Mid-30s - New Beginning - Would love similar age support!

Hi there. Just started on June 20th (first day of summer!) and so far I really like the simplicity of MFP. I could use some online friends and support... :) I need to lose 30-40 lbs. Here's to our health!!


  • Feel free to add me! I'm 39 and am started 2 weeks ago with an initial 25 lb goal, but ultimately would like to lose 40. Best wishes to you!
  • laymon23
    laymon23 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me. I could use some supportive friends. I'm 33yrs btw
  • chesil07
    chesil07 Posts: 8
    Feel free to add me too, I'm 32 and have been using MFP for 5 weeks and have lost 11lbs so far.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ha ha.. .would love to help you but 30's is a distant memory! Probably looking for the other gender too. Good luck.
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    Sending you a request. I'm similar age and can give support!! I also love to receive it :)
  • I fit this. Everyone Add me.
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 39 and am started 2 weeks ago with an initial 25 lb goal, but ultimately would like to lose 40. Best wishes to you!

    Awesome, thanks! *added*
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    Sending you a request. I'm similar age and can give support!! I also love to receive it :)

    Awesome! Thanks! *added*

    Hey, I see you are from Bend? I was born in Bend -- moved away about 17 years ago. I was pretty fit when I lived there, (as a 17-19 year old!) especially with Pilot Butte and so many easy-access walking & fitness trails.

    Nice to meet you! :wink:
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me too, I'm 32 and have been using MFP for 5 weeks and have lost 11lbs so far.

    That's amazing! I think this site is great because of its simplicity. calories in + calories out (burned) = weight loss (or control), if you're watching it and sticking to it. It's pretty straight forward. :wink:
  • Jason67o48
    Jason67o48 Posts: 87
    I agree... great site. Sending request.. LF friends / motivation
  • Looking for support buddies :)
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Hi...I've been with MFP for 73 days & have lost 43 lbs (this site is amazing!!...Lots of supportive friends!!)...Welcome to MFP..Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • I am 31, and I have a new girlfriend to get sexy for! LOL

    Will gladly support!
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    I am in my 30s and definitely looking for help. Kinda bombed last weekend. I have quite a bit of weight to lose, so support is welcome! Feel free to friend me!!!
  • jasond8023
    jasond8023 Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am 32 and have been on here since January 2012. I am down 26 pounds so far, but think I need to lose 35-40.
  • Feel free to add - I'm 32 and have about 20 pounds to go.
  • dancngdolfn
    dancngdolfn Posts: 81 Member
    I'll be 35 tomorrow. Feel free to add me. I've been on since the april sometime but started my weight loss journey on March 1. I've lost 35 lbs and i'm hoping to lose about 25 more and then we'll see what happens after i hit that goal.
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    34 here
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    Feel free to add me. Just turned 40 this yr. I've lost 44lbs so far but I still need to lose 30 more!! Good luck!
  • Dayna5K
    Dayna5K Posts: 136 Member
    Support is no problem! 34 here and new to this as well:smile: , needing to lose 40lbs. Feel free to add me! :smile: