I'm eating healthier but still gaining fat? :/



  • sandyyy712
    sandyyy712 Posts: 94
    sorry but your way too thin stop dieting, I dont mean to be cruel but you look anorexic, eat for gods sake eat.

    If you actually looked at her diary, she's eating pretty well. 2000 calories some days. Maybe before you post something so judgmental, you should actually try looking into what she's eating.

    BUT LOOK AT CALORIES ADDED FROM EXERCISE. No need to diet any further. Not healthy to see bones like that. Sorry but not a good look my friend

    I know that calories are being added from my workouts, but honestly I don't know how I'm supposed to eat more. I'm already feeling like I'm eating too much as it is right now and I'm eaing when I'm hungry )I'm not starving or anything). So theres not much I can do about that? Plus my workout calories are coming mainly from swimming anyways
  • sandyyy712
    sandyyy712 Posts: 94
    sorry but your way too thin stop dieting, I dont mean to be cruel but you look anorexic, eat for gods sake eat.

    If you actually looked at her diary, she's eating pretty well. 2000 calories some days. Maybe before you post something so judgmental, you should actually try looking into what she's eating.

    BUT LOOK AT CALORIES ADDED FROM EXERCISE. No need to diet any further. Not healthy to see bones like that. Sorry but not a good look my friend

    I just saw those mega calorie burns!!! What's up with that?

    I'm a competitive swimmer
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    How far do you swim each day to burn that many calories?
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Wow, I'm so sorry for all the judgemental people on this board!

    But anyway, as to your question, while your diary does look good you are WAY over on your sodium. I agree with the others who have said you are probably retaining water like crazy and that's the reason your belly is flabby. Cut your sodium down and you should see an improvment.

    When you get bloated from sodium though wouldn't it be hard when you poke your stomach? Because I've thought that maybe that is the reason (and I know I've been going way over on my sodium) but idk if that's why I'm feeling like this because it's not really hard anymore when i poke my stomach, now it squishes and when I sit it kinda rolls again and stuff. I mainly just wanna get rid of that

    Yeah, def. water weight. Water weight is rolly and squishy, and I also find that I feel full when I'm bloated even if I haven't eaten in hours and a little sluggish.

    I also second the weightlifting. It will really help so you never see that belly flab again. :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Holy Sodium Intake Batman!!

    You really need to watch that. Not only is too much sodium not good for you from a health stand point but it will cause you to retain water and bloat bloat BLOAT!! I don't know how much water you drink in a given day (I personally don't log my water in take and I drink 1-2 liters a day) but you might want to increase that. Carry a big liter bottle around with you and make a conscious effort to drink it all.

    Also along with the other people who said this, start weight training too.

    You definitely don't need to lose any weight and the "fat" that you're seeing could just be water weight and the adjustment to the increase in calories. Give it some time.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    sorry but your way too thin stop dieting, I dont mean to be cruel but you look anorexic, eat for gods sake eat.

    If you actually looked at her diary, she's eating pretty well. 2000 calories some days. Maybe before you post something so judgmental, you should actually try looking into what she's eating.

    BUT LOOK AT CALORIES ADDED FROM EXERCISE. No need to diet any further. Not healthy to see bones like that. Sorry but not a good look my friend

    I just saw those mega calorie burns!!! What's up with that?

    I'm a competitive swimmer

    Wow good for you! I was a swimmer back in the day. All the more reason for you to get ample nutrition! Fuel your body and your work outs. You are not fat by any stretch of the imagination. Have you ever heard of body dysmorphic disorder? You seem very focused to the point of obsession on what you see as 'fat'. I still think for your overall well being you may want to see a nutritionist to help you sort out what you should eat to maintain a healthy weight. I can't hurt!
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    This isn't related to gaining/losing weight specifically, but OP needs to eat more fat. There are days on the diary with fat grams in the 10s and 20s. That's just not enough fat for a healthy person. Your body needs dietary fat in order to function properly.

    Some things that can get really messed up by lack of dietary fat:

    Hormone levels
    Autoimmune system

    I'm not perfect and don't claim to be, but OP seems to be choosing fat-free foods that are loaded with sodium to compensate for the lack of fat. Eating a reasonable amount of dietary fat each day will not make you gain weight or prevent you from losing body fat - dietary fat is essential for survival.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    sorry but your way too thin stop dieting, I dont mean to be cruel but you look anorexic, eat for gods sake eat.

    If you actually looked at her diary, she's eating pretty well. 2000 calories some days. Maybe before you post something so judgmental, you should actually try looking into what she's eating.

    BUT LOOK AT CALORIES ADDED FROM EXERCISE. No need to diet any further. Not healthy to see bones like that. Sorry but not a good look my friend

    But she doesn't exercise like that everyday, and some days she even exceeds her calories. Look at the totals at the bottom, the days she goes under seem to balance out with the days she goes over. No one's diet is going to be perfect every day,
  • Thats great that you do that, but you still need to be eating more calories to feed your swimming habit. Your burning off more than you need too
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    This isn't related to gaining/losing weight specifically, but OP needs to eat more fat. There are days on the diary with fat grams in the 10s and 20s. That's just not enough fat for a healthy person. Your body needs dietary fat in order to function properly.

    Some things that can get really messed up by lack of dietary fat:

    Hormone levels
    Autoimmune system

    I'm not perfect and don't claim to be, but OP seems to be choosing fat-free foods that are loaded with sodium to compensate for the lack of fat. Eating a reasonable amount of dietary fat each day will not make you gain weight or prevent you from losing body fat - dietary fat is essential for survival.

    ^^^Excellent post!!!! You need healthy amounts of fat for your health too!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I think perhaps you've got yourself caught in a bit of a headlock about your eating and your physical activity. I think perhaps you need to get some outside support to help you get back on track with all this.

    You are, I think it has to be agreed, underweight. The amount of cardio you're doing to support your swimming is going to make it really hard for you to add both muscle and fat.

    I think I'd be tempted to cut out cardio that isn't specifically linked to your swim training, and seek some professional support for your strength training programme. I'd also seek some support from a sports nutritionist for your eating.

    I think it's pretty important that you take this seriously and that you get some support in dealing with things.
  • sandyyy712
    sandyyy712 Posts: 94
    How far do you swim each day to burn that many calories?

    Normally just a 4000-6000 yard swim workout in the morning and a 2-3000 yard twice a week in the afternoon
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    My 5 yr old is very skinny and super active. When I can see bones in his chest I get very worried and force him to sit still and eat. My husband makes him chocolate milk with half and half.
    If you were my personal friend, I would be somewhat concerned about your health, because you seem very slim to me... what is more worrisome is your concern about gaining fat. I think people often become too obsessive about their weight, appearance, fat etc. I wonder if tribal cultures have eating disorders? What causes eating disorders?
    I don't know how to help. It appears to me that you are too concerned about being fat when your photo shows a person who, in my opinion, is so skinny I can count rib bones.
    I wish you the best of health and freedom for your body and mind.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Somebody needs attention...

    ...and a cheeseburger

    Wow judgmental much?

    Did you even look at her diary? Clearly she is eating better and even stated she ate too little before.

    Yep, sure am...go back and look at her post of 7 days ago.

    Yeah I was having a rough patch? are you perfect or something?

  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I stumbled on that article last week, maybe it's relevant to you.


    The short version is that swimming is very different from other aerobic activities, like running or biking, from a body response perspective, they cite nice studies and that might explain what you are experiencing. It's not just you :p

    I really think that for the average overweight person on this site trying to lose weight, this means almost nothing. But I think that at your stage of fitness, it might be relevant. Details are important when you are so close to your goal and already, by any standard, fit :)

    You look great by the way!
  • sandyyy712
    sandyyy712 Posts: 94
    I stumbled on that article last week, maybe it's relevant to you.


    The short version is that swimming is very different from other aerobic activities, like running or biking, from a body response perspective, they cite nice studies and that might explain what you are experiencing. It's not just you :p

    I really think that for the average overweight person on this site trying to lose weight, this means almost nothing. But I think that at your stage of fitness, it might be relevant. Details are important when you are so close to your goal and already, by any standard, fit :)

    You look great by the way!

    Thanks, that article was actually really helpful and helped me understand a few things I've been wondering about for awhile
  • tcdc86
    tcdc86 Posts: 14
    Maybe stop eating so many processed items. Prepackaged foods have way more sodium and are not as healthy as organic or non packaged foods. I know the prepackaged stuff is much easier to just grab and go, that is part of my downfall as well. But I am trying to stay away from the fiber one bars and "only 90 calorie" foods due to the large processing food items.

    I am trying to lose weight where you are trying to stay healthy and gain muscle. So If I were in your place, which I was when I was 18 and weight lifting, and was 100 pounds in a size 0 at 5' 7"! I looked great though!! I had a 6 pack abs and muscular upper body and lower body!! I was a 6% body fat at that point. My only workouts were 1 hour of weight training everyday swapping between lower body and upper body each day with Sunday as a day of rest. at that time I was eating cooked at home meals and lots of Peanut butter sammiches!

    Every person is different and I think you look fine!! So in short my suggestion would be cut out some prepackaged foods and concentrate more on the area you are having difficulty with. If its your stomach has a flab, then do more core excercise in your routine.

    Hope this may have been a little helpful....
  • Kristan_Forsey
    Kristan_Forsey Posts: 103 Member
    I just looked at your updated pic. That is exactly the way I look when I'm bloated. Increase water decrease salt. If you find yourself going over in salt drink a couple extra glasses of water a day :)