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MyFitnessPal Staff

I would love to hear from anyone who is taking or has taken phentermine to help with weight loss. How is it working for you? Any side effects? Any information you can offer would really be helpful.


  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    How about some good old fashion hard work at the gym and calorie counting? Seems to work pretty well for most people on here.
  • dasaucywench
    dasaucywench Posts: 56 Member
    I like Chris1816 said, it does suppress the appetite which will result in weight loss but for me it was temporary wt. loss because off of the drug, I ate like "normal". Side effects for me were jitteryness and rapid heartbeat which just about drove me crazy! Don't recommend!
  • pinkreena711
    pinkreena711 Posts: 41 Member
    this is probably not the right website to post about diet pills. people here COUNT CALORIES and EXERCISE! simple formula!
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    I would duck low because here comes all the self important psuedo doctors and food nazis.
  • hunnj
    hunnj Posts: 1
    I have taken phentermine off and on for the past 2 works great...just stick to it and follow your doctors orders.....
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    I understand that that's the first thing people are going to say so wouldn't you think I tried that already. I'm not trying to be rude, but if you have no experience with the medication, I really do not need your opinion on this. I have been struggling with my weight for 6 years now and I am at the point where I am willing to try other methods. I don't eat more than 1500 calories per day and I execise 3-4 times per week and it doesn't help. My thyroid has been tested and it's working just fine. I have spoken with my doctor concerning my weight loss and it was her suggestion to try phentermine and she witnessed for herself that diet and exercise are not working for me. I just wanted to hear from other people who are or have taken the medicine what they think about it. I don't need any negativity or patronage from anyone who doesn't feel like medication should be used to lose weight.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I would duck low because here comes all the self important psuedo doctors and food nazis.

    That's what the "Ignore user" function's for. ;-)
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    What are your stats? Are you sure 1500 calories is enough for you?
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    What are your stats? Are you sure 1500 calories is enough for you?

    That is how many calories my doctor told me I should be consuming.
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    I felt like a nth head when I took it. Dry mouth upset belly and I chain smoked! #legalmeth
  • I took one pill from a friend to try it out. I think it was actually half a pill but it's been a while. I specifically remember having no appetite, more energy, and chugging water because I had dry mouth and craved water. I also had an increased heart rate. I understand your frustration. My main caution from my experience is to make sure you still eat while on this drug. You still need to fuel your body or you're going to lose muscle and your workouts will suffer. Honestly, after taking it I was like WOW THIS WORKS but is it dangerous? I went to a nurse friend of mine and she asked around about it at the hospital. Apparently they have had patents who love it but one who had a lot of serious heart trouble due to taking it. It can also be addictive because of the sort of high it gives you. So she ended up warning me far away from it and I haven't taken it since. In the end if you do decide to take it just be careful, do it slow, and keep in communication with your doctor.
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    I took it back in days when "phen-fen" diet pills were the "rage"....The phen (phentermine) and fen (fenfluramine) combination proved to cause a lot of heart valve damage for a lot of people and the fenfluramine was pulled from the market. The phentermine works as an "upper" and does cause you to have energy....and the jitteriness a previous poster put along with palpitations, difficulty sleeping, etc. The fenfluramine was supposed to counter act that and allow you to sleep. If you just take the phentermine, I would expect the above symptoms...not sure how it will affect your sleep pattern.

    Will it work? Yes, it probabily will. As it does suppress your appetite. They key though is to change your food habits as you can't stay on the drug forever. Good luck whatever you decide. I do agree that diet and exercise is they way to go....if you create a calorie deficit will lose weight.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Do you know why your doctor suggested that specific amount? Again can you let me know what your stats are? I'm studying nutrition in school and maybe I could offer some advice.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Well, since you are asking for personal opinions and stories, here's one: My mother in law wishes her doctor would still let her have it. She loved the stuff - she said she had tons of energy and wasn't ever hungry. It was the best she ever felt, she says. Unfortunately, she became a bit of a junky on it, got to craving more and more, and it permanently damaged her heart valve so she isn't allowed it anymore. She would still go to another doctor for it, but her insurance wouldn't cover it because of the damage it has already caused and her husband would have a cow, so no more zippy pills for her. She did lose tons of weight while on it, but because she never learned to make proper lifestyle changes, once she came off it she gained it all back plus a ton more. If you are an addictive personality or come from a family of addicts, think twice before starting this. Otherwise, just get yourself fully informed and make sure you are properly monitored. Good luck!
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    Do you know why your doctor suggested that specific amount? Again can you let me know what your stats are? I'm studying nutrition in school and maybe I could offer some advice.

    She based it on my height, age, current weight, my level of physical activity and my goal weight. I don't really want to share my stats with you... no offense.. I just don't feel comfortable giving that information out.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I admit freely that Yes I did do the phentermine, plus a few others my doctor prescribed. It's been so long for the earlier ones all I can remember is the street names. BlackBeautys, YellowJackets, pinkies.

    I lost amazing amounts of weight only to find when the pills ended the pounds I lost came back with friends.

    Perhaps if I had done the pills along with a overhaul of my eating habits I would not have been where I was before I came here.

    Be prepared for some side effects. Mine were....jitters-sleeplessness-increased heart-rate- uncontrollable mood swings (not fun) could not focus on more then one thing for very long - depression and uncontrollable urges to clean the entire house at least 5 times a day.

    I found it worked better to log my foods, count calories, eat "cleaner" and smarter.

    However IT IS your choice. All my best, whatever you decide.
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    Well, since you are asking for personal opinions and stories, here's one: My mother in law wishes her doctor would still let her have it. She loved the stuff - she said she had tons of energy and wasn't ever hungry. It was the best she ever felt, she says. Unfortunately, she became a bit of a junky on it, got to craving more and more, and it permanently damaged her heart valve so she isn't allowed it anymore. She would still go to another doctor for it, but her insurance wouldn't cover it because of the damage it has already caused and her husband would have a cow, so no more zippy pills for her. She did lose tons of weight while on it, but because she never learned to make proper lifestyle changes, once she came off it she gained it all back plus a ton more. If you are an addictive personality or come from a family of addicts, think twice before starting this. Otherwise, just get yourself fully informed and make sure you are properly monitored. Good luck!

    Thanks for sharing. I don't come from a family of junkies, thank God. And I think you make a good point about making proper lifestyle changes. I am already mindful of the things I put into my body and I work out. I am just not seeing any results. I lose a pound or 2 every 3 to 4 months and that gets discouraging. If I decide to add the medication my doctor has already informed me that she will only give me a 30 day prescription at a time and I have to come in for a check-up before she will renew it.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Do you know why your doctor suggested that specific amount? Again can you let me know what your stats are? I'm studying nutrition in school and maybe I could offer some advice.

    She based it on my height, age, current weight, my level of physical activity and my goal weight. I don't really want to share my stats with you... no offense.. I just don't feel comfortable giving that information out.

    Alright that's fine.. just hoping to help out! Feel free to PM me if you don't want to share in public.
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    I understand that that's the first thing people are going to say so wouldn't you think I tried that already. I'm not trying to be rude, but if you have no experience with the medication, I really do not need your opinion on this. I have been struggling with my weight for 6 years now and I am at the point where I am willing to try other methods. I don't eat more than 1500 calories per day and I execise 3-4 times per week and it doesn't help. My thyroid has been tested and it's working just fine. I have spoken with my doctor concerning my weight loss and it was her suggestion to try phentermine and she witnessed for herself that diet and exercise are not working for me. I just wanted to hear from other people who are or have taken the medicine what they think about it. I don't need any negativity or patronage from anyone who doesn't feel like medication should be used to lose weight.

    I had the similar problems with diet and exercising and not losing weight. I have had several tests done and nothing came up wrong. I signed up for a weight management class but the next available appointment was 2 months away. My doctor gave me a two month supply to help me to lose weight until I could get in the program.

    I started it 3 weeks ago and have lost 10 lbs. compared to the 2 months before when all I lost was 1 lbs that I kept gaining and losing again. ( I had gained 15 lbs the 2 months prior hence the testing) I do have some advice. It gives you really bad cotton mouth for the first week or two and you need to monitor your blood pressure because it can cause it to rise. This was not an issue for me because I always was low 110/75 but now I am 125/80. ( this is something that my doctor did not warn me about but I have heard online from other people as well) it REALLY makes you not hungry and you have to force yourself to eat all your calories. That is why I started tracking everything on here to help make sure that I was eating enough. I could go from 7 am to 7 pm and my stomach wouldn't make a sound.

    Your body will adjust to the medication for some it takes months for me at week three I am starting to get tiny grumblings if I don't eat at my regular meal times but I have not noticed any decline one effectiveness of the pills and my weight loss. It really does work but it is meant as a short term starter program. It can be addictive and you should talk to your doctor about how to get off of the pills gradually so that you do not go through some of the withdraw effects that others above have mentioned. This should also help you to go from not hungry to being ravenous. For the last month I will be weaning myself off by cutting them in half and then taking them less frequently until I have adapted.

    Hope that helps....if you want to add me feel free!
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    Under a doctor's supervision, you will lose weight with it. Just be careful that you eat healthy, exercise, and drink plenty of fluids. Your weight may come back quickly when you get off of it, but that depends on whether you have changed your eating habits or not. Good luck...
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