How do you all feel about working out with a work-out buddy?



  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    When I am engaged in a sport (swimming or tennis), I enjoy playing with someone. However, when I am completing a work-out routine (30DS or just about anything at home), I found it's better to do it by myself. It's almost impossible to find someone at your exact same fitness level. You will either slow it down to appease them, or over-work yourself trying to keep up.
  • ErB56
    ErB56 Posts: 71 Member
    I fall into the loner category, as you can tell from my friends list (or lack thereof) :ohwell: I have a very hard time runing with someone else. I'm 6'2" with really long legs and a pretty big stride. If I try to run at the same pace as someone else, I get tired very quickly trying to run at an uncomfortably slow pace. Lifting is a little different. I can handle working out with someone as long as they don't want to carry on a conversation while I am holding a load of iron over my head!
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I hate it because I always feel they wanna talk and slack off, or they are way too intense for me and try to make me do things that are seriously above my physical ability yet! I had been running with a friend and she got mad because I wasn't pushing her, but when I would tell her to run ahead or go push herself harder she says she hates to work out alone.

    So do you prefer working out alone or with a partner? and why?

    This one is a tough one for me, I was a loner, until I found a few family and friends who were willing to train together and step their game up and help me too... I currently have a partner that is solid. She has the same determination and drive to push. Yes there are time where we have to push each other, but she is local and we do well.... My sister is a little farther however she is the bomb too.... she has stepped her game up too, and I just hope that we all can stay focused and keep going as a lifestyle change opposed to just meeting our goals.

    But, I do have my fears becuase I have had some experience where it doesn't work out and I end up alone and then I struggle to get back on my own pattern.... Catch 22...
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member

    I usually run and lift alone and when I work out with DVDs I don't like having anyone in the room with me at all. But, I ran a couple times with my former boyfriend and it was fun to have the motivation and the company. I ran once with my best friend and she said I was too crazy and hasn't gone since, but she and I just started sessions with a trainer at a gym we didn't know existed and go to zumba classes together.
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    Generally I don't exercise with a buddy unless it is a group class, then it doesn't matter. I don't like feeling like I'm slowing people down and I want to work hard so don't want to be slowed down. I have one friend who is about the same speed as me and we have run together in a race, she pushed me...and then she had to walk as she wasn't well and I got my PB for 5k. And I had a GREAT workout buddy in England as we were the same size, shape and had the same goals and the same motivation. I miss her. But other than that...alone!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I've tried it before, and trying to fit a workout into two schedules is even harder than trying to fit it into one. That was really my last try with two-legged work out buddies.

    My current workout buddy has four legs and she's always ready to go out for a run or hike when I am, and will yell at me if we go too long between runs/walks/hikes. She also does agility, so she she's in pretty good shape.
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    I've tried it before, and trying to fit a workout into two schedules is even harder than trying to fit it into one. That was really my last try with two-legged work out buddies.

    My current workout buddy has four legs and she's always ready to go out for a run or hike when I am, and will yell at me if we go too long between runs/walks/hikes. She also does agility, so she she's in pretty good shape.

    I would have to say they are the best buddies for running/walking, they can always keep up and don't complain if you have to take a break or slow down.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    my girlfriend distracts me most of the time, we talk and giggle too much. if im alone on the elliptical I can read. Plus side: she does cardio with me

    my boyfriend is great for me to work out with, with the down side being he doesnt wanna do cardio, so we lift together.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I've tried it before, and trying to fit a workout into two schedules is even harder than trying to fit it into one. That was really my last try with two-legged work out buddies.

    My current workout buddy has four legs and she's always ready to go out for a run or hike when I am, and will yell at me if we go too long between runs/walks/hikes. She also does agility, so she she's in pretty good shape.

    I would have to say they are the best buddies for running/walking, they can always keep up and don't complain if you have to take a break or slow down.

    I will say she doesn't do much to help out with the lifting, though, besides hang out and give moral support. Although she does do a pretty good job of staying out of the way, I have occasionally gotten my face washed doing crunches though.
  • workoutgirl23
    I personally prefer to work out alone by myself. i've tried having friends work out next to me. but its ends up annoying me more. cuz i'm at the gym to focus and get a good work out done. and they just want to talk and not really exercise much. There's nothing i hate more than when i'm full force running and sweating, and hurting, and then someone tries to talk to me. lol. Now, i don't mind running next to my husband, cuz he's too out of breathe to talk. basically i just run, while i yell at him to go faster and keep going. i don't mind yelling some constructive criticism. lol " Get moving you pansy. A Girl can run faster than you." lol ha ha. i love to pick on my husband. any way. yea. but i prefer to just go to the gym and be alone and acomplish what i need to for the day and get out.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm planning to get a dog when I finally graduate. He will be my workout buddy.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I workout at home and alone, I can get more done and give it my all w/o any distractions..........
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    My most reliable workout buddy is named iPod!!

    Must be related to my workout buddy, iPhone. Definately a loner, accountable only to myself. Running is my time to think or to let my brain wander where ever it wants to go. I say hi to a few of the regulars at the gym (there aren't many of us at 4:30 a.m.) but then just want to get my workout over and head home before heading off to work.... Run with music, weight circuit training with nothing, elliptical with music or TV. Can not even imagine the danger inherent in riding a bike with ear phones going.....
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I hate running with anyone else. I've tried it and didn't like it. It was okay the one time I ran with my Mum because she pushed me to keep up the pace (she's more of a runner than me).

    I joined the gym with a friend because I was too scared to go alone and she said she knew her stuff. What I've come to find is that while it's nice having a friend for moral support when trying something new, I prefer to go alone.

    For one thing, I go in with a plan, knowing which days are upper body, lower body or core. My friend only really likes to do ab work. I also value cardio and like to put in my time on the treadmill before and after going downstairs to the weights. My friend is happy with 5-10mins only. I like free weights, she likes machines. I research and plan my workouts ahead of going, she has a handful of things she will do half-heartedly. Finally, I respect gym etiquette and prefer to keep chatting to a quiet minimum while she likes to shriek and call over to me across the gym.
    She's not really the greatest gym buddy really, but I appreciate that she joined with me when noone else would, and I make the most of the days when she is too hungover to come with me. Oh, and the moral support thing.
  • RadiantxReality
    RadiantxReality Posts: 27 Member
    I don't like to work out with other people, unless I know they aren't going to try to talk to me. I liked just listening to my music while I do my thing.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Depends on what I'm doing. In the pool it helps me keep my speed up to either keep up or beat someone else. While walking I like to talk but running would be way out of my game. But there are sometimes I just don't want to compete even a little bit.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    It depends on the buddy...I worked out with a girl that I wanted to throttle every time we were in the I became a loner and loved it. All of a sudden I got a work out buddy that busts my *kitten* every time we're there and I love it! she's new to the gym but bound and determined to lift heavy. I'm the complainer, she's the motivator, and when she's low on motivation we switch.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    At home, yes. At the gym, no. I find that most guys are too easily distracted by the "eye candy" at the gym and that holds back our workouts.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    For strength training, they always slow me up and drag me down.
    No thanks.
    I need a partner for sparing and tennis though, but other than that, I enjoy flying solo.
  • genuinelyfrans
    I love it! I am currently doing Insanity so I work out at home. I love when my best friend comes over and works out with me (we both are doing the program at the same time). It is beneficial because we motivate each other to give 100% when completing the exercises :)