HAIR DRAMA: skipping workouts to avoid daily shampoos...

Anyone else do this?? I'm so frustrated. I WANT to workout everyday. I have time to workout everyday. I don't though, because I don't want to wash my hair everyday... it makes my hair feel & look like total straw. Yes I shower daily, but try to shampoo just every other day. I have fine/thin hair that gets greasy FAST and if I workout out, shampooing is a necessity. I've pretty much just been working out every other day, right before my shower. The other thing is how time consuming it is. Just showering= 15 to 20 minutes. Showering & washing my hair plus styling & blowdrying = an hour plus! UGH. It turns an hour work out into a 2 hour ordeal.

I tried to cut down the head sweating by putting mini fans up around my treadmill (clip on fans in the ceiling rafters downstairs!), but it doesn't really help. I've tried every brand of dry shampoo spray and/or powder, all pretty nasty IMO. I would rather have bad hair than be overweight, but I am struggling with this "excuse"...

Anyone else have hair drama?! How do you deal?

I just feel like cutting it all off today!


  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Dry shampoo?
  • SMP151
    SMP151 Posts: 32
    Have you tried Wen or Macadamia Natural Oil's Flawless? Or any cleansing conditioner? That might be a good choice. I went through the same thing and these types of products seem to be easier on my hair. They are a little expensive, but worth it to me.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    You read my mind!

    I have pretty long hair, past my shoulders in the front then long layers in the back. So not only do I have the shampoo/not shampoo ordeal, my hair constantly gets knotted and matted up during workouts.

    I stopped using this as an excuse though. Through the week I shower and shampoo after working out and just brush my hair into a ponytail and only style it on the weekends. This still turns and hour workout into well past two hours. :(

    I'm thinking about whacking mine all off into a short bob!
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Dry shampoo?

    This is my answer too. It works relatively well. When it doesn't I just wash and pony tail.
  • Savagefit
    Savagefit Posts: 12 Member
    I let mine air dry after sweating and put it up in a pretty clip or use a curling iron to put a few spiral curls in it. It takes the curl better dirty! lol
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    I swim or run in the mornings and usually go to CrossFit in the evening so I'm showering twice a day!!

    As gross as it sounds, I usually shampoo my hair in the morning and then rinse it out (but no shampoo) in the evening. I have very very fine hair so it gets very oily if I don't. I've been reading about coconut oil being good for hair and was considering putting that in my hair after I rinse it out in the evenings.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I have the same problem. My hair is reasonably fine and gets greasy and horrible if I wash it everyday. It is waist length so a pain to dry.

    Working out alternate days is the only solution I have found (though not perfect). I walk everyday but not enough to get sweaty IYSWIM. Or I workout several days in a row and then give my hair a couple of days to recover (which helps).

    Also I use a 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner for everyday use that doesn't seem to do as much damage. And then a seperate shampoo and heavier conditioning treatment once a week.
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I am right there with ya. I have curly hair that I like to flat iron and wear straight. If I work out everyday and get all sweaty I have to wash my hair and straight iron everyday which is frying my hair. No win situation and I am not sure what to do myself.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Try washing with conditioner. Sounds crazy (it's the whole theory behind Wen) but it works. I wouldn't do it every single day and give up shampoo 100% because I like squeeky clean hair. Look for a conditioner without silicones. V05 (the cheap stuff for a buck) works REALLY well, comes in a bazillion scents and is CHEAP. I wish I could afford Wen....

    I have thin fine hair too. AND I have a chin length bob, gets dirtier even faster.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Try this: try using a Qtip with an astringent face cleaner on it (like seabreeze or stridex). The face cleaner will help with the excess oil from sweating.... and might get you to the next days hair washing.

    Personally, I do not have this issue because i have to wash my hair daily - its gets gross and over oily if I do not. I just use kick *kitten* conditioners.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    fan of dry shampoo too! sadlly hair not long enough to put in a pony tail
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    LOL - I have to giggle, because I'm sure this is really a problem But I would never skip my workout for it. No offense, really, but my workouts are too important to me for using a reason like my hair.

    My hair has always been a PITA to me, but I just figure out how to work around it. With the extensive products available on the market you just aren't finding the right stuff yet. I would suggest talking to your beautician or the local beauty supply shop for a product that fits your needs. I do skip days where I wash only, let it dry naturally, and keep blow dryers, products, brushes, etc etc away from it so that it doesn't suffer. I use a Keratin shampoo on my fine thin hair that has a tendency t be oily and it's worked wonderfully for daily or even twice daily shampooing.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I workout every morning (treadmill 1hr and pool 1hr)and wash my hair daily. I found Paul Mitchell Shampoo3 Clarifying, gets the chlorine out well and I condition with a leave-in Nutrogena Triple moisture. Litterally takes me 10 mins in shower top to bottom. I towel dry, wet comb, and let my car heater/blower or open window do the rest. Of course I have short hair now. Used to be waist length and got tired of the fuss. I think it may be the blowdrying and styling hot irons??? that is drying out your hair. Don't skip workouts skip hair torture.
  • ladimahagoni
    *AGREES* with just washing with conditioner every other day.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    Dry Shampoo or Baby Powder.... or, you can rinse your hair and condition it but skip the washing step - that works, too :)
  • ladimahagoni
    Try washing with conditioner. Sounds crazy (it's the whole theory behind Wen) but it works. I wouldn't do it every single day and give up shampoo 100% because I like squeeky clean hair. Look for a conditioner without silicones. V05 (the cheap stuff for a buck) works REALLY well, comes in a bazillion scents and is CHEAP. I wish I could afford Wen....

    I have thin fine hair too. AND I have a chin length bob, gets dirtier even faster.

  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Between my running and living under a helmet for horse riding my hair goes through hell lol. I regularly take 2 showers a day (AM before work, PM after run) but only actually shampoo the hair every other day. It sounds kinda gross but washing it every day is actually worse for it! I'll rinse the sweat out then spray on a leave in conditioner on days I don't wash it. Dry shampoo works alright too but honestly I just go for the pony tail a lot of the time. The running and the horses are too important for me to let my hair get in the way of it lol.
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    Between my running and living under a helmet for horse riding my hair goes through hell lol. I regularly take 2 showers a day (AM before work, PM after run) but only actually shampoo the hair every other day. It sounds kinda gross but washing it every day is actually worse for it! I'll rinse the sweat out then spray on a leave in conditioner on days I don't wash it. Dry shampoo works alright too but honestly I just go for the pony tail a lot of the time. The running and the horses are too important for me to let my hair get in the way of it lol.

    I use this routine too. Sometimes I will skip the leave in and just rinse my hair really well, and use my finger tips to sort of scrub at my scalp and rinse again in cool water. Its been good for me so far this summer. We'll have to see what works in the winter when it gets here!! :)
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Google co-washing.

    I don't use Shampoo.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I have long hair. I used to wash daily til I switched to WEN. And when I run, my scalp sweats. Even when I work out, I've decreased how often I cleanse my hair. I stretch cleansings by using dry shampoo or use cornstarch and shake it out. I like Klorane's dry shanpoo.