30 day shred group Start July 8th



  • michelagenovese
    michelagenovese Posts: 1 Member
    Im in too, Im on day so heres hoping I can get to 30!
  • I can't wait to start! :))
  • melissa51302
    melissa51302 Posts: 3 Member
    I am in! I ordered it online so I can't start until the 11th, but i am super excited and I could use the support!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kyd007
    kyd007 Posts: 11 Member
    I am in but will on do it 3-4 a week and couch to 5k on other days...
  • I am starting it today- I would love to follow along with someone else!!

    I also started on Friday. I would love be a part as well.
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    Count me in! I started yesterday (Thursday) but I figure a couple of extra days on level 1 will be ok.
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145

    Gah. Terrifying prospect! But hopefully just what I need to get back into exercise - it's HARD in winter! It's crap weather and it's dark and it's horrible and I need to get my lardy *kitten* out of my warm and toasty bed.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    I've done the Shred and other JM stuff this year so far but the past month I have fallen off the exercise wagon in a big way and become really lazy again! Unfortunately I never enjoy exercise and have to force myself to do it so when I stop, I find it hard to start up again. I feel like in a month I have undone all of the good work I've done this year. :cry:

    The support of the group will hopefully help me get back to it and sometimes it's nice to know that others feel your pain!! :laugh:

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Was just thinking about dusting off my dvd, I will give 'er a whirl :) Thanks for starting the spreadsheet!
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Remember to join the group everyone!!
  • What exactly is it?
  • msglox67
    msglox67 Posts: 1
    Started yesterday again.....this sounds like a good plan..good luck everyone! do what you can...
  • dalissalee
    dalissalee Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks for sharing the link! I entered my info and am excited to start!
  • kittykat62
    kittykat62 Posts: 14
    Count me in! I actually started this on Thursday last week but really need a group to keep me motivated. It's hard!! :)
  • kerryjudson
    kerryjudson Posts: 137 Member
    day 2 of the 30 day shred done and i'm feeling really good even though my legs ache that much i can hardly get down the stairs lol :laugh:
  • EBBlue10
    EBBlue10 Posts: 16 Member
    Would love to join (and try again!).
  • DMarieLVT
    DMarieLVT Posts: 71 Member
    I started July 1 but I would TOTALLY join a group if you started one :)
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I started it on Tuesday, had yesterday off and will be doing it again later, so I'll join :-)
  • linray51
    linray51 Posts: 11 Member
    Ok, here it goes. I'm a 61 year old female who is heading out to purchase the CD and ready and willing to start with you tomorrow. I had emergency back surgery ove 2 years ago and have babying myself and have gotten out of shape. I have about 25 lbs to lose and am desperate to retain energy, stamina and just a feeling of well being. I will modify and use my discretion so to not create injury.
    I am looking forward to all of us supporting each other in our healthy adventure!:wink:
  • I would love to join. Add me in !!!