Foods that you have a particular way of eating...



  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I have to eat m&ms in pairs, but they can't be the same color.

    And I generally do not like leftovers (thank goodness my husband does)!

    Both of these too!! Especially the M&M one. Since I am single now I'll have to start working on the leftovers... :(

    I also eat my favorite candy bar (Kinderriegel, a milk cream coated in chocolate) outside first, i.e. I nibble off the chocolate and then eat "the white stuff"... oddly enough my coworker does the same thing and people stare at us when we eat them. Thank goodness they are a treat as they are either not sold or expensive in the US.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Until about 5 yrs ago I didn't like meat on my salads. Now I do like a bit of chicken on it. But only chicken.
  • ahsats
    ahsats Posts: 75 Member
    i can't remember the last time i heated up leftovers....i love cold leftovers! especially pasta, pizza, and soup!

    I PREFER lukewarm/cold food to hot. Cold lasagna is the absolute best.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Deep fried chicken livers dipped in honey! Amazing!
  • Peeling the skin off grapes with my teeth before eating them is a weird one of mine

    omg i do this too! if i#m having food meant to be eaten with hands eg a sandwich instead of biting into it i have to break bits off. i'll bite the chocolate off a kit cat and then eat the wafer i do lots of crazy stuff, i just cant think of any more right now :(
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I tend to eat things in layers...

    for example a Burger I'll eat the bun first, then the cheese, then the lettuce, tomato, onion, then the actual burger

    with pizza I'll eat certain toppings first then the cheese then the crust...

    it's actually been really helpful since I've gone no carb, because I just chuck those layers.

    and i don't feel deprived of my other layers tasty goodness.

    My ex used to have to use a knife and fork to eat his burger, I can't tell you how many looks we would get when he would order a burger and then ask for just seems wrong.
  • Kal_n_130
    Kal_n_130 Posts: 119 Member
    I use to hate yogurt. Now that I'm starting to eat it and like it, I have to use a soup spoon or it just doesnt work out for me. Also i have to eat it like ice cream. weird.
  • I use to hate yogurt. Now that I'm starting to eat it and like it, I have to use a soup spoon or it just doesnt work out for me. Also i have to eat it like ice cream. weird.

    What does "like ice cream" mean?
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    For me...
    I count anything that has multiple colors (ie skittles or mms) and make them all even FIRST and then eat 1 of each color until they're all gone (maintaining an equal number of each)


    In addition, I need to finish them in rainbow order.

    THIS!!! And I don't like for the food categories on my plate to touch each other.
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    Any time I have a mini or personal style pizza, I'll eat the smallest slice first, then work towards the biggest. Obviously, It's the same amount of pizza in the end, but for some reason I feel like I'm eating more (like ooo I still have the big slice left)!

    I like dipping hard pretzels into ketchup...I don't think that's weird but my husband sure does, lol

    I'm like some of you with the candy too; always 2 at a time and I try to do it so there is an even number of each color! Twix bars, I'll nibble the caramel part off of the top and then eat the cookie part.

    I love veggies, but not all of if my meal consists of one that I don't like, I shovel it in as quickly as possible to get rid of it so I can enjoy the rest of my meal without the yucky veggie :tongue:
  • Kal_n_130
    Kal_n_130 Posts: 119 Member
    Lol i was going to say i have to lick it like an ice cream cone.. but it sounded to dirty lol! i have to lick it off the spoon lol
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    i eat things i don't like first and save what i like for last.

    I always do this... I sometimes have a little mental battle inside my head on what I think tastes the best while I'm eating, so I can figure out which bite I will take last. :laugh:
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Anything that has layers (a sandwich, a layered popsicle, etc) I have to eat in layers. My mother calls it me "undressing" my food. Even stuff like he 3 Musketeers minis, I'll eat off the chocolate first.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    grilled cheese always with tomato soup. must dip sandwich in soup.

    I used to like taking apart sandwich cookies but I find them tastier now if I leave them together.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    When I eat ice cream I have to suck all the ice cream off the goodies in it (i.e- cookie dough, brownie, M&M's, whatever) and spit them back into my bowl. I then save them all for the end and after the ice cream all gone I eat the goodies all at once! It's weird but I dont ever remember eating it any other way:ohwell:
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Anything that has layers (a sandwich, a layered popsicle, etc) I have to eat in layers. My mother calls it me "undressing" my food. Even stuff like he 3 Musketeers minis, I'll eat off the chocolate first.

    i do that with kit kats.
  • DumbDoorKnob
    DumbDoorKnob Posts: 31 Member
    I can't eat bits and pieces of a full meal, I have to eat the entire main food first, like the meat or whatever, and then each side separately. Even with say, McDonalds, I eat the whole hamburger first, then I can eat all the fries...etc.

    I used to eat hamburgers with a fork, but have since graduated from that. I still can't pick up a hamburger and take bites of it, but I don't use the fork anymore, now I use my fingers and tear bite sized pieces of the hamburger off one at a time and eat those. LOL!
  • BibiFit03
    BibiFit03 Posts: 38 Member
    When I eat a mandarin orange, I have to peel the "skin" off of every little segment and eat it first before I eat the insides. Or if it's really tough, I just suck out the insides and throw away the skin. Navel oranges I just eat the whole segment normally.

    When I eat Nerds candies I dump out a handful and eat them from biggest to smallest. If there are any of the wrong colour mixed in, they need to go.

    I ALWAYS eat the chocolate off my ice cream bar before I eat the ice cream.
  • Jewel1201
    Jewel1201 Posts: 68
    When I eat pizza I break off outer crust and scoop all the cheese and the fold and dip rest into blue cheese.

    My food can not touch.

    I eat one food at a time on my plate.

    I LOVE cold KFC and cold pork chops!!!
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    When I enjoy an ice cream sandwich, I let it get soft first, then I lick the ice cream off all four sides, use my lips to pinch the sides, and then bite down... :laugh: Mmmm which is why I don't get many of them... :love: They're addicting!!! :embarassed: