Eat back all of your exercise calories or you WILL DIE.



  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I believe that eating back exercise calories and weight loss is tied DIRECTLY into how much weight you have to lose in the first place. Someone that has 100 lbs to lose and doesn't eat back their cals obviously is going to drop weight fast. However, someone that only has 10 lbs to lose may send their body into a stall (others may call this starvation mode, not to be confused with the fact that you're actually starving, but where your body stops the loss and adjusts to the amount eaten)

    I stalled out with my weight loss halfway in because I didn't believe in eating back exercise calories. I was netting around 500 a day. As soon as I upped my cals and I started eating, I'm energetic, I sleep better, my mood has improved, the scale moved, AND I have a healthier relationship with food. Instead of viewing food as the enemy, I say "yay I worked out.. look at all these calories I can eat!" LOL
  • I don't eat back my calories burned on a lot of days and I've lost almost 50 lbs since April 18th 2012 and I feel effin great! Screw conventional wisdom, do what works!!
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    Now if one eats all their exercise calories back than how is someone loosing weight?
    I am doing Jamie Easons lifefit plan and I sure a daisy don't eat all my exercise calories.
    Lost 9 pounds so far, and with her eating plan, even with less calories your body does not have time to get starving.
    Not to be rude, but if you are following another plan, why are you here? This is a plan. It's called MFP and is designed differently from other plans. I try to stick to it like the bible. Just like someone would treat Weight Watchers. Do what works for you! But don't bash what works for others.

    This is a site to track calories and food intake, not a plan for some people. some people use diet books to go along with this site and log their food. some people have surgeries for their weight loss to track their food. This site is a TOOL not "A PLAN". She wasn't bashing anyone. You're the one bashing her. Basically saying she doesn't need to be here b/c she's using another plan! and when someone starts a sentence with "Not to be rude" is just politely saying, I'm being rude, but please forgive me. Get your panties out of a wad and let people do what they wanna do.
    The Topic title speaks for itself.
    And show me where this site is a tool, not a plan? It's a plan. It is goal oriented. In order to reach a goal, one must have a plan. Right?

    The "FOOD" tab, "Exercise" tab, "TOOLS" tab, and the "Community" tab are tools. A plan for dieting is something that you follow strict guidelines and has meals, and different foods to choose from. This site, Weight Watchers and the such where you control it are tools and guidelines, and are made for lifestyle changes. People can use "PLANS" though to go along with their "TOOLS" and "GUIDELINES" until they are comfortable to do it without a plan. after the "plan" is up, hopefully they can just use the tools and guidelines. Plans are meant for short term, but tools and guidelines are meant for a lifetime. That's the difference. Just like people calling this site a "DIET". it's not a "DIET", it's something you use (Tools and guidelines) to make a lifetime change in your life. Some people though, need to wean themselves into a lifestyle change, by starting with a plan. or some people just like to use a plan b/c of the recipes or it gives them something strict to use instead of using just tools and guidelines so they don't have to worry about falling off track...
    Ok, Ill buy that for some, but it's personally been a plan for me from the beginning. I plan my meals based on suggestions, I plan my exercise based on my MFP friends who are trainers. So for me, its a plan with a means to a goal. I suppose then, I would use it as a tool, once goals met. So, I hear ya.

    Ok, so no reason to say people can't have some other source of input. Why not just meet someone where they are at? Maybe they use that plan to help there whereas you use a forum or some other support. Take your tunnel vision off, and realize that there are a million other ways of doing things. All plans, tools, guidelines really do work. I mean, diet plans work for goodness sake (typically short term b/c people can't deal with such restriction, but they DO WORK). So, to each their own. We gotta meet people where they are, and realize that all people are different and do different things. I'm not saying that you use it as a plan, but this site as a whole, should not be labeled as a plan b/c not everyone uses it as a plan, nor is that the purpose of this site. People can use it either way, but it's actually meant to just be a support system and a site for tools
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Here is my problem: Eating my calories back instead of eating a set amount does not do anything to address the fact that I have a problem with over eating. I have a very physical job and somedays l burn over 1000 calories so instead of eating all of that back, I am working on just eating 2000 and not eating back my exercise calories. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for everybody else.

    Firstly, 2000 calories/day is very reasonable. I don't think anyone would say you're doing damage to your body with this. Having said that, eating more isn't a problem unless you're eating more than you burn, which causes weight gain. If you have a problem with over eating, you probably have tendencies towards binging... it's bad if you can't control what you choose to eat. It's not bad to choose to eat as many calories as you burn (if maintenance is your goal).
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Now if one eats all their exercise calories back than how is someone loosing weight?
    I am doing Jamie Easons lifefit plan and I sure a daisy don't eat all my exercise calories.
    Lost 9 pounds so far, and with her eating plan, even with less calories your body does not have time to get starving.
    Not to be rude, but if you are following another plan, why are you here? This is a plan. It's called MFP and is designed differently from other plans. I try to stick to it like the bible. Just like someone would treat Weight Watchers. Do what works for you! But don't bash what works for others.

    Now where in the world do you read me bashing anything????
    I just do something for a while that has worked for some people I know.
    I did not know it was forbidden to talk about another weight loss approach.
    Ok, well the first 3 posters talking about how they don't follow MFP the way it is designed. Which is fine, but you're on MFP. That would be like going to a weight watchers meeting and arguing that MFP does it better.
    You are already in a deficit when you start MFP. So if you eat those cals back, or at least most of them, then you will still lose weight. If not, then either something wrong, or plan not for you, which is fine. But, If you believe in MFP, then you follow it, right?. If not, then, you either 1.don't understand it, or 2. you do, but disagree with it.

    And you ragging on the original poster is like going to a Weight Watchers Meeting and telling someone at a support group that they're stupid for their thinking and questions. I am appalled, APPALLED by some of the awful, hateful posts I've found on this "community" forum. This forum is here to help, encourage and support each other. That includes answering questions when others have them, not talking to them with a disgusted tone and telling them that they're doing it wrong. I started using MFP as an app to track my calorie intake, because it worked well with my iPad -- and thats it. I didn't use it to follow its "plan" or to use the deficit that it creates for me. I use it to log food and exercise-- what it's designed for. So, someone using the app or website with their own plan isn't a crime, and shouldn't be treated as or talked upon as one. If you're here to tell others that they have taken a wrong turn on their weight loss journey -- a very difficult and personal journey (as I'm sure you know...)-- then keep it to yourself, no one wants to hear it.
    Ok, lets get a few things straight. Im not a hater. I don't have a bad or hateful bone in my body. The topic itself leans towards disapproval. All Im saying is that if you are not using MFP as a plan, but rather a tool, why complain about it? If youre not using it? It works for some, not all. But those it works for support it. I guess that's what Im trying to say. If your just logging and tracking, then why bother putting out there a topic that draws negative attention? "Eat back all of your exercise calories or you WILL DIE?

    Well, you're replying to another person, not the OP... So, obviously you're either 1. replying to the wrong person or 2. talking about two different things. Because at first you were replying about the "PLAN" which it what some other person said, now you're saying something about the "TITLE".
    Ok, you're tiring me out..LOL. I like my "plan" I have friend/ trainers on here that give me work out plans. I have had longevity friends "share their meal plans" I plan my meals according to how much I will be able to get into the gym. I do it this way cuz it works for me. Someday, I suppose, Ill use it as a tool. I concede. And now Im going to sleep. You take the last word.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    I believe that eating back exercise calories and weight loss is tied DIRECTLY into how much weight you have to lose in the first place. Someone that has 100 lbs to lose and doesn't eat back their cals obviously is going to drop weight fast. However, someone that only has 10 lbs to lose may send their body into a stall (others may call this starvation mode, not to be confused with the fact that you're actually starving, but where your body stops the loss and adjusts to the amount eaten)

    I stalled out with my weight loss halfway in because I didn't believe in eating back exercise calories. I was netting around 500 a day. As soon as I upped my cals and I started eating, I'm energetic, I sleep better, my mood has improved, the scale moved, AND I have a healthier relationship with food. Instead of viewing food as the enemy, I say "yay I worked out.. look at all these calories I can eat!" LOL

    (on a serious note) I agree 100%.

    Since I am a big guy, it's my belief us bigger folks can afford to not eat back our exercise calories. If you look at it relative in terms to body mass me not eating back 800 calories is a drop in the bucket. A 140 lb lady not eating back 300 calories is a much larger percentage and means more as a % to total mass. That's why my plan as I get closer to my goal (within 25 or so lbs) to start eating back some of the calories in a gradual fashion. Granted, this is my first time losing weight, so I may completely off the mark, but I guess I will just have to wait and see!!
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Now if one eats all their exercise calories back than how is someone loosing weight?
    I am doing Jamie Easons lifefit plan and I sure a daisy don't eat all my exercise calories.
    Lost 9 pounds so far, and with her eating plan, even with less calories your body does not have time to get starving.
    Not to be rude, but if you are following another plan, why are you here? This is a plan. It's called MFP and is designed differently from other plans. I try to stick to it like the bible. Just like someone would treat Weight Watchers. Do what works for you! But don't bash what works for others.

    Now where in the world do you read me bashing anything????
    I just do something for a while that has worked for some people I know.
    I did not know it was forbidden to talk about another weight loss approach.
    Ok, well the first 3 posters talking about how they don't follow MFP the way it is designed. Which is fine, but you're on MFP. That would be like going to a weight watchers meeting and arguing that MFP does it better.
    You are already in a deficit when you start MFP. So if you eat those cals back, or at least most of them, then you will still lose weight. If not, then either something wrong, or plan not for you, which is fine. But, If you believe in MFP, then you follow it, right?. If not, then, you either 1.don't understand it, or 2. you do, but disagree with it.

    And you ragging on the original poster is like going to a Weight Watchers Meeting and telling someone at a support group that they're stupid for their thinking and questions. I am appalled, APPALLED by some of the awful, hateful posts I've found on this "community" forum. This forum is here to help, encourage and support each other. That includes answering questions when others have them, not talking to them with a disgusted tone and telling them that they're doing it wrong. I started using MFP as an app to track my calorie intake, because it worked well with my iPad -- and thats it. I didn't use it to follow its "plan" or to use the deficit that it creates for me. I use it to log food and exercise-- what it's designed for. So, someone using the app or website with their own plan isn't a crime, and shouldn't be treated as or talked upon as one. If you're here to tell others that they have taken a wrong turn on their weight loss journey -- a very difficult and personal journey (as I'm sure you know...)-- then keep it to yourself, no one wants to hear it.

    ^^ THIS
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I think one thing dieters who greatly restrict their caloric intake need to routinely check rather than just the scale is whether or not they are maintaining their lean body mass. If someone drops 20 lbs, with half of that being muscle tissue, I would not consider that a successful approach.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Now if one eats all their exercise calories back than how is someone loosing weight?
    I am doing Jamie Easons lifefit plan and I sure a daisy don't eat all my exercise calories.
    Lost 9 pounds so far, and with her eating plan, even with less calories your body does not have time to get starving.
    Not to be rude, but if you are following another plan, why are you here? This is a plan. It's called MFP and is designed differently from other plans. I try to stick to it like the bible. Just like someone would treat Weight Watchers. Do what works for you! But don't bash what works for others.

    This is a site to track calories and food intake, not a plan for some people. some people use diet books to go along with this site and log their food. some people have surgeries for their weight loss to track their food. This site is a TOOL not "A PLAN". She wasn't bashing anyone. You're the one bashing her. Basically saying she doesn't need to be here b/c she's using another plan! and when someone starts a sentence with "Not to be rude" is just politely saying, I'm being rude, but please forgive me. Get your panties out of a wad and let people do what they wanna do.
    The Topic title speaks for itself.
    And show me where this site is a tool, not a plan? It's a plan. It is goal oriented. In order to reach a goal, one must have a plan. Right?

    The "FOOD" tab, "Exercise" tab, "TOOLS" tab, and the "Community" tab are tools. A plan for dieting is something that you follow strict guidelines and has meals, and different foods to choose from. This site, Weight Watchers and the such where you control it are tools and guidelines, and are made for lifestyle changes. People can use "PLANS" though to go along with their "TOOLS" and "GUIDELINES" until they are comfortable to do it without a plan. after the "plan" is up, hopefully they can just use the tools and guidelines. Plans are meant for short term, but tools and guidelines are meant for a lifetime. That's the difference. Just like people calling this site a "DIET". it's not a "DIET", it's something you use (Tools and guidelines) to make a lifetime change in your life. Some people though, need to wean themselves into a lifestyle change, by starting with a plan. or some people just like to use a plan b/c of the recipes or it gives them something strict to use instead of using just tools and guidelines so they don't have to worry about falling off track...
    Ok, Ill buy that for some, but it's personally been a plan for me from the beginning. I plan my meals based on suggestions, I plan my exercise based on my MFP friends who are trainers. So for me, its a plan with a means to a goal. I suppose then, I would use it as a tool, once goals met. So, I hear ya.

    Ok, so no reason to say people can't have some other source of input. Why not just meet someone where they are at? Maybe they use that plan to help there whereas you use a forum or some other support. Take your tunnel vision off, and realize that there are a million other ways of doing things. All plans, tools, guidelines really do work. I mean, diet plans work for goodness sake (typically short term b/c people can't deal with such restriction, but they DO WORK). So, to each their own. We gotta meet people where they are, and realize that all people are different and do different things. I'm not saying that you use it as a plan, but this site as a whole, should not be labeled as a plan b/c not everyone uses it as a plan, nor is that the purpose of this site. People can use it either way, but it's actually meant to just be a support system and a site for tools
    I really just said "I hear ya" I understand what you are saying. I've learned a lot here tonight, but I must go back and say the Title could have been gentler. That's all, did not mean harm, going to bed, have the last word. Goodnight!
  • clarajeanbean
    clarajeanbean Posts: 16 Member
    As another poster said, the calorie deficit on MFP has already been set where it should be for your diet - which means if you cut even more out by exercising and not eating it back, you're actually setting your calorie deficit much much higher. Starvation mode doesn't mean that you'll DIE RIGHT AWAY. What it does mean is that if your net calories for the day are around 800 or lower, it REALLY screws up your metabolism. Your body will start adjusting to saving everything you eat, in addition to burning fat and muscle to try and maintain the energy level it needs. This is how anorexia works, for one thing. It also means that if you get to your goal weight this way, your body won't be in any condition to maintain your weight if you start bumping your calories back up. It's one of the reasons losing weight at a healthy and steady pace of 2lbs a week is recommended. Much easier to keep off.

    And what someone else said about plateauing: there's a reason people recommend doing cardio coupled with a few days a week of strength training. Building (and keeping) muscle is a way to stave off plateaus. Building muscle raises metabolism and therefore keeps your body from finding a balance, (i.e. getting used to what you're doing, so no more weight loss). It's also better to be fit and thin when you hit your goal than to reach it as someone who's skinny but still has a high percentage of body fat.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Pretty much! Everyone has an opinion, I get that but some people make it seem like it's their way or it can't work. I have lost 110lbs and only eat 1200 calories even still. I don't eat back my calories. It works for me. I have tried to eat them back, don't work for me I gain weight doing that. Everyone's body works differently.
    you will lose weight faster if you eat back those cals

    What part of I've tried that and it don't work for me, did you not read there? I tried it for 2 months and gained 10lbs. I have 15-20 more pounds to lose, I'm not interested in losing weight fast, I'm interested in losing weight period. I lose 2-3lbs a week and I have been doing it this way sense September of 2011, I've lost 110lbs over the course of 2 years but since September is when I got really serious. Losing more then 3lbs a week is not healthy, I'm under doctor care and he told me not to eat them back so take it up with him. I'm using MFP for the calorie tracker and the support. I am not bothered with the "Starvation mode" thing, my body is not in starvation mode, it gets what it needs.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Pretty much! Everyone has an opinion, I get that but some people make it seem like it's their way or it can't work. I have lost 110lbs and only eat 1200 calories even still. I don't eat back my calories. It works for me. I have tried to eat them back, don't work for me I gain weight doing that. Everyone's body works differently.
    you will lose weight faster if you eat back those cals

    What part of I've tried that and it don't work for me, did you not read there? I tried it for 2 months and gained 10lbs. I have 15-20 more pounds to lose, I'm not interested in losing weight fast, I'm interested in losing weight period. I lose 2-3lbs a week and I have been doing it this way sense September of 2011, I've lost 110lbs over the course of 2 years but since September is when I got really serious. Losing more then 3lbs a week is not healthy, I'm under doctor care and he told me not to eat them back so take it up with him. I'm using MFP for the calorie tracker and the support. I am not bothered with the "Starvation mode" thing, my body is not in starvation mode, it gets what it needs.
    The only reason that wouldn't "work" is A) over estimating your calorie burns/exercise B) under estimating your food intake C) both A and B.

    Your doctor probably does not understand the context of the question "Should I eat back my exercise calories?" unless they are intimately familiar with how MFP works.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Now if one eats all their exercise calories back than how is someone loosing weight?
    I am doing Jamie Easons lifefit plan and I sure a daisy don't eat all my exercise calories.
    Lost 9 pounds so far, and with her eating plan, even with less calories your body does not have time to get starving.
    Not to be rude, but if you are following another plan, why are you here? This is a plan. It's called MFP and is designed differently from other plans. I try to stick to it like the bible. Just like someone would treat Weight Watchers. Do what works for you! But don't bash what works for others.

    Now where in the world do you read me bashing anything????
    I just do something for a while that has worked for some people I know.
    I did not know it was forbidden to talk about another weight loss approach.
    Ok, well the first 3 posters talking about how they don't follow MFP the way it is designed. Which is fine, but you're on MFP. That would be like going to a weight watchers meeting and arguing that MFP does it better.
    You are already in a deficit when you start MFP. So if you eat those cals back, or at least most of them, then you will still lose weight. If not, then either something wrong, or plan not for you, which is fine. But, If you believe in MFP, then you follow it, right?. If not, then, you either 1.don't understand it, or 2. you do, but disagree with it.

    I didn't know there was a rule on how we all have to do things here? I never claimed to use MFP as it was "Designed" but as the tool it was made for, you know the calorie counter? That's what first brought me here, then I made some friends, some in real life and some online, some great support here, but some nasty know it all's think just cus it works for them it has to work for everyone else. Seriously? I did say in my post that I did TRY to eat them back, I DID! It doesn't work for me, so until you are living in my body, I don't think anyone has the right to tell me how I should use this site. I use it how I see fit for me and I don't do it to please everyone. This right here is why my diary stays hidden to people not on my friends list.
  • Laurielronic
    Laurielronic Posts: 61 Member
    If i'm hungry I eat them back. If I'm not hungry I don't. Listen to your body.

    How dare you go and be all reasonable and stuff...
    Because of course most people here have no problems just "listening" to their I right? :indifferent:
    I listened to my body and my body wanted me to eat and now I am overweight trying to lose. lol
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Pretty much! Everyone has an opinion, I get that but some people make it seem like it's their way or it can't work. I have lost 110lbs and only eat 1200 calories even still. I don't eat back my calories. It works for me. I have tried to eat them back, don't work for me I gain weight doing that. Everyone's body works differently.
    you will lose weight faster if you eat back those cals

    What part of I've tried that and it don't work for me, did you not read there? I tried it for 2 months and gained 10lbs. I have 15-20 more pounds to lose, I'm not interested in losing weight fast, I'm interested in losing weight period. I lose 2-3lbs a week and I have been doing it this way sense September of 2011, I've lost 110lbs over the course of 2 years but since September is when I got really serious. Losing more then 3lbs a week is not healthy, I'm under doctor care and he told me not to eat them back so take it up with him. I'm using MFP for the calorie tracker and the support. I am not bothered with the "Starvation mode" thing, my body is not in starvation mode, it gets what it needs.
    The only reason that wouldn't "work" is A) over estimating your calorie burns/exercise B) under estimating your food intake C) both A and B.

    Your doctor probably does not understand the context of the question "Should I eat back my exercise calories?" unless they are intimately familiar with how MFP works.

    Well until I get a HRM that properly works because the POS I have says I burn 60 calories in 1 hour of zumba so yeah lol, that thing is screwed up. I can't properly count my workout calories so that could be it, but why would I fix something that isn't broken? I'm satisfied on 1200 calories, I eat till I'm full, and that is that. I'm still losing 2-3lbs a week so why would I change it?
  • Laurielronic
    Laurielronic Posts: 61 Member
    By the way, how do you get the ticker to show in your posts?
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I think one thing dieters who greatly restrict their caloric intake need to routinely check rather than just the scale is whether or not they are maintaining their lean body mass. If someone drops 20 lbs, with half of that being muscle tissue, I would not consider that a successful approach.

    ^ That was a real concern for me from the beginning. I wanted to lose the fat and didnt really care what the scale was saying so I tried to keep my weight loss at 1 pound per week. If I was losing over that I would up my base calories and try to eat back what I felt was my actual calories burned.

    Not saying that my way is the right way. Just saying that it still allows you to lose weight but just might be slower than some people want. I have had a few plateaus as well. So eating back your exercise calories does not always eliminate those.
  • gergie
    gergie Posts: 32 Member
    If i'm hungry I eat them back. If I'm not hungry I don't. Listen to your body.
    This is the best advice on here
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    By the way, how do you get the ticker to show in your posts?

    Click on "Settings" at the top of this page, and you should see "Show your MyFitnessPal ticker below each of your forum posts"
  • boppy57
    boppy57 Posts: 5
    Ok, I'm really new here and don't understand this whole eat back your calories thing. I eat 1200 a day and most days I try to exercise. One day I burned 180 cal (i know, not much but I'm new to exercise too:) ) ,does that mean I have some of those to eat back? This is really confusing...Oh and I just joined new 5 days ago.