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Do You Believe in Ghosts?



  • If I had any of this off the wall ish happen in my house, so help me God, I would burn this place to the ground. I don't play with any of this mess. Scary woods, ghosts, freaky noises and creaks...hell to the no. I'm out!

    You would hate my house. Lol. Some of them follow me home after investigations I do, so it takes a while for me to get them to calm down and abide by the rules or get them out if they won't listen. And I also live in a house where four people died inside, and no it doesn't freak me out lol.
  • No. if they existed we'd have proof by now.

    I have to agree.

    Also, why are ghosts scary? If a ghost kills you, then you're a ghost. If a ghost kills me, the first thing I'm going to do is ghostpunch him in his ghostballs.

    There is proof, I'd gladly take you on an investigation one day and let you see for yourself. I would do nothing but stand by, you ask all the questions, handle all of the equipment, and see what they do.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    maybe ghosts are just time travelers from the future having a laugh at our expense. :)
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I believe in ghosts. After my grandfather died, weird stuff started happening at my grandma/aunts house. First, there would be big men sized footprints on the kitchen floor, then the coffee machine would randomly start brewing on its own at the crack of dawn (which is when he woke up and had his), his face appeared in a painting of some mountains that has been in the house for ages, my aunt has seen him sitting at the bottom of her bed, and I have personally seen him walk in the front door, hang his hat up, and then disappear (although I only saw it once, the feeling that I got seeing him was indescribable. It was really cold and every hair on my body was standing up and I got the worst goosebumps.)

    Another time, my friend and I went and visited an allegedly haunted cemetery in a Chicago suburb. We drove past the first entrance and saw that the gate was open, so our plan was to go through the second entrance, drive through, and circle back to the first gate. We just wanted to look and see if we saw anything without getting out... well, we made our way back to the first entrance and it was closed. There was no other cars or people anywhere and it was the middle of the night. My friend didn't want to get out of the car, so I was sent to open the gate. I was super freaked out, but I did it, and we were both really confused as to how the gate closed when we both knew it was open.

    My last story has to do with the Bartonville, IL insane asylum. It is abandoned, so naturally, my friends and I wanted to explore it. We took a fully charged camcorder and flashlights and made our way into a hole that led to the basement of the facility. Once we were in there, the flashlights started to flicker, and the camcorder light went out and it started making a weird sound. We all got super freaked out and ran for the hole to get back out. When we got back out, all the footage we had on the camcorder that we previously had recorded was completely gone, and the flashlights worked perfectly. I think this was more of a paranormal event than strictly ghosts, but it was super freaky. When we got into the car, there was somehow a wasp inside of my friends pocket, which had been zippered shut. It was bizarre.
  • maybe ghosts are just time travelers from the future having a laugh at our expense. :)

    From what I've gathered not really. Some think we are the freaks walking around with stuff they have never seen so they refuse to interact with us because they don't like our "gizmos" others realize they have been dead for a while know it's a different time/era and its ok. Some refuse to think it's anything but they last year they remember. I have yet to find one that says he is from the future. I've always got past ones, or ones that realize time has moved on and so they have adjusted with it.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    maybe ghosts are just time travelers from the future having a laugh at our expense. :)

    From what I've gathered not really. Some think we are the freaks walking around with stuff they have never seen so they refuse to interact with us because they don't like our "gizmos" others realize they have been dead for a while know it's a different time/era and its ok. Some refuse to think it's anything but they last year they remember. I have yet to find one that says he is from the future. I've always got past ones, or ones that realize time has moved on and so they have adjusted with it.

    they are not going to tell you they are from the future and are partaking in a great practical joke. my guess is there is a tv show in the year 2548 titled Pranking the Past. episodes on ghosts, aliens, big foot etc..all at our expense. :D
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I do without a doubt.

    I saw my grandmother when she passed on before they called to tell us she was gone. I was getting ready for bed <I was 10> and got into bed and noticed something in the corner. I looked and realized it was my grandma looking like she used to before the cancer got bad. It was so odd, to this day I can still see it....she was standing there smiling at me with a sort of glow around her. She smiled at me, and did our little "I love you" sign that she always did with me <a wink and a blown kiss>. She said distinctly "I love you Shai...tell your momma I'm ok." Then she was just gone, like someone turned off the light. I jumped out of bed and ran to my dad and told him. He said it was just a bad dream. My brother <who was 6 at the time> came in a min later and said "Daddy, Grandma was here and said to say she's ok." My dad just looked at us and thought we were nuts. Within a minute or two, my mom called us to let us know that Grandma had just passed on and that Dad needed to stay with us kids while she and her siblings got the arrangements made, My Dad just looked at us while he was on the phone with Mom, and told her what we both saw. Needless to say, she was a bit shocked that we already knew,

    Several years later, my Grandad died. Again, we kids were home with Dad while Mom was up north with the family at the hospital. Again, I was in my room and heard a noise behind me as I was doing homework. In the same corner of my room as before, stood Grandma, but this time she was with my Granddad, with his arm around her shoulders and smiling at me. Grandpa just looked at me and smiled, and said "I don't hurt anymore honey..." They both smiled and were gone again just like 4 years earlier. Again I stood there in shock, and went to my dad and told him that I thought Grandpa had just died. He looked at me for a min and said "Well, lets see if your mom calls." Lo and behold, the phone rang within a few minutes and it was my mom saying that Grandpa had just passed on. Apparently his last words were " I don't hurt anymore honey...."

    For a stranger story tho...we had a huge monster fat orange cat named George. Absolutely beautiful cat... and everyone loved him. He ruled the house with an iron paw.... no one messed with him :) He ended up getting sick and having to be put down when I was a teenager. However, after he was gone (and actually to this day), people still come up to my mom to ask her about the huge orange kitty in her window with the white feet and bib. I have seen it myself in my old bedroom where the bed will hae been made, and there are a trail of paw-prints on the blanket leading to the pillow, and in the pillow is a big divot that looks just like a cat had been sleeping there. No other kitties got in that room, the door is always closed unless I am there. George's favorite spot to sleep was my bed on my pillow. Its been 20 years since he passed on...but he is still hanging around the house. My mom got new furniture a little while back, and all the animals she has now were standing around the one chair staring at it. We laughed cos we figured ti was the whole "new chair" bit that the cats and dogs were scared of. As we watched tho, we noticed that none of the cats EVER got on that chair, and the dogs would give it a wide berth, and eye it nervously. We finally figured out that it must be George who took over that particular chair when we had our little cousins over to stay for a bit <only 3 years old> and they kept talking about the "big orange kitty in the chair". We haven't had an orange kitty since George.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Hm. I'm pretty self-conflicted with this.
    On one hand, I'm not sure how to separate spirituality from religion- I am irreligious and personally do not believe in deities or other supernatural beings (though I completely accept that others do!) :)
    But, I have seen and felt some things that I can't explain rationally as anything other than being supernatural. A few years ago I was in my downstairs bathroom combing my hair after a nighttime shower... it was really pouring rain outside. I walked out of the bathroom and looked out from the window on our front door which leads to our covered porch- and there was a small, elderly man that was bent over with a cane standing right in front of me. I yelled and fell because it startled me, and when I got back up, there was no one there. No wet footprints from anyone coming up onto the porch, no one hobbling, walking, or running from my house.


    I feel conflicted by the things I have witnessed as well, because I don't believe in a higher power, either. I don't know how to describe those supernatural experiences, but I know they happened...
  • iamzuul
    iamzuul Posts: 1
    It's not a matter of belief. It's a matter of concluding that no evidence exists to give us even a reasonable suspicion that entities such as ghosts exist.

    Every sighting of a ghost can be reduced to purely psychological phenomena: people's eyes playing tricks on them in the dark; people working themselves into highly frightened, and therefore highly suggestible states that make them believe a car's headlight in the distance is an apparition carrying a lantern; and so on.

    IF we had lots of documented activity of ghosts and the like, as well as a way to independently verify and scrutize the documentation, AND the activity could not be more easily explained as photographic trickery and the like, THEN we might be able to reasonably say that such things as ghosts MIGHT exist.

    I say "might" because entities such as ghosts are so at odds with our understanding of the natural world that it would require some compelling evidence to demonstrate their existence. The burden of proof is necessarily high because if ghosts exist, their existence would through into chaos our observations about how the natural world works.

    Personal anecdotes, especially from those who are worked up into highly emotional psychological states, do not meet this burden of proof.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    No, but I've seen Big Foot.
  • JWB42
    JWB42 Posts: 112
    My husband grew up in a former funeral home. He saw some scary things, I get goose bumps just thinking about the stories he's told me. I personally have never seen one, but you never know!
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    That would explain the missing cheesecake.:bigsmile:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I am on the fence compared to some of the stuff I've seen.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,323 Member
    I do believe that there is so sort of as of yet unexplained situation that can be called "ghosts". However, I do believe that about 99.9% of "evidence" can be explained scientifically and logically. Too many people are too quick to say that something is a "ghost" when there is a reasonable explanation. The .1% though... there are a few videos, photographs, and EVPs that I still wonder about.

    Considering my personal experiences, I do believe that there is something out there. It is PARAnormal... as in outside how we so far define the "normal" world. I don't know what it is and I actually doubt it is "spirits" or "souls"... but it is something.

    Then again, we are still finding new species every day so it is obvious we have yet to find and explain everything in the world.
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    I have not yet had a "true" experience. I had something happen to me, but I can't say that it was paranormal, I can just say it was weird.

    I do believe in them, but I'm a skeptical person. If there isn't anything else it could have been, besides a total mental breakdown, then I will admit it to be a ghost or a spiritual echo of some sort. To not think there is anything that we don't yet understand is the epitome of arrogance.

    However, I also respect those that share an opposite opinion. If you need to see to believe, you have a right to and nothing I say will change your mind.
  • crush86
    crush86 Posts: 113 Member
    Huge believer! As a child I saw a man at the end of my bed...one day I was looking at old pictures with my mom and pointed a picture of my grandpa and told my mom that he was the man at the end of my bed. I was always my grandpas little girl and he was watching over me...literally. I was almost 2 when he died and starting seeing him right before I had a heart operation at age 3 and saw him until I was about 6. Being young I was terrified....my mom would stay in my room with me and make sure I was safe throughout the night and one night she saw the man I told her about and sure enough, she could tell it was my grandpa...she told him I was scared and that she wanted him to watch over me from a distance, she said he just sorta walked towards the door and left...I never saw him again.

    I know it sounds crazy...but this is my experience and I am not afraid to share it! :)
  • mateo57505
    mateo57505 Posts: 83 Member
    I do, and I also beleive in the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, Aliens, Cupid, Big Foot, Zombies, Leperchans and the Ghost under my be...oh and the one in the closet. I think thats it.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Yes I believe. Growing up in a terraced flat (rowhouse) with added ghost will do that for you.:laugh:
    I've had too many experiences to list. But the latest is that the terraced house (rowhouse) we live in now is haunted by an old man who likes to sit in my husbands office chair & make it swing round. A friend who came to stay with us saw him & ended up sleeping with the light on she was so spooked.:laugh:

    It's the living you need to worry about not ghosts.
  • dottheyes30
    dottheyes30 Posts: 39 Member
    I dropped my friend off at a house she was suppose to clean. She knew the guy and he had just moved into
    the house. He made the living room the dining room and the dining room the living room and wanted her to
    dust and run the sweeper in those two rooms. The house was sold furnished.

    She called me about a half hour later crying saying the furniture was floating in the air. She was a reformed
    alcoholic and my first question was "Are you drinking?" She swore she wasn't so I went to pick her up
    and when I walked in the furniture was in the air. The ghosts were putting the furniture back the way it was
    when he bought the house. This is a true story and believe me I was not a believer but now I am.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    I believe. Too many stories from friends and family not to believe. One story my mom told me was about my uncle and grandfather. My granddad was in his garage puttering around and felt like someone was there, he turned around and it was my uncle. My uncle told my grandfather that everything is ok and dont worry, that he was fine and then disappeared. Funny thing is, this was during WWII and my uncle was in England and my granddad was on the west coast of Canada. Turns out when they got the news that my uncle died, they found out it was about the same time that his plane crashed and him and his fellow crew mates died.

    In my moms family, if someone is going to die its on a family members birthday. My aunt Pearl died on my birthday and the clock on my mom's stove stopped at 10:55. We received the phone call a bit later that night saying that Pearl had died at 10:55. That clock had never stopped before, nor did it ever stop again. My sister was out for dinner with her friends and three times, when my sister mentioned my aunts name Pearl, her plate moved. Her friends were freaking out lol

    I have a few more stories, but I hate typing!!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Yep, haven't seen one, but things have happened. A ball rolled across the floor on its own accord, water faucets turned on by themselves, sheets removed from my bed when I was young, while sleeping...in our 1st house with my hubby, there was sometimes the smell of lily of the valley perfume at the bottom of the basement stairs, apparently it was from an elderly lady who lived there long ago.

    I know many people - family and friends included that have experienced something.

    My husband used to see and hear them on a regular basis, but they have calmed down now as he has actively tried to block it out.

    He is a certified hypnotherapist and has also performed past-life regression on people. He goes to a weekly spiritualist church where they meditate and he has also helped spirits through to the other side.

    I think that we DO have souls - they are what makes US - at least in this lifetime - and that our soul may be young or old, but we are on a journey. When our bodies die, our soul does not, it is not kept alive by blood and a pumping heart.

    Ultimately, to each their own - it doesn't bother me either way if someone is a skeptic or a believer, as long as they can contribute to an open-minded discussion, I'm good! :smile:
  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    Former atheist here and yup- I do believe. It is largely my experiences with the supernatural that made me open my mind to the possibility of a god. Not only have I experienced/seen things on my own but a few of my friends have seen them with me. I also work in hospice so I hear a lot of stories from people who share their experiences- everything from premonitions of death to floating spoons. There is more to this world than what meets the eye- never doubt it.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I have seen them. Mostly they leave me alone, cause theyre usually walking away from me.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Former atheist here and yup- I do believe. It is largely my experiences with the supernatural that made me open my mind to the possibility of a god. Not only have I experienced/seen things on my own but a few of my friends have seen them with me. I also work in hospice so I hear a lot of stories from people who share their experiences- everything from premonitions of death to floating spoons. There is more to this world than what meets the eye- never doubt it.

    Hospice will definitely open your eyes to God!
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I'm Catholic, so I think all souls go to heaven or hell?

    I live in my dead cousin's room, he's never visited me once. Either he dislikes me or ghosts don't exist =<.
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    I don't believe in ghosts at all. If any dead members of my family materialised in front of me, I'd assume I was having a psychotic breakdown. I don't think anything could make me believe.
  • banstett
    banstett Posts: 95
    Yes, I work in a hospice facility lol. I have had many friends at work tell me stories about their experiences with ghosts.
  • F__7
    F__7 Posts: 371 Member
    100% believe... never had a personal experience.. but heard stories from relatives that they had experiences..
  • DaGsGirl
    DaGsGirl Posts: 194
    I didnt untill I saw one....and I sure dont ever want to see another one. I didnt believe either....but I sure do now.
  • Yes I sure do! I have seen things and saw things move. My parents house is haunted, by a curious ghost. It has never hurt us , but it does walk the house at night. It scares my sis so bad that she sleeps with a night light. And you can lay in her room and watch the shadows being cast on the walls. Plus I have seen , very negative shadow ppl. Let me tell you they will put an over whelming fear on you. So if you believe, be careful cause there are evil ones out there; that just want to harm ppl.
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