Joining a gym and very overweight

So, Im thinking about biting the bullet and joining somewhere. - a few issues so I need some support please! :)

1. This would mean extreme dedication on my part as the ONLY time I can go is first thing in the morning.
(I work full time, my hubby and I work opposites and no one to take care of the kids in the evening) ---- sooo morning it is.

2. I'm seriously freaking out at the thought. All I can picture is all these fit people around me wondering what the hell Im doing there. :(

Okay so now I'm talking myself out of it ..... :(


  • jillleanne
    jillleanne Posts: 72 Member
    All of those fit people know that they wouldn't be fit if they didn't get their butt to the gym every morning. Don't worry about it- your there to sweat and get healthy and they will absolutely respect you for that.

    It just takes getting into a schedule- soon enough you'll be a morning person and look forward to getting there. :) DO IT
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Sweetheart I can assure you one thing! Every person in that gym will take their hat off to you for your dedication to becoming healthier and the best you can be! When I started gyming i started at an all womend gym curves which was ok! I know gym at a normal gym, i have made f ew cool friends there! I load good music to my ipod and i give it all my sweat pant and love every moment of it!

    The first time will be scary i will not lie to you! However once that is done you will come to love it! I always feel so good and proud of myself when I walk out of gym!

    I have large breasts, i strap em down with a decent sports bra and all the squishy part jump wobble n move to rythym of my music!

    DO IT! I can assure you will not regret it EVER!!!!
  • yopie1965
    yopie1965 Posts: 25 Member
    I understand exactly how you feel! I had a total of 85lbs to lose. I joined Curves for Women. Head to toe exercise with out the stress of a gym, not expensive to join, hours open are very convenient AND you lose weight! I'm down 40lbs in 8 months with the help of MFP as well. You'll love it! Just Do it!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    They will look at you and think "GOOD FOR HER, for taking care of herself!" It's not easy at first getting into the morning routine, but after a few days, it comes naturally. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    Do you know what I think when I see an overweight person at the gym? Good for them. That's what I think. If you're not familiar with the equipment or what exercises get a trainer for at least a week or two so they can get you comfortable with a routine. Good luck.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    When I joined the gym I'm at now I was concerned about that too. Because of the side of town the gym was on, I thought the people were going to be intimidating and mean, but actually everyone there is friendly and great, male and female. I'm not really overweight anymore, but I do go lift weights in the mancave of the gym and the men are friendly, they give me my space, and everything works out good. I've never been mistreated in any gym, but I love the people at the gym I'm at now.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Every journey starts with the first step. Cheesy yes but true.
  • melanielockard
    melanielockard Posts: 114 Member
    you can do it!!!
    i am not a morning person, but that is the only time that works into my schedule also. (and my husband told me i wouldnt do it, had to prove him wrong!! lol) i love it now!!
    i thought when i went everyone would make fun of me etc., but i have found that they are the most encouraging, helpfull people i have found. i have met new friends, and we are like a little family!
    good luck on journey, and as i have for so many years, dont let people hold you back ;)
  • JaninaRello
    JaninaRello Posts: 11 Member
    I totally get the anxiety of going to the gym and having just another place on the map of being the "biggest girl there". I felt that way when I was 400 pounds and I STILL feel that way at 181 pounds.

    Best thing to do is find a good time to go where no one gives a ****. Mornings are best for that. And you've got to put your blinders on; get on that machine and do what you gotta do.

    "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great"

    Good luck!
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    I don't even really notice other people at the gym. People go to get into shape, not to critique others! I think you will do great and a few months from now you will look back on this and realize it was a great decision!

    I joined a gym about a year ago with similar worries, I was terrified at the thought of working out in front of other people. That anxiety goes away in about two weeks and soon you will be kicking butt in there with no worries at all. Promise =)
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Some gyms have babysitting or children's play/exercise sessions.
  • Your just going to have to get over it. When you get there so early in the morning the people that are there are pretty dedicated and are so focused that they really won't be paying attention to anything but the workout. Once you get in the habit and start shedding the pounds they may even give you nods for being so dedicated. If you want this bad enough you will make it happen you just have to take the first step. I know you can do this!!!! Now you just have to believe in yourself.
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    On the other hand, there's a guy in my neighborhood who is quite heavy, and I see him jogging frequently when I'm on my way to work. He inspires me! Here's someone who has decided to make good decisions and value his life and health. It makes me want to hop out of the car and join him.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    2. I'm seriously freaking out at the thought. All I can picture is all these fit people around me wondering what the hell Im doing there. :(
    The other morning, I saw a very overweight family walk into the gym and get their workout on. I did not think "wtf are they doing here?" I DID think "Wow! Good for them!" I wanted to tell them, but I thought they'd think I was a weirdo.

    Also, I've had the same fear and believe me...nobody pays attention to what you're doing.
  • It is definitely a little intimidating to go into a gym at first. I had some of the same apprehensions. At somewhere along the way, I finally decided that I could care less what anybody in the gym thought of me. I put on comfortable clothing and just focused on my workout. I mean, seriously, think about it, who cares what these people think? Just ignore them. Also, after 6 months, people start to take you more seriously because you are still coming in, while most people quit after a few months. That's what I recommend--suck it up and just plough through each workout one day at a time. Just make yourself go even when you don't want to.
  • lodeannalo
    lodeannalo Posts: 26 Member
    :glasses: I have a 100 pounds to lose and go to a gym. I know why I am there and don't worry about the people around me. I have noticed that most people keep to themselves. The pumping iron people are too busy looking at themselves in the mirror to notice anyone around them. LOL Visiting the gym for the first time is hard. I had my membership for two months before I even went through the doors.

    I did try a few gyms out with visitor passes before I found the gym I really liked. I felt more "judged" by the all female gym in my area.

    You can do it, the first step is the hardest!!!
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    Previously being one of those fit people at the gym in the morning I don't ever recall thinking to myself: "What in the world is this person doing here?!?"

    Trust me - the vast majority aren't thinking like that. They know why you are there. They are there for the same reason and they have thier own business to attend to.

    Occasionally there's a rouge *kitten* that spoils it for everyone and there isn't anything you or I can do about it. What goes around comes around. Just do your thing like everyone else does and speak positively to yourself.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    I agree with the others - people may not say it, but they will admire you for getting in there and doing it. Try visualizing what it will be like in a few months when those same people start seeing you slim down and admire you not just for starting, but sticking with it and getting it done! You have to commit - treat it like a class for school or a shift at work - it has to be done. It should not be something that you can do only if you have time or only if you feel like it - make it a part of a regular schedule that you have to get done and do it. That first week if you find yourself nervous, just block everyone out and think about your goals as you sweat. Why you are there. What you want to get out of every ounce of that sweat. How much you deserve to be the best person you can be. You CAN do this - this whole website is inundated with people who have done it and are still doing it. Join us.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You['ll be fine. Everyone's concentrating so hard on their own workouts they won't even notice you. When I started at the gym I was obese and now if I do happen to catch the eye of someone larger I think, good for you, I know how hard that decision was but how much good it will do.

    Mornings will be hard at first, but once you get into the habit you'll start to look forward to it. Lay out all the kits you need the night before so you can just hop into it and get out the door before you wake up enough to talk yourself out of it!

    I used to go to the gym at this size, and even swam in the pool in that bikini!
  • ztdavis82
    ztdavis82 Posts: 14 Member
    Maybe make one or two training appointments just to get the lay of the land and familiarize yourself with the equipment. Find a morning class you like. And get to it!

    Once the gym stops feeling so foreign, it may even become a nice place for you to get some respite from the craziness at home.