anyone else been here months and not lost a thing?



  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    If anyone here is struggling I would strongly suggest that

    A) you re-*kitten* your macros using the following calculator, which is far superior to the macros this site gives you IMO

    B) start a proper weightlifting program.

    If you have been doing something for 2-3 months and seen no results, whatever you are doing isn't working, change it now before you are still here in a years time.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Me - I actually started watching my calories and starting a personal training class in mid-December. Starting hitting it harder in January. Tried the Eat More to Lose Weight method. Lost a few pounds that first week, but I was hitting the gym hard and running and couldn't keep up that schedule. Chalked it up to the pill - went off the pill. Chalked it up to my age. Blamed it on my husband. I've never had this much trouble before. I know it must be something I am doing wrong, I can't figure out exactly what. I know my eating isn't strict and I still go out and have party weekends but still felt I was doing pretty good. I am now starting Insanity next week along with watching my calorie intake. I keep changing it up. I'm sure I'll find something that works somewhere. I am getting my bloodwork done next week just to make sure its nothing there. I've never had any issues so I doubt that it - but better to know for sue. We are all different, we all have different lifestyles. You just gotta keep trying until you find what works for you. What used to work for me - isn't working now. So I'm still trying!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Have you tried the zig zag method? For me its easier to stay on track with my calories - I'm doing that method but breaking it down into weekly calories along with doing the Insanity starting on Monday. I figure anything to help me stay on track with my calories is worth trying.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    If anyone here is struggling I would strongly suggest that

    A) you re-*kitten* your macros using the following calculator, which is far superior to the macros this site gives you IMO

    B) start a proper weightlifting program.

    If you have been doing something for 2-3 months and seen no results, whatever you are doing isn't working, change it now before you are still here in a years time.

    If my current plan doesn't work i might try the calories/macros from here.

  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    If anyone here is struggling I would strongly suggest that

    A) you re-*kitten* your macros using the following calculator, which is far superior to the macros this site gives you IMO

    B) start a proper weightlifting program.

    If you have been doing something for 2-3 months and seen no results, whatever you are doing isn't working, change it now before you are still here in a years time.

    oh i really like the calculator!!!! thank you for sharing that :-)

    i am lifting. i just like it too much to not do it, and i see more changes when i use weights than i do with cardio alone ( or even lighter weights, etc.).

    thank you for your post!!
  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    I think you may want to see a doctor about why eating makes you feel bloated and lethargic. Perhaps you have an allergy to certain food that you are unaware of. Some people have allergies to grains and that can make them feel that way. I don't suggest googling and diagnosing yourself. Seeing a doctor may uncover something you did not know and help you find foods that work better for your body. Just a suggestion, good luck :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I think you may want to see a doctor about why eating makes you feel bloated and lethargic. Perhaps you have an allergy to certain food that you are unaware of. Some people have allergies to grains and that can make them feel that way. I don't suggest googling and diagnosing yourself. Seeing a doctor may uncover something you did not know and help you find foods that work better for your body. Just a suggestion, good luck :)

    Hmm that is an idea - I have a friend who found out she was highly allergic to Gluten and when she took it out of her diet she felt so much better and dropped pounds. That's why I'm going to get blood work done and see my dr. next week - just to check all this out too.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    I think you may want to see a doctor about why eating makes you feel bloated and lethargic. Perhaps you have an allergy to certain food that you are unaware of. Some people have allergies to grains and that can make them feel that way. I don't suggest googling and diagnosing yourself. Seeing a doctor may uncover something you did not know and help you find foods that work better for your body. Just a suggestion, good luck :)

    thank you! this was suggested to me last night too. i feel ok as long as i don't eat a lot. if this keeps happening as i increase my calories again ( over the next 3 weeks) i will go see a doc again. the last time i was there i was told i was healthy, no issues, other than not eating enough, which led to my developing gall stones and needing my gall bladder out. and i've contributed some of this to having that removed. it's possible that the two have nothing to do with each other though.
  • suzanne_oh
    suzanne_oh Posts: 95 Member
    4 weeks today being on this site, lost 3 lbs after 2 weeks, 3rd week gained 1 lb back, weighed in today, back at the weight I started at 4 weeks ago!

    I've lost 25 lbs. since August without really trying and doing no exercise (back/neck problems). My health is better, a friend tells me about this site, I start walking at least 5 days a week and tracking my food every day and after a month don't lose anything! Um....
  • KristinaMarieOH
    I had an initial weight loss of 15 pounds but now I've been stuck for a few weeks. Getting very frustrating but I'm going to try and keep going as I'm trying to look at this as a lifestyle change rather than a temporary weight loss program. I just wish my hard work would produce better results. :grumble:
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    Were you intaking more calories than you thought? Not excersing at all? Those are the only reasons I can see you not being able to lose any weight. I have only been on here two days but even with bad excersise programs I always lost weight, JUST NOT THE RIGHT WAY! And maybe you are losing fat and gaining muscle, muscle weighs more than fat.

    I'm going to jump in before someone else does but muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, it just takes up less room. There is a great pic somewhere which shows 5lbs of fat vs 5lb of muscle, it's amazing!

    The inverse is also true - a square inch of muscles weighs more than a square inch of fat - so given the same volume, muscle does weigh more than fat.
  • It_never_ends
    It_never_ends Posts: 105 Member
    This is actually my 3rd account after about 6 months I say "*kitten* this, i'm not losing so why try." Then I delete my account. A month later I'm like "Nooooo what did i do!! Must keep going" LOL I think I've been stuck at 150-160 for almost 2 years now.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Muscle weight more than fat in the same way that a bowling ball weighs more than feathers. But you wouldn't say "no, a pound of bowling ball weighs as much as a pound of feathers!"
  • sez11pink
    sez11pink Posts: 10 Member

    I started out the same. In the first 4 weeks I only lost 1lb and it sucked. I was so frustrated because i was only eating 1300 cals but i wasnt exercising :(. Last week I decided to up my cals (only by 300) so that it was level with my BMR and do a bit more exercise. I cut out soda and replaced it with sparkling water and iv'e lost 2lbs this week!!

    2 years ago I went to work at a summer camp and in 5 months I had lost 20lbs. I ate loads especially for breakfast. I would have a bowl of cereal, a bowl of fruit, eggs and bacon a coffee and an orange juice!!! I'd have a salad for lunch and pasta or meat and fries with a dessert for dinner. Id have an ice cream at 11am for a snack and a packet of chips a coffee rockstar and a chocolate bar as another snack when all the staff hung out at 10pm. SO I ATE A LOT!!! lol. BUT I also exercised a lot ad had to drink sooo much water because we had no soda. I walked to meals and back 3 time a day which was a 16 minute walk each time and up hill on the way back. I would walk to the pool and do lengths every day when I wasn't lifeguarding, I walked around camp all day and helped with the horses And ran round after the kids in evening activities. 20 even tho I ate loads I worked it all off and it worked well and i lost loads!!!

    I went back to the same camp last year and ate the same amount of food but they gave me a golf cart which meant I didn't have to walk everywhere in the crazy VA heat so didn't lol. I was eating way more than I was burning and not drinking as much water as I had stockpiled on the soda!! And in the 5 months I was there I PUT ON the 20lbs I had lost the month before (oops). So you can have your cake and eat it and your chips and ice cream lol but you have to exercise hard to burn it off!!
  • marisaconti1
    marisaconti1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi rightpath,

    I have been on MFP for 12 days (prior I was doing the DASH diet for about 3 months and same thing down 1 pound and the next week up 1 pound.
    I have not lost weight or inches. I stick to about 1300 -1400 calories, exercise 4-5 times a week, drink 8-12 glasses of water and nothing happens, sooo frustrating...
    My weight seems to hold on for dear life.
    You are not alone. TGF.. MFP
    I'll tell you what other people tell me - Stick to it!

    Keep going,
    Managing Marisa
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I hesitate to speculate why someone else isn't losing weight, but I'll tell you what happened to me. I'm here for a few months and haven't lost anything, but I've gained insight - also valuable. My reasons are, but aren't limited to, age (55), previous weight loss (40 lbs. before I got here), not eating enough (as told to me by the tracker and the learned MFP members), serious exercise rut (doing the same thing for over a year) and borderline-to-low thyroid levels. You may be following directions to the letter, but not losing. You need to try some new ways of tailoring the plan to your individual needs. My suggested plan was too high in carbs. I lowered it a bit and raised the protein a bit and have recently started losing again. Listen to all of the suggestions, try what suits your needs, don't make too many changes at once (or you won't know what worked), and keep in mind that you may need to make more changes at a later date as you progress. Good luck, Sweetie! You can do this!
  • GreenEyedLady1
    im sorry you have such a terrible relationship with food that you eat so little.

    my personal opinion is you are not eating enough and you are not eating enough healthy foods. you already like to lift and go to the gym, so that part is helpful but you are going to really need to take the time to learn about how much you should be eating and try to get it from the right foods.

    if you really dislike eating a lot, have you tried maybe adding a protein shake into your day? a nice way to get some relatively good calories in. even a cup or two of chocolate milk is a nice way to get some good calories along with some protein and plus, its chocolate! :)

    for the record, i have lost all my weight here on mfp just by changes in what i eat. it makes all the difference imo.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Eating right and calorie consumption are a big key to weight loss. Giving up is always easier to do than sticking with it and fighting through the tough times. Fluctuating your eating habits will not make you lose weight and may even make you put weight on. How much weight are you trying to lose and what is your height and weight right now?
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    Eating right and calorie consumption are a big key to weight loss. Giving up is always easier to do than sticking with it and fighting through the tough times. Fluctuating your eating habits will not make you lose weight and may even make you put weight on. How much weight are you trying to lose and what is your height and weight right now?

    i'm going to stick with 1500 cals for the next 3 weeks, and then go from there...... since i already ate at 1500 and didn't lose anything ( and tried to go higher) i'm not sure where this will all end up taking me......

    i'm 5'3" and 190. i'd like to lose 50lbs. puts me at the TOP of normal for my height and is what i need to weight to bring down my life insurance premium :-/
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    i'm going to stick with 1500 cals for the next 3 weeks, and then go from there...... since i already ate at 1500 and didn't lose anything ( and tried to go higher) i'm not sure where this will all end up taking me......

    i'm 5'3" and 190. i'd like to lose 50lbs. puts me at the TOP of normal for my height and is what i need to weight to bring down my life insurance premium :-/

    Are you sure your are logging your calories in correctly, and are you staying at the 1500 a day? I say that because I thought I was doing so good - then I would go back and look at my logs and I would do good for about 3 or 4 days and then we would go on a trip and my alcohol was up (which I did not log all of it into my diary). I also did some research on things I was estimating on such as a favorite alcoholic drink - I thought it was like 110 calories a bottle - in reality it was 300 a bottle! Big difference. Also, I drink flavored creamer and though I use the Low fat lower calorie version, and I would log in about 2 or 4 tablespoons, I actually measured it one day and I was having double that in each cup which raised my calories by about 100 to 200 calories. Also portion sizes - you can easily eat 4 oz of chicken and only log it as 2 oz. Its really hard when you guessimate. Also, I think I was way overestimating my calorie burn. So I have figured out my TDEE with a correct exercise lifestyle and I am not going to add any more exercise calories unless I do a really big burn. I don't like having to log every little thing I eat but at this point, I think I have to as something has got to start working - lol.