sick of it now

Right so I know what you will say, but here we go again. When i started mfp I didnt eat my exercise cals, and didnt lose, so i started eating them last week and here at the end of 2 weeks ive not lost again.So how the hell am i supposed to know what is right and wrong when nothing is making nay weight sift of me at all. Im realky getting to the point where after 25 days on here and seeing no results , im now thinking im wasting my time, all i must be doing is eating enough to maintain, so i eat 1200 i maintian, i eat 1500 i maintain.GRRRRRRRRR so sick of trying now. The only time i see to lose a weight is when i eat very little and have lots of activity.


  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    25 days isn't long, maybe you need to give it a little longer?

    As for the eating back calories or not debate, well I sometimes do and sometimes don't. If I have worked out and feel hungry I will have something, if not, I don't force feed myself.

    I am sure people with you give you more scientific, knowledgeable answers but all I can say is it would be a shame to quit!
  • Right so I know what you will say, but here we go again. When i started mfp I didnt eat my exercise cals, and didnt lose, so i started eating them last week and here at the end of 2 weeks ive not lost again.So how the hell am i supposed to know what is right and wrong when nothing is making nay weight sift of me at all. Im realky getting to the point where after 25 days on here and seeing no results , im now thinking im wasting my time, all i must be doing is eating enough to maintain, so i eat 1200 i maintian, i eat 1500 i maintain.GRRRRRRRRR so sick of trying now. The only time i see to lose a weight is when i eat very little and have lots of activity.

    How much are you exercising? Also, it can take the body awhile to adjust to a new routine, and sometimes the weight doesn't come off right away - I'm battling that myself. I also read that fat cells can uptake water after the fat in them has been burned off, and it takes them a while to shed that water.

    When you work out, what do you do? What sort of routine? How often?

    Don't give up - there are ways to figure this out.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Try less sugar, ice cream, chocolate, cheesecake, etc. You are going over your sugar goal just about every day. Replace with's still sugar which satisfies, but is healthy.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    On a positive note, at least you're not gaining!! :wink:
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Right so I know what you will say, but here we go again. When i started mfp I didnt eat my exercise cals, and didnt lose, so i started eating them last week and here at the end of 2 weeks ive not lost again.So how the hell am i supposed to know what is right and wrong when nothing is making nay weight sift of me at all. Im realky getting to the point where after 25 days on here and seeing no results , im now thinking im wasting my time, all i must be doing is eating enough to maintain, so i eat 1200 i maintian, i eat 1500 i maintain.GRRRRRRRRR so sick of trying now. The only time i see to lose a weight is when i eat very little and have lots of activity.

    Up protein... lower carbs... sugar avoidance. I tried carb cycling a couple of weeks ago, that **** works wonders for plateaus (atleast it did for me).
  • SheTrucker
    SheTrucker Posts: 35 Member
    I wish I knew cause I seem to be in the same boat.
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    Try less sugar, ice cream, chocolate, cheesecake, etc. You are going over your sugar goal just about every day. Replace with's still sugar which satisfies, but is healthy.
    Sugar is soooooooooooo bad!!! Quit that and you WILL see difference!!
  • Badd3st
    Badd3st Posts: 28
    Keep pushing sweetie! You're bound to lose. Don't give up. In 60 days, if you still haven't lost any weight than began to worry. Love your body and give it time to adjust to your new routine.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    12 lbs in 110 days. That's how slow it's been for me. While there's science to how weight loss work, weight loss itself is not a science, therefore you can't make it fit into a neat equation other than

    patience+continued hard work+a suitable calorie deficit=eventual results.

    Good luck.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    It's always an experiment - you gotta figure out what's going to work for you! Don't give up.

    For me, I had to lower my sugar and carbs. I lose when I lower my sugar below 40g/day and keep my carbs under 100g a day. It took me several blood tests and lots of eating changes to figure this out - you might be different, but change things up and track what changes you're making and figure it out.

    I looked at your diary, and think you'd do better with lowering your processed food intake and up your veg, but that's just some free advice, value it as you will!
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    Try less sugar, ice cream, chocolate, cheesecake, etc. You are going over your sugar goal just about every day. Replace with's still sugar which satisfies, but is healthy.

    Yeah you need to think about the partitoning of protein, carbs and fat. Maybe look at something like protein sparing modified fast PSMF or intermittent fasting
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    Did you recently start working out? Because when I started working out properly I actually gained weight! It was the most depressing thing ever! I've since read it's to do with your muscles holding onto water, but I didn't know that at the time. I lost it all and more after a few weeks though.
  • Syliva45
    Syliva45 Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry your not losing any weight. Have you tried changing your diet and cutting down on some carbs. Sometimes switching from low fat to low carbs helps to get the motor running again. Try it for a week and see what happens. I'm not saying do the Atkins or anything as drastic cut carbs to about 100 per day. What have you got to lose. Whatever you do just dont give up just yet.

    Good luck.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    The only time i see to lose a weight is when i eat very little and have lots of activity.

    That's me too! So, that's what I have to do. We can do this, keep trying!
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    I think that sometimes when losing weight don't go by the scale but by the calipers, the tape measure and the mirror. Also taking weight every day is not good either because of water changes in your body. The more water your drink on a regular basis means that your body stops retaining water and hence your not as bloated
  • PandaHerber
    PandaHerber Posts: 43 Member
    Was checking out your diary and as another had said - you are pushing your sugars daily. have you tried changing the way you eat? I highly suggest getting more protein in your diet. It's burning up on the sugar and your not giving your muscles what it really wants to eat.
    Other possibilities?
    what kind of workouts are you doing? I'm finding that the estimates MFP gives often are very high for some workouts. Using an HRM I found how much I was really burning.
    Do you measure out what you eat? Or do you guesstimate? Studies show that we often underestimate sometimes by half. So we'll say oh that's 1 serving, but it's really 2 or 3.
    Have you tried following a specific nutrition/exercise plan for a week or 2? Maybe try actually choosing a plan like Jillian or P90 or Insanity. Something that really focuses on both the exercise and nutrients of it.

    If you don't have a ton to lose, it never comes off as easy. It's using 70% diet though and 30% exercise. You need the exercise, but how you fuel your body can make all the difference!!!

    Good luck. Add me if you need some suggestions or support along the way. I run (training for a half), do insanity (Just started that program) and very carefully watch what I eat. I still figure out how to add in things I love so I'm not one that says you need to stop eating the other stuff, but you may want to cut back a little.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    It's more than just reducing calories - it's also what you eat. Dump all the processed food and sugar. Stick with lean meats, veggies, fruits, and whole grains. You will not only lose weight, but feel soooo much better.

    Good luck!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    1 - you're eating a lot of treats
    2 - you're logging big exercise calorie burned numbers - do you have a HRM?
    3 - you're consuming a lot of calories (probably based on your calories burned?)
    4- 25 days is not a lot of time
    5 - because you don't have a lot to lose, those last few pounds can be very stubborn!!!

    Pick with a calorie goal number and stick with it for 6 weeks before you panic and change things up! Log accurately!! Every last bite. Invest in a food scale if need be. Log your exercise calories accurately, invest in a HRM if need be. Knock off with the treats after every meal. Eat more fresh whole foods, fruits and veggies, lean meats, eggs, yogurt. Give it time!!!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Up protein... lower carbs... sugar avoidance. I tried carb cycling a couple of weeks ago, that **** works wonders for plateaus (atleast it did for me).

    What is carb cycling?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are eating a lot of sugar, then I agree with all the posts saying to cut it out. You are approaching the age where your metabolism naturally starts to slow down and your body naturally starts to lose muscle tone. Don't let it. Make sure to include both strength training and aerobics in your exercise regimen. And focus on healthy eating. It's okay to splurge now and then, but eating too much sugar every day will not do your body any favors.

    Just find a good mix of healthy eating with enough splurging to still keep it fun. You can eat healthy without eating "diet foods". It doens't have to be salads and yogurt.