
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    j03y20 - welcome! By posting you'll certainly be able to find it fast. Tell me about the same pounds off and then on.

    mimi - thanks for the reminder. I want to make a salad for dinner tonight, want to use up the tomatoes that I have and then I can get more.

    swkittrel, milli, sakeating, wrecked - glad to have you on board. You've come to the right place for support, that's for sure!

    Did an hour of deep water today. The gal, remember I told you, who taught it for something like 27 years was fired so they had this other gal from another branch teaching the class, only that branch doesn't have a deep water class. We did the exact same thing for like 15 minutes (no kidding, I timed it). And she had the music so loud. It would have been nice to have someone who was familiar with the class and the participants. But I'm not in charge! Tomorrow I'll do a Jari Love Ripped to the Core DVD

    Still hot here today. We don't have any special plans, Vince worked as much as he could on the barbecue gazebo and I helped when I could. Been crocheting (I may be actually getting this!) so the placemats should be done in a few years....lol Just a few more, that's all.

    We have a "secret santa" for some of the mahjongg players. Fortunately, I got this one lady who I know is really into diet and weight. I sent her a gift certificate to her vet for her pets, a subscription to CSPI's Nutrition Action Healthletter, and something else. Anyway, whoever is my secret santa (I suspect who it might be) gave me this book that I know cost $20 (the gifts are supposed to be around 10) along with these kitchen towels for me to crossstitch. I remember specifically saying that although I like crossstitch, not to give me anything craft-related because I have so many WIP's (work in progress). Guess I'll make them and give them as gifts.

    Mary - sounds like you're having a lovely time, that's so wonderful.

    Laura - have fun at the bbq

    mimi - actually, I don't cook my crookneck or any squashes. I usually just eat them raw with some balsamic vinegar on them. hmmmm...never thought of it, maybe I should try veggies for breakfast

    Vince commented that it'll be nice when we get the pool, after he's been working outside, he can just jump in the pool. Glad he's also wishing for it

    Don't know why, but I woke up today at 4a.m., just did some reading then took the magazines to the Y.

    After the deep water class did a bit of food shopping at the store on the way home. They had these chocolate fudge cupcakes on closeout so I got the mix. Made them, they're really like this tunnel of fudge cake that I make. Next time I'm going to put them into a muffin liner. The directions say to spray the pan, but the muffins still stuck so maybe a muffin liner will work. We shall see.......

    Sherry - I don't think it sounds weird at all to keep your resistance bands by the bathroom. May as well put the time you're on the toilet to good use....lol

    Jeannie - my deepest condolences to you and your family.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Jeannie - You have my deepest sympathy. May you find comfort in your wonderful memories, and your loved ones. Mary
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    While I am devastated by her passing, I know it is a good thing to have happened the way it did. We had just found out that she had lung cancer and only had 2-4 months to live. It is not making it any easier.
    Amen. Nothing makes it easier but time.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Wow Amanda, your weight loss is amazing and so motivating to me. I have a bad knee too, I could use some walking sticks but don't know where to but them. I have incredible amount of knee pain and take pain killers also. What do the chia seeds do? Keep up the good work, thanks for inspiring me! Linda aka SUNDANCEB
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks Barbi,
    your words of wisdom are just what i needed tonight! :smile: Linda, aka SUNDANCEB
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Jeannie....I am so sorry for your loss. ...... I pray you have comfort in the beautiful memories and love you shared.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Jeannie, hugs and blessings to you.

    Sundanceb - the chia seeds are to help combat the effects of the painkillers (ie - the dreaded constipation!) I'm still taking the tart cherry juice and do feel better, but not sure if it's the cherry or everything else I'm trying. I'm sticking with it though as there are some very good reports about it.

    Michelle - could you not regift the cross stitch without doing any of the work?

    Auntiebk - it's so true - participation is definitely the way to go. I like to submerge myself wholeheartedly into any venture. You only get out of it what you put in.

    Mazaron - 5k a day is a good aim!

    Kat - what a let down about the spa. I hate it when that happens.

    Sherry - what a great idea! Definitely a good time to use resistance bands!

    Robin - enjoy your summer - wish London was getting some (but I'm going to whisper this, it's not raining today!)

    Sissygok - love the idea of working out straight after court. As an ex-divorcee (that sounds odd!) I can remember what a stressful time it was going to court. My mum came with me and we went out for a meal afterwards. We ate a lot of cake!

    Mimi - I am really not a fruit eater but I love my veggies and I could definitely eat them at every meal. I used to enjoy a big bowl of spinach with greek yoghurt on top for my breakfast, but these days I have my gluggy protein shake with everything added (including the dreaded tart cherry juice and the chia seeds). It's a morning ritual now.

    I would love to respond to everyone else, but I'm having a busy day today. I have read everything though and am thinking of you all.

    Yesterday we took my darling grandson to have his first hair cut. His twin sister didn't need one, but she sat very patiently and watched whilst Teddy got his curls removed. DD and I both have a curl to keep and treasure. The wonderful hairdresser wouldn't charge us because the twins were so adorable. Bless him!

    Ok, must do some work - got a ton of it to do.

    Hugs to everyone.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Jeannie: Oh, I am so very sorry for the loss of your Dear Mother. You have been a wonderful daughter. I will be thinking of you and your family at this sad time. Please take care of yourself. Hugs to you, kackie:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :heart:
  • dooleyrg
    dooleyrg Posts: 6
    I am fairly new to the program. My goals for July are:

    Walk 45 minutes five times a week.
    Stairs at my house 10x/day
    Wii 1x/week
    Stay within calorie limit
    Love life
    Have fun:happy:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member

    Mom died in her sleep around 5AM this morning. She did not suffer and was herself right up going to bed last night. My brother, sister-in-law and all of us were with her.

    While I am devastated by her passing, I know it is a good thing to have happened the way it did. We had just found out that she had lung cancer and only had 2-4 months to live. It is not making it any easier.

    Hope to be back posting and logging in a few weeks.


    SO SORRY!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning all,

    Love catching up with all your posts!

    Again welcome to all the new people-everyone here is great when it comes to support and inspiration!

    Jeannie-I'm very sorry for your loss!

    Amanda-Glad the cheery juice seems to be helping! Haven't really followed thru with it but am going to try again since the new meds I'm on don't seem to be doing the trick!

    I've been definitely doing good with drinking alot of water but not with exercise! Very unhappy with my knee, which seems to be fine one minute and the second I put my full weight on it (like just now when I was weeding), the pain just shoots thru it. Enough whining, I'm going to find a fitness workout on TV that I can and will do right now!

    Enjoy the day-pay it forward!

  • yougojo170
    yougojo170 Posts: 62
    Hi- didn't know there were so many 50+ women on here. I'm so glad to join ths group! I'm 52 from NJ and looking to meet other women my age fighting to get their fitness back! My goal for July is to continue exercising at least 5 days a week and to lose at least 1lb per week.

    Any other NJ women around? Would love to meet up for a beach day / walk.
  • Hi, am brand new to this and since I am 50, thought this would.be s great place to start. I am an RN and live.in Wisconsin. Weight had been a struggle for some time.now and this site was recommended.to me by my physical therapist. I am battling an Achilles injury do my activity level has suffered. My main goal for July is to stick with it and to slowly increase my activity level while my foot is healing. Will be returning to work on Monday after 6 Weeks off do that will help add well. Looking forward to this new adventure
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Jeannie - sending positive happy thoughts and energy your way to help you thru this trying time. I remember it like it was yesterday even though I lost my mom about 5 and half years ago now. I am not sure it ever gets easier but at least we learn to live with it and one key is to focus on all the positive memories.

    DH's kidney stones acted up yesterday so he spent the day curled up in a fetal ball. I walked on the dreadmill and we didn't end up bar-b-queing so I didn't eat too much. today we begin the yard work.

    Sedated both dogs last night and so it wasn't quite as stressful for them both with all the fireworks.

    Have a happy day.

    Robin, Bodi Boy and the Ritter BIt.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    I'm a little late to the game, but am jumping in. I've been lurking for a while, but haven't decided to be an acitve member of the message boards until today. I liked the suggestion to find a thread and stay with it. Since I am 50+, this looks like a great fit for me.

    My July goals:

    *To walk at least 5 days each week.
    *To log my food daily, regardless of the amount.
    *To take my vitamins religiously (am usually a real slacker at this. I hate pills.)
    *To lose at least 5 lbs, hopefully more. (I'd like to lose 75 lbs total. I'm about 10 lbs up from the low I hit last fall. I'd sure like to be back there before school starts back in August.)
    *To participate in this thread for motivation.
  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    Hi everyone, Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. It was quiet at my house. I am an eleven month employee at a high school in NC so I am off for the month of July. I answer the phone and sign the students in and out. Can I say CRAZY??? I have arthritis in my knees so all my exercise is done on machines. It's amazing I can ride the exercise bike and have no problems with my knees while on the bike. If I go shopping and there is not a shopping cart to lean on I have to use a cane. I have been exercising since the beginning of May so hopefully eventually I will be able to walk without the cane. This is one of my goals. The doctor said I need to loose 50 lbs. and that is just to start off. Today I rode the exercise bike for 8 miles then worked out on the rest of the equipment (upper body and lower body). Is anyone having the problem of not eating enough calories? The food section after I enter everything for my day says I am not eating enough??? I am not hungry and I am eating around 1200 calories. When I enter my exercise I do then I gets worse on the calories because it subtracts the calories burned. This is driving me nuts.How does everyone handle this??? I hope very one enjoys the rest of their day. Thanks for listening!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hi everyone, Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. It was quiet at my house. I am an eleven month employee at a high school in NC so I am off for the month of July. I answer the phone and sign the students in and out. Can I say CRAZY??? I have arthritis in my knees so all my exercise is done on machines. It's amazing I can ride the exercise bike and have no problems with my knees while on the bike. If I go shopping and there is not a shopping cart to lean on I have to use a cane. I have been exercising since the beginning of May so hopefully eventually I will be able to walk without the cane. This is one of my goals. The doctor said I need to loose 50 lbs. and that is just to start off. Today I rode the exercise bike for 8 miles then worked out on the rest of the equipment (upper body and lower body). Is anyone having the problem of not eating enough calories? The food section after I enter everything for my day says I am not eating enough??? I am not hungry and I am eating around 1200 calories. When I enter my exercise I do then I gets worse on the calories because it subtracts the calories burned. This is driving me nuts.How does everyone handle this??? I hope very one enjoys the rest of their day. Thanks for listening!!

    I'm sure no one will agree with me on this but I make sure I eat 1200 - 1300 calories a day. I'm old, menopausal, sedentary, no thyroid, etc. I just don't worry about eating back my calories. I feel fine. :-}

  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    Lin, Thanks for your reply. That sounds right to me. I feel fine with the amount of calories I am eating. I was just a little confused since I joined this sit a few days ago.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great 4th~
    Jeannie: I am so sorry for your loss. My mother died about 2 1/2 years ago, and there isn't anything like it when a mom dies.

    I think I did alright last night; there actually wasn't a lot of "bad" things to eat, which was helpful and I limited my portions to a spoonful of each of the salads, 1 slice of ham, 1/2 piece of pie and 1/4 pieces of cake so I'm sure I was over, but not by too much. I also limited the alcohol to 2 drinks (these friends have a bar that literally flows and it's easy to drink too much when we are there).

    Today I had lunch at Paradise Bakery and Cafe. They have all their nutrition information on their website, so that was easy to plan in. I still have my cold/sinus infection/whatever this is, but I am hoping after a good nap I will feel up to some exercising.

    Well I am going to take a nap and hopefully feel better. UGH! You ladies all take care and have a successful day! Meg

    Oh, Linder: I ignore the amount of calories the site gives me for exercising. i have found they are too generous! Nice to see, but I just stick with my 1900 calories and not even consider what I burned off.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Jeannie- So sorry for your loss.

    Got up and went to the gym first thing this morning before life could get in the way. Felt good and seems to be helping me to feel more energetic even hours later.

    I just finished making a quinoa salad for supper.It looks good- can't wait to try it. I'm not much of a cook, but am looking for different ideas for healthy meals. I am very fortunate to have a sous chef for a husband, however some of the foods he cooks don't work for me and my new-ish healthier life style. He also appreciates it when I cook at home. He is willing to try anything- more so than me- so there are few limitations as to what I can try.

    I love the idea with the resistance bands. I'll have to move mine as well.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Deb A