

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    moss - you're more than welcome. Oh, love your pic. I don't do NROWLFW, but I'm sure someone else on here can help you

    Today started out by my doing Jillian Michael's Extreme Shed and Shred DVD. She says on the DVD that it's two 30 minute sections, but by my clock doing both was more like 75 minutes. But no big deal. Tomorrow...water aerobics.

    It was such a beautiful day today that I didn't go to mahjongg but stayed home with Vince and helped him clear some of the weeds. I played mahjongg last night and maj'd three times! Later on I went and bowled 5 games. I'm still consistently inconsistent. One game was a 146, another was a 99.

    A few weeks ago Lynette asked us to take her to the airport (they're going away for a week), I said "no problem". Then she tells me that she has a ride to the airport. Then she asks me again (evidentally the person who was going to take her is working so that's why she asked us). I said "no problem". Now I get an email saying that they have a ride to the airport. Really, to me this is jerking me around, take her, don't, take her, don't. I also know that it won't help any to say anything, but if she needs us to take her to the airport ever again, I'm going to confirm that we will.

    Nancy - oh, I'd hate it if someone put salt all over what I'd carefully prepared. Fortunately, Vince isn't a salt eater. My grandfather's meat would be white from all the salt!

    grandmasally - welcome! You'll get lots of encouragement and good ideas here.

    Rose - we used to have a Harris Teeter. Unfortunately, they sold the store to Lowe's Foods (there are only 3 others nearby). HT was expensive, but they had some things that no other store had. I'm sorry to see them leave, they were good for the triple coupons. I very seldom made out well with the super double coupons.

    Well, I'm going to post this really to mark my spot.

    We're having 2 couples here tomorrow evening. I got lobster tails, corn on the cob, bought a beef tenderloin, made baked white and sweet potatoes, made a banana chocolate cake and a key lime pie. I'll have a lobster tail, some corn, probably a potato, and a piece of the banana chocolate cake. Which reminds me, it's frozen, I need to make icing for it and put it on. Oh, this certain beer was recommended to me for baking so I made a beer bread. Need to have someone else tell me if it's sweet enough, I'm not a beer drinker. You know what? Bryan recommended that I use swiss cheese in it, to me Swiss cheese is on the tangy side, so next time I may use cheddar.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I did my strength training, but funny how I could not think of more of the kettlebell exercises...I have done the Dvds so many times...I guess that is what I get for being cocky!! :blushing: I also added sets using 12# dumbbells...someone said it is better to do fewer sets with more weight? I think I need to read another wt training book...what does anyone recommend? I played tennis tonight with my sister, now we have a standing Tuesday after work date...I actually won some games...as in more than one:noway: . But the wins were not necessarily due to my skill...more luck and sister's mistakes!! But we had fun and we are improving.

    Barbie, what are you doing with your rock project? I am sure that is good for several hundred extra squats and/or plunges...I did google your lunges and tried them today, I may try to work them in on a regular basis, but not nearly as many as you do.

    Laura I hope the fires are not too near you..I would find that pretty scary

    Welcome to all the new ladies..I have not been here long either but felt very welcome and supported from the very first post:flowerforyou:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Marking my spot!
    Today was DH birthday :bigsmile: Went out for Thai food but stayed within my calories also they forgot my Pad Thai but thats ok :bigsmile: left room for me to have my version of Whoopie when I got home :drinker:

    Be back later this week!

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :bigsmile: Jen, the three books I've read about weight training are "New Rules of Lifting for Women", "Strong Women Stay Young", and "Strength Training for Women".......I started with the plan in SWSY and then used the other two books for new ideas to expand, change, modify what I was doing. I started in February so I've had to change the routine. NROLFW is the book that recommends heavier weights and fewer repetitions and I've taken that to heart keeping in mind that for my age and fitness level, heavier may mean something different than it does to someone younger and fitter.....it's important to challenge yourself to do more and to read what the books say and not just do the exercises.

    :flowerforyou: I started the 100 squats a day for 100 days challenge because squats were something i could do while walking the dogs/ I moved on to 100 lunges a day when I saw the picture on the cover of TNROLF and thought that they would be the next challenge step after squats and could be done while walking dogs......I gave up the squats and lunges when my knees starting protesting that I was kneeling and squatting too much while rearranging and gathering rocks.and I just happened upon the warrior 3 pose when I was searching for something for my hamstrings.

    :laugh: my rock project defies description........I am covering the space between the house and the sidewalk around the house with weed-cloth covered with small to medium rocks.......I am gathering the rocks from the rocky soil in the big meadow behind the house where I walk the dogs.....and I'm taking the pebble sized rocks from around the house and moving them to the strip along the street that needs more rocks that size......I'm also moving some larger rocks (as heavy as I can carry) from the meadow to form borders around some trees and some areas in front of the house.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:hug,
    Barbie from NW Washington
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Marking my spot. Been gone for a while, not seriously logging anything but dipping in here every so often to keep up with everyone. So tired last night that I went to bed without completing my diary.

    better get ready for work. Have a wonderful day my friends.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Marking my spot so I can find you ladies later :smile:

    Happy Wednesday - note to self - drink more water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Just checking in quickly ....I missed yesterday....sorry!

    :yawn: I was sooooo tired for no reason! I thought "why doze in an uncomfy chair.?"
    My bed called me and I slept all evening and all night with just a few hours break when DH came home.
    :ohwell: Not sure it was the sleep of the righteous!! :ohwell: And ....not sure I feel better for it today either! Never mind eh!

    :happy: Middle of the week ...again!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hey Barbie---that's a lot of water!! :drinker:

    Hoping for a great day for everyone. BE WELL BE HAPPY!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Making good progress on healing from surgery, but just as my belly is going down and energy is returning, I got stung by a bee on my ear so now I am itchy and swollen in an entirely different area and dopey from antihistamines. Boy do I look a sight!

    In 30+ years of gardening I've only been stung twice. Both times I had my hair pulled back and was wearing cologne and/ or hair spray. Guess they thought I was a flower.... :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :sad: It's Wednesday and my computer just LOST my post:sad:

    No time to retype it....the short version is...there are 14 fires here in Colorado and it's not good.

    I am finally at a healthy BMI and have lost 1.2 lbs:love:

    Have a good day. Move it to lose it, if you eat it log it and drink plenty of water to wash away those pounds:drinker:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just a quick fly by. I saw my brother last night. First time in about 4 years. I am still angry with him for stealing all my dad's stuff when my mom died but if my dad can forgive him then I guess I should to. I went to dinner with him and my dad to make my dad happy. At least I got a killer walk in after dinner that included a hill that my fit bit said was equivalent to climbing 19 flights of stairs. I had to take it slow and steady.

    Barbie- I can relate to your rock project. My yard has so many rocks that whenever I dig a hole or try to scrap the soil I have tons of rocks that I end up putting in some of my rock beds.

    Laura - Congrats on the healthy BMI. I hope you are okay with the fires. I know it can be scary. BTW I love Renn Faires.

    Susie - glad you are healing from the surgery. Sorry about the bee sting.

    Have wonderful Wednesday, lovely ladies.

    I was going to upload a picture of Olivia to share but Photobucket is acting all weird. I will try from home later today.
    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies! ok I think I am all up to date on all of your post! Hope everyone is doing well this morning:happy: The scale was kind to me this morning and I have lost all the weight that I gained at summer camp. :happy: I guess it was the traveling and all the salt that was in the camp food, :ohwell: anyway now it is down to getting rid of other extra pounds, I did my long walk in from the back 40 parking lot ,and did some extra walking, and arm exercises. I have my water and I brought a nice big salad for lunch.

    I had a house full of family members last night, They came to see my Mom and I am happy that they do, but sometimes it is hard to stay on any kind of a routine, with eating or exercising. However I am thankful that I have a big familey :heart: and that we all get along as well as we do , because there are a lot of people out there that don't or are not talking to each other . we have always been a close familey. I have six Brothers and one Sister. we are Blessed.

    it is another busy day here at the hospital so I better get back to work. have a wonderful day ladies :bigsmile: and don't forget to smile and soon people will be smiling back at you!:wink:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, dear ladies!

    I was not feeling inspired today, but after reading your posts will get my workout clothes on and head off to the gym. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Hasta pronto,

  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Hello everyone

    We've been away for a week. When we left it had been sunny for about 3 weeks and we have come back to rain and mist but it's still nice to be back.

    I had a sneaky step on the scales this morning and it's not as bad as I had feared. I think all the comfort eating has been counteracted by some nervous burning of calories and then the lack of eating over the last 2 days since my tooth extraction. Yes, I've been to the dentist and had the best experience ever at a dentist. I had conscious sedation which was brilliant, I vaguely knew what was happening but didn't care. The root canal filling didn't need doing so I ended up with a large filling instead, a small filling and the planned extraction. I just have a sore mouth now but that will mend.

    So, I'm now back to logging my food and being good. DH has just made a lovely Salmon risotto which was easy for me to eat.

    Good news we got yesterday - our DD got her degree results - she got a "first" We are so proud of her.

    Nice to be back on track again
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone!

    Michelle I read your post about the on again off again ride to the airport. I got pissed just reading it!::mad: To me it seemed like you were considered a back up ride only....if they couldn't find anyone else. That's just plain rude! If it were me they were jerking around, I wouldn't make myself available to them anymore. After the email, if they asked you again I woud say," No, I've made plans." and the next time they were going anywhere, just plain say, "Nope, can't do it, sorry." I know you won't do what I mentioned, and honestly I wouldn't expect you to. These past 3 or 4 months have been exceptionally trying with my mother and I have a VERY short fuse now.:explode: But people takiing advantage of your valuable time is just not considerate. Period!
    Oh, and I still cannot understand how you are able to make all those lucious desserts and not be tempted to pig out on them!:noway:

    I have finally started logging my food again. I went to put on one of my pants that I had taken in that were too large before and I could BARELY button them. That freaked me out, but when I went on my computer and had a message there from MFP telling me to get back on the program and log your food......well that was just a slap in the face! So I promptly entered everything I ate that day (before I decided to do this) and whoa!!! I had gone to the movies and bought a plain popcorn (large) and a diet drink, and when I logged it in, it said I had eaten 1030 calories (equivalent to six cups of popcorn) I was shocked! I thought I had done well not adding butter and didn't think the popcorn would add up to that much. Boy was I wrong. Needless to say after adding everything else I ate that day, I was over 2300 calories. That was the final straw!! I cant; believe I have forgotten so much. My mind and body have been so preoccupied with my mother and all that comes with her, that I have just lost it. I know I have been eating "bad " food to console myself from all that I have put up with her, but this is ridiculous! So I am back logging again. Even still though, I am making mistakes left and right with my choices. I guess I have to "re-teach" myself how to eat properly again and recognize triggers and portion control.
    Oh well.:ohwell:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Well, we didn't make it to July but we got close, didn't we???

    Barbie: I LOVE to play with rocks for some reason. I have left behind little rock walls, rock borders, rock steps...anywhere we have lived where there were rocks! In MT, I make DH slam on brakes on some of the mountain roads so that I can go get some appealing ones I see to bring back to our home there. I especially love rocks from the rivers out there. At least you don't have far to go get your rocks! You'll have to post a photo when you get part of your project "completed"!

    Rose: SO happy GS is safely home and things went well!

    Youngest Son's Bachelor Party is here this weekend. I have been stocking the pantry and frig and cooking. DH has someone coming to do a Fish Fry type dinner for Saturday evening so I am just filling in the rest of the time. I am heading to my parents so the "GUYS" can have their guy time. The weather looks like it will be perfect!:glasses: :glasses: I just hope everyone gets here and back home safely.

    Off to think about our dinner. Take care, ALL:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kackie
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, thanks for the recommendation on books..I will have to find them. I am impressed with your rock project..someday when we put in a real driveway for our camp..I too will need to do a rock project...I can only hope I have your enthusiasm.!!

    So is there a full moon or something...I had a really lousy day at work.:explode: ..I do customer service in a (very) small insurance agency...I had to be dealing with probably the most annoying car salesman (and it :explode: was a woman)...grrrh. good thing tomorrow is another day...I was actually thinking...why didn't I become a teacher...love the schedule...but then I remember that I would probably be locked up for decking a parent....:laugh:

    Took a day of rest today, hope to do intervals tomorrow am...

    Hope all are well..thanks for listening!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.
    I`t so good to see former pals return.I just enjoy reading the posts.
    Been working out with wts on my squats,step ups and increased the leg press to 50lbs.
    Getting in the pool anytime I can.The weather is gonna be 100-105 heat index.
    Thanks,Barbie for keeping the thread going.I know it helps me stay motivated as well as others.
    Have a good night.