July 2nd - September 30th..P90x Group!



  • ipacheco
    ipacheco Posts: 2 Member
    Just came across the group and hoping there might be room to add one more? I just happened to start on the 2nd so this would be perfect!
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    I think I'm gonna have to cap the group today! :) But for those of you who just asked,


    Welcome to the group! :D Even though it's great to have a bunch of people, I think keeping it around 20 is good to keep some intimacy about it..if that makes sense! But as of now, I'm closing the group to newcomers! I hope everyone understands. :)
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    Happy 4th of July everyone! :D

    I'm sure a lot of people are going to be busy with family and friends and having lots of BBQs! But just remember to not go crazy on the food today and don't forget to do your workout! :3

    Couple questions for the day! Answer at your leisure.

    How many calories are you consuming in a day? What's your target goal?

    Do you find it more difficult to control how you eat when you're at a social gathering like a BBQ? If so, why do you think that is, and how can you combat it?

    Favorite BBQ food!

    Those are the questions for the day! Hope everyone has a great 4th of July and gets to see some crazy awesome fireworks! :D
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Happy 4th to you as well :)

    my consumption been low my target is 1640, but most days I'm much lower. (been working well for me lost 25 lbs since I started counting calories on MFP)

    I love BBQ food so I had to come up with a plan to avoid losing control. So I ended up doing my P90x before I went to the BBQ today and also I went a bit late to avoid the smell of food cooking. I was able to only eat one burger and 2 bites from my gf's second one, last year I probably had 3 burgers and like 3 hot dogs and not counting side stuff.

    Now just waiting for the fireworks to start :)
  • Gonecoastal
    Gonecoastal Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not American, but a Canuck. Regardless, Happy 4th of July to everyone!
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for adding me in. I missed Tuesday's workout, but did a double to catch up on Wednesday and did the Insanity Recovery this morning. I'll follow with the P90X yoga this evening.

    So far so good. Good luck everyone!
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    Our power went out Tuesday and didn't come back on until late evening yesterday. :mad: Sooooooo.....I didn't get a chance to work out on either day (gotta find the P90X exercise book). Anywho, I plan to do Plyo today and do some double workouts on the weekend so I don't miss any!! I'm very determined to keep on schedule!!
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Hope everyone had an awesome 4th!!

    How many calories are you consuming in a day? What's your target goal? I tend to just go by what MFP says to eat 1330 w/o exercise and then what ever I burn from exercise added.

    Do you find it more difficult to control how you eat when you're at a social gathering like a BBQ? If so, why do you think that is, and how can you combat it? Sometimes...I think it's because it's a bunch of food I don't normally have, just trying to stay away from the food usually helps.

    Favorite BBQ food! : Chicken

    I'm so sore I can barely walk!! Keep pushing PLAY!!!
  • dlhartma
    dlhartma Posts: 11
    Per my doctor I can't start p90x until this weekend now. Broke my nose last weekend and he wants me to give it a full week to recover. Frusterating bc I was pumped! I have started the diet and am running every night! Does anyone else feel so full from all the protein that it's hard to eat as much as is recommended? I' changed my MFP to the p90x recommended percentage of protein fat and carbs, but am not eating the 2300 calories they put me at! I'm stuffed at 1400!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I took a yoga class in college ( beginners classes) so I thought Yoga X today will be a nice change from the other workouts so far. Boy was I wrong, I didn't think I was going to make it after 40 minutes, I was so happy when it switched to balance and poses .

    Also the sad realization of how inflexible my body has become made me set a new goal beside the weight lose, by the end of the 90 days I would love to be able to do all the workouts correctly and in good form.

    Well good luck to everyone and hope you had a better experience with Yoga X than myself :)
  • dkgetchell
    I just saw your thread today. I'm already doing P90X can i join?
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    Per my doctor I can't start p90x until this weekend now. Broke my nose last weekend and he wants me to give it a full week to recover. Frusterating bc I was pumped! I have started the diet and am running every night! Does anyone else feel so full from all the protein that it's hard to eat as much as is recommended? I' changed my MFP to the p90x recommended percentage of protein fat and carbs, but am not eating the 2300 calories they put me at! I'm stuffed at 1400!

    I definitely am finding myself really full from all the protein! And the thing is..I'm full the entire day, but most of the time I haven't even hit my protein goal for the day! So crazy! I'm thinking of just drinking my protein shake three times a day, as that would amount to 75g of it, but still, it's really sort of difficult.

    Good for you for sticking to the diet and running. I hope your nose is healing quickly! :D
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    I took a yoga class in college ( beginners classes) so I thought Yoga X today will be a nice change from the other workouts so far. Boy was I wrong, I didn't think I was going to make it after 40 minutes, I was so happy when it switched to balance and poses .

    Also the sad realization of how inflexible my body has become made me set a new goal beside the weight lose, by the end of the 90 days I would love to be able to do all the workouts correctly and in good form.

    Well good luck to everyone and hope you had a better experience with Yoga X than myself :)

    I personally love yoga and have done it a lot in the past, but I've never been very flexible either, so I totally feel you. :( Even when I was doing yoga weekly for about a year, I still was never able to have my heels touch the floor during downward dog! So sad! But I think that's a great goal to have! About being able to do all the exercises correctly and in good form by the end. I hope to do that too. Not being able to do it now is just making me want to improve even more! >:O

    Great job and keep pushing play! You'll be as flexible as a noodle soon enough! ;D
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Per my doctor I can't start p90x until this weekend now. Broke my nose last weekend and he wants me to give it a full week to recover. Frusterating bc I was pumped! I have started the diet and am running every night! Does anyone else feel so full from all the protein that it's hard to eat as much as is recommended? I' changed my MFP to the p90x recommended percentage of protein fat and carbs, but am not eating the 2300 calories they put me at! I'm stuffed at 1400!

    To get the most results out of your workouts and be able to put the most into them, you will need more than 1400 calories. Otherwise, you will eventually feel sluggish from lack of food energy. What I found helpful was to increase by 150-200 calories every couple of days until I got to where I was supposed to be with my calories.

    Remember that the nutrition guide is just a guide. It doesn't work exactly to a "T" for every single person - you may need to adjust the calories (but its usually close within a few hundred calories) and you may need to follow the Fat Shredder (high protein) phase for a shorter amount of time. See how you feel - if your workouts are suffering, then adjust. Check in with your body at least once a week to see how things are going. Your body will reward you with the best results possible!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Is everyone pressing play? some people jumped in and never came back. They say the hardest is the first couple of weeks and then it get easier, keep it up folks :)
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    Legs and back workout left me hobbling today but the soreness is hitting in all of the rights spots!
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    Is everyone pressing play? some people jumped in and never came back. They say the hardest is the first couple of weeks and then it get easier, keep it up folks :)

    I'm still pressing play! :D And am sore as ever, but it feels sooooo gooood! XD
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Kenpo X is my new favorite, it sure got my heart going. How did everyone like it?
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I'm a lil behind. I just did Shoulders & Arms today. Had a bit of a setback the other day - I went for a run and never came back... at my intended time. :laugh: I completed a FULL 10k, my first ever and had quite a bit of quad and inner thigh and bum pain. I was hobbling for a day and a half. Haha. And the day before Plyo X kicked my *kitten*!!! That was the one that killed me. Today I got back on track and I feel great! I need to keep going! Excited for Yoga X tomorrow night!
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I just did S/A/A I'm behind too. Besides going 3 on 2 off, We lost power on Thursday afternoon and didnt get it back until late Friday night. Then yesterday i enjoyed a day of sleep! Not skipping any days this week in an effort to catch back up.