MFP or fattofit radio because the method of their calculations differ but are probably very close over time.