Guys; Who cleans in your house?



  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    I only ask, cause I am the only one that cleans here, and it appears no one takes any notice. In fact they just come right on though and mess up everything again..... :? I am not a perfect neat freak, but everything is off the ground and/or put away.

    Want to fix the "no one notices" problem?? Stop cleaning at all for 1 week and see what gets noticed then... Then make them help you catch back up when they say something... right now they prob think some fairy comes in in the middle of the night and poof all is clean!!!

    i tried that with my old roommate. we lived together for 6 1/2 years. the last couple years i noticed that no on but me ever ever cleaned. i stopped cleaning. for months. nothing happened and i just couldn't live like that.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Husband does the laundry and dishes, outside work and general tidying up.

    I do all the deep cleaning and keep our toddler entertained and tidy up as well.

    It seems off balanced but he also gets off work 2 1/2 hours before I do so he has more "free" time to do those types of chores. Then i do 98% of all of the cooking.

    Now, if I ever become a stay at home mom I will be doing all of the household chores and watching the kids.

    Main thing is communicating your expectations. We have discussions about what we feel the other should be doing. And we try to make sure we thank the other person. :flowerforyou:
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    The cleaning lady, yay!
  • medicinemantoo
    I've always made sure my place was cleaned, decorated, whatever. yes, i'm divorced and all that stuff, yet home is where the heart is. (and if somebody says anything negative about that, we'll talk soon).
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    My roommates and sometimes me.
  • Assassins_Angel
    I'll answer this one, we do 50/50. And I LOVE when he cleans, he does such a better job than I do lol. I'm very laid back.

    Same for me i do it during the week and we both do it over the weekend but he is sooo much better than me :laugh:
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    After I cook dinner, he's really good about getting in there and putting the dishes in the dish washer. Then I'll come in and clean all the surfaces. I'll sweep and dust as is necessary. On Saturdays, he'll ask me, "so what are we doing today?" And I'll let him know the chores that need to get done and he helps me as needed. Sometimes he'll even get inspired and take on a major project by himself w/o any prompting. Hooray for motivated boyfriends!!!! :happy:
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    My husband does all the cleaning (i occasioinally do laundry and dishes but not often) he has also taught the kids to clean. We ahd the opposite problem when we moved in most men will say the women complains about how they clean well he was going behind me recleaning so I just let him do it all. I do all the cooking though -he doesn't cook ;) It works for us but everyone has to find a system that works for their household
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    neat freak here. everything has a place. i help keep things in place and pick-up after myself. i don't like dishes in the sink overnight. about 60/40 favoring her keeping house clean day to day and she handles all the deep cleaning though. don't no woman want a nasty *kitten* man at least not in that way . . . 0_0
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I stay at home with the kids. He brings home the bacon, I cook it (and clean up the mess). It doesn't bother me at all.

    When he helps I am always appreciative because he doesn't have to.

    When I go back to work in a few years, cleaning will be a 50/50 thing.
  • obeseto13point1
    obeseto13point1 Posts: 144 Member
    Just me.....everyone else is severely allergic. Something fall on the floor? Everyone is suddenly blind. Left a dish on a table or bedroom? It will magically find it's way to the kitchen to be washed. I'm the fairyfreakinggodmother of cleaning, lol

    This is how it is in our house too. The only job my husband has as far as keeping the house clean is taking out the garbage and half the time i end up doing it because he will just let it overflow.

    Yes describes my house perfectly. Garbage doesn't even get put into the garbage. I spend basically all morning every morning cleaning up from the day before.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I do it ALL. Clean, cook, take care of kids (8 yrs and 5 mths) and work full time!!! My husband works out of town and is only home once in a while. It is kind of bullsh*t, but I just do it. He does do the outside stuff if it still needs done by the time he's actually home! Maybe I need a cleaning lady???

    He's actually home today and I'm working, wonder what I'll go home too. He does suprise me by picking things up like once every 6 months.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    its probably 65/35 with her doing the majority... i get in spells where i go cleaning crazy and i hate a messy kitchen so occassionally i'll be cleaning but she does most of it. of course with a two year old running loose and a 8 week old driving us crazy it never stays clean

    I hear ya on that one! I was a total clean freak when I was single and I think my hubby remembers that (from when we were dating) and doesn't understand the state of the house now. I keep it clean for the most part but it is "messy" because of all the toys and junk that kids need lying around. That battle I gave up because you can have the house spotless and 20 minutes later it will look like a mini tornado went through.

    And it did, a mini toddler tornado. :sad:
  • jperrysunlover
    jperrysunlover Posts: 96 Member
    We have a cleaning lady, but split the laundry (him) and the cooking (me). The tidying is not an issue, because we both throw away anything laying out for more than a day!
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I only ask, cause I am the only one that cleans here, and it appears no one takes any notice. In fact they just come right on though and mess up everything again..... :? I am not a perfect neat freak, but everything is off the ground and/or put away.

    Want to fix the "no one notices" problem?? Stop cleaning at all for 1 week and see what gets noticed then... Then make them help you catch back up when they say something... right now they prob think some fairy comes in in the middle of the night and poof all is clean!!!

    i tried that with my old roommate. we lived together for 6 1/2 years. the last couple years i noticed that no on but me ever ever cleaned. i stopped cleaning. for months. nothing happened and i just couldn't live like that.

    The dishes are still backed up, from where we had no power, and they complain that there are no dishes... still don't do anything. Same with the laundry, and the weeds outside.... nothing changes, and I can't live with a mess. Not anymore...
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Hubby and I share in cleaning/household duties. He sweeps, mops, dusts and vacuums. I do all the laundry, the majority of the cooking and dishes and clean the bathrooms. I also change the bed linens and anything like that. I also do any "extra" cleaning that gets done inside the house like cleaning windows, blinds, taking down and cleaning curtains, straightening up/cleaning out cabinets, closets and the pantry. He will help rearrange furniture, etc. He also does almost all the outside work such as mowing, trimming and washing cars.
  • lowry12
    lowry12 Posts: 74 Member
    i do most of the cleaning but my hubby does pitch in whn needed but i usually try to clean while he at work unless i gotta work
  • lowry12
    lowry12 Posts: 74 Member
    i do most of the cleaning but my hubby does pitch in whn needed but i usually try to clean while he at work unless i gotta work
    oh and i do all the cooking once in a great while ill let him throw sumthing on the grill ta cook but hell i even do most the grilling to lol
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    I only ask, cause I am the only one that cleans here, and it appears no one takes any notice. In fact they just come right on though and mess up everything again..... :? I am not a perfect neat freak, but everything is off the ground and/or put away.

    Want to fix the "no one notices" problem?? Stop cleaning at all for 1 week and see what gets noticed then... Then make them help you catch back up when they say something... right now they prob think some fairy comes in in the middle of the night and poof all is clean!!!

    i tried that with my old roommate. we lived together for 6 1/2 years. the last couple years i noticed that no on but me ever ever cleaned. i stopped cleaning. for months. nothing happened and i just couldn't live like that.

    The dishes are still backed up, from where we had no power, and they complain that there are no dishes... still don't do anything. Same with the laundry, and the weeds outside.... nothing changes, and I can't live with a mess. Not anymore...

    that is really terrible, i'm sorry. nothing hurts like feeling disrespected does. can you afford to have help come in? have you had a sit down with the wife about it? do the kids have chores that if they don't do punishment is involved? when i was coming up my parents worked 3 jobs each so all the household cleaning fell on me from about age 8. if i didn't clean the house i did get in trouble. no tv and the like. it made me cranky at the time but as an adult i realize that there is a reason i have clean baseboards ;-)

    eta - sorry i just noticed your profile says you are single. nevermind half of what i just said. LOL
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    My husband does the dishes, laundry and vacuums..I scrub the bathrooms, kitchen and dust. Those are things he doesn't think of. He does a great job at picking up stuff. I appreciate everything he does. Although not having to clean the toilets every weekend would be nice :)