Gym pet peeves



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    charging obscene amounts of money per month, tie you into long contracts and won't let you leave even when the contract is over. oh..and they smell. REAL bad.
  • Kelleyrh5
    Kelleyrh5 Posts: 119 Member
    LOL this is Awesome!

    People with major BO!!! And while working out never have a towel to wipe off excess sweat and it;s like pouring off of them! ewwwww!!! LOL

    Oh! Also while doing the spinning classes - Shut the heck up !!!! I want to concentrate on the ride not your conversations! HAHA
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    Mine is mostly the standing around and socializing. I can't stand that.

    Although I'm sure I annoy people when I laugh out loud to TV shows. :) I don't do it all the time but sometimes a giggle or too will slip out. Or when I'm watching Vampire Diaries and I have to cover my mouth over something shocking.

    You made me lol at work!! I love the Vampire Diaries and I do the same thing at the gym. :smile:
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    I don't like the super loud grunters doing weights. If they were lifting a HEAVY weight, then maybe all the noise would be necessary, but otherwise - shhh. Also, I know it's a gym and people sweat, but it would be nice if people wore deodorant and washed their gym clothes once in a while.

    But what really makes me roll my eyes are the Juice Bar Bunnies. They come in, prance on the treadmill for 15 minutes, then scoot off to get a smoothie and sit around for the next half hour. There's a Jamba Juice up the road, go there if that's all you've come here to do and quit wasting space.
  • mkannenberg
    mkannenberg Posts: 1 Member
    People who talk during group fitness cooldown. Errrr
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    I just thought of another one. We have a guy in our gym that gets a cut off broom stick and acts like he is doing karate. He swings the stick around and walks between the equipment doing round house kicks (you can tell he has no clue what he is doing)!
  • funky_stripes
    funky_stripes Posts: 119 Member
    Totally agree with Pervy men, like frik, quit staring at me old man
  • cinblog1965
    cinblog1965 Posts: 133 Member
    I have 2, people who sit on a machine in between their sets. MOVE people, I don't want to be here all night!

    And people that read while on a treadmill, bike or eliptical, or any other cardio equipment. You know they can't be putting alot of effort into it if they're able to read.
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    I keep seeing guys wearing jeans when they lift. It sort of creeps me out, because all I can think about is how sweaty and chafed they must get working out in jeans! Blech...
  • 1. Person on a phone conversation, that lasts over a minute.
    2. People having loud conversations while on treadmill or ellyptical (typically ladies)
    3. The gym PA system music too loud (its a gym, not a dance club)
    4. People who just stand, chill and conversate with one another.
    5. I also hate gyms that have mirrors and you can see peoples ugly face expressions or people chewing gum

    and lastly, i dont know why but it bothers me when obese people are doing weights instead of cardio.
    I think they should be doing cardio to loose more pounds and then switch to weight-lifting.
    I know, I know, atleast theyre making the effort to go to the gym but i think if your obese cardio would benefit you much more!
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224

    What about women that come to the gym in freshly applied makeup? Why, I don't get that one at all.
    Well sometimes I go to the gym right after work and I can't be bothered to take my make up off cause that would cut into gym time =P

  • 2. Men who walk around or just sit bare naked in the locker room for all others to see.

    Yeah, I just dont get why they do this...
    Its typically the old old men.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Pet Peeves

    1. When a group of guys takes up 3 benches so they can sit around and talk while their other buddy does a set on another machine.
    2. Talking on the phone anywhere.. really its only 60 minutes of your life, leave the phone in your locker
    3. Rudeness, people that are walking towards you and they are all in a line and nobody moves but expects you to just get out of the way cause they think they are tough..
    4. D-bag walking around you while your lifting drinking supplements and generally getting in your lift space
    5. Guys that stand right infront of the mirror and do flex sets.
    6. People that occupy the pulley machines ( I have no idea the names, but my gym has 1 so 5 people can use different stations) and 1 guy leaves his water/towel on the bar/floor while he goes to socialize, then comes back 10 minutes later and asks why your on his machine.
    7. Dropping your dumbbells from a unnecessary height
    8. Yelling during your set, really guy I bench that in complete silence..
    9. When your on a cardio machine, and there is nobody around you, all other machines are open and someone decides to use the machine right next to you.
    10. Don't use a locker for you car keys or coat.. (we have limited locker space so lockers are taken pretty quick when busy)

    I am really annoyed at times with the gym.
  • People that sit on the equipment and talk on there cell phones. Your sitting there for 30mins chatting just made that equipment non usable.. Same also goes for the ones in the Cardio cinema who sit/stand on the cardio equipment without using it and watch the movie..
  • mcspex
    mcspex Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! My gym always has one TV on The Food Network (by request!!) Nothing like watching Paula Deen while I'm trying to NOT want whatever is being made!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I just thought of another one. We have a guy in our gym that gets a cut off broom stick and acts like he is doing karate. He swings the stick around and walks between the equipment doing round house kicks (you can tell he has no clue what he is doing)!

    That's hilarious! We had a guy that would come in and sit in the "stretching area" and do like male ballet dance moves, stretch and go back home. Like... why have a gym membership for that???
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Guys wearing spandex
    THIS ^^^^^^^.

    Loud cell phone talkers.
    Perfume / cologne
    People who "reserve" a machine with their towel and then go off to who knows where forever.
    People who spread ALL the crap from their gym bag all over the counter or bench in the locker room.
    People who jump on the cardio machines before I can wipe them down... really, I left my water and towel there for a reason. Can't you wait 30 seconds?

    Sigh... I could go on. That's why I work out outside if the weather's nice. The people density is just so much lower!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    What about women that come to the gym in freshly applied makeup? Why, I don't get that one at all.
    Well sometimes I go to the gym right after work and I can't be bothered to take my make up off cause that would cut into gym time =P

    I'm at the gym at 4am. :)
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I just thought of another one. We have a guy in our gym that gets a cut off broom stick and acts like he is doing karate. He swings the stick around and walks between the equipment doing round house kicks (you can tell he has no clue what he is doing)!
    WTF??? That is absurd.
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    I keep seeing guys wearing jeans when they lift. It sort of creeps me out, because all I can think about is how sweaty and chafed they must get working out in jeans! Blech...

    You just reminded me of another one and this will give you an idea what section of the country I am located.

    We have a guy that wears jeans, cowboy boots, a wife beater and a chain securing his wallet! WTH???