Rushfit vs. TapouT XT - My review/opinion/observation.



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I'm new here .looking to lose a lot of weight.Most exercise routines bore me to tears but seeing both Rushfit and Tapout XT got me excited.Being older (44) I'm more about getting as lean as possible rather than building a lot of muscle.As a newbie to working out can I buy and modify either of the programs I mentioned or is there a program I should get to work up to those? I'm just under 6 feet and about 340 pounds.Im so done being the big guy and my body does not in anyway match my personality

    These are not beginner programs and many of the moves you do cannot be modified to beginner levels.
  • PookDo68
    PookDo68 Posts: 8
    Any suggestions as to what to start with then? Ten Minute Trainer?
  • Jamil88
    Jamil88 Posts: 2
    Just out of curiosity, do you think Tapout XT really burns 1200 calories? Or is it just hype? I ordered a heart rate monitor and it should be here soon but it doesn't feel like it burns more than Insanity.
  • I've enjoyed reading the reviews and responses.
    I just finished Week 3 of TapouT XT, and I do like the program a lot. I don't mind the extra ab DVD, but it does seem like overkill.
    My fitness goals are weight loss (20 pounds) and toning.
    I've done some P90X and Insanity workouts, and there is definitely a resemblance. I like the kicks, punches, and other fighting moves - that makes it more fun for me.
  • Just out of curiosity, do you think Tapout XT really burns 1200 calories? Or is it just hype? I ordered a heart rate monitor and it should be here soon but it doesn't feel like it burns more than Insanity.

    Depending on the workout, I burn between 300 and 700 calories.
    I guess it's possible, but highly unlikely, to burn 1200.
  • Thank you for your review. It will/has help me with my next choice. I look forward to reading and learning from the the replies to your post as well.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    this is so helpful! we have p90x already and i do TheFirm Express DVD set (I know, nowhere near the fitness level of you folks). I also tried out Michelle Dozois peak interval trning. HARD for me to make it thru the whole dvd. zumba was a thumbs down for me--boring and not coordinated enuf to do full moves.

    I get from the posts that you are not a fan of jillian michaels. i haven't done anything from her so i don't care either way.

    but for those of us who really need the calorie burn, not carved out muscles, what trainers or programs do you recommend?

    I am almost 41 yrs old, 5ft 4, weigh 135 with goal of 125-127. exercise in some form 4 days per week. 30-50 min per workout.

    you are a very thoughtful and knowledgeable reviewer and everyone's comments have also educated me. thanks!
  • Jamil88
    Jamil88 Posts: 2
    Depending on the workout, I burn between 300 and 700 calories.
    I guess it's possible, but highly unlikely, to burn 1200.

  • VickiBu
    VickiBu Posts: 25 Member
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    this is so helpful! we have p90x already and i do TheFirm Express DVD set (I know, nowhere near the fitness level of you folks). I also tried out Michelle Dozois peak interval trning. HARD for me to make it thru the whole dvd. zumba was a thumbs down for me--boring and not coordinated enuf to do full moves.

    I get from the posts that you are not a fan of jillian michaels. i haven't done anything from her so i don't care either way.

    but for those of us who really need the calorie burn, not carved out muscles, what trainers or programs do you recommend?

    I am almost 41 yrs old, 5ft 4, weigh 135 with goal of 125-127. exercise in some form 4 days per week. 30-50 min per workout.

    you are a very thoughtful and knowledgeable reviewer and everyone's comments have also educated me. thanks!

    I am like you in that I am far too uncoordinated to be able to do dance-based workouts. Stuff like Zumba is totally out of the question for me. However there is one dance-based series I have tried that I can do some of. The Rockin' Body DVD set by Beachbody has the following workouts:

    15 minute basic instructional workout
    25 minute Express workout
    30 minute buns and thighs workout using '80s hip hop dance music as a theme
    35 minute Disco themed workout
    45 minute Dance workout
    45 minute light resistance/toning workout

    I can get through the 15, 25, and both 45 minute long workouts. The 30 and 35 minute long workouts however incorporate a lot of movies I am too coordination challenged to do.

    Really, though, to be honest, anything that burns calories will also lead to a chiseled look depending on how far you take it and how strict your nutrition habits are, as achieving that low of a bodyfat level is a result of nutrition more than exercise.

    If you're willing to invest in some basic equipment however you can get even better results without following along with any DVD. If you can't make that investment, though, I'm going to have to say a good choice for you would be ChaLEAN Extreme. Bear in mind that because the workouts focus more on resistance training than cardio you won't necessarily see the results you want according to the scale as you will gain some muscle.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Any suggestions as to what to start with then? Ten Minute Trainer?

    Ten Minute Trainer is more or less a convenience workout. There are better choices if you're not a part of the "pressed for time" target audience. For something beginner friendly nothing beats Power 90 if you can get past the monotony of it.

    However if you're willing to stray away from videos and do something better get a suspension trainer or sandbag training kit. AWESOME.
  • kumitekg
    kumitekg Posts: 61
    I just started Rushfit a little over two weeks ago and I really do like like it, aside from those repetitive warm ups and cool downs. I also would have liked it to feel a little bit more..."upbeat"?...but I've put some music on in the background my last workout and that seemed to help and get me a little more pumped in between the "rounds" :-).

    As a single mom of 3 kids who also tries to get to karate at least twice a week, it fits perfectly into my schedule. It is also not so high impact that it is too difficult on my "delicate knees". I have also got some training pointers from it that have helped in my workouts at karate as well. Not having done any of the other programs everyone is referring to and therefore having no real frame of comparison, all of the comments were very interesting and useful.

    Thanks so much for all the great information here! It really has been helpful!
  • bump
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks! i knew about chalean but not the dance program. thanks for the suggestions!

    and i agree--my eating is what will make or break my goals. in the 3 yrs ive been on here, some things i do better. and some things are still, oh, let's say--a challenge for me (cookies :tongue: ) .

    thanks again! this has been a great thread!
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    Just out of curiosity, do you think Tapout XT really burns 1200 calories? Or is it just hype? I ordered a heart rate monitor and it should be here soon but it doesn't feel like it burns more than Insanity.

    I can't see how that is possible unless you weigh >300 lbs. I go very hard during these workouts wearing a 20 lbs weight vest and never get over 600 on any of the routines. The toughest for me are Pylo and Cardio.
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    Any suggestions as to what to start with then? Ten Minute Trainer?

    Ten Minute Trainer is more or less a convenience workout. There are better choices if you're not a part of the "pressed for time" target audience. For something beginner friendly nothing beats Power 90 if you can get past the monotony of it.

    However if you're willing to stray away from videos and do something better get a suspension trainer or sandbag training kit. AWESOME.

    Sean you are dead on again! Power 90 is a perfect place to start for someone who is overweight and just getting back into fitness. This is something that should be eased into. I also think Chalean Extreme is another great starter program. The ability to use lighter weights and modify the moves as needed keep this program working.
  • Okay so what do you suggest for me? I'm overweight, but I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I take spinning 2-3 days and I do strength training (classes or by myself and both use free weights with ab worked in) 1-2 times a week. I've lost 55 lbs and I'm a little over 200 lbs now. Both Tapout and Rushfit interest me, but just when I think I've made a decision I read a new reply to this thread and I don't know which one I want or would be better for me.

    My goal is weight loss and overall health. However, I want to do something that will keep me interested. I tried p90x early on in my journey and I returned it as it didn't interest me. That was also over a year ago and I thought that would be my start to my journey. I realized I wasn't ready for it and now I'm wondering if I'm ready for either of these programs.

    I would like to keep spinning at least once or twice a week, but if that's not possible because I would over do it, I'm fine with that.

    What are your thoughts?
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    Okay so what do you suggest for me? I'm overweight, but I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I take spinning 2-3 days and I do strength training (classes or by myself and both use free weights with ab worked in) 1-2 times a week. I've lost 55 lbs and I'm a little over 200 lbs now. Both Tapout and Rushfit interest me, but just when I think I've made a decision I read a new reply to this thread and I don't know which one I want or would be better for me.

    My goal is weight loss and overall health. However, I want to do something that will keep me interested. I tried p90x early on in my journey and I returned it as it didn't interest me. That was also over a year ago and I thought that would be my start to my journey. I realized I wasn't ready for it and now I'm wondering if I'm ready for either of these programs.

    I would like to keep spinning at least once or twice a week, but if that's not possible because I would over do it, I'm fine with that.

    What are your thoughts?

    Have you played the videos for each? TapouT kills my core but thats really all I feel it so I use it strictly as a cardio series and add it into the Body Beast (for strength) and Les Mills pump (for endurance). If you didn't like P90X, I doubt you'd like P90. To me sounds like you'd benefit more from Rushfit. From what I understand you can add your own cardio so you shouldn't be overtrained.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Okay so what do you suggest for me? I'm overweight, but I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I take spinning 2-3 days and I do strength training (classes or by myself and both use free weights with ab worked in) 1-2 times a week. I've lost 55 lbs and I'm a little over 200 lbs now. Both Tapout and Rushfit interest me, but just when I think I've made a decision I read a new reply to this thread and I don't know which one I want or would be better for me.

    My goal is weight loss and overall health. However, I want to do something that will keep me interested. I tried p90x early on in my journey and I returned it as it didn't interest me. That was also over a year ago and I thought that would be my start to my journey. I realized I wasn't ready for it and now I'm wondering if I'm ready for either of these programs.

    I would like to keep spinning at least once or twice a week, but if that's not possible because I would over do it, I'm fine with that.

    What are your thoughts?

    If you want to keep doing your spinning classes that's fine, but you will need to make modifications to the schedule if you want to do TapouT XT. As I mentioned before Rushfit leaves open 3 days a week for you to do your own cardio. Taking a spinning class on these days would be perfect. My suggestion would be if you were doing TapouT XT to remove plyo and the lower body resistance workouts from the schedule and instead do spinning classes on those days. Are your goals more functional or aesthetic in nature?
  • Okay so what do you suggest for me? I'm overweight, but I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I take spinning 2-3 days and I do strength training (classes or by myself and both use free weights with ab worked in) 1-2 times a week. I've lost 55 lbs and I'm a little over 200 lbs now. Both Tapout and Rushfit interest me, but just when I think I've made a decision I read a new reply to this thread and I don't know which one I want or would be better for me.

    My goal is weight loss and overall health. However, I want to do something that will keep me interested. I tried p90x early on in my journey and I returned it as it didn't interest me. That was also over a year ago and I thought that would be my start to my journey. I realized I wasn't ready for it and now I'm wondering if I'm ready for either of these programs.

    I would like to keep spinning at least once or twice a week, but if that's not possible because I would over do it, I'm fine with that.

    What are your thoughts?

    If you want to keep doing your spinning classes that's fine, but you will need to make modifications to the schedule if you want to do TapouT XT. As I mentioned before Rushfit leaves open 3 days a week for you to do your own cardio. Taking a spinning class on these days would be perfect. My suggestion would be if you were doing TapouT XT to remove plyo and the lower body resistance workouts from the schedule and instead do spinning classes on those days. Are your goals more functional or aesthetic in nature?

    I want to look good, not necessarily in a bikini, but I want to be strong as well.