Garbonzo Beans/Chickpeas...What Can I Make?



  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Saute a large onion and a chopped clove of garlic until soft. Add a can of chopped tomatoes, a chopped red pepper, a can of chickpeas, some concentrated or powdered stock, a tsp of chilli powder or puree, and a tablespoon of tomato paste. Put in a casserole and bake for about an hour. Delicious on its own with crusty bread, or as a side dish. Works really well with butter beans too.
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    I love them too! There is The Three Bean Salad. Yellow wax beans, green beans, red kedney beans and chickpeas, in a vinigar, oilive oil, I use splends, salt, pepper, fresh garlic, minced onion, and let it chill for a few hours. Also good with fresh garden tomatoes.

  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I see lots of canned garbonzo bean recipes. Anyone know what you can do with the frozen or how they taste? My mom brought me some green garbonzos that are frozen. I am kinda at a loss.

    They'll be fresh (as opposed to dried) you lucky thing. Would your Mom like to adopt, me, do you think?

    Anyway, treat a bit like peas - defrost, (obviously), eat raw or lightly cooked. I'd make the most of the treat and put them in salads I think, but any recipe for fresh/frozen broad beans, peas, or edamame would work.
  • goldenguppy
    Here's a link to my favourite baked falafel recipe
  • marsoe
    marsoe Posts: 18 Member
    Any recipe that needs meat/beans/nuts will take them.

    My basic one is: a can of chickpeas, a bag of mesclun salad, and some lemon/lime juice. Drain can, empty into bag, squeeze in lemon juice, shake bag. Some black pepper or chilli powder goes great too.

    You can grab all of these from a supermarket in under 5 minutes, make anywhere (carry at least a spoon every where you go!), and eat anywhere.
  • roachtg
    roachtg Posts: 56 Member
    Two cans of chickpeas, drained and rinsed, a little EVOO, some chopped up fresh spinach, diced red pepper and some cumin. Fantastic little salad
  • Chucksteakswife
    Chucksteakswife Posts: 52 Member
    i mix mine with tuna and oil, vinegar, celery and carrots.
  • Mrs16
    Mrs16 Posts: 86
    Chickpea salad

    Add oil, fresh dill, salt, pepper, fresh onion maybe a squeeze of lemon too

    It takes much better if you refrigerate before eating
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430