Morbidly Obese & Exercise



  • wharkins
    wharkins Posts: 15 Member
    Hi. I just joined last week. I'm 52 and currently weigh 307. I know that several people have recommended walking and swimming as a place to start. Personally, I have a problem with my heel and walking is out for now. Lack of finances keep me from swimming. So I'm working with a few dvd's. One is Cardio Kick. It's twenty minutes long and has one person demonstrating beginner low impact moves. The first time I did it I just focused on doing the arm movements. Jabs and crosses and upper cuts - feels good! I've only done it four times. However, I found with just letting myself be a beginner and be where I'm at that I'm already moving more than I thought I could. The other is a Jane Fonda dvd that she put out for older people. It's a dance dvd called Firm and Burn. Same idea - just letting myself be a beginner. My biggest issue is asking for support. I haven't asked for friendship or motivation. I'm going to suck it up and ask for it now. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • sapienti
    sapienti Posts: 17
    get some good orthotic inserts for your shoes, like at the dr scholls thingy at wal-mart. they are a bit pricey, but make the walk so much less painful. i've had foot problems for a couple years and I recently got a pair, it is really nice how well the orthotic will relieve the pressure points on the feet that get sore quickly.

  • Hello, I have lost allot of weight over the years. I am still very over weight. 486 pound at my height weight. Got down to 313, started having health problems, on medications, weight went up retaining fluids, doctors scale says 320. So back a losing weight again. Been fighting my self. Eating thing I know I should not eat. Had a lot of emotion things going on in my life, they were talking about putting me in assisted living. Dealing with a brother with drinking problems also. Have to get back taking care of my self. One meal at a time and some exercises. Drinking my water like I should I should start seeing positive changes once again.
  • Dealing with high blood pressure due to medication for Gout. So exercise is set aside for a little while. 320 pounds when I joined. Have not weighted in for a while.
  • dreamstate89020
    dreamstate89020 Posts: 5 Member
    I like to stick a CD in and dance. At first it was 20 minutes a day three times a week. Then I went to 30 minutes three times a week. I eventually started adding crunches..I used Ricky martins CD that has Livin La Vida Loca ..the slow songs I would do crunches, the fast I would dance. It was a good work out to begin...low key, no pressures...just get up and move to music you like.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I am 57 year old. At 306 I started out just walking in front of the TV during commercials. Then built slowly to walking during a show. Now 93 lbs later I have a job where I am on my feet a lot and put in 10,000 plus steps most days. I will admit it has taken me 8 years to lose this weight but I refuse to give up.
    Just start somewhere, you are worth it.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I started at 283 and would do 10 minutes at a time on the bike, then increased it little by little doing separate short periods. That with food modification helped me to lose weight and increase my tolerance slowly. Now I can walk up to 3 miles (still have 90 yo knees), ride the bike for 45-60 minutes and do the elliptical, AND DANCE!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Shadow boxing is a great way to get in some cardio and burn some calories, and you can even do it sitting down if your knees give you too much trouble.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    First you should check with your doctor before you start exercising!! Get a good pair of shoes. If you can get into a pool it's a wonderful way to start!

    I was obese when I started and I here to tell you can do this. Just do baby steps...find a exercise you can do....start out slow. change your eating. Use a smaller plate. Try and make more fresh choices. Cut back on refined sugar & complex carbs. Stay clear of junk foods....the more you eat the more you want!! The same with diet soda's if you drink it you will still crave sugar!!

    Good luck, add me if you would like : )
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I started here at 354 and am currently 298. I can't get on the floor and do aerobics and certain strength exercises I can't do but that's more because I had 5 different surgeries on one arm and it doesn't work right much anymore than my weight.

    I started out walking the biggest mall in the city as many times a week as I could stand and walk for as long as I could. Not quite three years ago it helped me drop around 50lbs while I was on a doctor-ordered diet regimen. It's a great place to start, as is marching in place while you watch TV, dancing to music, and working with dumbbells or ankle/wrist weights while doing some things.

    Being big you have to understand you do have your limitations, but it doesn't mean you can't burn major calories and break a good sweat with the rest of them!
  • SoHo_Doll
    SoHo_Doll Posts: 2
    Hi. I looking for friends who have a LOT of weight to lose and have a challenge with exercise. I'm currently 325 lbs and 50 years old. Even walking becomes painful after a few minutes. Ideas, personal stories and mutual understanding needed.

    If you can get a copy of it somewhere (library, bookstore....they may even have it for the Kindle and Nook online), there is a book called 'Mega Yoga' by Megan Garcia. It's a yoga program (the first yoga program) targeted at heavy women. It's an excellent yoga program to strengthen and tone you and is VERY beneficial in getting your body strong enough to walk with ease. You may even be able to Google online videos of yoga and tai chi programs for heavier people. And having an eco ball is a good idea as well. You can do SO many easy but weight reducing exercises with them.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    The best thing I ever did was invest in a great pair of shoes. It helped with foot pain so so much. I echo suggestions to try swimming, if not something else low impact (elliptical?)

    Take it slow, stretch, focus on small accomplishments at first. You can do it!

    And also try doing aqua aerobics or whatever you call it there. Water based exercises are actually great for morbidly obese people since we tend to weigh lighter on the water & so they will have easier time carrying their body weight.

    I agree with consulting a doctor before starting any exercise program & I think this one applies to everyone regardless of the body weight.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I started my journey at 325 pounds also. I was 37 years old with arthritis in my hips, knees and ankles. Just walking for any length of time made my knees, feet, ankles and hips hurt. I was on daily arthritis medicine and my knees were so bad that I had to have SynVisc shots in both knees every 6 months.

    At that point, I did water aerobics, used a recumbent bike and made myself walk even if 30 minutes was all I could manage. The water aerobics actually felt very good and were easy on my joints (my class was in a warm water rehab pool). The bike took the pressure off the joints as well. The walking didn't feel very good, but I forced myself to do it.

    I am down 96 pounds from my highest weight and I am totally off my arthritis meds and no longer have to get the SynVisc shots and not only can I walk for much longer, but I now enjoy hiking again and attend Zumba classes and can even do the jumping portions. I am even now considering kick boxing classes.

    To start, I would try a recumbent bike or regular stationary bike, water aerobics (or just walking in the pool), or swimming. As you lose weight then you can try other activities that require more weight on the legs and feet.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Just walk for short periods. You'll build up strength over time. I started at 334 myself.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Hi. I looking for friends who have a LOT of weight to lose and have a challenge with exercise. I'm currently 325 lbs and 50 years old. Even walking becomes painful after a few minutes. Ideas, personal stories and mutual understanding needed.

    Just to add my 2 cents, I was 394 pounds in October of 2010 and began exercising some when I was still about 375. In January of this year when I weighed about 320 I began running and a few weeks ago completed my first triathlon.

    I am not saying you should go out tomorrow and run or anything, but you can probably do much more than you think you. Go see a doctor and make sure you are good to go medically. Once your doc green lights you, go first to a running shoe store and get fitted for some good quality shoes and socks. After that just begin and begin each day new.

    Good luck to you and please let any of us know what help you need.
  • suenix24
    suenix24 Posts: 121 Member
    I am 44, 5'9 and started at 282 pounds, walking was all I could do. I remember the first time I walked around my block. I felt like everyone was laughing at me and by the time I reached the front of my house I could barely lift my foot up. I cried and I was in pain. I have lost almost 30 pounds since (I started in the middle of April) and my first step out of my door is as strong as the last one I make back into my house. The key, is patience. Walk a little each day, every day. Make yourself even when you do not think you have any energy to do it. I have even started running. All things are possible. Wishing you the best in your journey!!
  • thedove34
    thedove34 Posts: 28 Member
    Would love to add you as a friend.
    I have about 80 lbs to loose and I have been overweight my entire life.
    I just joined this site and I am looking for friends for some support.
    Let me know
    Fran from Windso, ON Canada
  • jennnnn2u
    jennnnn2u Posts: 133
    Hi there. I have a lot of weight to lose and completely understand your position. I also have had many problems with my feet which have included several surgeries so I also totally get the foot pain issue. I agree with the others that swimming is by far the best for me. However, since I don't have a swimming pool it's not always feasible. I enjoy riding my bike but right now I'm just too heavy and it tires me out way too fast since you can't control the hills and such outside. I have found, though, that my recumbent stationery bike is my savior. It's easy on my knees and feet and I can do it at my own pace. Also, I don't feel embarrassed because it's in my basement. :) I finally got up the courage tonight to try a long walk as my exercise. Normally a few blocks hurts my feet but I have started noticing recently that I can go farther. Well, guess what? I walked for an hour tonight!! I'm sitting here cursing my feet because they DO hurt a lot right now. But I'm also sitting here going, "take that, *****! I showed you who's boss!"

    Anyway, long story recommendation is to get yourself a recumbent bike and go swimming whenever you can. And show those feet who calls the shots eventually! You'll get there. It's still super hard for me to do a lot of exercise but I'm pushing through it and it's getting easier! It really is! And it's only been a few weeks since I started. Just do your best and you'll get there.
  • MJKehler
    MJKehler Posts: 1
    I was 290 pounds on May 30, 2012. I am 44 and had a heart attack. When I got home from the hospital (June 4), I could barely walk to the end of the block. I had always considered myself athletic, but who was I fooling? I was out of shape.

    With the help and advice of my physician, I changed my diet and worked out a very aggressive exercise plan. I cut as much sodium, fat and cholesterol from my diet as I could, and started with 5 minutes of walking a day. The walking was at whatever pace I wanted, I just needed to increase it by a minute a day, and I had to do it every day.

    As I became more comfortable with walking - comfort meaning actually be able to breathe as I walked - I picked up my pace a little. The pace is not important, the increased time every day is what is. My goal is to be able to walk for an hour - and the time frame is 55 days. I have already been able to increase time by more than a minute a day as I have lost weight, because less weight carried on walks makes it more comfortable (definition above) to walk.

    I have lost 31 pounds since my heart attack. The first 20 was not as hard as I thought it would be. The next 40 to my goal is the challenge.

    I know that it is not this easy for everyone. I also know that it is not only exercise that is helping - I actually think that two parts of my diet is the most important. I am not longer consuming huge calories and I am eating usable calories.

    Good luck my friend! I would be very happy to help out in any way that I can!
  • As you have seen from a lot of the other posts, start out 'small' and increase as you can. I started out at 308 at the age of 47 and I was determined to lose. But it hurt to go for walks on the trail system by my house. Diagnosis from dr was osteoarthritis and she could suggest to drop the weight. It hurt but I kept walking through the pain and by the time I had dropped 30 pounds, my arthritis wasn't giving me problems. I also invested in a good pair of shoes. The best thing to do is to watch what you eat, exercise however much you can, drink water more than anything else, and (this is #1) have faith that you can do it. Also, because of another health issue I had to deal with that affected my walking, do flat surfaces only and if possible find a walking surface that isn't concrete or asphalt. A lot of the schools have the tracks that are made out of a material designed for running. You can do it, did I mention having faith that you can do it?