
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i have just about 0 carbs and ummmm still have the fat belly! lol :grumble:
  • JennMarieFitz
    JennMarieFitz Posts: 73 Member
    I don't know about the "losing weight" part of this, but I know that if I eat low-carb, my belly roll is a lot smaller the next day. I figure this is because of bloating. I think eliminating anything from your diet is a great way to set yourself up for failure. - Unless you're a vegan or vegetarian, because usually those choices are lifestyles, not diets.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    low carb is pretty amazing.
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    found this on Anit-inflammatory foods P.SI pretty much eat like this anyway but I'm vegetarian so I don't do protein through meat sources I have a big belly it's reduced 2" so far in 70 days. see what works for you.

    Fats and Oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold-water oily fish, flax seeds, canola oil and pumpkin seeds. Consumption of monounsaturated fats found in olive oil, avocado and nuts has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Other healthful oils include rice bran oil, grape seed oil, and walnut oil.

    Fruits and Vegetables. Whole fruits, berries and vegetables are all rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Choose green and brightly colored vegetables, and whole fruits such as broccoli, chard, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, carrots and squash. You should eat at least five and preferably more) servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

    Protein Sources. Possible anti-inflammatory protein sources include lean poultry, fish and seafood (fatty fish offer protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids). Soy and soy foods such as tofu and tempeh, along with other legumes and nuts and seeds can be used as plant-based protein sources. The best nuts are walnuts, almonds, pecans and Brazil nuts.

    Beverages. Your body needs water. Drink tap, sparkling or bottled water, 100-percent fruit juices, herbal tea, low-sodium vegetable juice, and low- or non-fat milk are all healthful sources of water.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Some good advice is to stop listening to Dr. Oz. You can't reduce one part of your body over another. It will all reduce given enough time and weight lost. There is no trick other than patience and hard work.

    Focus on consistency and logging your food and success will come regardless of what fads and gimmicks a salesman with a Ph.D on television tells you you need to follow.

    Yes that's what we've all heard and assumed to be true; I just want to know people's results with low-carb diets. You have too much belly fat, you probably have too much everywhere fat, so if you lose weight, you lose belly. Of course.

    I'm not sure what Dr. Oz has to gain by telling people how to eat better, but I'm sure what he's saying is not complete fiction. If you have a PhD then go ahead and argue, but I don't, so I won't.
    Dr Oz is a cardiac surgeon, he has about as much nutrition training as you do. He says on his show what his sponsors pay him to say. Low carb does nothing for body fat. It helps lose water weight, but a calorie deficit is the only thing that will cause fat loss.

    THIS!!! if you want nutritional information than go see a dietician, Dr.Oz is so full of **** he shouldn't even have a show. Anyone can get a PHD doesn't mean you know squat about what someone should eat. If you want your belly fat to go away than hit the gym and go some cardio and weights. And there is carbs in EVERYTHING you eat
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    As soon as I started eating heallthier carbs and cutting portion size, I lost my belly.
  • AC417
    AC417 Posts: 56 Member
    Since March I've cut out a lot of processed food and simple carbs, and amped up my protein, fiber and veggie intake. First place I noticed a loss in inches was my butt. Sure, my belly started going down, but my butt is now almost non-existent. So I agree, there's no way to try and reduce inches in one area over another. Your body is going to lose where it wants to lose first, and everything else will follow.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    Some good advice is to stop listening to Dr. Oz. You can't reduce one part of your body over another. It will all reduce given enough time and weight lost. There is no trick other than patience and hard work.

    Focus on consistency and logging your food and success will come regardless of what fads and gimmicks a salesman with a Ph.D on television tells you you need to follow.

    Yes that's what we've all heard and assumed to be true; I just want to know people's results with low-carb diets. You have too much belly fat, you probably have too much everywhere fat, so if you lose weight, you lose belly. Of course.

    I'm not sure what Dr. Oz has to gain by telling people how to eat better, but I'm sure what he's saying is not complete fiction. If you have a PhD then go ahead and argue, but I don't, so I won't.

    even readers digest called him out as someone whipping people into a hyper frenzy state. he goes overboard, but that doesn't mean there isn't ANY truth to what he says.

    As for the carbs, there was a big article in the May 2012 issue of Us News and World Report that backs the carb theory, pointing out that during the Great Depression almost a century ago that the number of obese people grew... with the main reason being that carbs were affordable and the nation was eating too many of them. I have cut back on my carbs and have noticed that my belly is going first :) (i'm half italian, so i actually like by behind and don't want to lose it :)
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    I'm following an Atkins-ish diet. My body does not respond to carbs well, so I try to avoid them. Feel free to message me for details. To answer your question, yes, it's working. For the first time in years, my gut is smaller than my boobs. Yay!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    So I was watching an episode of Dr. Oz yesterday and it was all about big butts and big bellies. He was telling about how they're different and how you can fix it.

    For big bums, I don't really remember how to fix because that's not my problem. He did say that butt fat is healthier than belly fat BUT it's harder to get rid of.

    For belly fat, it's quite unhealthy. The fat builds up around your intestines and organs and your HEART, so, not very good at all. His advice for big bellies is to to eat LOW CARBS and ANTI-INFLAMMATORY foods. ALso aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

    So my question is, what are ANY anti-inflammatory foods? And what are some good low-carbs foods? I've never limited or paid attention to my carb intake so i really don't know what's what.

    ANd for any of you on a low-carb diet, how's it going? Is you belly fat disappearing?

    Sorry everyone's bashing you. Anti-inflammatory foods are basically anything whole food, non processed. There's more to it than that but if you eat lots of fruits and veggies, lean protein, whole grains, and unsaturated fats you will be getting the nutrients you need. The belly fat he was taking about is visceral fat and its dangerous because of everything you mentioned, it suffocates your organs and puts you at risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and chronic inflammation which is where the "anti-inflammatory" food thing comes in. Very low carb is not sustainable but if you want to play around with it go ahead. The thing I don't like about limiting your carb intake below 100 grams is that it cuts out lots of fruits and vegetables and you don't want to limit those types of foods because thats where the majority of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber in your diet come from! If anything I would really start by limiting your processed food (anything out of a bag, box, can, or carton) and adding fruits and vegetables. Once you get used to eating this way you can tweak it to fit your needs. Great questions; I hope that helped.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I did a very low carb diet for awhile and my upper body got really lean.....the butt fat not as much :sad: Low carb food are meats eggs, hard cheeses, and non-starchy or low-sugar veggies like broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, asparagus. Starchy veggies are grains, potatoes and the higher sugar veggies including tomatoes and carrots--just to give you an idea. There is a lot of info on low carb eating on the web. Check out the Atkins website. It is rather extreme in cutting carbs but it will give you an idea of where to start.
    I limit carbs to veggies and skip the breads, grains etc because I do better on weight control when I do that. . Since I also have hypoglycemia, I feel much more energetic too.
    Hope this is helpful. Good luck
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Sometimes I think we women worry far too much about a little belly fat. Female bodies are meant to carry fat there, a 6 pack on a woman can be hella sexy but there is a reason it takes so much work - we are fighting our bodies natural instinct to cushion our delicate reproductive system.

    I'd still love to have a flat stomach but I'm learning to accept that this bit of podge might just always be there.
  • Jlobe114
    Jlobe114 Posts: 3 Member
    I personally do notice a difference in how I physically feel when I watch my carb intake (I feel good). I also see a reduced amount of abdominal 'bloat'. Rice is my downfall....In addition - when talking about the visceral fat around your internal organs - incorporating mufa's helps with that. When I began incorporating mufa's into my diet (olive oil, avacado, almonds...) - and my husband joined in - his doctor noticed a difference in his numbers and he was able to reduce meds as a result.

    On the flip side I have a friend who can eat carbs all day long with little to no impact - this leads me to believe it's one of those things that is specific to some people but possibly not to all.

    I think it's good to listen to data when it becomes available and then to do the research.....
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I did a low carb (less than 30g a day) for two weeks. After those two weeks I got extremely bored of the same foods, so I started incorporating a lot of fruits and vegetables back in for a full week. After three weeks, I was still extremely bored with my meals so I began eating "normal" and balanced meals again. I lost 10lbs in those three weeks. (Which is A LOT for me!) People can say it's water weight, but I kept it off and didn't gain anything back. Than a month or two later when I stalled, I did low carb again but only lasted four days (due to the restriction and getting bored!) and lost 5 lbs in those 4 days. I would call THAT water weight because I was so upset about restricting carbs that I became a mashed potato fanatic (Not really, but I would eat a ton of carbs again instead of bringing it back into my diet slowly) and I gained those 5lbs back within a week.

    Point being -- every ones body is different and reacts differently to different diets and restrictions. When you find something that works, so long as it's healthy, stick to it.
  • leener10
    leener10 Posts: 1 Member
    Dr. Oz is an MD, he was a surgeon. Just sayin'.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You also need to understand that there's a big difference between having any fat on your belly and having excessive belly fat that starts encompassing your organs. The latter means you have too much fat on your body, period. It has nothing to do with your belly. If you are at the point where your fat is affecting organ function and increasing your susceptibility to disease... The amount of carbs you eat is the least of your concerns.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I eat a ton of carbs and my belly isn't big.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    I eat at least 40% carb and have lost more inches from my stomach than from anywhere else, by far. I eat plenty of grains and have found the whole wheat belly concept to be a complete lie, at least for me.

    I went low carb, no grain one month and went from losing 2 lbs a week to losing 2 lbs that entire month. Then I increased carbs and lost 3 lbs in a week. Part of the reason is that I tend to eat way more calories on a low carb diet, but that just proves that it's calories in/out and carbs are irrelevant both to weight loss and belly fat.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Dr. Oz is an MD, he was a surgeon. Just sayin'.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    So I was watching an episode of Dr. Oz yesterday and it was all about big butts and big bellies. He was telling about how they're different and how you can fix it.

    For big bums, I don't really remember how to fix because that's not my problem. He did say that butt fat is healthier than belly fat BUT it's harder to get rid of.

    For belly fat, it's quite unhealthy. The fat builds up around your intestines and organs and your HEART, so, not very good at all. His advice for big bellies is to to eat LOW CARBS and ANTI-INFLAMMATORY foods. ALso aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

    So my question is, what are ANY anti-inflammatory foods? And what are some good low-carbs foods? I've never limited or paid attention to my carb intake so i really don't know what's what.

    ANd for any of you on a low-carb diet, how's it going? Is you belly fat disappearing?

    I do agree with others that you cannot spot reduce HOWEVER, i suffer with a lot of bloating and stomach fat and I have tried Dukan diet and after 3 days on the no carb high protein i felt amazing and my stomach was flat. I now only do the no carb and high protein 1 day/2 days a week and the rest of the week I follow a normal diet and my stomach is much better and it is easier to maintain. I am not a nutritionalist or anything this is just my experience.

    Good Luck

    How exactly do u no carb? Veg and fruits have carbs.....
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Dr. Oz is an MD, he was a surgeon. Just sayin'.

    Dr. Oz.... *eye twitch*

    SO? There are a ton of ridiculously stupid MDs out there, my MD is definatly one of them. Dr.Oz is paid by drug companies to sell their products, you buy, he gets richer, that's all he is. He is nothing but a bulls&it sales man confusing the masses with his contradictory ideas.

    Someone told me "Dr. Oz said to mix Apple cider vinegar with grapefruit juice and a pinch of salt and drink it every day and it flushes out the fat, I have been doing it for 2 months!" Me "Is it flushing out your fat?" lady "No, I should really start walking again"...

    Maybe I would have a trim belly if I ate no carbs... maybe, but I don't have high cholestrol and my blood numbers are perfect, but I still have belly fat so am I going to die?
  • davidmsilverman
    davidmsilverman Posts: 1 Member
    What I've read is the magic of eating a low carb diet is low sugar. If I take in fewer carbs, my body doesn't need to release insulin into my bloodstream, which has been proven to restrict fat burning. The theory is, if I eat like a diabetic, I won't turn into one. So far, it's working pretty well, though I am still quite a sugar addict and cheat a lot. That said, my most profound weight loss ever came as a result of eating a vegan diet. In 2001, I shed 7.5 inches on my waist and nearly 40 pounds, a lot of fat. I ultimately gave it up, as I found it very inconvenient and expensive, and I was hungry a lot. It was years before I started counting calories, but I expect I was barely eating 1400 calories a day, which resulted in very fast fat and weight loss. It was very difficult to find enough protein and I had to take supplements, but I felt great and lost weight. Hope this helps!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I got as far as 'Dr. Oz'...
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    I think what you should take away from this is that a low-carb diet works for some, but isn't necessary for all. So long as you're eating healthy, it's a sustainable diet, and you're losing weight, do what you want.
  • So I was watching an episode of Dr. Oz yesterday and it was all about big butts and big bellies. He was telling about how they're different and how you can fix it.

    For big bums, I don't really remember how to fix because that's not my problem. He did say that butt fat is healthier than belly fat BUT it's harder to get rid of.

    For belly fat, it's quite unhealthy. The fat builds up around your intestines and organs and your HEART, so, not very good at all. His advice for big bellies is to to eat LOW CARBS and ANTI-INFLAMMATORY foods. ALso aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

    So my question is, what are ANY anti-inflammatory foods? And what are some good low-carbs foods? I've never limited or paid attention to my carb intake so i really don't know what's what.

    ANd for any of you on a low-carb diet, how's it going? Is you belly fat disappearing?

    I've lost 27 pounds and the belly area was the first to go! My starting weight was 226.
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    Kelp, Turmeric, Wild-Caught Salmon, Shiitake Mushroom, Green Tea, Papaya, Blueberry, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Broccoli, Sweet Potato are some anti-inflammatory foods.

    Here is a link that lists many anti-inflammatory foods divided into different food groups:

    I've had to watch what I eat because I have hypothyroid- underactive thryroid. It's hard to lose weight even with medication. I've started following the GI diet but I do adjust some of the foods I eat, I don't follow it precisely. It's worked so far. I've been able to lose the weight, especially around the mid section.

    Your body needs a bit of everything to function including good fats and good carbs.

    Don't eat something you don't like. I love whole grain breads and whole grain crisp bread and I love the Catelli Smart pasta line (tastes like white pasta but made with whole grains). I do not like whole wheat pasta or brown rice and I will not eat them because i have to enjoy what I eat.

    Eat lots of veggies.

    Eat what you'd like in moderation but just include whole grains. Try to keep bread to one or two meals. I eat whole wheat bread for breakfast, none at lunch and I will have a carb other than bread at dinner. You have to adjust the foods you eat to see what works for you.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Sometimes I think we women worry far too much about a little belly fat. Female bodies are meant to carry fat there, a 6 pack on a woman can be hella sexy but there is a reason it takes so much work - we are fighting our bodies natural instinct to cushion our delicate reproductive system.

    I'd still love to have a flat stomach but I'm learning to accept that this bit of podge might just always be there.

    Speaking as a bloke, amen to that :)

    I still like my 'Men's Health' muscles though ;)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I didn't read through all 4 pages of comments, but I'm going through "belly fat" issues too. I've been on this eating clean and busting my *kitten* thing for 2 years and I haven't lost a thing. So I went to the doctor. Sure as *kitten* my cortisal, insulin, testosterone and estrogen levels are perfect. Turns out it's stress. You might not think you're under stress, I certainly thought it was just "life" but once you learn how to relax and continue eating clean and exercising, you'll notice a difference. Simple things like incorporating yoga into your exercise, taking a nature hike, massage, acupuncture (I'm trying this on Saturday). You really have to take care of yourself spiritually, emotionally AND physically. I also read "Weight Around the Middle" and I'm not one for reading stupid books (been sucked in to many times) but I really identified with this one. Your body might be in fight or flight right now, it might think that you're in war or famine and is holding on to what it can to prepare for disaster.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    What I've read is the magic of eating a low carb diet is low sugar. If I take in fewer carbs, my body doesn't need to release insulin into my bloodstream, which has been proven to restrict fat burning. The theory is, if I eat like a diabetic, I won't turn into one. So far, it's working pretty well, though I am still quite a sugar addict and cheat a lot.

    This is exactly why I'm doing so well at this dietary change. My family has a history of obesity leading to Type II diabetes. In fact, my dad (who I am almost an exact genetic copy of... except for the XX chromosomes) was recently diagnosed.

    I am absolutely addicted to carbs, and not healthy ones. We both have major sweet tooth syndrome. However, after the first two weeks of keto (which were HELL, by the way due to the cravings) I no longer crave breads, pastas, potatoes, and sweets. This is a big freaking deal in my family! I knew how bad things had gotten when I started craving things I never crave during those first few days of keto (like spoonfuls of icing or hamburger buns). My body was so dependent on carbs, that I was constantly battling the notion of eating things that I would not normally crave.

    38 days of being in ketosis, the only things I feel that would be "worth it" to cheat with is a local pizza restaurant's olive and pepperoni pizza, and a whole slew of craft beer. Even then, I'm doing a lot better with willpower. Will I stay in ketosis forever? No, but once I reach my goal weight I will slowly raise my carb intake to include even MORE of those awesome veggies I love so much now.