Green Coffee Bean Extract... results?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    yes, I usually eat around 1600-1700 calories and I've been averaging around 1300-1400 cals since taking them.

    Other than the appetite suppression I haven't noticed any side effects. according to the bottle It has less caffeine than 1/2 a cup of coffee in each serving so I haven't been jittery or anything. I even take them at night to stop late night cravings and I sleep fine.

    I take a coffee to bed with me :smile:
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    yes, I usually eat around 1600-1700 calories and I've been averaging around 1300-1400 cals since taking them.

    Other than the appetite suppression I haven't noticed any side effects. according to the bottle It has less caffeine than 1/2 a cup of coffee in each serving so I haven't been jittery or anything. I even take them at night to stop late night cravings and I sleep fine.

    UHm... isn't eating LESS considered dieting?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    yes, I usually eat around 1600-1700 calories and I've been averaging around 1300-1400 cals since taking them.

    Other than the appetite suppression I haven't noticed any side effects. according to the bottle It has less caffeine than 1/2 a cup of coffee in each serving so I haven't been jittery or anything. I even take them at night to stop late night cravings and I sleep fine.

    UHm... isn't eating LESS considered dieting?
    Yes. The math speaks for itself, but most people would rather give credit to the magic pill than the calorie deficit.
  • SavvyCake
    SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
    I think her point was that she's eating less because the pills are curbing her appetite.
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    I swear if Dr. Oz came out and showed a pill of cow poop extract and claimed it helped you to lose 3 lb a week people would buy it.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I think her point was that she's eating less because the pills are curbing her appetite.

    So she lost weight because of a calorie deficit because of an appetite suppressant. Which is different from dieting, which by definition is eating at a calorie deficit, how?

    TL;DR: Calorie deficit makes you lose weight.
  • I just bought a bottle of Pure Health green coffee bean from wal-mart for $10, it's only 30 pills so it is a little more expensive/per dose than what I could have got online if I bought more (it would have been 120 pills for $26) but since it is new and still controversial I would rather spend a little more money/per bottle, than have too much of something then I would have wasted $16 and a bottle of pills.

    So any way I have been dieting with this app for 40 days on a 1200 calorie diet (I have gone over some days) but I have lost about 12 lbs. (but of coarse I can fluctuate a few lbs so I am not sure how much FAT weight that I have actually lost).

    So I am wondering how this green coffee will help because the study showed that people lost 17 lbs in 22 weeks but I have already lost 12 lbs in about 6 weeks WITHOUT anything other than a low cal diet. I barely even exercise. I take my dog for a walk once a day for about 15 min and I do a little stationary foot pedaling a few times but that's barely exercising. BUT the doctor did claim they were eating about 2500 calories/day so maybe that's why they didn't lose that much. I mean that's less than 1 lb. a week so I am not sure how much this will help me, but I will try and update in a few weeks to see if I start losing more than 2 lbs. a week.

    My concern is knowing if it is real or a scam. I did research and they say the brand I bought was real, so I cracked open the first pill to taste it like some others have, it was a little bitter but honestly to me it just tasted like powdered coffee. I mean I figured if it is supposed to be "green coffee" why is the pill light tan?

    The Doctor guy did say it was supposed to taste bitter but HOW bitter 'cause when I tasted it, it was bitter but it didn't make me cringe at the taste or anything. So any opinions on quality?

    Sorry so long!


    Even though I "lost" 12 lbs. I have not seen or felt a change in body size. :-(
  • Here is a good explanation! Hope the mods. don't remove it form my post.
  • mac1030
    mac1030 Posts: 1
    I bought the Pure Health green coffee bean and had no luck with it. It's only 400 mg per capsule. The people in the research study cited on Dr. Oz used 1600 mg per day. Unless you are taking 4 capsules per day, I think the results are diminished. They were for me anyway.

    I bought the Extreme Green Coffee Bean because it was exactly what was used in the research study. Its 800 mg per capsule and it's made out of Robusta coffee beans. Apparently, these beans have the highest concentration of chlorogenic acid, the stuff that makes you burn fat and lose weight. The taste is mildly bitter.
  • I was confused, because some places say the study was 12 weeks and some say it was 22. So which is it? Well with some searching I found the original study results, so here it is.

    Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose, crossover study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects

    Original Research
    (4134) Views (1087) Full article downloads

    Authors: Vinson JA, Burnham BR, Nagendran MV
    Published Date January 2012 Volume 2012:5 Pages 21 - 27
    Joe A Vinson1, Bryan R Burnham3, Mysore V Nagendran3
    1Chemistry Department, 2Psychology Department, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, USA; 3Health Sciences Clinic, Bangalore, India

    Adult weight gain and obesity have become worldwide problems. Issues of cost and potential side effects of prescription weight loss drugs have led overweight and obese adults to try nutraceuticals that may aid weight loss. One promising nutraceutical is green coffee extract, which contains high concentrations of chlorogenic acids hat are known to have health benefits and to influence glucose and fat metabolism. A 22-week crossover study was conducted to examine the efficacy and safety of a commercial green coffee extract product GCA™ at reducing weight and body mass in 16 overweight adults.

    Subjects received high-dose GCA (1050 mg), low-dose GCA (700 mg), or placebo in separate six-week treatment periods followed by two-week washout periods to reduce any influence of preceding treatment. Treatments were counterbalanced between subjects. Primary measurements were body weight, body mass index, and percent body fat. Heart rate and blood pressure were also measured.

    Significant reductions were observed in body weight (-8.04 ± 2.31 kg), body mass index (-2.92 ± 0.85 kg/m2), and percent body fat (-4.44% ± 2.00%), as well as a small decrease in heart rate (-2.56 ± 2.85 beats per minute), but with no significant changes to diet over the course of the study. Importantly, the decreases occurred when subjects were taking GCA. Body mass index for six subjects shifted from preobesity to the normal weight range (<25.00 kg/m2).

    The results are consistent with human and animal studies and a meta-analysis of the efficacy of green coffee extract in weight loss. The results suggest that GCA may be an effective nutraceutical in reducing weight in preobese adults, and may be an inexpensive means of preventing obesity in overweight adults.

    green coffee bean extract, chlorogenic acid, body mass index, weight loss, body fat mass, blood pressure, heart rate

  • I started a thread asking about Green Coffee pills a week ago. This is what I bought : Pure Health Natural Pure Green Coffee Bean pills. 30 pills in a bottle for $10.00. I take 2 30 minutes before I eat and sometimes I just take 2 more when I feel like I need a little extra energy. They are all natural and my doctor says they are completely safe. I also bought Pure Health Raspberry Ketone. 30 pills for $10.00. I take 2 of them at the same time that I take the Coffee pills. I do not feel jittery or any kind of side effect. It just gives me a little extra get up and go. I've heard that they don't work for some people. My mom takes them and she says she can feel the difference from taking them. I can, too. You can take one or the other or both at the same time. It's cheap enough to try if you don't mind taking a pill. I know some people don't like taking pills. That's my update on them. Hope it helps.

    I posted a thread on this earlier.
  • Oh and if I take them to close to bedtime I can not go to sleep for anything. And they are 400 mg for each pill. A serving is 2 pills though.
  • thepete1
    thepete1 Posts: 1 Member
    I know this is off topic and gross but... did anyone experience pale poops after taking green coffee extract? I have taken for 3 days and have had this problem now 3 days. I am going to stop taking as I think this is the problem just hoping some other people had this problem so I can eliminate medical issues.
  • So, I bought the pure green coffee bean extract. Started taking 800mg twice/day and had absolutely no effect. No increase in energy, no weight loss and no side effects with poop. Does this stuff really work? Maybe for some people, but I am not that lucky.
  • renewed
    renewed Posts: 19 Member
    I've lost 6 pounds.
  • Jplka
    Jplka Posts: 1
    Check out the findings from the National Institute of Health at GCBE looks to be the real deal
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    is this a joke? i'm honestly beginning to think that if someone relies on a pill to lose weight then they don't deserve to lose it. Work hard. Have your own self-control rather than taking a pill that supposedly "curbs your appetite." Plenty of people on this site and other sites lose weight by exercise and self-control. Honestly. I've gotten over multiple plateaus on my own by changing up what I do. Yeah, it takes a little process of elimination work but it happens. If you're just gonna be lazy and take a pill you might as well not even try. Your magic solution won't work and you'll give up.

    This isn't directed to the OP, just the thread in general.
  • Cat____
    Cat____ Posts: 3
    I find the price for this product outlandish, a money grab.

    Why not make it yourself. It is easy.

    Just buy, organic unroasted green coffee beans and grind it up
    yourself, weigh it out in grams and put it in a smoothy or
    gently brew it yourself.

    Facebook has a page for Green Coffee Bean Extract DIY , do it yourself.
    Lots of information here, nobody trying to sell you anything but good
  • Cat____
    Cat____ Posts: 3
    Buying organic green coffee beans and grinding it yourself is much cheaper than paying for a bottle of it. It is easy as making a cup of coffee. The word extract is misused to confuse you. All that is in that pure coffee bean capsule is...ground up unroasted coffee beans and who knows if it is organic or not. Organic is the way to go.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    is this a joke? i'm honestly beginning to think that if someone relies on a pill to lose weight then they don't deserve to lose it. Work hard. Have your own self-control rather than taking a pill that supposedly "curbs your appetite." Plenty of people on this site and other sites lose weight by exercise and self-control. Honestly. I've gotten over multiple plateaus on my own by changing up what I do. Yeah, it takes a little process of elimination work but it happens. If you're just gonna be lazy and take a pill you might as well not even try. Your magic solution won't work and you'll give up.

    This isn't directed to the OP, just the thread in general.

    I can appreciate how well you've done and the hard work it has taken for you to get to where you are. But, don't be so harsh in judging others who are just starting out on their path or have encountered road blocks and are looking for help. From what I've heard about any supplement that helps in weight is just an aid..never touted as a magic pill that you take and that's it. still have to diet and exercise.. I think most people know that.