Anyone else getting annoyed at Beach Body lately?

ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
I am big fan (user of P90X) and I think Tony Horton is an awesome guy, however lately I am getting kind of bummed at the direction Beach Body (the company that owns P90X and Insanity) is taking. Anyone else notice this?

I know they are a business, but I "liked" their FaceBook page recently and now I am constantly flooded with messages from all these Beach Body sales zombies pushing products on me constantly. It's really pissing me off and turning me off to them as a company.

I also recently ordered P90X Plus (an add on to regular P90X) and I noticed the whole feel of it changed dramatically. It feels more like a rushed info-mercial more than a workout DVD. Tony Horton sort of looks like he just "stopped by" when they were filming it as opposed to being really involved and sweating (like in original P90X). The two people doing the workouts look like perfect Stepford people instead of real people sweating and struggling like in the original P90X.



  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    P90X+ looks like a rush job they just through together as a follow up. The production quality stinks compared to the original, and no, I'm not interested in buying the Selectech dumbells. I'm going to incorporate the Interval X + and the Kenpo Cardio somewhere down the line, but the other workouts don't look that appealing. P90X2 looks rather bizarre and not like something I'd be interested in. If you read the logs of people doing that program, it doesn't look like they're very impressed. I just wish they'd follow up with something very similar to the original. It whipped me into very good shape.

    Beachbody is a business, so I guess they have to sell things, but I don't care for their business tactics either.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    I loved the original P90X. Am in the 2nd phase of P90X2. I liked the workouts from phase 1 - almost like pilates/P90X fusion with all the core work. I'm not liking the 2nd phase workouts as much. Have actually been just subbing in weightlifting on the chest/back and arms days. Plyocide also not as tough so I am starting to do a hybrid with Insanity for the Cardio.

    Overall - think they have some good products. Perhaps overpriced, but considering they've been tools to help me drop 15% of my bodyweight, I am still happy. Coach thing is annoying - I can figure out the website myself, thanks.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    P90X+ looks like a rush job they just through together as a follow up. The production quality stinks compared to the original, and no, I'm not interested in buying the Selectech dumbells. I'm going to incorporate the Interval X + and the Kenpo Cardio somewhere down the line, but the other workouts don't look that appealing. P90X2 looks rather bizarre and not like something I'd be interested in. If you read the logs of people doing that program, it doesn't look like they're very impressed. I just wish they'd follow up with something very similar to the original. It whipped me into very good shape.

    Beachbody is a business, so I guess they have to sell things, but I don't care for their business tactics either.

    You hit it right on the money my friend...
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I had a sales person annoy me for a while. I eventually had to block them. It was on here though. Not facebook. They were trying to sell me shakes, and wouldn't take no for an answer.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member
    When a company tastes success, they lose sight of the original goal..........pleasing the consumer. And MLM's are the best at this because it's just about the numbers not the consumer's satisfaction. What most people don't know about MLM's is that it's the SALES REPS that support the purchase of products and not the general public. They want you to buy so they can build up their "network", get better discounts and make more money. Now while I have nothing against making money, I don't like the model of how MLM's do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I did Turbo Fire. Really like it. Was happy with the results.

    But now I'm afraid to admit it. I HATE the pyramid scheme aspect of the business. I hate that they call untrained, uneducated people who sell stuff "coaches". They aren't coaches. They are sales people and they want to make you sell stuff too. I have a friend from high school who is a "coach". Her entire facebook page is no all dedicated to her business and not her life, or her kids, or whatever you are supposed to talk about on facebook. It's all VERY annoying.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I was stoked about P90X and Beachbody until the flood of MLM drones all seeking my entry into their DOOMED -TO-FAIL pyramid business.
    It's like Amway.
    I booted about 20 people from FB - about as many here along with other network marketing "opportunitiy" *kitten* who badger friends and family into submission for their "down-line".

    It's ABSURD!
    COUNT ME OUT :noway:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I had a sales person annoy me for a while. I eventually had to block them. It was on here though. Not facebook. They were trying to sell me shakes, and wouldn't take no for an answer.
    I just canned somebody who peaked through my diary, then declared that my soy protein would give me cancer, so I'd better start buying SHAKOLOGY from her before it's too late...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    One of my friends is a beachbody "coach' . What? Just because you did p90x you can be a coach now? She seems more like a salesperson. Which, well she is now.

    It's really disheartening. I thought the while purpose of p90x was to get people back into fitness, not turn all users of the product into sales people for this pyramid scheme.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    It does bother me that they are a multi-level marketing program. I find it deters largely from the few quality products they have. I love Insanity but every time I bring it up i get 23432423 "coaches" wanting to help me lol. I find they are losing credibility at this point.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member


    I think your assessment is correct. Unfortunately, financial goals can make people and/or businesses lose sight of things.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I think P90X is (& has been) inspirational for me & many others. It was the first structured step onto a fantastic journey of learning & progression. X2 is a great program but differs significantly from"X" & also the sales aspect mars the whole ethos. I have been lucky with my Coach, although he references how great said product is & does squeeze plugs into a lot of his responses, he doesn't actually push anything, & he is a very successful "coach", but his style is almost passive/aggressive. I can deal with that & found the forums helpful & supportive BUT I have refocused my goals & am more intrrested in the BIG four compound moves & structuring my training around that type of plan.

    Without P90X & X2 (&RushFit) I am pretty sure I would still be on the sofa drinking beer, haha BUT I don't get into the sales & ignore/block those pushy enough to bother me with them, sadly a once great company with admirable goals has become a great marketing machine with monetary goals :(

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Beachbody is just a giant pyramid scheme. P90X and Insanity are decent workouts, everything else is just cheap stuff for the pyramid scheme to make quick money.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member
    I was stoked about P90X and Beachbody until the flood of MLM drones all seeking my entry into their DOOMED -TO-FAIL pyramid business.
    It's like Amway.
    I booted about 20 people from FB - about as many here along with other network marketing "opportunitiy" *kitten* who badger friends and family into submission for their "down-line".

    It's ABSURD!
    COUNT ME OUT :noway:
    I've got some powdered aspartame for you bro.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    If you want to consume protein that you're body will only absorb 44% of, that's YOUR problem, not MINE! To each his own!

    Can you provide any information on the above, such as a study perhaps? Only asking because I've never heard this.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I was stoked about P90X and Beachbody until the flood of MLM drones all seeking my entry into their DOOMED -TO-FAIL pyramid business.
    It's like Amway.
    I booted about 20 people from FB - about as many here along with other network marketing "opportunitiy" *kitten* who badger friends and family into submission for their "down-line".

    It's ABSURD!
    COUNT ME OUT :noway:
    I've got some powdered aspartame for you bro.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Joe, you always know how to tweak
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you want to consume protein that you're body will only absorb 44% of, that's YOUR problem, not MINE! To each his own!

    Can you provide any information on the above, such as a study perhaps? Only asking because I've never heard this.
    It's been 100% proven that 97% of all statistics have been completely made up on the spot. Something you make up always sounds more believable when you throw an invented statistic into it. Sales pitch 101, make up a bunch of numbers that makes your product sound good, and the other product sound bad, because most people don't bother to check statistics, and aren't usually educated enough to know about biological processes.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    If you want to consume protein that you're body will only absorb 44% of, that's YOUR problem, not MINE! To each his own!

    Can you provide any information on the above, such as a study perhaps? Only asking because I've never heard this.
    If you want to consume protein that you're body will only absorb 44% of, that's YOUR problem, not MINE! To each his own!

    Can you provide any information on the above, such as a study perhaps? Only asking because I've never heard this.

    Ok...I stand corrected on the 44% but soy has a much lower BV than whey, casein and egg's one article I've favorited:

    I'm allergic to whey and most people who are allergic to milk proteins are also allergic to soy (I couldn't have soy formula as an infant or milk, I had to have Nutramagen). But with all of the recent controversy surrounding soy protein, I don't understand why people consume soy over whey and take that chance. I never criticized anyone's use of soy protein, but I was accused of using "scare tactics" to sell Shakeology. My friend Colleen, who has NO FAMILY HISTORY of breast cancer has been using soy protein for 15 yrs and just got diagnosed with breast cancer at age 37. And she has no other risk factors I personally choose egg white albumen and other non-whey, non-soy proteins such as sprouted, fermented brown rice and pea proteins because I HAVE to but if I wasn't allergic to milk I'd be using casein and whey proteins as well as lean meats, etc.

    My status wasn't a sales pitch for anything relating to Beachbody...I need to up my own protein to prep for P90X and was just looking to see if I could find something cheaper than my egg white protein powder by Fit n Healthy and I was disappointed to find that most protein bars are as bad as candy bars and since I, personally, am trying to go back to eating REAL food I'm shying away from most things with artificial flavoring. Never once do I attack any of my friends' food diaries...not even the girl with an ED who is consuming 800 cals per day...I did mention some concern over that one but I'm not here to judge or knock anybody!

    edited by Arewethereyet MFP Moderator~~
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Here's another just blows my mind why anyone who is NOT allergic to whey would be eating bars with soy protein when they could have whey! Maybe b/c I know I CAN'T have it lol
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    My concern wasn't about what happened between you and Bobby, I just want to know where you got the notion that soy protein only has a 44% absorption rate.

    I'll check out your articles but I hope they have research to back them up. I haven't looked at every study ever done, but there is research pointing towards whey/casein mix being slightly superior to soy. There are also studies showing that soy protein shows no difference from whey in terms of utilization. See here:

    Soy versus whey protein bars: effects on exercise training impact on lean body mass and antioxidant status.


    Both the soy and whey treatment groups showed a gain in lean body mass, but the training-only group did not. The whey and training only groups, but not the soy group, showed a potentially deleterious post-training effect on two antioxidant-related related parameters.

    Soy and whey protein bar products both promoted exercise training-induced lean body mass gain, but the soy had the added benefit of preserving two aspects of antioxidant function.

    Effect of whey and soy protein supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults.

    Results showed that protein supplementation during resistance training, independent of source, increased lean tissue mass and strength over isocaloric placebo and resistance training.

    Effect of protein source and resistance training on body composition and sex hormones.

    "Protein supplementation resulted in a significant increase in lean body mass independent of protein source"

    EDIT: As with ANY study, it's important to look at the details. These above links don't PROVE that soy and whey are the same. They just have some implication that from a lean mass standpoint, the differences might not be as large as you were implying. These studies, as with all studies, have limitations that should be considered.

    EDIT#2: I personally use whey protein and I don't have any agenda here to push soy products. I just didn't want someone to read your 44% figure and believe that their soy protein isn't going to work for their goals.