how do i do only 1200 calories? freaking out!



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    My first instinct is to just say 1200 is TOO LOW.

    But it IS possible to feel satisfied on 1200 if you eat a LOT of protein (100g a day minimum), and keep all your calories nutrient dense.
    Also, take ONE day every week or two where you eat at maintenance level (about 1800), still of GOOD quality food though...

    Also, eat back your exercise calories! You can "earn" that treat at the end of the day, or "make up" for an indulgence earlier in the day. They are meant to be eaten! Just don't overestimate them...
  • maryebiggs
    maryebiggs Posts: 1 Member
    I would refigure your macronutrient ratio. The defaults on this site in my opinion are too high on carbs and too low on protein. I reset mine to be 30% carbs, 30% fat, 40% protein. If you fill up on protein and veggies (and some good, healthy fats), you will not be hungry and stay full for longer.

    Eating this way works for me and I am one of those people who have a hard time getting in my calories each day.

    How do you change the defaults in MFP?
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    I suggest a TDEE deficit, do not eat your exercise calories back and rest and hydrate.

    No one really needs to lose massive weight in a short time period.
  • tizzie_14
    tizzie_14 Posts: 72
    It's possible. I can't remember if my food diary is public or just for friends but try and check it out. I did it today and certainly didn't starve. Normally I eat back my exercise calories. It is tricky, for me, to stay within if I haven't exercise but it can be done. Friend me if you want. :)
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    I'm with those who say if you want to speed up the weight loss a bit, add some cardio rather than go hungry all day. You'd be amazed how many calories you can burn with a 40 minute bike ride, and the best part is, it doesn't even feel like exercise!
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    i just refigured my calories from 1370 to 1200. i'd like to speed up my weight loss a bit. i was figuring 1 lb. a week now i'd like to try to lose 1.5 lbs. per week. the prospect of trying to stay at 1200 calories sounds so difficult. anyone have any advice? thanks

    It's not easy... at FIRST. But then it's just a way of life, really. :) I'm at 1200 for about a month now and it's not hard. Like someone else said, you just have to work out more, which in turn, takes more will power, but if you work out more, then eat those calories back! Then you're technically still at 1200, but you also get more. :) but you'll get used to it after awhile :)
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    It's not easy, but it can be done. I have done it for the past 18 months and am now at my goal wt.. Once a month I have taken a "day of departure" and eat whatever I want. Keep in mind that 1200 is a minimum and it has to be healthy food all the way around. I exercise for about 2 hours 5-6 days a week and do not eat back my cals. I was pre-diabetic and have a gluten allergy so that is the primary reason I stick to 100g protein, 100g carb and 50 g fat per day. Check out my diary. Since I attained goal wt (last 3 weeks)I am adding in a few more cals to maintain.Throughout the last 18 months I lost appox 2 lbs a week. It is an aggressive approach, but I wanted it gone as quickly and safely as possible. 1 lb a week is a reasonable goal if you find yourself simply tooo hungry and want to binge doing 1200 cals.
  • veduffey
    veduffey Posts: 73
    Exercise, exercis, exercise! Will add to the calories you can eat. I do the treadmill for 30 minutes and it adds 340 calories to what I can eat!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My advice? Eat more than 1200 cal a day, lose weight slowly, keep if off long term and not be hungry all the time. Sounds much more healthy and happy to me.

    Too true.

    This is a lifestyle, not a diet.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    i just refigured my calories from 1370 to 1200. i'd like to speed up my weight loss a bit. i was figuring 1 lb. a week now i'd like to try to lose 1.5 lbs. per week. the prospect of trying to stay at 1200 calories sounds so difficult. anyone have any advice? thanks

    Don't eat any empty calories OP, everything you consume needs to be nutritious.

    It is definitely possible.


    Form all your meals around lean animal protein and low glycemic carbs.. add fats as needed like olive oil, avocado, almonds. Protein powders are helpful, fruits, veggies, whole oats, brown rice. Stay clear of breads and heavy pastas.
  • KathieSwenson
    Im not sure why everyone is saying it is hard. I have been at 1200 since i started mfp and have never had a problem with it. As long as I measure what I'm eating and eat the correct portion size I'm at 1200 every time. My advise is to measure. Add lots of fruits and veggies and a protien to each meal. Eat well balanced meal and measure it. Pasta is typically 1 cup for a serving. Veggies (canned) are typically 1/2 cup ect. Use a measuring cup and a scale. I get three full meals a day and two 100 calorie snacks if I choose. I watch the levels and try not to go over 350 calories a meal. I typically have an egg and piece of toast in the morning a light lunch, like a weightwatchers smart one (it's easier to cook at work) and. Well balanced meal at night since I cook for hubby and I. You can do this as I have done it for 6 months. Also you can exercise and eat back your exercise calories though this has never worked for me as I don't metabolize sugar and fats correctly (yes im on meds for it) and regardless of whether I'm exercising or not it's not going to help, but I do exercise more frequently than I used to. Hope this helps. Friend me if you would like. I took my calories up to 1380 about two months ago and maintained so I know 1200 is where I need to be and I lowered it back down today.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I'm with those who say if you want to speed up the weight loss a bit, add some cardio rather than go hungry all day. You'd be amazed how many calories you can burn with a 40 minute bike ride, and the best part is, it doesn't even feel like exercise!

    This is what people aren't understanding. If she increases her activity she will net lower calories(assuming she dosn't eat her calories back). If she does eat them back then she's right where she started... she will net the same.

    If a person eats 1,200 calories a day and burn 1000 in exercise, this is like eating 200 calories a day. More exercise isn't the answer. The fatigue will catch up to her, it will accumulate.

    I've been eating 1200-1400 calories a day for about 6 months, burning 500-700 calories 4 days a week and losing weight and feeling great. OP, stick with your plan.

    Consider farmers or people who work extremely physical jobs that are active all day lifting, loading, plowing, walking, and burning calories.. They are probably not logging that as exercise and logging what they eat into my fitness pal. They are probably burning in a 10-12 hour day well over 1500-1800 calories.. I doubt they are eating over 4000 calories everyday. Weight loss is calories in calories out. Eat at 1200 and create 1.5 lb loss in your weight each week. Add 1750 calories burned in exercise and you will lose 2 lbs a week. It is very simple science.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Eating 1,200 calories is the worst thing to do for most people. You looking for quick weight loss? That's the secret to failure on any plan.

    ^^^ this
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    exercise and eat back your calories.

    Yes, this.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Raw veggies are bulky and fill you up for very little calories... :wink:

    I so agree!
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    Have 3 meals at 300 cals each and 2 snacks at 150 cals each. Of course on exercise days you can eat more. Hope this helps.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I'm with those who say if you want to speed up the weight loss a bit, add some cardio rather than go hungry all day. You'd be amazed how many calories you can burn with a 40 minute bike ride, and the best part is, it doesn't even feel like exercise!

    This is what people aren't understanding. If she increases her activity she will net lower calories(assuming she dosn't eat her calories back). If she does eat them back then she's right where she started... she will net the same.

    If a person eats 1,200 calories a day and burn 1000 in exercise, this is like eating 200 calories a day. More exercise isn't the answer. The fatigue will catch up to her, it will accumulate.

    I've been eating 1200-1400 calories a day for about 6 months, burning 500-700 calories 4 days a week and losing weight and feeling great. OP, stick with your plan.

    Consider farmers or people who work extremely physical jobs that are active all day lifting, loading, plowing, walking, and burning calories.. They are probably not logging that as exercise and logging what they eat into my fitness pal. They are probably burning in a 10-12 hour day well over 1500-1800 calories.. I doubt they are eating over 4000 calories everyday. Weight loss is calories in calories out. Eat at 1200 and create 1.5 lb loss in your weight each week. Add 1750 calories burned in exercise and you will lose 2 lbs a week. It is very simple science.

    You're right about those farmers, but how many of them have a 6 pack, or lean and fit? Same as for people with eating disorders, same thing. It's not about "weight" loss, it's about "fat loss"

    yeh, I know.. 6 months ago I was 52 lbs FATTER.. now I have 52 lbs less FAT. LOL Pretty sure if 1200 calories is a 1.5 lbs calorie deficit for the OP, a "6 pack" isn't the initial goal. We don't all look like you, Mr. Muscle. Just sayin.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member

    If a person eats 1,200 calories a day and burn 1000 in exercise, this is like eating 200 calories a day. More exercise isn't the answer. The fatigue will catch up to her, it will accumulate.

    I think the 1200 floor is to get adequate nutrition, so your 'net' doesn't really apply to your nutrition needs for the day. Once you have adequate nutrition, you have it, no matter how much you move. Your fuel needs are covered by stored body fat, which is very readily accessible. A lot of us have no fatigue under 1400/day. We're not 'unfueled', we're dipping into fat stores as needed.

    And we're not all 'skinny fat'. Lean mass loss isn't ON at x calories a day and off at x+1. It's a continuum and a lot more than deficit counts into it.
  • _Punjab
    _Punjab Posts: 67
    Eat often. Small meals every few hours and you'll never be hungry.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I don't know. I feel sick/lightheaded if I eat under 1300 calories (without exercise factored in) on a normal day. The only way I can manage under that is if I have the flu or something.