Walmart - an observation



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    They are currently finishing up a Walmart Grocery Store about 1/2 a mile from my house. Can't wait. Tired of paying Safeway's over inflated prices.

    Our Safeway (which is Tom Thumb around here) has some pretty good deals... on Friday I just bought 3 pounds of Strawberries for 5 dollars...
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    My husband actually finds my avoidance of Walmart amusing. I refuse to go in at all costs. I feel like I've been violated when I go- the customers are pushy and rude, the store is dirty, the layout is confusing, the workers are pretty much disgruntled all the time, and the prices really aren't that low. I shop at Meijer (regional chain)- they have their own brand of organics that I LOVE, and the decor is warm and welcoming. Store folks are pretty friendly- but that does change based on the specific store location.
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    I hate the classism of Walmart. I've been to one in a wealthy neighborhood, and it was cleaner, better organized, and had better selection than any other Walmart I have ever seen. Is it too much to ask that all Walmarts be clean? Why do they only clean for rich people?

    They don't only clean for rich people. The thing is, is that a Walmart in a crappy neighboorhood hires it's employees from that same crappy neighboorhood. And people who let their neighboorhood get crappy are generally the type of people who could care less if they let the store they work in get crappy either. The attitude of the employees 100% dictates the stores cleanliness and your shopping experience. And the reason the selection is different is based on what sells in that area. There is no point in stocking higher-end products in a store that is in a neighboorhood full of people who can't afford to buy it. A store has to cater to it's market when it comes to the merchandise that it carries.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was reading another thread and a lot of people mentioned shopping at Walmart (for groceries) but made remarks about how they hate it. I find this amusing. I have a Super Walmart right down the street from my house. It is very convenient, especially when I need something RIGHT NOW! I shop there A LOT!! I have two kids and I buy everything from diapers to toilet paper there. However, I HATE shopping there. I try so hard to avoid Walmart by shopping at Target but they dont always have what I need. I mean, I actually get a headache when I think about having to go into that store but yet I find myself in there at least 2 - 3 times per week. So what is it, exactly, that we HATE about Walmart? For me, its the crowds, slow cashiers, long lines, but there is something else about it.... I cant put my finger on it... Is it the general demeanor of the employees and other shoppers in the store?? If we hate it so much, why do we keep going back? For me - convenience, prices on every day stuff (diapers, milk, etc). Is it the same for you?

    Note **I am bored at work. Can you tell?***

    I, too, hate shopping there. For all of the reasons you listed, and add to that, when I actually need help there's not an employee to be found ANYWHERE within a 15 aisle radius. Then, when I do find and employee, the response is usually, "That's not my department. Let me page 'so and so'." A) I don't care if it's your department or not, I worked in retail for the better part of fifteen years. That is NOT the correct response. If a customer asks for help, you HELP them. Just because you don't work in that department, it doesn't mean you can't help just don't want to. B) Paging someone from "THAT" department doesn't help, because they just ignore the page anyway. I do, however, continue to shop there because they do have the lowest prices for most items, and I drive right by it on my way home, so it's convenient.
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    I work in insurance and about 75% of all "hit while parked" claims happened in Wal Mart parking lots. . .coincidence. . .I think not!
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    My husband actually finds my avoidance of Walmart amusing. I refuse to go in at all costs. I feel like I've been violated when I go- the customers are pushy and rude, the store is dirty, the layout is confusing, the workers are pretty much disgruntled all the time, and the prices really aren't that low. I shop at Meijer (regional chain)- they have their own brand of organics that I LOVE, and the decor is warm and welcoming. Store folks are pretty friendly- but that does change based on the specific store location.

    Love Meijer!! There is a book out about it too and their corporate structure that is interesting.
  • films14
    films14 Posts: 11
    Walfart is just not aesthetically pleasing... seriously, the lighting is horrible & it makes everything look dirty & gross. --the prices are amazing tho, but i'd rather shop at the 99cent store lol!
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    My husband actually finds my avoidance of Walmart amusing. I refuse to go in at all costs. I feel like I've been violated when I go- the customers are pushy and rude, the store is dirty, the layout is confusing, the workers are pretty much disgruntled all the time, and the prices really aren't that low. I shop at Meijer (regional chain)- they have their own brand of organics that I LOVE, and the decor is warm and welcoming. Store folks are pretty friendly- but that does change based on the specific store location.

    Love Meijer!! There is a book out about it too and their corporate structure that is interesting.

    I worked in the advertising department for the Meijer corporate office in Grand Rapids for two years, and the company I work for now does all of their interior and exterior signing (yes, I am a bit biased about their decor, but darn it we do good work here!). One of the very interesting things about the company (at least this was true when I was there) is quite a few of the upper level corporate employees all started out as shelve stockers, cashiers or baggers. It is a company where you can truly work your way from the bottom up if you're motivated.

    Also, I know from personal experience the extensive quality assurance they put their produce through. They even have a little instrument they use to measure the sugar level in the grapes they buy. They reject far more produce than they buy because of their standards. The Q&A offices were right across from mine, and we (the employees) would do blind taste tests all day long on various products for the Meijer brand vs. the national brand. If Meijer brand tested low, they'd work on it until it was just as good or sometimes better.
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177
    I believe in the UK Walmart is 'ASDA'... and yes I hate it and only ever go there in an emergency. It's full of chavs.

    It's really not an equivalent. Asda existed before Walmart bought the chain, and hasn't really changed much (IMO) since.

    It was always equivalent. That's why they bought it, so there was no shock to their chav customer base to be served by miserable staff in a filthy place, buying crap produce.

    If your local area is full of chavs and your local supermarket is Asda, then it stands to reason that Asda will be full of chavs where you live. That's like me saying Tesco is full of schoolchildren because my local Tesco is near a school. My local Asda isn't full of chavs. You might want to move to a nicer area rather than switch supermarkets.