Visalus vi by body question....



  • bwurtzel
    bwurtzel Posts: 6 Member
    pyramid scheme...of sorts.

    I have actually tried anything, its kind of fad-like. It gets old. I love food...would much rather learn to eat right and fuel with real food...than pay for someone's BMW.

    Yeah, it is, but if you get on near the top, you can make money off of it and even get the product for free. My wife distributes it and someone several people above her got a BMW from the company, so if you put time into it, you get rewarded.

    My wife actually lost 10 pounds so far after being on it for a few months. Since I am lifting weights, I don't take it plus it's too chalky for my taste.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    My sister is using this and while I can't say it something I would do myself, I'm not going to tell her what to do. I would rather lose weight slowly while incorporating habits that won't be difficult to live with permanently. The only thing I do even close to a shake is protein powder in addition to my normal food because I just don't get enough protein in my diet. If you don't have trouble meeting certain nutrient needs and your eating habits are healthy, I see no reason for them because it sounds like it will just disrupt already well-formed, good habits.
  • no_stemz
    no_stemz Posts: 47
    I have used it for a month and my auto shipment was messed up and now I have been without it for a week. Their customer service is not great and I have been pressured multiple times to have a shake party at my house which I don't like. Of course, the first part is on them, the second part is on my frend for being ambitious. She has already got her BMW and that is great for her but I don't like being pushed constantly. Once I finally get my next month's supply, whenever that ends up being, I am considering just to using that and canceling it. I wanted to do the 90 days but I am not sure anymore. Does it taste good? Yes! Does it fill me up? You bet. However, I go through more soy milk and PB2 than anyone could ever imagine. I was losing weight just fine before doing Visalus, I am firmly convinced that I can do it just fine without it as well. I wouldn't say don't try it, because it isn't bad per se, but I have just been kind of disappointed in the overall experience which you may never even have the trouble with if you get your order in time and your salesperson isn't pushy.
  • Jewels_Ka
    Jewels_Ka Posts: 67 Member
    Well thats three meals and two snacks and if you substitute two out of three meals woth shakes you r left with one meal. I was not missinformed
  • Jewels_Ka
    Jewels_Ka Posts: 67 Member
    I am on it. Because just like you i have a friend who sells it and does it. So yes i kinda felt like pressured into buying it. She has made this sound so magical so i gave it a try. I bought it once and will not do it again. I am sick of it. Yes you will loose some weight, who would not if you only allowed to eat one meal a day plus two shakes. I find it expensive like hell and not worth my money. The shake actully only smells like cake but does not really have that taste. I would however, buy powder only. Its perfect for breakfast smoothy once in a while but not every day. Gets sick really old really fast. And to be honest, just get multi vitamins and you wont loose the nutrients. But you know, if you want to then DO IT! You wont really do anything bad to your body or its not some extreme weight loss magic. If it works for you then great - we all "tried everything" you may be short a few bucks LOL but other then that there is really nothing too dangerous about it. Unless you are alergic to it or have some intollorency.... Experiments is what life all aboult.

    There is no rule when you are drinking the shakes that you are only allowed one meal!! They actually tell you to eat 5 times a day, but substitute the shake for 2 of those meals. Obviously you have been misinformed.

    Well thats three meals and two snacks and if you substitute two out of three meals woth shakes you r left with one meal. I was not missinformed
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    I am on it. Because just like you i have a friend who sells it and does it. So yes i kinda felt like pressured into buying it. She has made this sound so magical so i gave it a try. I bought it once and will not do it again. I am sick of it. Yes you will loose some weight, who would not if you only allowed to eat one meal a day plus two shakes. I find it expensive like hell and not worth my money. The shake actully only smells like cake but does not really have that taste. I would however, buy powder only. Its perfect for breakfast smoothy once in a while but not every day. Gets sick really old really fast. And to be honest, just get multi vitamins and you wont loose the nutrients. But you know, if you want to then DO IT! You wont really do anything bad to your body or its not some extreme weight loss magic. If it works for you then great - we all "tried everything" you may be short a few bucks LOL but other then that there is really nothing too dangerous about it. Unless you are alergic to it or have some intollorency.... Experiments is what life all aboult.

    There is no rule when you are drinking the shakes that you are only allowed one meal!! They actually tell you to eat 5 times a day, but substitute the shake for 2 of those meals. Obviously you have been misinformed.

    Well thats three meals and two snacks and if you substitute two out of three meals woth shakes you r left with one meal. I was not missinformed

    Plus two snacks....
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    My roommate is a sales rep and he frequently puts a plug in for it, but having looked at the long list of ingredients on his shake powder, I think I'm better off eating regular food. I know he and his other friends who are sales reps really do benefit from it, and have lost weight, but I think it's mostly because they have adopted new habits along with the shakes. My roommate works out 4 days a week, which he didn't do prior to using the shakes. The volume of people in my life who are talking about Visalus makes me feel like it is a fad. The product doesn't really interest me, so I haven't investigated to see whether this is true. It also seems like a pyramid scheme, and the pushiness of some of the people involved in Visalus only furthers my impression of it being a pyramid scheme. I had one co-worker come up to me and tell me that she's concerned about my weight, and that as a result I must be very unhealthy and that she really thought Visalus would work well for me. I told her I wasn't interested and she has still been really pushy about it, talking about how unhealthy it is for me to be at this weight and that I obviously need help and that Visalus will do that perfectly. She's going for the BMW. Her attitude alone is enough of a deterrent that I don't want to become involved with that company in any way. That's just my experience though, and I know plenty of people using Visalus that don't have that attitude.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Being a Trainer and Nutritionist here are the problems I have with it.

    The calorie amount in a serving isn't close to what a full meal should be. You lose weight by not consuming enough calories. You can do that with just about anything. Problem is, it tapers off and eventually you stop losing.

    It's got two sources of protein. Why? No idea. Seems like they throw the Soy in there as a gimmick, even though the whey is the better source.

    You can't pronounce half the stuff they put in it. It's a lot of chemicals and artificial, lab created ingredients. Why would you put that in your body? To make losing weight easier? What about any potential side effects 15-20 years down the road?
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    Being a Trainer and Nutritionist here are the problems I have with it.

    The calorie amount in a serving isn't close to what a full meal should be. You lose weight by not consuming enough calories. You can do that with just about anything. Problem is, it tapers off and eventually you stop losing.

    It's got two sources of protein. Why? No idea. Seems like they throw the Soy in there as a gimmick, even though the whey is the better source.

    You can't pronounce half the stuff they put in it. It's a lot of chemicals and artificial, lab created ingredients. Why would you put that in your body? To make losing weight easier? What about any potential side effects 15-20 years down the road?

    Funny because the nutrionlist i see said it was a good tool for me to personal trainer uses it herself..... I think that u maybe shpuldnt put ur opions forward as fact

    Isnt the whole idea of a diet/ life style change to lower the amount of calories in each meal? I get 200-250 calories per shake and i have been for 6 months and have dropped 70 lbs.....
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    Being a Trainer and Nutritionist here are the problems I have with it.

    The calorie amount in a serving isn't close to what a full meal should be. You lose weight by not consuming enough calories. You can do that with just about anything. Problem is, it tapers off and eventually you stop losing.

    It's got two sources of protein. Why? No idea. Seems like they throw the Soy in there as a gimmick, even though the whey is the better source.

    You can't pronounce half the stuff they put in it. It's a lot of chemicals and artificial, lab created ingredients. Why would you put that in your body? To make losing weight easier? What about any potential side effects 15-20 years down the road?

    Funny because the nutrionlist i see said it was a good tool for me to personal trainer uses it herself..... I think that u maybe shpuldnt put ur opions forward as fact

    Isnt the whole idea of a diet/ life style change to lower the amount of calories in each meal? I get 200-250 calories per shake and i have been for 6 months and have dropped 70 lbs.....

    I was about to say the same thing. I usually average about 300 to 350 calories per shake myself.
  • Tweedle1
    Tweedle1 Posts: 2 Member
    i started my 90 day challenge and i love it! it keeps u full till your snack time! i get excited about what kind of shake i am going to make that day! if u have any questions check out the website! it does work!!

    u can see about it at my site too
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    It's a gimmick. Another product that is marketed as a magical weight loss drink, though it's really junk. You could make something similar and BETTER in your own home for much cheaper.

    Why not just eat to meet your goals? It's a lot smarter. This shake does nothing for you that regular food doesn't already do.
  • Ximaker
    I started using the Body By Vi shakes in July 2012 ... I was 280 lbs and size 46 jeans.... By October 2012 I dropped 50 lbs, and went down to size 38. I don't snore, I have more energy... All through the process the promoter that told me about it recommended that I become a promoter but I didn't want to do anything but lose weight.... After seeing that the product worked and the shakes tasted great, I decided to take another 90-Day challenge and several have joined me. have lost another 30 lbs and dropped down to a size 34 jean... I've tried other diets and found that I didn't stay on them because it took too long to lose the weight... I got bored and quit them all... eventually to gain it all back plus some.... I've been able to stay on this because it's easy, quick and the shakes taste great... I'm 48 years old and down to my college weight. Throughout the process I've learned better portion control... I've learned what I should eat and should not eat... I feel great and know how good it feels to be skinny... my saying is "There is nothing that tastes as good as Skinny Feels"... The shakes are a great tool to get you to your goals... yes, you still have to learn portion control. you still have to think about what you put into your body... it's not a magic bullet but it does help. I now get my shakes for free (well $10.00 shipping only) so the cost is less than 17 cents per shake for the mix... yes, I buy milk and bananas, nutella, strawberries, etc... but those are things I would buy anyway so for 17 cents I get a great tasting shake... There are hundreds of recipes that keep it from getting boring - I plan starting my 3rd 90-day challenge to lose 15 more lbs and start training for the Tough Mudder... Something I would not have even imagined back in July... In the 180+ days of doing this I've not had 1 party so you can lose weight, get fit get your shakes for free and not have parties... Just saying...