Anderson Cooper's gay: Am I the only how doesn't give a damn



  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    actually, Anderson never " CAME OUT" ...........He responded to an email about his sexuality, he never went " live" or made boradcasts about his sexuality
    also, hes Gloria Vnderbilts son, great grandson of Commodore Conelius Vanderbilt, one of the wealthiest men in the world........I doubt that he would want to write a book to make millions

    and its nice to see a gay man with a respected job in the media..........I guess for some gays , younger gays who are going thru hell for being gay, seeing him in life lets them know that there are possibilities for them.......unlike the negative sterotypes that are used against gays...

    hope he and his partner have a great life...........
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member

    Exactly! For every gay celebrity that comes out, hopefully there's one less kid out there that will get bullied or harassed for their actual or perceived sexual orientation.


    Exactly! Eventually, hopefully, no one will care what your sexual orientation is because it won't be grounds for bigotry and hatred. But until then, I am thrilled when people like Anderson come out.
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    I didn't like him when he was straight either.

  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I didn't like him when he was straight either.
    :laugh: This exactly! I can't stand him!

    Gosh you guys are so lucky to personally know a celebrity :)
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Holy cow! Anderson Cooper is gay???? No way! Who's Anderson Cooper?

    Famous rock and roller. Once bit the head off a chicken, as I recall.

    More here:

  • zyrover
    zyrover Posts: 16
    Before I knew Anderson Cooper was gay: My mortgage was due, my car notes were due, my student loans were due, my teenager was driving me crazy.

    After I found out Anderson Cooper's gay: My mortgage is still due, my car notes are still due, my student loans are still due, my teenager is still driving me crazy.

    Now that I know Anderson Cooper is in fact gay, my life is clearly changing for the better.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    Umm I thought everyone already knew he was Gay........................who even cares...CNN sucks...Go watch FOX
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    How could one not like Anderson Cooper?
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Anderson Cooper is gay. And newsflash, water is wet.
  • sparkie51
    sparkie51 Posts: 98 Member
    Always thought he was but I didn't dwell on it because he is a good journalist and person. Let's look at the person and not their sexuality. It doesn't matter to me one way or another.
  • lbecker5
    lbecker5 Posts: 33 Member
    Ummmm.....who is that again????
  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    I don't even know who he is !! :)
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    i wonder if i could change him :)

    what? he's cute.

    my first thought. lol

    also- I think it's an empowering thing for him to come out. If someone with a good professional reputation can come out and say "I'm gay," I think for those unfortunate people who have a problem with it can be proven ignorant. Or.. can be proved to that just because someone's gay doesn't mean they can't be successful/admirable/etc etc.

    I'm not saying that the way I want to but I think you see what I'm getting at?
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I COULDN'T CARE less! He's still the effing silver fox! I can watch him on mute!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Am I the only one who thought he came out years ago??? I really thought he did and this was old news. Not worth making head lines over!
  • cmdwyer00
    cmdwyer00 Posts: 40 Member
    Before I knew Anderson Cooper was gay: My mortgage was due, my car notes were due, my student loans were due, my teenager was driving me crazy.

    After I found out Anderson Cooper's gay: My mortgage is still due, my car notes are still due, my student loans are still due, my teenager is still driving me crazy.

    Now that I know Anderson Cooper is in fact gay, my life is clearly changing for the better.

    If it doesn't have any bearing on your life, then fine, although it raises the question of why you felt the need to start a discussion about it on a public forum. But at the end of the day, some young person's life might actually be changed for the better by such a prominent media personality coming out, so yes, it's big news to some people. Go on about your day, and if you feel that someone's sexual orientation shouldn't be a news item, then you don't need to talk about it. Seems pretty simple to me.
  • zyrover
    zyrover Posts: 16
    Great responses. If Anderson Cooper and other celebrities admitting they are gay will raise awareness and stop people from bullying, discriminating against and hating homosexuals then perhaps it is a good thing. Who Anderson Cooper or any other celebrity dates or has sex with is still of NO concern to me. I still say live and let live. Mr. Cooper is successful, wealthy and famous. He also appears to be comfortable with who he is despite the fact it goes it against the traditional American way of life.
  • zyrover
    zyrover Posts: 16
    If it doesn't have any bearing on your life, then fine, although it raises the question of why you felt the need to start a discussion about it on a public forum. But at the end of the day, some young person's life might actually be changed for the better by such a prominent media personality coming out, so yes, it's big news to some people. Go on about your day, and if you feel that someone's sexual orientation shouldn't be a news item, then you don't need to talk about it. Seems pretty simple to me.

    Again, I posted this thread to see what others think. I'm sitting in a doctor's office waiting room and I'm bored. Please don't admonish me for what I choose to post. If a young person's life is changed for the better because Mr. Cooper revealed he is gay then that's good. However, I still don't care who he dates or sleeps with.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    In other news, the sky is blue.
  • MyNewVoice
    I agree with a little of what each person so far has said.. but here is the truth.

    We are losing young people to suicide.Young people who have been told ;(still) by peers, by stereotypes in media that by mere luck of the draw they were born inferior. When anyone comes out..celebrity...neighbour..their is like someone is saying, "You are okay. You are normal.You are accepted. You are worthy of love and you have value.". Even more so when a celebrity comes out because they are coming out in such a big way. Am I shocked that Anderson is gay? I am regretfully not shocked ( he is so cute)..and I DO wish that it could be a non -who-cares issue;sort of like eye colour or gender...but in N.America Blue eyed people and brown eyed people have the same one gets killed over eye colour ( Matthew Shepard) and no one says green eyed people are abominations against God.

    I have worked with thousands of children over the years and have early on identified who I thought may be LGBT and all I could do is support them and treat them no different. That is all I wish for them as they have left my fold and gone out in to the world.